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The ordinary meeting of the City Council, held last evening, was attended by tile Mayor (Mr W. Downic Stewart), Crs Sullivan, Sinclair, Coie, Marlon-, Wilson, Hancook, Black, Menziee, Green, Begg, Hayward, Scott, ('lark, Small, and Myers. CORRESPONDENCE.

Cr J. S. Sinclair wrote resigning his position a 6. the council's representative on the ! executive of the Dunedin Competitions Society.—lt was moved that the resignation be accepted,—Cr Cole referred to the desirability of the council contributing to the society's funds, _ and the Mayor suggested that the resignation might" be held over until that question was decided.—This course was agreed to. The Dunedin Performing Musicians' , Union -wrote asking .permission to hold a sacred concert in His Majesty's Theatre on Sunday, August 24, free of charge to the public.—Request granted. The Dunedin Expansion League wrote objecting to the placing of advertising boards on the outside of the city tramcars on account of the disfigurement thus entailed. Much was being done to prevent unsightliness in and around the city, and the league considered that the Tramways Corr.rnittcc could take other means of augmenting its revenue.—To be considered in conjunction with the Tramways Committee's report.

HARBOtTB BOARD BILI,. The Toivn Clerk submitted the following report:—"ln tho matter of the decision of the council at its last meeting relative to . the conditions on which the council's approval would be given to the local Bill promoted by the Otngo Harbour Board now before Parliament, the following amended decision is submitted by tho sub-committeo: As the result of reconsideration of the subject. based 011 representations made by the Harbour Bo&t'd, the council is now advised to waive the stipulation for the straightening of tho proposed new street line from, ■rish street to the intersection with Rattray street, and to approve the plan of the street as originally submitted. The matters pertaining to the Bill, as reported to tho council at its last meeting, to be adhered to."—Approved.: REPORTS.

->r Sullivan moved the adoption of tho ater Committees report, and in doing so pferred to the matter of tree-planting' al \hare Flat. Ho stated that 30,000 tree ind been planted there, and Mr Tannocl ad informed him that those planted dut off tho lash two years had been doing ver /ell —Cr Hancock seconded the motion fhieh was carried without further discus ion. The adoption of the General Committee' eporfc was moved by Cr Green. He state, na-t, clause 2. referring to the soft natur f tho ground at the roar of the sectis: ipon which the baths were being erected equired a word of explanation. lie hai isited tho site in company with Cr Small though tlioy considered that, the rca 'ortion was solid enough to construct til fn,U6, they were of opinion that tho hv. >wer corners should be piled. Consequent!; hat course had been recommended to thi ommittee. and it had been unanimous!' doptod. It would mean a very small addi ional cost, and they _ were assuring them elves of safety.—Cr Clark: llow much wil t cost?—Cr Green: About £6.-Cr Cole Nonsense.—At a later stago Cr Marlov .gain a? It fid what the cost of the pilinj rould bo.—Cr (!reen again replied that i rould be about £6. Only a small amoun if timbering was required, and the cos rould bo trifling.-The report ivns adopted, Cr Myers, in moving- the adoption of th ['ramwnys Committee report, referred t* he clause dealing with the advertising ij he cars. It was, he said, a departments natter, and he thought it better, as th ommittee was not unanimous in the matter o bring it before the council to decide le believed that the chief objection to any lung appearing in tho nature of an ad 'crtisement on the cars was because i vas an eyesore. Personally, lie was ii avour of letting the advertising go on, am i:s one main and good reason was that i neant an animal revenue to tho Tramway Jepartment of £335. A syndicate of busi less men would not refuse to receive th' noney for advertising, When they couli idvortiso our factories and our wares, am ;et money for it at the same time, In hought it was good business. He was sur jrised that the Expansion League, wliicl vius out to push business and advertise tin ;ity's warts and factories, should in its let er make it appear that it, was only on or. beautifying the city, and write abou lisEgaring the tram caw.—Cr Greei cconded the motion for tho adoption o he report pro fonna.—(Laughter.)-Cr Mar ow moved that the first part of the clause ■nipoivoring the committee to accept th iffer of the present tram advertising con ractors to take up additional space on tin mtsido boards of the cars, be referred bael o the committee. He said the, committei tself was divided on tho question—the vot ng being three to three. Tho tramway, nanager also reported against the request rle wits going to protest against- the recom nendation of the committee as a citizei )[ Dunedin.—Or Seott seconded Mr Mar oiv'ii amendment. In regard to the advert US' on tho railway station, the council hai no power in that matter.—Cr Sinclair askei if the offer was made for both the insid uid outside portions of the car. What wa the position if the council did not gran permission for the outside advertising?Cr Myers said lie understood "con tractors would not, take up tho advertisinj unless they got both the inside and outsid advertising.—Cr Marlow then said he wouli move that tho whole clause should be re ferred back to the committee. The. seeoni clause nskod for the granting of additions space on the inside of the eare.-O Sinclair said he thought it, was about tim the people of Dunedin should realise tha their trams had to be carried on at a proii If the people were willing to allow adve

