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I PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. JOHN GEE RI N & CO, AUCTIONEERS, FARM SALESMEN, LAND AGENTS, VALUATORS, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, 205 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. Telephone 1973. Telegrams, " Geerin, Dunedin.'' ra ACRES BUSH LAND, situated in the famous CATLINS DISTRICT; handy tf\J to station, ctc.; with a 2-rooined Cottage. Note the -Price—£2oo. A bargain. Inquiries solicited. Easy terms. 272 Ol ACRES FREEHOLD, very close to DUNEDIN CIIT, with best of soil, with O* nover-laihng supply of water; Home of '5 rooms and scullery; stable, bvre, .trapshed,. hayloft, pighouscs, fowlhouses and runs. Look I £475. "271 P-AA -ASMS FREEHOLD (WAITAHUNA); 14 paddocks, well fenced and .V watcied;- beat of oats, barley, and wheat produced; carries 1 sheep per acre, •with a number of horses and cattle; Dwelling- of 4 rooms, outhouses, and outbuildinge. ' 1 rice, A/3 10s per acre. 263 rtO 'ACRES FREEHOLD (near DUNEDIN); al) in grass; well subdivided and i . w ? tcrod . b .y permanent creek; Dwelling of 4 looms (concrete tank for water supply to house), also fowlhouses and runs. For immediate sale at £550. 264 p-A ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM (near DUNEDIN); good lease, cheap rent, and unsurpassed mill: run; best of stock and implements; Dwelliri" of 5 rooms, outhouses, stoble, byre, etc. £500. Easy terms, ° 255 1(1 ACRES FREEHOLD (close to DUNEDIN NORTH); commands an excellent iv view; Dwelling of 5. rooms (convenience*), byre, good outbuildings; also orchard ca P a Wc of producing-£7O - a year with ease. Price, £1100. Terms: A)2uo down. 244. 4-fi2 AG I!®, FREE . lI , OL , D (INVERCA'RGILL); 8 paddocks, well fenced and , y.. watered . capital dairying land; Dwelling of 7 rooms, outhouses, and outbuildings. Price, ill per acre. Very suitable, and is subdivided into- dairviii"blocks. • 24^ 47 ACRES FREEHOLD (NORTH LINE); nearly all ploughablc and very sound , land ' 5 P a ddocks, well fenced and watered; good dairying land; with 2 very largo rooms, byre, stable, shock, etc. For £460. 232 70 AfiRES , ™OLD (NORTH LINE); nearly all ploughablc, and capital q mi , grMS , la Produces beautiful oat crops; Dwelling of 4 rooms (conveniences). 9-sta I bjre, 2-stall stable, etc. Pncc, £8 per acre. This farm once inspected will / satisfy von it is a bargain. 1 25 A Shle L f,f H LD: f rCn -' 6 fl PCr yCar; 15 aCre3 fel,ed " nd in S rass ; wu- s^lta^ lc . fol ' poultry farming; Dwelling of 4 rooms and all necessary outbU|ldinos, all ring-fenced, and clobc to school, post office, and railway. Price, £130. • 222 FULL PARTICULARS OF THE ABOVE SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION. JOHN GEERIN k CO., AUCTIONEERS, FARM SALESMEN, VALUATORS, AND LAND AGENTS, "205 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. — —* 1 JOHN REID 4 ■ SONS T D.I / Telephone 190. Telephone 3591, AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN. REAL ESTATE, FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE AGENTS, VALUATORS, SURVEYORS, MONEY, SHARE, AND LAND BROKERS, CORNER LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS. FARMS, FARMS, "* FARMS. FARMS. 208 AC ? E3, MAIN NORTH LINE; mixed farming; nearly all ploughnble; run- , ning stream through property; two miles from creamery and post office; fourroomed House,. washhousc, dairy,'stable, 10-stall byre and barn; 196 tones''to'go with property-. Bargain price, £8 per acre. . 303 TkAIRY FARM of EO acres, with all nccessary buildings; land consists of splendid '™1™ s l^!"]'iT , c 2, rricß over 20 miilc besides young cattle and 5 horses, ONE OF IHE FINEST PROPERUES NORTH OF DUNEDIN. Close to creamdrv. Prico £35 per sere, 3Q5 1 K8 A CRES (North Line) FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM, 10 paddocks; i-mile to u 111 m '' cs to creamer . v : House of 6 rooms; scullery. washhouae, stable (4- stalls), 16'Stnll byre, barn; also old Cottage of 5 rooms near boundary of farm; land well watered by springs. Price £850. 