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SALES BY AUCTION. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING-NOVEMBER Sth.—THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. 7 O'CLOCK. At 7 O'CLOCK. At 7 O'CLOCK. EARLY SETTLERS' HALL—At the—EARLY SETTLERS' HALL. 'JOHN REID & SONS (LTD.) will offer, as above, 60 CALTON HILL ALLOTMENTS. 60 OALTON HILL ALLOTMENTS, And not only will they offor thorn, but THEY ARE DETERMINED TO SELL EVERY SECTION, And on tho Very Easiest of Terms, so that no one can complain they were prevented from buying owing to tho largeness of the de-posit. The Terms aro; £1 DEPOSIT £1 DEPOSIT. £1 DEPOSIT Per Section, and the balance at tho rato of £1 per month. Interest nt 5 per cent, per annum. ThosoXho aro willing to pay cash within 7 days can by doing so obtain a Discount oUf per cent. This is an easy way of saving money, and not only does it javo monej, but it will MAKE MONEY for tho LUCKY PURCHASERS. /These. Freehold Allotments are lwund to rise greatly in value, as Gallon Hill is increasing in popularity at a wonderful rate; and no wonder, a* it possesses A TREMENDOUS NUMBER OF ADVANTAGES, being us it is, within Greater Dunedin, and having all the conveniences and comforts possessed by the city in tho way of gas, electric light, drainage, wide streets, etc., and in addition to that the- situation is ono of the most sunny and most heallhv about Dun-' edin. SPECULATORS, HOME-SEEKERS, INVESTORS,. Do not fail to keep free THIS EVENING (TUESDAY), November sth and at 7 O'CLOCK be at the EARLY SETTLERS' HALL, for the opportunity to acquire «uch Convenient Sections at a nominal price will soon be a thing of tho past. JOHN REID k SONS (LTD.), Auctioneers. THIS DAY, THIS DAY, TUESDAY, sth NOVEMBER, TUESDAY, sth NOVEMBER, . „ At 12.30. At 12 o'clock. At Rooms, Princes street. At Rooms, Manse street. ' t r _ i ru\ ... 3 * lU> Sa, ' lT MOTOR CYCLE, lo Expnwmen and Others. Water-cooled kick itaiier free ~»;,,. 9 CHOICE FKEBHOLD PROPERTY, '2 In rohdilion \" NOIIMANBY. N-E. VALLEY. ' )'ill ctimber 'A k • n /- H I K !- S ? G n°i' PARK, REYNOLDS (LIMITED) ■*■*■ iuivo received instructions lo 6cll by 1 2n auction, as above, — - . Allotment 32, Township of Normanby, GORE HORSE BAZAAR, containing 39 (jolm (moro or leas), with 6CJ. CT^^gy'rog' MONTHLY HORSE SALE. TIIESDaWnoVBMBER. tth NOVEMBER. At 12.30 o'clock. At 11 a.m. At Rooms, Princes street. — Wl^ 1 " 1 ' 1 , HEBIDKNCE, WAI- IITBIOnT. STEPHENSON, k CO. . T A/;0 Vc!ll »™ sl ,4.y°* ol<>SU ' vtl<,n ' VY (LTD ) will offer. iA LEX. HARRIS k CO. .„,, ~ „,„ , „,, . ~. 'A will sell by auction, as above, A TT nt , Mc »™ "•„ 9 ,,rk f' 9; Mo F" 3 ' \ Section 9, Block IX, Blueskin, fronting ";„ ."'"'«. /}■ <;"mm.ngs, J. Dunkcrrow read (orea, 20 wles). with a - 'l ,mw '»• T Shirley, C. lhompson, 1. roomed CotlJiKu; scullery, verandah, and ' J-Jones, J. Paget, \\ibon, lurnfurniture- Tho Property front* Waitati [!"".'■ "./'elan, M hcnzie, Kirkpatrick, Stream, and commands a view of Blueskin n.'J ■n-" tll ' ,Il,rr,son . a,ld vnr,oU3 Hay and surroiindiiiKs. liny teriiis: £25 ot »'' r Clients: dc[xwit, balanco by weekly payments of 10* a flriiught Maics and Geldings, 25 (toinchido principal and interest). 