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COIDUCTID SI Jot. AlilßXETnt. Otioo Cf.DB.—J7)« Oujo Club rar-eln M.-n Saturday evening at Sweeties*, lUltr>r itiiet. Visitors nelrxms PROBLEM 3932. By W. Veal, Soulliamplon, England. (Bucxj

(WuiTl.] Black: 2, 6, 15, 20, 21, 21, king 8. White: 10, 11, 13, 11, 22, 2G, 29, king 4. White to play and win. TO .CORRESPONDENTS. W, Veai,.—Thanks (or continued favours. }'. C. R., Ashbiirtoi;.—Thanks. Will convoy your measago. J. FiiAzr.B- Wangwiui.—Sutmorpition list and amount will bo forwarrlod to Wellington.

J. 1). !>., Crookston.—Will make personal in- ' quiry ojkl inspection at runic an-1 report r.s early as pjfsiblo. .SonretiniM stock o( boards hero rrtlier limited. Best plan would 1» (ending to damage. I/>ndon. dirrei. but thai would l)o loa lato for this aeaEon. It. H. Wood, Indiana, U S.A.—Your publication wellenl, aud has tho field to itself, as it will not clash with the other periodicals dovotcrl to thu game. It will take tho place of tho D.P.Q.U. F. K. ll.—Tiianks for trouble. HeartiiMt congratulations on victory. GAMES. Game Ml 3. —" Singlo Comer." By W. Vol, Southampton, Englandi 11 If. 812 1 .1 :2 55 II IS 2-2:1 S il 18 27 i\ 18 » II 8 4 8 2-5 22 :fi 22 10 H 6 U 55 2.' 12 111 25 18 ■ii IS 24 IH 111 15 8 4 SII 21 >7 Sll 710 II 18 2-I'.;- Hi 211 II 21 ,2S i"5 3i 27 i.O 11 111 2-t IfillK-A 7 112 4 8 !l 13 IS 22 2 7 20 2J-I Whit* £> 2; 18 » 21 17 24 1!) 27 2(1 wins 12 IU 5 11 Q'ii 7 11 IS 21 H I'll il 18 18 24 11115- II 7 (a) Mr Kerr, Jlcllwtrrno, played 21 17 against Xtr Jordan, tlio English champion, and lost; Uiin Eontno to turn tho tables — W. (1) If 3 8-(5), 11 4, G 9. 19 IG, 18 22-(8), 2fi 17, 9 13, I 8. 13 22, 3 11, 11 18, 1G 12, 10 15, 11 IG. 8 4, 12 8. W. irins. (2) If 14 17-13), 7 14. 25 2-2, 19 15, 02 31, 14 10, 23 25, 10 1, 3 •», 21 11, 31 27, 30 23, 27 11, W. wins. (3) If 3 8. 19 IG, 8 11, 2.1 27. 1G 12, 27 31-<4), 12 3, 31 22, 7 2, fi 9, 2 G, W. wins. (!) If 8 11, 7 IG. 27 31, 20 23. 31 27. 23 19, 27 13, 12 R, 23 18. 1G 12. 18 15, 19 16, W. wins (5) If 18 22. 26 17, 23 22, 17 13, 22 18-(0), 11 7, 16 15, 7 2, 15 31, 21 8, W. wins. (G) G 9, 13 G. 18 15, 19 16, 15 19, 16 10, 10 15(7), 7 10, 14 18, in 11, W. wins. (7) 19 21, 27 23, 10 15, 7 10, 13 18, 10 17, 18 27, W. wins. (S) 21-22, 2fi 17, 9 13, I 8, 13 22. 8 11, 22 25, 11 7, 10 15, 7 10, 15 19, 10 17, 19 23, 17 22, etc, W. wiiw. NEW ZEALAND CHAMPIONSHIP. Tho following table shows (lie entries and aggregate scoros: —

