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PROPFDT'EI FOR BALE AND "1 LET. JOHN REID & $0N S, AUCTIONEERS. LAND SALESMEN. HEAL ESTATE k FINANCIAL AfiENTS, VALUATORS. SURVEYORS. MONEY. .SHARE, AND LAND RROKERS. ARniTßrroits. auditors, publio accountants, Liverpool * bond STREETS (next Slar Office). FARMS.-FREEHOI.D AM) LEASEHOLD STIRLING DISTRICT.- Improved FARM of 450 acres, subdivided into numerous. paddocks; 90 acres of splendid turnips, balance one, two, and three-year-old grass. Pctmanent water supply. This good Property is conveniently situated, handy to school and railway, freezing works, etc. Buildings consist of 6-roomcd House, stable, feedhouse, shearing shed, etc. £7 10? por acre, with crops. Terms arranged. (233) TAIERI MOI7PH DISTRICT.-SHEEP FARM of about 560 acres, of which 430 acres are ploiighnble; subdivided into 14 paddocks; six miles from railway, factory, school, etc., closo at hand; Broomvd House, with all necessary outbuildings, woolshed, stable, cowhyre, trap shed, sheep dip, etc. This farm is all well grassed; a lot of the land ha? been limed; will carry up to 1009 sheep if cultivated properly. £3 per acre. Stack of oats goes in at this price. (218) WOODLANDS DISTRICT-COMPACT LITTLE DAIRY FARM, CONTAINING ABOUT 94 ACRES; several acres in turnips, bahinco in English grass; about two miles from railway, factory, and school. £20 por acre. This is a splendid dairy farm. (2321 SOUTHLAND.-FARM SUITABLE FOR SHEEP OR DAIRYING; 630 acres, subdivided nnd substantially fenced with posts and 7 wires; 50 acres turnips and grass, 30 acres rape and grass, 48 acres turnips: property situate 3 miles from railwaystation, dnirv factory, st/ire. P. 0.. and school: buildings consist of 5-raomed House. 4-roomed men's Cottage. 12-stallcd stable, 48-stalled byre, milking machine shed; 4 milking machines ond oil engine: dairy: implement shed Price. £tl per acre. (231) CATLINS RIVER DISTRICT (1J miles from railway «talion).-180 ACRES; occupation license, with rieht to purchase at 7s 6d por aero; annual rental, £3 2j 6d; rate*!, £1 lis sd; property is ring fenced; there aro 45 acrej in English grass, balanco hush; nearly half land is level, balance low downs; lies due north; buildings consist of 4-roomed_ Cottage, buggyhousc, loo&cbox, 5-stalled byre, stock yard, etc. At £2 10s per aero it's a bargain. One-third cash. ' (229) TO LET. 1-ARM, AT SHAG VALLEY. For seven years, a real good Farm of 234 acres, in numerous paddocks, with good 6-roomcd House and all necessary farm buildings; within 1J miles of creamery and fiyo minutes' walk from railwar station; rent. 14s 6d an aero, pavdblo half-yearly in advance. Particulars and conditions from us. ' (227) LEASE of 1480 ACRES, long tenure; easy rental; subdivided into numerous paddocks, 120 acres young grass, 50 acres oats, 100 acres turnips; will carrv about 1600 sheep; 5-roomed Dwelling, trapshed, cowshed, etc. £3500. This included crops, 600 ewes. 100 wethers, 6 young draught horses, 2 cows, implements, harness, etc. Inquiry solicited. (226) BUSIT FARM of 202 acres, of which 60 acres aro sown down in craes, balanco in hush, containing vnluablo black and red pine, totnra. red birch, broadleaf; grand opening for eawmilling and dairying combined; fonoed on throe sides, river ."n fourth. No buildings. Land is lease in perpetuity. Rental, only £2 14s 8d per annum. Price, 50s per acre. Easy terms. (230) GORE DISTRICT.