260 „i ?" ,'? ?- m ~ ; 16 I, K l,t Hacks and harness Horses 16 _ THIS DAY. 1 express waggon 1 TUESDAY. Sth,NOVEMP)ER, __ At 12.30 o'clock. p , ~ j, . . , .. . At Rooms, Princoa street. * llrtl,or E,ltrlcs Invited - CHOICE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. ( _ ANDERSON'S IJAY. Tho above entry includes a largo number Modern 6-roomcd Dwelling, with over or tip-ton draught Mares and Geldings, and J-acre, Bayfield. buyers lor same will bo well advised to ALEX. HARRIS k CO. attend this Sale 4n ere instructed by Mr .1. R.M'Naught sm ,„, liv ... »-,^. r , 1nt ".7; (who has left Dunedin) to sell, on ol»w, SAIURDA\ 9th NOVEMDLR, Be«tif w, 21 n „d 22, Mock' 11, llayficlil, Al "J^e'oek--Is!;rlB!iv^ z -rlooHs4rics,withr l ooHs4 ri cs,with ai && i, m \ m* r00..,, m ß h a superior modem Residonee of 6 rooms, tinned;,, built of kauri; bathroom, hot and cold wuncain. ivttter, water laid on, stable, washhoiuo, Auction Salo of ICn i,e,. Tl,() • W;li0 " ' S n" r ; VERY DESIRABLE DAIRY FARM, ON rwimlctl with hvo Jiwlges, giving excellent OTAfiO I>EMN'SUr A flheltcr, and oominanda a magnifieent view. UI,UU »^ lft!>u ''-*- Clow lo 2d section car. L.T. title. To Close Trust Account*. Uarrts to vic\y from the Anctioneci% THIS~DAY WRIGHT. STEPHENSON, k CO. TUESDAY. sth NOVEMBER, ~ f ,UM, J E « , r roce'vetj instnioAt 2 o'clock. '" ,ns " nm '' r "■ Il °dger (Portobello) to __ ' olfer for l>ona fide sale by public auction, as At Premises, No. 7 Melbourne road (near alK,v , |, I : , . ~ Anderson's Bay road), South Dunedin. 11:s VPr ? desirable Dairy I-arm, in ex- __ tent 52 acres (more or less), situHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND "te<l about'one mile from PortoFURNISHINGS. hello. — Improvements compriso 6-roome<l House. MAGNIFICENT ROSEWOOD UPRIGHT 19-slalled bvre, 2 looscboxes, 2-sUllcd GRAND PIANO (Brinsmend). sUble, piggerv, etc. RATTAN SUITE. OVERMANTEL. The farm is well snlxlivided, and is in , IMPROVED SINGER MACHINE. good heart, nnd situated quite eloso to the MIRROII-UOOR WARDROBES. creamery. HUGH ESSE GUESTS, Klc. The properly is hting put in the market , . — to close trust accounts, and will be offered fAIXV HARRIS k CO. for gemiine sale. In -i*- have received instructions from Mr I). „„-—---; —■ , ..„,„, — Porter (who has taken over tho St. Kilda 12th NOA EMBER, Hotel) lo sell, as alwve: _ , Al 12 0 clock. Rosewood piano (Rrinsmead), rattan 0n ~,fl l,nn^ r lo rlobclla rcttee, rattan chain), fender and brasses, CIKUMNCOUT ?tiv OF carpet square, linoleums, hoartbniss, piano DURV f'n\VS SViiIKL'S l\tm pmfvtq stool, oniauieiits. overmantel, wall mirror, UAUi * t0 " )3 • H< r LMILhMENTS, jx)les and curtains, pictures, hall runner, couch, china, crystal, eleetro-plale, Alls- -r»TI(TrnT cTi;iiitcvcriM ■. nn Irian rocker, chairs, W r-m I \t '■ f F o ' ]K>l stands k tnd plants. Wlshelves and ," , '\ V V >„'» c „ \?™J » "f^.T U», ilnuble mid single brass-mounleil [ ™ u ''„ \^ T ' l ° Mol '° 8C " by • i.i • i n i i. auciion, as aoove, hi s eni s, who nnd Hock ma resses, re|, c i,., ■ : , „ . .