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. : ' ' ..„„„ ■ l ,,i7TluniMinTrTiTifTfifin-ni-"iiviri[iTiT-i-»ii l nriii nirnrmni i iihhmih uiiiiii iiinuiiimii ————-^——— i |. J. 111 i iniiiiwiyuiiiigiil '■■ ■Hll'iß 111 II millli "'■"" ■ | .i„,m i|nir" 1 - ,ll "im^ir'n—- ""™ i.™....-.— 8 .rV As it is imperative that as much as possible of th 7 Present Season's Stock shall bl cleared before it closes, BROWN, EWING, & GO, LTD. will continue to mark down those lots which, in the opinion of the Management, should be sold before Stock-Taking, to the lowest po;able pnee; hereby offenng great inducement to Late to purchase S»™ for present and early Spring wear; ami they wish to intimate that these SPECIAL STOCK-TAKING BARGW> will be fe.layej in every DspartotuntilTHMfoDAY, July 31. |^KfW^ EXTRAORDINARY VALUE! ZH-—■ TRBMBNDOUs _ w|p^i« BROWN, EWING & CO., LTD. = ■ . -■ '- = Princes Street, DUNgPIN. . V__W,

Rich Man— . Poor Man When it comes to WALKING, then both can only be perfectly comfortable with. O'SUMIfAM'S MEELS «f Slew live Bnbher. 1 They are for everybody that walks ■ a step. The only means of making walking easy. Say "O'Sullivan's" to your shoemaker. STENCIL WORK Is a pleasant and.profitable Hobby for Winter Evenings. Helps to make the Home Beautiful. Wide range of ARTISTIC SHADES, Permanent and Washable, Endless Variety of Patterns. Walls. Furniture Coverings and Hangings can bo treated.EN SUITE, producing the most harmonious and pleasing results on plain Fabrics. Inspect our large and Varied Sock, or write f.r Art Booklet OF STENCILS AND STENCIL MATERIALS. JOHN EDMOND, DuneJin, Invercargill &Timaru THE Fiat Utility of frequunt aud J««ulac Advortiiin« consists in tnis: Ihoto 'u ul uil limes a larue clasa U persons. liCtb in country and Mivn, who have no fixed nlaoe* tor tho puithase of certain iicctasai) articles, and «re ready "• l» swavod aim drawn towardj anv particular pi'ir* wbica ! ib earnestly Drou'eht under iheir Indifferent to all. they yield without u*uUtiou ui ttu firm who ajka. OTAGO WITNESS.-.New riwnes. A larg» amount of reading matter t'rico t-l

Whatftliarlaiiil'sGMyiS? Answer—A pure and wholesome Gravy Salt that makes rich and appet'sing gravy in a very short time. No trctible, and costs next to nothing. The Gravy at one time called for sepa-. rate operations, time and labour—now it is made with one operation. The cook used to be worried at the last moment by the gravy, but now with Grapis she makes it while the gong is still sounding. A teaspoonful to a cup of boiling water, stir, and there you are--cook happy, guests delighted. Can be had at all grocers— 6<J. per Tin. Like Garland's Jelly, it is sure to pleas* you. (ome & Popj/oupjelf REPEATED ORDERS from thoroughly satisfied customers and their frequent commenda-; tions to friends, emphasises \ the fact that OUR j IP ® & ! is recognised to be of tho ! VERY HIGHEST QUALITY. | ■ == j Most Up-to-date Styles Artistic Designs ' Expert Workmanship . : Well-seasoned Woods Materials of the Best are the well-known characteristics of SGOuSIar & Ohishofm While there is an Immense Stock to choose from in each of Our Great Warehouses, customers individual tastes are always consulted, and when desired, own designs made to order. We make a specialty of in many Quaint and Beautiful Designs. • STYLES to Please Everyone. Rattray Street, DUNEDIW. Tay Street, Invercargill. 0" _ TAGO WITNESS.—New Usuries. A largo amount of rending-mattei. Prios 6d.

In order' to improve the co'our of certain native.woods of Germany, for use in tho better grades of furniture, a sper.i?.! treatment has brer, tried with success. The frcshly-cnt wood of birch, oak. elm, pine, or spruce is buried in earth mixed • with iime.'and other materials, and left for three to five months, which is said to impart to the wood a .remarkably fine colour, so that it can be used without staining or painting. The colour changes throughout, and is supposed to be due to .a change of the tanning. It is also claimed that this tinning process reduces very materially the tendency ef wood to "work" (i.e., shrink and swell), so that densfc hardwood* may, after treatment, be used without fear from that source. For Influenza take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Never fail* Is 6d, 2s bd — Advt