-A Real Good Little FARM of nearly 200 acre*, all ploughoblc, splendid soil, near railway station and school: 5-roomed House, ecullcrv, dairy, bay window, and wandah; barn (15ft x 38ft). hut |12ft x 20ft). buggy shed. "4-s*alled stablo ond loft, loosebox, byro for 4 coirs. At £12 10s per acre it's a bargain. (222) JOHN REID k SONS R. C. M 0 R G A N, 'Phone 2743 nOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. 'Phons 2743. EMPIRE BUILDINGS.. PRINCES STREET. CITY (Rise).—Four ROOMS: nice section; good view; .concrete wall; all' conveniences; splemdid tonnnl; sound investment; must bo sold to wind up estato; solo agent. Price, £375. BAKERY and Confectionery BUSINESS; cloro to Dunedin; good run, sound and snug business; casv run; satisfactory reasons for selling. Particulars to bona lido buyers only from our oflico (solo agont). SUNSHINE (Beside Car Linc).-BUNGALO\V, 6 rooms (new large), bathroom; fine section, two frontages; electrio light, fibrous ceilings, h p., h. nnd c, tilo grates and hoarilft, built-in mirror wardrobe; drained; every modern convenience; built Baltic pine; splendid finish; mirror mantelpieces, hallway steel panelled; owner leaving district Price and particulars from office (only solo agent). MUSSELBURGH.-Five ROOMS (now); bay and verandah; electrio light; drained to scwor; patent, nil modern; Section 50" x 132; two minutes from car. Owner leaving Dunedin. Must sell. Price, £600, or good oiler. Terms. ST. CLAIR.--Now BUNGALOW, 6 rooms; large enamel bath; 3 oriel windows; electric light; built-in wardrobes; all modern and up-to-dato finish; nico Section. Price. £775. Terms. TJAVENSBOURNE. Five 5-roomed HOUSES, from £250 to £550. Two 6roomed ilj Houses. £625 and £700. Sections vary from Jto j-aoro each. J\ CARTER & C 0., 'Phone 1453. HOTEL BRQKERS. 'Phone 1453 EXCHANGE COOUT. TTiOTEL (Canlerbury).-Lease. 7 years; rent low; takings £65 week. TTOTI-X (Dunedin).—Leaso 3'years; rent £7; takings £70 week. ITiOTEL (Wnitaki).—Freehold stono building; trade averages £100 a week. TTOTEL (Otogo Central).—Freehold, good building; steady trade, l'rico very low. TTiOTEL (South Cnntcrlmry).—Lcaso 3 years; trade £55 weekly. Moderate price. HOTEL (Southland).—Freehold; situated in nrogressivo farming district. A raro chance. TDfiOTEL (Dunedin, suburbs).—Good lease; lew rent; trade £100 week. TTiOTEI, (Wakatipu).—Lease 5 years; trade £25 week. Price £450. HOTEL (Lake Wakatipu).—Lcaso 4 years; rent £4: trade £50 a. week. Easy ingoing. HOTEL (Canterbury).—Lease 9 years; trade £300 a week. First-class commercial house. . The above are only a few of the Hotels on our books, but they aro real MONEYMAKERS. Buyers urc invited to call for further particulars. We do not exaggerate, so all information supplied by us you can rcjanl us absolutely correct. "~F E T E B," B 0 Y D " THE" lAND AGENT. 