„. , -, -ii \. . • j 1 liu \\ lio e of his Stock and Plant, duchesso pair, duehesso chest* mirror-door romiiri-iiiir— xm •"' wbhli-olk*. toilet ware full-Scotch chest, 15 f, , , J .f „ colonial M fo, kitchen furniture and i. en- l f , ~- ( . ' . P « Bils, stqu, prescrvim; pan, wringer, ladders. c-ilvintr 2ji 3 will-bml yeerling Heifers THIS DAY. 2 Cn !f'V-' , TUESDAY, sth NOVKMBKR, ! v , L ' n l) , otl , s '°f« J V AtZo'elwk. 1 draught Mare 5 years 1 spring-cart Colt, 4 years SUPERIOR' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ~. I , hack M l "" , '.. i ' l <c^1 to Cn n tain Tr(icy __ i ti|Mlrays and full sets harness, 2 sets leadAt Rooms, Howling street. i»g. hornnse, set spring-cart harness. spring-cart, M.H. cultivator, M.H. d.f. Suite, Sideboard, Piano, pough, M.H. reaper, roller, sledges, i.-i„u,r„i, it,u qi„ n ,i swing etrecs, plough chains, milk cans, Halx.rate Hall Stand, , limmi(y o{ \ mwhM furniture, and D.I. Bid, Cheval Table, Wardrobe, sundries too numerous to particularise. Improved Sewing Machine, Luncheon provided. Superior Graphophone and Records, NOTR-The Stock~and Plant will bo Copper Boiler, Acetylene Gas Generator, offered for UNRESERVED SALE whether Push Choir, Child's Cot, die_Farm is disused of or not. 2_n " Clinnipion " llango in perfect order, FRIDAY, Bth NOVEMIIER, B.S.A. Bicyclo (gentleman's). ' I_^_olock'TAMES SaTTsON k CO. CLEARING SALE AT MILTON. •J luivo been favoured with instriiclions — to sell by auction, at Rooms, Dowling T A, DUTII I E t CO ,lrc *l> " have received instructions from Mr A Ll.'go Ixit of Now and Second-hand ~" !, n ( - il,iso M'-» has sold his farm) to Furniture- Sl '" by auction, on the Farm, close to Mil- ,, i , •. , , . ,- ~ . I'm. the whole of his Mirror-back wdelioard, extending dining . table, largo carpet sipiaie, hearthrugs, brass I J,VO Stock, Implements, etc., consisting of: fenders nm) irons, coiil vase, pictures, man- 1 draught pedigree Mare (Miss Hall) tel niirroi. heavy Turkey Axinmster runner, 7vrsold. Reiistered No 2167 hall curlaius. emtdm poles and curtains, Volume 5. And lilly foal at'foot by fancy j«t stand} ami Ikuvls, hnudoome b«l- Baron Mitchell mm suite, double anil single iron beds and 1 draught pedigree two-vear-old Fillv becldiim, commode, child s chair, cot, wire (Hose of Kiness). Registered No slwkodowiw. kitelicn drosser. largo meat a<29 Volume 6 Wife, dog kennel, twrrow. hulilei, steps, 1 draught pedicroo yearliwt Colt stand manplc, stone jars, filter, tools, carpet (Crown Chief). Reentered No bag, portmanteau, ohiur.\ tables, |Ktirot 1163 Volume 6 f iH , jJ* , fLl'™ii!£iJi < l__J 1" 1 draught Oeldintr. age.! WEDNESDAY. 6lh NOVEMBER X draught Marc. a K cd; in foal to Royal At 2 o'clock Carrick ON THE PREMISES. } ' ,rail «, ,lt ''i' 11 3 ; 15 No. 19 Millar street. North-East Valley ] drttll P l " Mi,ro ' '- v,s(Near Uowlini; (ireen). All fust-class workers. 'TAMES SAMSON k CO. \| M SL S^mXv'thol^infs? ! r M ;:i[T r wi!:r'ar^v ,fn, i minion) to sell bv auction, on the all of »U-h arc new ami up to Premises, 19 Millar street, the whole of his Household Furniture including: Luncheon provided. 4n Kirgo rtvr*s- front sideboard (lu-avilv —- oa,rvi-d, very large mirrors), dining table TUESDAY. 