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Four degrees of frost wcro recorded in Blenheim on Monday morning. Tho ternperaturo at 9 o'olock was 49.

Loitiscribad Reducing Salts, to bo had only at Waters' Pharmacy,..,

Tim number of doctors enrolled for tho mayoral election in Auckland City is 26,428. It is reported that 50 acres of orchard, in full bearing, at Stoke, has been sold for £8000.

Frank 11. Hlnkoloy. surgeon dentist. 174 Princos street South (over Kilroy and Sutherland's). Teleohone 1483...

Tho Turatalii Co-opcrativo Dairy Company has been advised that its shipment ot ohoeso per s.s. Riiapelm realised 76s per ewt on tho Uohio market.

Thomoon and Co.. Moray plnco (opposite First Church), Imvo on hand a largo selection of headstones and monuments at pricci to suit all—

It 'has boon decided by the Cabinet to appoint veterinary surgeons to tho Defence Department, tho salaries recommended by tho doparhnent being approved. Hiro motor cars ior Lawrence and Roxburgh districts at Jones's garage, next railway station. Lawrence....

A prominent Wellington citizen is missing from his accustomed haunts. His disappearance was Uie talk of tho town on Tuesday.

Iliro motor cars from Wimpenny Bros' Premier Garago.--Telcphono 1246....

Since July last year over two million cubic feet of timlier have been exported from Waiigauui. Tho value of His item of exports is roughly £10,000.

Orders for wines, spirits, and ales entrusted to the Waterloo Hold, Cavorsham, rcooivo prompt attention. Delivery guaranteed....

A Chincso resident at Wanganui has received 13 cases of rare plants from China, which are intended by him as a gift (o the Wanganui Beautifying Society.

Marshall's Extract of Norwegian Cod liivor Oil, with Iron, Poosin, ami Port Winc-an Ideal Tonic for Anmmia. Pints & 6d, quarts 4a 6d, at MarsliaJl's Pilarmacy.... Tho tender of tho Nightcaps Coal Company for tho supplv of coal to tho Southland railways and Lake Wakatipu steamers for the year Hiding 31st March, 1913, Ins been accepted. Scott's Catarrh Cure, a never-failing remedy; 2? 6d bottln.—l7 Princes street. .

Tho (refit rccordod in Alexandra for the week ending April 17. was: Thursday, 11th, lWeg; Friday, 12th, 15deg; Mou<|ay,*l7dog; Wednesday, 19dog. Fifteen points of rain fell during rtic week. Elder's headache wafers will euro a nervous headache* in 10 seconds Always keep a hex in tho house. Prico Is.—Win. Elder, Nos. 8 and-297 George street....

Tho Ahor expedition to avenge the inurdor of <w English party in Upper Burma has, said tho Undor-secrctary for India in tho Hou/o of Commons, cost £159.000. mid 39 lives. Five of the supposed ringleaders wcro captured and two killed.

Waters' Kornbano cures corns liko magic; If.—At Waters" Pharmacy, 20 Princes s't..„

Captain Marriott, of tho Tiiuam South School, has received word from Major .1. R. Montgomery, oomiimriding the .South Canterbury Battalion of Junior Cadets, that tho South School Cadets l:nd won the Government. South Island Shield for 1912.

Our wcll-knoTii remedy, Broncho, undoubtedly tho best for coughs, colds all descriptions. Is 6d and 2s 6<l. from Elder, chemist, Nq'. 8 and 297 George street.... Thomas Alexander, who was recently fined £50 for selling liquor in tho no-license district, of Ashburton, failed to pay the fmo and was on Monday taken to Lyttclton Gtiol, where ho will remain for a period of two months.

MrE. Olarko, oldest son of tho lata Mr C. V. Clarke, lion returned to Waimato from South America after an absonco of 14 years, ho Jws been ranch manager for a largo company. His two brothers aro still in South America.

Bourbon Cotfoo is without a question of doubt tho finest over placed on this market No bovcrago for breakfast or after dinner can equal a cup oi coffee.... A Pohonui correspondent reports an unfortunate sequel to a picnic, sovoral guests being nfFected by ntomaino poisoning. Tho services of a Taihapo doctor wero 6umiiionod by nino households. All tho 611/. fercrs are now out of danger. Gonuino Marmola Cure for stoutness obtainable Scott's Pharmacy, 17 Princes it... The last of Mr Jolai Baillio's consignment of paintings arrived l from London on Tuesday by tlio Coriulin'c. A start was inado to unpack tho pictures on Wednesday, and it was hoped that a start would 1)0 made with tho work of hanging thorn boforo the end of this week.

Thirty-fivo shillings is all wo ask for our men's heavy d.b. overcoats in twecd. They aro without «. doubt tho best valuo showiiig. Got ono at onco at Christio 'and Co.'s. Mosgiel, who give you Is in tho pounjd cash discount.... ■

liistructivo figures showing tlio progress mode, by tho dairy industry 1 on tho Pbins in 10 years aro availablo (says tho Eltham Argus). For tho three factories—Kaupoko'n.ui. Joll's, and Riverdalc—from 1902 to 1912 tho increase in acreage of farms supplying mu 35,000 acres, whilo tho increase in valuo of produce was £150,000. For influenza take Woods' Great Poppermint Cure. Never fails. Is 6d, 2s 6d....