304 4-00 A L C^f S \i n 10 P addook *> rollin & downs and flats;' rns splendid heart; situate 111 7 1 r c , ln ro °d Jind railway; House of 10 rooms (good appearance), stable /6 stalls, 6 looseboxes), workshop, men's hut, implement shed, water wheel and 1 chaffnouse. There are 150 acres ploughed ready for crop, 20 acrcs autumn oato and grafu; carried over 1000 sheep last summer. Price £1110s per acre. ,306 QfiK ACRES, all ploughablc; 10 paddocks; 1.i.p.. (rent Is 3d per acre); lmndv to railway, school, and factory; House of 5 rooms, S-stall stable and loo6e'box, tern, woolshed, sheepyards, cowshed; lnjid in good heart; all in young grass- except 50 acres stubble and turnips, 90 acres in foscue for seed; water in all paddocks £11 per acre; £1000 cash, balance 5 per cent. v 307 ANDERSON'S BAY (handy ti> oar)-7roomed plastered RESIDENCE: return verandah, conservatory, stable, glasshouse, cowbyfo. trap -shed, fowlhouse. etc.: everything m perfect order, and good 2-ncre section; affording plenty of room to bwld another houso. Cheap property at price aeked. £1500. 2Q90 I) OSLYN.—\aluable FREEHOLD, in the heart of this favourite suburb, containing -7 with broomed PLASTERED RESIDENCE: all in thorough'good ■order; BATHROOM (HOT and COLD WATER), ELECTRIC LIGHT, GAS for COOKING; conservatory, stable, buggyshed; beautiful corner section, with frontage to two streets. As a money-making proposition the land could be subdivided and one of more buildings erected. ,n addition to present residence. As a home it is a oomfortablc and modern home, and perfectly safe investment. Price has been specially reduced to £1000 to effect quick sale, • 2124 TO LET. TO LET. TJUKETERAKL—New 5-roorned BUNG-ALOW, fully furnished; for a term of 6to A 12 months, or longer; bathroom (hot and cold water), pantry, outhouses, washhouse, etc.; about two minutes from station); lovely position; from 2 to 10£ acres land.—Consult Reids (Limited). 267 REIDS (LTD.), Auctioneers. gIEVWRIGHT, H aggitt < & C°- (LTD.), , ' EMPIRE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN. WAA ACRES FREEHOLD (SOUTHLAND); 200 acres flat,_ balance low downs; I "I. carry 1000 ewes; 19 paddocks; all good fcncca; 2 miles plantations; 300 acres new grass, 150 acrcs 2-years' grass, 50 acres oats, 100 acres ready for turnips, balance good gra«s; splendid ,10-rooraed House (bathroom, h. and c. water), 10-stall stable and looso box, chaffhouse, woolshed for 6 ehearors, dip, yards, buggy shed, implement shed, ctc.; halfnacre orchard; lawn; carriage drive, £11 per acre. £1000 cash; or would exchange for a smaller property. 10 ACRES FREEHOLD; alongside railway station, school across the road; wire--0 j netted boundary fence; 10 paddocks; lies beautifully to the sun; well watered; 70 acrcs new grass, 140 acrcs ploughed and partly 100 acres to go in oats and grass, balancp in good grass; all heavily limed'" and drained where' required; carrying 1000 ewes; 5-roomed House, stable (4 looseboxes), barn, woolshed, yards, smithy, up-to-date byre and loft, etc.; 2 miles- froth creamery. £11 an acre. £20M cash. A grand farm. . 32 rfJA ACRES (KELSO); carries 1200 sheep; nearly all in young grass; good tJ/V 1/ 6-roortied Houc-e, shearing shed, stable, yards, etc'; 1 mile from station, school, ctc. £10 5s an acre. £1000 down; balanco at 4i. A very choap farm. 6 1 1(> ACRES FREEHOLD; 45 acres river-flat land, balance low downs; grows AJ-O splendid wheat, etc.; 40 acres ploughed; 4-roome<i House and outbuildings. £1000. £300 cash. . 79 m ACRES (NORTH OTAGO); alongside station, school, and creamery; 60 acres in grass, balance in wheat and root crops; grows 60 tons of mangolds to acre and 17 tons of potatoes to acre; carrying 60 cows; easily the best dairy farm in Nortli, Otago. Owner has had a return of over £2 per head per month from his cows. £40 an acre. £1000 down. 79 fJOAA ACRES (2451 acres FREEHOLD; balance S.G. Run, rent 4d, long lease); «JOvl/ freehold in numerous paddocks, leasehold in 3 paddocks; 2000 acrcs of the freehold aro under cultivation, balance in tussock, run in tussock;. 4000 sheep, 25 horses (22 draughts), 25 cattle; full set of implements; splendid 10-r.oomedHouse, stables, barn, dip, yards, woolshed, etc.; alongside railway station, saleyards, school, etc. As a going concern, £117,000. £6000 cash. 21 Q1 ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM (MAIN NORTH ROAD), with comOJL pu|sory - purchasing clause; rent £1 an acre; 3 years to run from Ist December next; 22 cows, bull, 3 horses, 12 young cattle, pigs; spring-cart, harness, implements, dairy utensils, etc.; 3-milo from school, 1 mile from railway station, 1| miles from creamery. 33 IT A ACRES TO LEASE (NORTH LINE); rent 30 a yew; 7 years' lease; right to IV purcliase within the first 3 years. Stock can be taken at valuation; 4-roomcd House, byre, stable, etc. ... .43 ORCHARDS IN CENTRAL OTAGO. 