12th NOVEMBER, and cover, fenders and irons, leather couch. At 12.30 p.m. sharp. Vienna and arm chairs, notstand and — Imw|, heavy liiioleunis. liearfhrug.s, daks, CLEARING SALE OF SHEEP. HORSES walnut overmantel, octagon .and tea tables, CVTTIK IMPLFMFN'PS Etc tiicttires, ornaments. ciwkery. crystal. ' ' At'Waita'huna. handsome bedroom suite (including duehewe table, marble withstand, wardrobe), brass- -, T „„. „„,,,.,„ inouutwl Persian iron Ivdstead and be.l- IV l ''" LOAN AND MER. dim:, chest of drawers, duclirsse chcls. CANTILE AGENCY COMPANY looking klsm. double and jimj!» iron b«L, (Ll.Ml'lED AM) REDLCED) liave rccoiml bedding, kitchen and cooking utensils, nvk- instructions from Messrs Sniitli and ing chair, child's chair. |nits. pans, lartre '"rgh.s. Waitahuna. who have of quantity superior jam. gas twker. lvith. lll °"' ' to offer, on the Premises. ste|v«, ladder, pictures and frames, gartlen " s ". ,10V( '•. toeis. Rower j>ots. lawn mower, photo- Ali their Live and Dead Stock, consisting graphic material, canary, (owls pigeons, of: brass doorstep, verandah blind, etc.. etc. ISO Ewes with lambs at foot ' m Hoggets, mix.Hl soxts 11IIS DA\. 250Wethors . TUESDAY, oth NOVEMBER, I draught Mar,-. Svm At 2 •• clock. 1 draught GeMing.'Syrs r. n • x- , 77u' i .t, 1 draught Gelding, 6vrs On rremw* Na 1 Mtraestnvt Morning- j draught Gelding. 7vrs ion (just above the 1 ost Office). 43 steers ami Heifers' Instructed by Mr JTs. Anderson (who i, \ f^ in '" ll ~,ilk givin R up Uisekecping). (A j, „' , |pn| . C!l |o "USEFUL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. U - :in ', l '-'• w . a PK°"- -MVormick hinder. KAURI MIRROR BACK SIDEBOAK"-. l "u n f, TO ™- 1 7 r,n ' !rs ~l'avour HANDSOME KAURI DUCHES.SE PAIR. "° '. lr,n - ''•'•..P I ™.'.'''. s;-t disc harrows, wheelbarrow, blocks ami T)ARK. REYNOLDS (LIMITED) chains,'swingle;rees. leading chains. J. will jell by auction, .v alwve. Also. ? s«'t« mll.irs. hames. and winkers. .Kauri dining table, rattan and wicker casv ] sarMle and breeching, empty ehaim. Austrian chairs, brass kerb and wr ,• s ' ,y)K °\ tank, 4 brassos. wabiut overmantel, pictures, inarblo stack-covers, timlx-r. child s bicycle, c!,-ck, vase*, linoleum, hearthrugs, carve.! quantity of sundries. wise, brass-mounted bivlstead and mat- — tresses, toilet set. waslistandtc, glasses. Luncheon provided. dinner set. china, crckery, cutlery, kitchen / chairs, tab'e preserving |vm, anil general ... „ M , „ . , sundrico, garden tools and barrow. A * Messrs Sniitli and Bunjlies have dis- — posed of their Property, everything is for On view Morning of Sale. 2n bona fide sale, 5n OTAOO DAn,Y TIMES AKD WPTXeIs HIIHE FARMERS' PAPER.-Tho AgriculJOB I'RI>7INO DEPARTMENT.- 1 tnral Dopsrtmcnt of tho Otsgo Witness J-.ti Prmtinj; of every detKription done with is »cknowl«dg«l to be uncquslled by that Pupatch, and it tht Lowut Current Rata, of aaj other WeeJdy is the Doainioc

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15603, 5 November 1912, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15603, 5 November 1912, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15603, 5 November 1912, Page 10