E Consumption 1 BY TAKING I Of Chcmisls, 1/3,2/9 and 4/6. M Angier's Emulsion is both healing and jp Strengthening. It not only soothes and heals the p throat and lungs, but it promotes appetite, aids M digestion and builds up strength. For upwards fe: of twenty years it has been,, prescribed by the p medical profession and used in hospitals and || sanatoria for consumption. Angier's Emulsion p is the standard approved remedy for coughs, $% bronchitis, consumption and all lung affections. u& ■ Send for Free Sample enclose 4d. postage and mention this paper. J UJGIER CHEMICAL CO. ; 7 Barrack St., Sydney, N.S.W. jrQsjfyjj rWfi? m& & W W&& &0 W & SW ' %Ssj}\ When you feel the need of something iU| A a m tS . I to warm you, make yourself a cup mM / w , oi hot coffee with d Coffee Esseee© Wmi No waiting-no trouble. te§Mw a Sa ' J SYMINGTON'S to your grocar |§§|||| jf Thos. Symington* Co,, Edinburgh and London. E[g|||] K JlrWPj&hs&js? £P &? M fi? #& /zr is? £&£B? isJr^ A If IT IS GOOD WHISKY YOU WANT, CALL FOR Whyte and Mackay's SPECIAL .WHISKY. You'll find it the Perfect Whisky you have been in search of. It has a mellowness, a richness, a flavour, that appeal irresistibly. It is matured for years in seasoned sherry wood casks before being bottled and distributed, This, and skilful manufacturing, explain its grand ■ quality and universal popularity, mm[mßnnrrr ...-..i,u.,i.i..... J ,i,,iu»,i.i,».j..,.,i J i.....M.. l .».ii/ii..,iL..i.,.. 1 ..., r"i'r

* CIGARETTES • l fw. Jack-'Smoking, sir? Try a'THREE CASTLES'MiId." Dick-" Or. if you prefer, a Medium," Paterfamilias-"-By Jove, boys, this is splendid I 'THREE CASTLES Cigarettes in TINS OF TWENTY, both strengths-an excellent innovation I" FRAGRANT FASCINATING REFRESHING This Famous Brand of Cigarettes ■ j CAN NOW BE OBTAINED IN TINS OF TWENTY j MILD STRENGTH MEDIUM STRENGTH g| GREEN TINS YELLOW TINS

— Miss Ethel Carnie, author of "Song 3 of a Factory Girl," who started her career m a half-timer in a. Lancashire factory, hag written a novel of working-class lie, entitled "Mies Nobody." The 6tory deals with the adventures of Carrie Brown, a working girl of Manchester, and endeavours to hold the mirror up to reflect the life of the struggling labour world both in town and country.

LESLIE BURRELL ||. QUfU'o |fl ffl QiqnfflipN ' ( A ckr|Bl m Cured bv UB ■' UißyßyUii 0 rsuW- yIUUIIBWB B "My little boy, four years of age, was suffering from a very bad cold on the chest, JPg S accompanied by a severe croupy and chronic cough, which would always leave him exhausted," Wiiif&i '$&% writes Mr. T. Burrell, Victoria-street, Christchurch, N.Z. "During the attack he would go yW «L.*ii / in tlie facc ' causm g us Breat8 reat v, '' orr y ai) d a ' arm ' W° tried everything that was advertised and recommended, but it was of no use. Hearing about how Dr. Sheldon's New Mh?* ,?X Discovery had cured a similar case, I made inquiries and purchased a bottle for a trial, with —\ llle resul * tnat the coughing and pains in his chest were immediately relieved and his health / '' ll! '" ' \ and appetite were completely restored, and he is to-day perfectly cured and in the very best f\ i / i \ of health, for which I have Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery alone to thank. I hope these few words / : { | fjjj ' i, J \ ;of gratitude may cause others in the same state as my child to give it the trial it honestly deserves." \ \ I SAFEGUARDS THE HOME ' »'/■• ■W ) Dr. Sheldon's new Discovery for Coughs and Colds is an unequalled preparation •-«(gj~ <$ iiilil'll/'flf'i'flr / f ° r thE immcdiatc relief of all diseases of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, '|||jSfj | IMMi MMillW^"'" K '\ii/ including Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Quinsy, Sore @|§| | ll&Sl J& Throat, Hoarseness, Difficult Respiration, and Pains in the Cheat. When used f c °*3Sß | according to directions it is a sure preventative of Pneumonia and Consumption, jC C I 1 Lmm Bobrbu, Dr. Sheldon's Hew Discovery is ! £§|r AND I sold everywhere at 1/6, or in y^ sy J|™^^^^^^/« Of,T|s 1 larger bottles containing 2i KM |n ««jJ ffl |l|\!fflvß H jj|«|f KM Lffi#.sJl ft

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15822, 22 July 1913, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15822, 22 July 1913, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15822, 22 July 1913, Page 3