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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. B A T T E R S B Y & CO., | A.M.P. BUILDINGS, 25 DOWLING STEEET, DUNEDIN. • KK ACRES FREEHOLD FIRST-CLASS AGRICULTURAL LAND, practically all 00 flat; well watered; has grown 60 bushels wheat; carry 30 cows; 34-acres graes, balance under cultivation; 5-roomed Houso, stable,- barn, etc.; two miles railway, school, and creamery. About £400 required, a a ACRES FREEHOLD, NORTH; 15 acres has been under cultivation, balance low TCtfc hill land; surfaoo sown. Buildings: Soven-roomed House, roquiro little repair; threo miles rail, two miles creamery, school. £425; £200 required. rtAAA ACRES S.G. RUN, of which 300 acres has been cultivated, balance tussock wUv country; good buildings; 50 acrcs turnips; 1400 sbeep. horses, cattle, implements; rental £70 per'annum; 13 years' lease (renewable). Going concern, £S&OU, This property does 1100 ewes and 700 dry sheep well. 5 ACRES FREEHOLD RICH AGRICULTURAL LAND; handy Dunedm; water laid on J 4-roomed Houso; closo rail and school. Price £700; terms, OA ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRYING LAND; rental £40; 7 lease; 6«5U roomed Houso, 16-stallod cowbyre; 17. cows and horses; full set implements. Going concern, ■ £335; terms. , , -I O ACRES FREEHOLD (North line) DAIRYING LAND; 4-roomed House, sheds; JL/v carries 6 cows; close to rail. £525; terms, on A ACRES FREEHOLD, in 7 paddocks; 50 acres in turnips, rape, and crop, OVV balance pasture; 5-roomcd House, 6-stalled stable, barn, looscbox, shoepyards. Tho land grows good wheat and barley. Prico freehold and all stock (including <!WJ sheep and 5 head cattle), £1400; terms. A cheap property. AAAA ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD; tussock country; rental £30 per yUvU year; 7 miles from rail; 2 good huts, woolshed, sheep dip and yards; present stook 2700 sheep (1500 ewes). As a going concern, £5000. This property carried 3800 sheep and 100 head cattle alt last year without turnips. Tho owner usually carries 3500 sheep. , HOUSES. HOUSES. HOUSES. HOUSES. J?"fl Q(\—ANDERSON'S BAY: New 2-r oo med HOUSE aDd good i-acro section; o&JLoU water laid on; sunny, sheltered; splendid sito. p j MAORI HILL; Four-roomed HOUSE and £-acre ground; splendid situatiou; room for threo other residences. Ojnrv-ROSLYN: EIGHT ACRES FREEHOLD; close to car line; suitable subc&jtUU division or poultry farm. _ n»np—MORNINGTON (near Car): Up-to-date 5-roomed HOUSE; 3 years built; c& 100 washhouse, coalhouse, bathroom; drained to sewer, hot and cold water, gas, wardrobes and cupboards built- in, artistic papers and friezes, well firep.ace tiled hearths and grates; good A-acre section, and flowers, shrubs, vegetables, iruit trees; beautifully sunny, and lovely panoramio view of harbour and surroundings. rtKfjr'-MOSGIEL (Central); Good 6-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, scullery, good aitu&u range; newly renovated; one aero of ground; orchard; splendid position; and cheap. Ol OAA-MAORI HILL: Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 8 largo rooms; scullery, 3feJL/vll" workshop, return verandah, olectric light,, hot and cold water, drained to sewer; good i-acre section; only threo years built. Could not be built for near tho money asked; terms. o/»KA—ST. CLAIR: Attractive 5-roomed Californian BUNGALOW hot and 3&OOU cold, electric light, tiled hearths and grates, fibrous pkster ceilings. ' Easy terms arfanged. ' WE HAVE SEVERAL SHEEP FARMS, THE OWNERS OF WHICH WILL VV EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTIES.