Using on the inside of the cars iic did not see why advertisements should not also be placed on flic outside. He did not consider I lie advertisements wotdd be au eyesore at all. They allowed vehicles lo go through the streets with advertisements on them.— Cr Mcnzicssaid that, following up the arguments of Crs Myers and Sinclair, he did not see why the tramways buildings, the electric power buildings, etc.—(A Voice: "And the "--Lniiglrter)—should not also be plastered with advertisements. The Roslyn Company did not allow advertising on its cars.—Cr Ilayward asked if anything was being done lo stop the overcrowding on the cars.—Cr Myers, in roplv, asked why they should not follow the example set. in other towns? Why sliouid Dunedin be a sleepy hollow? He'thought the recommendation wan in the best, interests of his department. In reply to Cr Hoyward, Gr Myers said tho tramways department was utilising all the availablo cars,

and was doing its beet to meet the demands at crush hours. Some day they would have to alter the curves on the line.—(Hear,hear.)— The amendment was then put, and carried by 11 votes to 4. The report was adopted with this amendment. ( Or Hancock moved the adoption of the Finance Committee's report.—<Jr Ila.vward seconded tho motion.—Or Clark said he would like to know if it had been made clear that the striking of a rate for the loan of £175,000 was purely a formal matter and did not mean that any burden was being imposed on the ratepayers.—G'r Wilson remarked that the circular that had been sent out made that point clear.—€r Hancock also replied to the effect that it was not intended to collect the rate now being advertised. That matter had been mado clear in the circular and :bv the .gentlemen who spoke in the Burns Hall.—The report was adopted. The following reports were adopted with but very slight discussion: Reserves, Electric Power and Lighting, Library, and Gas.

MAXIMUM SALARIES. ' Cr Clark, pursuant to notice of motion, [ moved: "That the Finance Committee be instructed to consider tho advisability of fixing a maximum salary for those members of the staff not included in the scheme adopted by the council on March 19, and if such a policy is considered desirable to submit a schedule showing the maximum for ouch officer and the annual increments (if any) recommended to briug him to such maximum; tho committee in control of any particular officer to bo consulted as to the salary and annual increment of such officer." 11l moving the proposal' Cr Clark said that 25 officials had beer, left out of the echcmc adopted by the council because it was impossible to alter that scheme so as to em-1

brace them before the end of the financial year. He now asked that l.hj committee be instructed to go into the whole matter and see whether it was not desirable that a maximnm salary should be fixed for theso officials. If the council thought it was desirable that the question should be investigated, when the report came up would be the time to discu.-s whether the scheme was the beat one. It was recognised bv all public bodies that it was nccessary to have some such scheme to keep employees as independent as possible, and prevent undue influence being brought to bear upon them. Cr Sinclair seconder! the motion, and said he thought thu matter was worthy tlw consideration of the committee. Cr Scott asked if this motion included the whole of iho staff not dealt with in the town clerk s schema adopted some three or four months ago. Cr Clark replied that it dealt with 25 other officials enumerated on page 48 o! the town clerk's last annual report. Cr Sullivan expressed the opinion that anything that would obviate the council being approached by individual men would bo acceptable. • The motion was carried, TBXDERS.

Six tenders were receiver! for the siipnlv | and delivery of 103 or (alternatively) 200 | girder rails 'with necessary bolts and ni'ts for same; 50 tons of girder rails with eutxiciant fishplates, bolts, and nuts for same; and four oj (alternatively) six tons of epikrs as ner design. It was decided to refer tho ' C m[ crs t' lc Tmnmys Committee. The tender of D. Loishman was accepted ™ the J™* for graziritr purposes of sections 28 and 27 an(l part of 26, block IV, Dunwlin and East Taien district. The tender of J, R, Baker at £13 10 vas accented for the purchase for removal oi a dwcllinjhoiisfi nnd attached outbuildings situate At Xo. 34 Macandrew road.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15824, 24 July 1913, Page 9

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CITY COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 15824, 24 July 1913, Page 9

CITY COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 15824, 24 July 1913, Page 9