1 A ACRES; within 1 mile of railway station and school; 4 acres planted in trees— Xv 210 apples (2 to 5 years old), 60 pears (2 to 5 years old), 105 peaches (1 to 5 years old), 65 aprioote (4- to 5 years old). 12 nectarines (4 years old), 10 plums (5 years old), 110 cherries (2 to 5 years old), 105 ehei'ry-plums, Loffan berries, black currants, etc,; well .watered by windmill; good 4-roomed Houso (sft passage and verandah, 2 rooms 12 x 12, one room 13 x 12, the other 17 x 13), and all necessary outhouses, etc. Fruit brings top prices in Dunedin markets, and in 1912 had a record price for nectarines. A very cheap place. Call and see receipts and photos. 59 I 0 ACRES; just coming into bearing; 1600 trees—looo apples, 300 apricots, 100 XO plums, 200 peach. ■ , 36 ACRES; 16 feres in trees, planted last year. £7 ACRES; planted this year; 3200 trees —2500 apples, 700 apricots. 55 FULL PARITCULARS AT OFFICE. WE HAVE SEVERAL FARMS FOR EXCHANGE. PETER BOYD, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. 186 PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN: 'Phone 1905. r- ACRES FREEHOLD, GREEN ISLAND, with nioe 4-roomed Bungalow ■DWELv, LING; hot and cold water, bath, etc. £475. Q A ACRES STRAIGHT-OUT LEASE; handy to town; splendid grass; 6-roome<i 9" Dwelling, 5-stalled 6table, barn, 40-etalled byre, otc.; an ideal dairy farm;, suit , either factory or milk run; rent 20s an acre. pAA ACRES FREEHOLD and 190 GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD (rent £4 15s per Ovl/ annum), situated Moonlight; 4-roomed Dwelling, large woolshed, yards, looseboxes, etc.; stock varies.from 700 to 1000' sheep; gtwd ewe country; larger portion ploughable. Owner has good reasons for selling. Price £5 5s per acre for freehold, loasonold given in. AAA ACRES STRAIGHT-OUT LEASE; 5-roomed Dwelling, stable, byre, barn, OUu woolshed, yards, etc.; grows wheat to perfection; carries from 1000 to 3000 sheep, according to amount of winter feed grown; lcaso 7or 10 years; rent 8s per acre; lessee can got option to purchase. THIS IS A VERY FINE PROPERTY. Ol AAA PER ANNUM TO BE MADE'OUT OF THE FOLLOWING PROSbIUUU PERTY:—I2O ACRES FREEHOLD: one of the best dairy faj-ms on Otago Peninsula; 2 good Howes, with steadings; three minutes from dairy factory and about, five minutes from school. The owner can show that he has made over £600 a year out of only a part of the property, and, although still a young man, has doeided to retire, and has the confidence to leave most of the money on mortgage. 1 Price £3600. Terms: £600 cash, balanco can remain on at 5 per cent THE ABOVE IS A SURE. LITTLE FORTUNE TO A DAIRYMAN. -5 4 a ACRES LEASEHOLD, Palmerston District; >ent £80 per annum; about 40 JL4i:V acres splendid rich flats; full complement of farm buildings; carrying capacitv, 35 to 40 cows. As a going oncern, with 19 cows and heifers, 7 young cattle, 3 draucht horses, fillv, pigs, fowls, and full set implements. £525. b / R. MACKENZIE. Farm Sale Manager. Telephone 3036. If W M 'COLL MBS. Private Resident 2845. ' ' Private Re»ideno» 284S land, estate and financial acjent, TEMPLE COURT, 95 STUART STREET. DUNEDIN, ON THE RlSE—fiix-roomed HOUSE; almost new; oriel wi.idows and return vernnduli; electric light; mirror-doorcd wardrobes, linen press, large pantry, scul- . lerv. bathroom (hot and cold water), wash houso, (built-in tubs and copper), largo workshop; level section, nicely laid out in lawns, flowers, shrubs, ctc.; good view. Price, £650. GROOMS; 2 bay windows and portico; bath (hot and cold water, hot and cold shower); water laid on all oufcliouses; 6-stall stable, fowlhouso and run, shed; i-acro of land. Price, £400, Will let 12s 6d f<?r term, with option of purchase. Do-' po,iit £20; balance 14s weekly. 1 ST. KILDA.— Five-roomed HOUSE; oriel window and return verandah, electric light, ' fibrous plaster and steel ceilings, bathroom (hot and cold water); everything of the latest; corner section; stable and coachhouse. PRICE, £520. KEW (Splendid View Over City and Harbour).—Five-roomed VILLA; electric light, and everything up to date; large section. £670 R OSLYN (High street).—Six-roomed HOUSE; good view; in splendid order; bargain. £450. MAORI HILL,-Up-to-date 6-roomed H'OTTSE; Mirar-irained; electrio liftht; largo scotiou; owner left; Wg&ia. £700.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15892, 11 October 1913, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15892, 11 October 1913, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15892, 11 October 1913, Page 16