JOHN RE ID & SONS (LTD.) Directors: H W REID, C. RUSSELL SMITH. L. DEANS RITCHIE Telephone 190 Telephone 3391. \UCTIONEERS. LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE. & FiNANCIaL .•uiKNTS VALUATORS, SURVEYORS. MONEY SHARE. & LAND BROKERS, LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS. SUPERIOR RESIDENCE of 7 rooms :on rise); convenient to cars; modern design, with balcony, verandah, 4 bay windows; porcelain enamel bath, drained to sewer; electric hells and lighting; gas driller; large ™^ h on and wllw nrssvble convenience; a-acre section, nicely laid out. IHE HOUbL lb UiiiiUUl A DOUBT ONE OF THE BEST-BUILT HOUSES IN DUNEDIN. Built of brick with solid concrete base, slato root, attractive appearance. Specifications from which th 3 house was built may be inspected at our office. A good spcc. 2100 ON RISE (Handy to Knox Church).—Gentleman's RESIDENCE of B_rooms;8_ rooms; built only 3 years; all large room 3, and latest modern improvements, drained .to sewer, electric light; |-acre section, well laid out. A great bargain. £1150. 2419 ST. CLAlß.—Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 6 rooms; spacious hall, casement win- ' dows fibrous ceilings, electric light, largo bathroom, enamel bath, wardrobes, presses,- large scullery, pantry, drained to sewer; n modern and good house; section has w'de frontage, and well laid out; close to car. £1225. 2401 ST. CLAIR—THREE SECTIONS, oach J-acre, in one lot; suitable for gentleman's ' residence; well elevatod; sun all day; handy to car; good ocean view; close to golf links and bowling green; £1000 the lot. 1720 EISHOPSCOURT— Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 13 rooms (brick), with 3 acres; motor n-arage; carriago drives; ornamental trees, grass plots and flower beds; electric light "and eeptic drainage. This is really a splendid placo, and should not be missed by thoso who are looking for something distinctive; £4000; a genuine bargain. 2326 ST. CLAIR.—New 6 ROOMS, bungalow design; attractive appcarance; reception ' hall 10ft 6in squaro; pantry, scullery, bathroom, iinenpress, wardrobes; electric light; casement windows; fibrous codings and aroh; porcelain bath; wash-house, etc. Ready for your occupation. £800. Como along with your deposit; we will financc you into this. 2108 U ACRES, PALMERSTON.—Good 7-roomcd HOUSE; stables, loosebox,_ trapshed, cowbyre, dairy, fine garden and orchard; a nice home at bargain price;. £700. 2265 "P7AIKOUAITI DlSTßlCT—Remaining FARM on Corner Bush Estate, containing V t about 186 acrcs; in several paddocks; two miles from railway; an ideal dairy farm; handy to creamery and telephono office. Easy terms to a suitable man. Interest at 5 per ccnt oqq ACRES (7 or 8 farm; a large portion down in English grass: nIJO grows splendid crons turnips, oats, barley, rye, etc.; 6-roomcd Dwelling, sixstalled stable, and sheep yards; land well watered, creek and water race; railway alongside property. Prico £6 10a per acre. 296 /in ACRES L.1.P., North of Dunedin (close to railway and school); 3-roomed Dwell--01/ ins, men's hut, dairy, washhouse, storeroom, cowbyre, piggery, fowlhouso; land well watered, springs and water race; ground rent £15 per annum. £290 the lot JOHN REID & SONS (LIMITED), . AUCTIONEERS AND. LAND SALESMEN.

JOHN GEEft I N •fc CO., AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, FARM AND PROPERTY SALESMEN, 205 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. 1A" ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM (handy to DUNEDIN).—AII level, _LU<3 wisily worked, well watered and fenced. Rent, £52 10s per year. Stock consists of 21 cows, bull, 8 vearlings, and 3 horses. . Implements compriso a full set. Dwelling of 4 rooms and scullcry, byre, stable, and sheds. Walk in walk out at £600. Inquiries solicited. 211 8 ACRES FREEHOLD (near PALMERSTON).—An ideal little place, being all well fenoed, divided, and well sheltered with live hedges. Buildings consist of 4 good rooms cowbyre, shed, hilt, and fowlhouses; water laid on to buildings and land. Best of reasons for selling at £700. Terms to good man. Inquiries solicited. 