186 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. ' £On|y-BOSLYN: New 4 ROOMS; verandah, batii (hot and cold water) mirror Q*n) wardrobe* built in; close lo .school; grand inrrjo section, 3-16-aere; vegetable garden, lawn, etc Musi, bo sold at once. Terms if desired. jPfiQK'-RpSLTO: Splendid 5 ROOMS: two largo oriel windows; bath (hot and 3-W.VfJ cold shower), etc.; gas all through; large, airy rooms; specially built for owner 2 years ago; grand stction. most sunny position. Grout chanco for anyone wanting a really choico homo in healthiest nart Roslyn. Tcrni3. Owner has been moved to Invcrcaruill. jPTOrvT Ponied RESIDENCE; over,i-acre; be.vttifi.lly situated; electrio cWl~'il light, bath (b. nnd c, shower, nml basin); verandah, balcony, and bay windows; most extensive and picturesque viow; absolutely sound and in perfect orderback entrance from Korbury road. Being sacrificed. To anyone requiring a largo dwelling, with ample grounds in a most pleasant situation, lliis j s the very thing £77 fv~£ KOOMS and jS-acro; near Id tram at Glen road; situated beautifully on • to the rise; large dining, drawing room and kitchen; tho ground's are fully planted out in fruit trees, etc., in full bearing. A >plcndid plnco for a man who likes a eardon. 4?finA-~ C . ITl l , J (Xort , hE^,,: , 6 „ RO P. MS; 2 ,, h . 0,t , «* in 'l ow » nn «l Portico: bath (hot iJ*aw and cold, etc.); wide hall, with panelled dado; fitted with wardrobes, presses bookcase.?, cupboards, etc.; largo kitchen and scullery; sowered to latest D.B. regulations; asphalt paths; fruit and vegetable eardon; fowl run; sunny position; Rood outlook. Owner leaving for Sydney this week. Hurry! •PB^n-^ n, '-* U ? w UL X, ROO - M ? '" S "-'!- nv s '" , " ,,i ," p : brand now and up to date; ctoVUV electric light and fibrous plasterceihnps; bathroom (fitted with hot and cold water, shower, and basin); latest styles in grates, mantelpieces, and other fittings throughout: very attractive appearance; the papers and friezes aro a dolight to tho eye. Termi to suit. K F E A & C 0., ' LAND, ESTATE, AND COMMISSION AGENTS. S3 LOWER HIGH STREKT. DUNEDIN. Telephono 822. (Next Sargood's). Telephone 822. AKQO ACRES FREEHOLD, divided into 16 paddocks, all fenced: 200 acres in oats. ioo acres in turnips; 5-roomed House, men's hut. buirevhouse, stable and chiilVhouso. woolshed, sheep-dipping "lam. Will carry over 4000 sheep. A splendid Property. We havo the following RESIDENCES on our books for immediate Sale:— MAORI HILL.—Four ROOMS; hot and cold water, gas. drained, outhouse.s, el.-.; Jacre of land; fenced. A really nice home. Price, £475. ■MOUTH-EAST VALLKV.-Six ROOMS; scullery, wardrobe, otc: water laid on: 1* 2 Itfix windows, outhouses, garden; 3 sections. Price. £220. £20 deposit. QUEEN STREI-rr.-Eiglit-roomcd New HOUSE; all convmiojicos; delightful locality: modern Mnitntion; a beautiful home. MUSSELBURGH.— Six-roomed New HOUSE |bun?a!ow slyli); large rooms; ail conveniences; J-ncro, fruit trees and lawn. This is indeed one of tho'best ' residences in the locality. Prite, £1050. VNDKHSON'S H'AY (a few minutes from tho car).— four ROOMS: all oom-oni-KNCES; 3J ACRES of land glass house, fruit trees, etc. Price, £675. Terms ST. KILDA.-New 4-roomed HOUSE; scullery, bathroom, hot and cold water; Inri;o section. Price. £500 Terms arranged. CIAYERSHAM.