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ELECTION NOTICES. CjT. KILDA MAYORAL ELECTION. (•■ouncilJor S. B. MACDONALD will bo ploosrvl to ADDRESS the- ELECTORS at iho St. Kilda Coronation 11*11 on MONDAY, April 22, at 8.15 p,m. Deputy Mayor, W. J. Burk, in tho ohnir. rHIKEN ISLAND MAYORALTY. 1 shall U pleased to MEET Iho ELEC'I lIIW o[ Green Island, at (Iroon Island Hall, on TUESDAY, 23rd inst., at 8 iVIn-k. Liucs specially invites!. ZO.ip .lOIIX LINDSAY. iioitoi-'GII OF POUT CHALMERS. KUaJnON~OF MAYOR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai tho following CANDIDATKSASHKR. GEORGE LEYON, DE MAUS, DAVID ALEXANDER--have been duly NOMINATED for the Office of Mayor of the Borough of Port (Jhaliners for tho ensuing vcar. A POLL will lm taken on WEDNESDAY, tliu 241 h day of April, 1912, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 7 o'clock p.m., in tin; New Town Hall, Circv street, for, the Election o( ONE of Iho above Candidates. ALEXANDER LKCK. Returning Officer. _Port Chalmers. April 17, 1912. 18a;t "OOROUGH OK ST. KILDA. ELECTION OF MAYOR. Pursuant to Section 11 of "Tho Local Elections anu Polls Act, 1903." I Hereby Give Notice tlint (lie following Persons have been duly NOMINATED as Candidates for tho Office of Mayor for tho Borough of St. K iltla: THOMAS ASHTON, SOMERLEI) DARTLETT MACDONALD; mill there being only ONE Vacancy to Ixi filled, ft POLL will bo taken as beIween the said Candidates on WEDNESDAY, tho 24th day of April. 1912. at/the following POLLING- PLACES:Town Hall, Main road, St. Kilda. Mr .1. 0. Ilurk's Workshop, Mills street, St. Kilda. Vestry, Presbyterian Church, Albert Miuct, St; Kilda, Vestry, Presbyterian Church, Queen's Drive, Musselburgh. Polling hours: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dated this 18th t>av of April 1912. '.I. 11. DICK, Returning Officer for tho Borough ol 20up St. Kiido. QTAGO EDUCATION BOARD, ELECTION OF SCHOOL COMMITTEES IT IS HEREBY PUBLICLY NOTIFIEI that tho ANNUAL MEETINT.Sof HOUSE HOLDERS for tho Election of School Com mittccs will be hold on MONDAY, 22nc April, at 7.30 p.m., in tho School of rod district. S. M. PARK. Secretary. Education Office, Dunedin, 19th April, 1912. 20ii| I moM AHA WK "road board NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ar ELECTION io fill THREE ORDINARY VACANCIES on the Tomahawk Boat Board will ho held tn SATURDAY, Mai 4, 1912. NOMINATIONS of CANDIDATES wil lw received by mo at Highclilf till Nooi of SATORDAV, tho 27th day of April 1912. JOHN BISHOP, 20ap Returning Officer. pEMNSULA ROAD BOARD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a. ELECTION to fill tho following ORDI NARY VACANCIES in the Pcninsuli l!<y<l Board— Anderson's Buy Subdivision, Ono Mem ber; Highclilt Subdivision, One Member; Sandy Mount Subdivision, Ono Mem ber;— will lw held on SATURDAY, 4th Mav 1512. ' NOMINATIONS of CANDIDATES wil he received by mo at Highchfi* till Noor of SATURDAY, tho 27th day of April 1912. JOHN BISHOP. 2Qap Returning Officer. ■•pORTOHELLO ROAD BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE> pursuant to Section 7 of "Tho l-ocal Elec lions and Polls Act. 1908." that NOMINA TIONS will be received bv mo up to 11 o'clock Noon on SATURDAY 27th April 1912, for the following VACANCIES Nomination patters must l>e signed by Tw< Ratc|*iyers and the Candidate:— Porlobcllo Riding, 2 .Members. Broad Bay Riding, 2 Mnnibcr?. North-Eastllarbour Riding, 1 Member. If more Nominations thou tho numhei of Members required are received, a POIJ | will he hckJ on SATURDAY, Iho 4th May 1912. and I hereby appoint the folloiviut PLACES us Polling Booths for taking it:Tho Board's Temporary Office, Lcitl Walk, Portohcllo. The Schoolroom. Broad Bay. The Schoolroom, North-East Harbour. The Boat Sheds A'auxlinll. ALFRED REYNOLDS. 20ap Returning Officrr. EDUCATIONAL. mi IE DIRECT ROUTE TO INDEPENDENCE Is to pass tho EXAMINATIONS FOR BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTANCY, OR LAW, Which give yoti n standing in tho comracr fiitl world that allows vou to dictato tin terms under and the salary for which vol will work. All our notes are thoroughly up to date being prepared tq meet tho requirements o this year's examinations. F. 11. LEV I EN, Esq., M.A.. 1.L.8.. Barrister and Solicitor, is in chargo of oui LAW DEPARTMENT. Write for Booklet " Orifling." TIARKS ft HAYES, QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANTS (hv exam.) COACHES, ACmirSTANTS. AUDITORS. Office: Strand Arcade. Box 679. ENGINEERING PAYS li NO OTHER PROFESSION OflVr* such excellent openings to begit with, nor such splendid chances for ftitun advancement. It will pay YOU to devot< a little of your spare time each week ir order to qualify for a po>t in this splendic calling. YOU can begin learning at once in your own home, by our excellent met hoc of correspondence training. Write for Frcf Book, ' How to Become an Electrics' or Mechnnicnl Engineer." It shows whal wo have done for others, and what we can do for ymt. We can train you in lite following :■- Complete Electrical Engineering Electriciun's Course, Short Elect rica' Course, \dvanred Electrical Engineering Electric Tramways and Railways, Electrk Light am! Power. Mechanical, jlnrine, am Sanitary Engineering, etc.. etc. " Send to <Liv for Fre,. Book to BAGLEY 4 TINKLER. 533k Collins street. Melbourne. Victoria. 25in m uTtTon in maTs a ~uk. Mrs CREIGHTOX n,\LE. the longest established Teacher of Massago in London has opened a Branch of her London Establishment in Wellington. S'r.o imtniets ladies in Scientific Manage o' cvorv kind, including General. Swedish. Weir-Mitchell. Electricity, and Swedish Drill. Every lesson on living subject. Certificate when proficient. Author of tio "Art ol Massage." Address: 27 May street, Wellington. R F,r IUTYWOOty F.R.CO. (Organist ami Choirmaster of St. Paul's Cathedral late of the Parish Church. St. Helens. Line', receives PUPILS in tho following SUBJECTS: Organ. Pianoforte. Sincing. Harmony. Counterpoint, Orch->s-tiation, and Composition. For Syllabus applv 7 VICTORIA STREET. Pimedin 30m (Three minutes from Octagon). I S S P A S S M 0 R E'S ART CI.ASSES In On.. WATER, and PASTEL Painting. Railway Concession Tickets STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET. Cla«< at MILTON everv FRIDAY and MONDAY. 14m

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 11