210 Oft ACRES FREEHOLD (on the TAIERI). —All first-class, workable land, divided 41) into 1 paddocks; best of fencing and well watered; 14£ acres in grass, balance in tussock. Look! Carries 1 head of cattle per acre! A capital place for cropping and dairying purposes. Dwelling of 4 rooms, eoalhouse, stable, byre, pigstyes, etc. A bargain at £23 per acre. 209 IPA ACRES FREEHOLD (on the famous TAIERI),-All level, and divided into it) 1 V 6 paddocks; land produces exceptionally hc-avy crops; good supply of water; first-class Residonco of 8 rooms (all conveniences), stable (loosebox, 2 lofts), barn and cowbyre, wooleheds, and huts. Inspection of this Farm will oonvince you that the owner is sacrificing it at £24 per acre. 103 -J -| 1 ACRES FREEHOLD (near DUNEDlN).—Beautifully laid out in orchard IJLIj and market garden and poultry run; absolutely tho best of soil, and every inch of the place is well sheltered with live hedges; 2£ acres mixed fruit trees (100 youn" fruit trees), li acres in peas and rhubarb; Dwelling of 5 rooms (conveniences, water laid on), 6-stall byre, pig and poultry houses. Your opportunity! There is money to be mado on this place. Price, £1000. Easy terms. Particulars on application. 9/4 QQ ACRES (OTAGO CENTRAL) LEASEHOLD, with a long lease and very OtcOO cheap rental—This placo i 6 all level, and a trap can be driven over tho wholo property, being all in tussock, and will carry 1500 sheep without winter feed 1 Dwelling erf 7 rooms, and all neccosary outbuildings and outhouses. Price as a going concern, without stock, £950. Inquiries solicited. 178 ACRES FREEHOLD (CATLINS DISTRICT),—I 4 paddocks, well 'fenced and JL/vO watered; 4 acrca bush, balance all cleared, ploughable, and in English grass; Dwelling of 7 rooms (up to date), storeroom, washhouee, and conveniences; 4-stall stable, 16-stall byre, loosebox, barn, trapshed, etc. Tour chance at £3 10s per acre. Ir.epcction rccomnicndc<l. 201 1 AAA ACRES FREEHOLD (BRUCE COUNTY).—I 2 paddocks, all well fenced iIfUU and watered; 140 acres in new grass, 140 acres in green feed and turnips, 100 ams ready ploughed, balanco in tussock and pasture; at present carrying 1500 sheepi 500 ewes, 20 head of cattle, and 12 horses; Dwelling of 7 rooms, stable, barn, byre! chaffhouse, cottage, implement shed; also sheep yards and dip. Price, £4 lte per acre. Full particulars on application. 197 JOHN GEERIN & COAUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, FARM, AND PROPERTY SALESMEN, 205 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN.

\ "v. ALBION CEAMBEES, y/ K\ 41' DOWLING STREET /VO/ \<i /V\ (Cutting.) / U Established \ 1861. /<C V financial < n\ / k v / estate AGENTS. AGENTS. INVESTORS, AGENTS, PROPERTIES MANAGED, RENTS COLLECTED. FOR SALE. T0 TO LET, PACIFIC PARK, ST. CLAIR.-Masnifioent SOUTH DUNEDIN (Helena etroet). —4liUILDING SITES, adjoining the roomed COTTAGE; washbmiEO,. copper, beach, the esplanade, and the tramline; tub 3, drained. splendid sunny eectioM; the finest WALKER gTRWp _ 7 EOOMg 2 . sto VmiWinc • E ies in the locality; valuable . ■" bunamb ■ . brick; all conveniences; h. a.nd c. tata. « ™*~.i .1 S ™ im pMi » ,k ™t opportunity. Tho above property has been placed in our hands for sale on ex- STREET.—7 ROOMS; convcnitremcly easy terms: Ten per cent, de- C nces; nice vitw; largo garden. posit and the balance at 5 per cent, by payments extending over threo years, MORNINGTON (Catherino street).—7 Draft plan, with prices, can now be in- ROOMS; h.p. boibr, drained, wnsbepcctcd at our office on application. house; nil modern conveniences, NORTH END.—4-roomcd COTTAGES. conveniences; drained, etc.; cheap rent TO LET. EGLINTON ROAD.-9 ROOMS (2-siorey); MAITLAND STREET.—6 ROOMS, ~- a |j mo( i crn conveniences; uico garden; storey; .ill conveniw«ios: drained; h. splendid view, and c. water. NORTH-EAST VALLEY.—S ROOMS; MORAY PLACE (near Princcs etrcet). — oonvenioncos; scullery, eto. Two Fine FLATS; nil conveniences; . , , , .... ~ . , , LARGE SHOT'.—Princes street, in the best lift; brick bui ing, vei ig o , goo business, p ar t; splendid position for nn advertising front. up-to-dato toa rooms and pastrycook. This Shop is nt present occupied; posROSLYN. — 9-roomed niodeni REST- ne«sion by arrangement Positively a DENCE; h.p. boiler; drained; sun uniquo chance. Roomy and deep, with room; largo section. ' Inurement well lighted.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15824, 24 July 1913, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15824, 24 July 1913, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15824, 24 July 1913, Page 12