A few days ago a working man in Carterton lost £23, including- four five-pound iioUns. An luivorlifsomont was inserted in Hie local paper, ami the owner had tho pleasure of receiving tho wholo sum intact.

Whether the burner is inverted or ordinary, you'll improve tho light if you fit it with tho Brilisn-mudo Veritas mantle. Tho "Veritas" provides perfect combustion, burns minimum of gas, lasts longest—A. and T. Burt (Ltd.), or plumbers....

Sinoo its formation as a borough in 1877 Mnstorton has only had 10 mayors—Messrs K G. Williams (tlio first Mayor), Alfred Nisli, 2,1. Cnsolbcrg, E. Foist, A. W. Honall, (J. Heron, C. A. Pownall, J. A. Rcnoll, P. L. Ilollings, ami J. 31. Coradino. Sovou of theso gentlemen are still alive. v Neither sun nor wind will Bpoil your complexion if jW uso M'CHnton's soap. It softens and protects the skin....

Speaking to the Hon. 11. G. Ell last Saturday evening in Napier upon tho question of posting live chickens, Mr W. C. Davis said that ho had sent out 3000 chickens lust year and they travelled ro safely in tho cardlward boxes ho had adopted that he had only 30 deatlis.

The great clearing sale of furniture, ironmongery, crockery now in nrogre*} at tho promises of Laidlaw and Gray (Ltd.), Hattray street, is decidedly a great opportunity for housewives. Tho Jew prices at which goods aro being sold is proving a great draw....

Waimato was visitod on Tuesday by Mr ' Martin, the Reform party's organiser, with Messrs Hayhurst, Jeffries, anil Poller. It in understood that the party was making arrangements to have tho Temuka seat contested in Urn Opposition interest sliould a goneral election oventuato shortly.

_ A touch of frost at night makes ow» think of a good warm overcoat. After you havo thought about it, call or writo A. F. Chcyno and Co., Mosgiel. Tliey will supply a heavy tweed d.b. overcoat, newest cut, exceptional value at 425.... A largo number of immigrants who arrived in Wellington on Tuesday from London by tin Shaw, Savill, and Albion Comiwny's liner Corinthic cajno on to Lyttolton on Wednesday, morning. Tho ferry steamer Mararoa brought down no fowcr than 75 of tho newcomers, while thoMokoia, which passed t'tirouph Lyttclton, cnirouU to Duncdin, had on board 30 for this (port. .Selecting a Patent Agent.—lt is very important that specifications and drawings should bo prepared by competent persons, as the validity of a patent often doponds upon them. Xo patent agent is competent unless ho is a practical mechanical draughtsman, has scientific education, and is skilled in patent law. Messrs Baldwin and Rayward, Joel's Buildings, Crawford street, Duncdin, have these qualifications, and aro thoroughly trustworthy.... Among tho ovorseos visitors in Timaru this week was Mr It. 0. Fyfo, representative of tho Carlson Currier Company, silk manufacturers, San Francisco. In convcrfation with Mr Fyfo, a representative of tho Post learned that tho company's factories in California cover an area of livo square miles, in which thousands of hands are employed Mr Fyfo was muoh impressed with .\ow Zealand's scenery. New season's high-class boots and shoos for tho oold wet weather at. tlio notod Oookham Homo. Ladies' glace kid, woltod Oxford shoffS, extra stout, \rido solo, patent toecap, medium Tound toe. a splendid shoo for tho winter, 21s. ladies' box calf Derby shoe*, toocap tamo material, broad toe, stitched welt, stout solo, 16s 6d. Ladies' glace kid Derby Balmorals, stout hole, broatj fitting, stitched welt, 18s 6d. Inspect icvi invited of largo assortment now fcaeon's winter Iwots, shoes, slippers, etc., at the noted Cookham House....

A farmer and orehurdist in Moutoro district had an unprofitable experience on hta farm last week. It appears ho had been annoyed by <leer trespassing in his orchard, so ho set a loaded gun wlwrn he considered they camo in, with wire attached to tho trigger, so that an animal walking over tho wire would explode the gun. That night the gim went off. and Uio ocoupanta of tho house rushed out to find a door; but saw nothing till the next morning, when alxMit 40 yards away they found ono of tho farm horses lying dead.

Dear Lady—How niiioh do you know al»ut tho inside of your corset? Has tho boning that flexible quality that shape* tho stylo of your figure and (rives you caio and oomfortJCall and eoo our now cornets, tliev iiro right in style with boning that ciiimnt brook mmch through |Jin fabric, or rust, and the right material that cannob tear; corsets that will givo the fiiruro yo.i runt without hurting you over tho bust, tlm the atxlomen, anywhere. Priors 4s fxl U- Us 6d.~At T. Row. corset importer,

]30 Princes street, DunedinIn an old wooden leg piven to him by Alexander P. Hamilton, a sui.posod pauper, just before ho died recently. Jacob Randall, of Oklahoma, difcovcrd 10.CO0 dollars.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 16

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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 16

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 16