— Five-roomed HOUSE: scullery, hot and cold water, gas- vinery J workshop, etc.: corner section. Price, £570. ' }[ \\T M'COLL, Telephone SJKI Rwndone* 2845. ■lx ww" u > Prirato Raidenoo 2845. LAND, ESTATE. AND FINANCIAL AGENT, TEMPLE COURT, 95 STUART STREET. DUNEDIN. If you want a home of your onr. consult mo. Plans «ml specifications rreparcd I cat. build you a hoi*o of any design, first-clau timlwr and worknutmhip guiranteed, on very easy tormi. Small deposit, balanoe u rent. -X,OnN,NG T9 N: , 5-ror.m(\l HOU.SE. lieing erected; oriel window, bull- , .. .* *' no<L ' verandah, sft hall, hot and cold water, bathroom, pantry, wa«hhcuse lunit-lli tubs and copper; also verandah at the back of the Louse. ' ' £1 ririO"" 01 . <o" Hi" Rise): Kight-i-winril HOUSE; plastered; slate roof; c~*.uv\i built of kauri; 2 oriel windows and 2 bay windows; bathroom with all lavatory arrangements: gas. hot am! eold water; drained to regulations; balcony; built-,,, ami linen press.'*; Section, 3D pol«, Value',if Section, £850. House insured for £900. £.'l*>i'V MLLEKNOWES: Six-roomed Brick HOUSE; plastered inside; -as .-J»l.VltS hot am | „,!,;, water: drained to sewer; lovelv view over Citv- lucro iMxtion nicely laid m.t; good gMiileii. " .427()0~ MAn ! !I ~ III , . , : A " ",P-»"-«Iaw 5-rp..m«l HOUSE; bathroom (hot and cold : ; ' . K ' w;lI, ' r ): I" 1 "'-"' wardrobes, pantry, etc.: large workshop- ",•■» ■ light, heater and cooker: drained to sewer; kiiuri floors and lining; good steel ceilim:.«. puiK<rj v and friezes; superior linishthioiitrhoiit; large Section." i'^^n -I^'^"^015 ' on ""' I{i - M '• c!oj0 IO ' r; "" : ov, ' r "" Acre of Land)- Fivo- ■. ~ , 0 01. ", H| HOUSE; every coi.v.nieiue; i-acro in orchard; frontage to hvo streets; suitable tor ciiltinc up: all in «ood oilier. Bargain. £Ifi , l"' S ' T ' K,I,DA , : Three-roomed aVn'Al!]-; (built-in tubs and swxuw cojiper); j-acre Sei'tion. A. W. BROW N, ■Phone, 1772 Of 'Phone, 1772. JOIT N SKE N E & §0 N, f2o-Prinees street. HOUSE. LAND, AND ESTATE AGENT. 223 Princes street. _4.ft(V~ T E B Cni^ PK - ST PROPERTY IN DCNEDIN (near Old Men's Home); d*T.\JV 50 yards from car line, Mam South road: 6 ROOMS; portico, box windows; d-rainetl lo sewer (latest regulations); haihrooni; all conveniences; life Section: a rare snip. ° jP^^n"~ Vi^''". v of • s,nlt,lr(l -■' root: Five I'.OOMS; all conveniences; card to view cV.«7t»U h(. ro only. ■P-l^n - *'-'^' 0 * I'^1 '^' 11 ' 1 l-ivo 1{,;0:ils a!ul kitchen; modern conveniences;-large <*>~xO\r Section; view unsurpassed: owner leaving Dunedin. O_lQ/\--KAIKOI\AI: Five-iooined YII.LA; nicely apjiointed: modem conveni-cWT-OU ences; large Section, with garden; well worth the money OXnft- HIj!HOI,SC-0 ' l " RT: K ' VL ' KOOMS; nice Section; £250 cash will buy cZOvrVJ Kilame arranced. ' mo INVESTORS.-Terrace of S HOUSES; J-ncrc Freehold; centre of City; all X well let. Price, £1300. Given away at the money. OJOn-ST. KILDA: Five ROOMS: nice appearance;'largo Section. A bargain. FREEHOLD BUILDING SITES. KEW: Section 40 x 93. £160; Anderson's Bay. 3 Sections IK x 110. £130; St. I'lnir. 2 Sections £3CO the lot; St. Kilda. 4! x 100. £140; Belleknowes. Section 66 x 24J. £240: Roslyn, J-acre (two trontages). £270: Cavcrsham, 50 x 2CO. £150. TO FARMERS.—We have clients seeking the following:—2o to 40 Acres (must be handy to Dunedin; suit market garden); 2000 Acres Freehold Sheep Run north of Duneuin; 2000 to 3NO Leasehold Sheep Run. Representative; A. CRERAR.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 13