• lly tho percentage system the pointa vroro:—Hillikei 200|, Cnldorwoorl 191};. . Tlw following nro the prizes and prizetolws in tlw tonrnoy:—Firsts Frank E. Hillikcr, Dnncdin, champion of Xow Zealand. liolrler of Iho Wollinilon Chnllciiga. Cup, unci JCI2; ficcond, David Cnlderwooit (llimtly, Wnikaln), £&; third, James A. Boroham (Dunodhi), £G. Sealed Iliunlicnp Tonnioy Priics.—First, John Ijosßntt (Wollinrrton), £H; second. Charlcfl Rcid (Wellington), £5; third, J. Clrant (Xcw Plymouth), JC3. Tho following poeition %Tas won by Ililliker, and was practically (he decidint; factor in the tourney, for in dofcalinr; Oaldcfwood ho secnre<l tho extra |>croentasc ixiints by wliich ho \roii tlio clmiiiplonsliip:— IBucs.]

[Wans.] Black—Calucrwood. Whito—Hilliker. Whito to play:

NOTES BY sraCIAL CORRBSIWDKOT. 'fljo Wellington totimoy was conspicuous for tlic nttnibcr of ikw competitors, Muwrs Chant, Pago, Wirteon, J. llckl, llwwoii, a«<l Coulter making their first appearajico in Now Zealand olianinionship tourneys. Messrs Glkjiil and Vapc impressed mo an men likely to inttko a namo for themselves in the future. The Wellington oommittoo worked liard to gather together tho £10 iequired. To tho cliflirman of the couunilteo (Mr I/ightloot). and to the lcve.l-hrodcd secretary and rofcroo (Mr tl. 0. Alberlson) much <>| tho uicooss of tho tourney h <Ui«. Tho latter put Rood effort into his' work, and d:'d not miss ft point in pushing tho welfare of the tourney. Tim New Zealand Drnngbts Association Me iudehted to lh« Wellington committee for the securing oj a largo challenge, cup. now nnmetl in honour t>( tlwir eflort "Tho Wellington Cliallenflo Cup," to ho held bv each sucecssivo winner of the Now ZoaJund ohauipionjhip. Tho (itccirlivo of tho Wellington Working Men's Club, through their president (ilr Maee) contributed very largely to Uk> success of the gathering, placing' tlieir largo social hall at the cfcsprwil of the cotrrmittoo fur the playing of tho tournev. ami rondoring good linuncial assistance. There whs r. very liuro attendance of interested spectators durint tlio play. Owing to the numerous entries (1G), arrangements were altered, and three sittings a day played, 9 a.m., 2 p.m., and 7 p,m. Messrs Boreham and Hilliker played CJ hows in their two games, Hilliker and Pago nearly 5 houi*. Brnco and Borohnin over 51 hours, Borelmm and Caldorwood I nouns for one ruii'.o, j draw resulting. The handiooppers got in good work at Wellington. Mr Wilson and his colleagues bringill? out tho competitors well bunched at the finish, and they were heartily congratulated upon tlieir work. SOUJTIONS TO IMtOTH.EMS. Problem 3917 (llv W. I)mm).-Black: 5, 7 11. 22. 28. kings 3. 23. White: 13. 11. 21. 21, 2S. 31, kms '"• Black to move anil win. £127 31 21 2i 17 17 i:i IS 2| 19 |.t :'4 ill St! 311 SSI l 5 Iti Ii S 3 7\n 17 M VI H 21 19 St l!> IK 7 M 7 30 23 10 I 2? 1(1 12 S :| 111 3 II) lllack wins Problem 331S (Bv the lalo Charles Wilder). -Black: 21 CO. 27. 'White: ill. kings 17, 26\ White to play ami win. ;S 3J 17 .3 :!l -.5 fii -P- 13 2> ;: II itiltl nil « Si '7 White wins Problem 5919 (Bv Robert BosvvclD.-Blaek: 3 5. 22, king 27'. White: 10. 2:1. 21, 2,< White to play and draw.—This position was left as a Black win in dame 3191. between M.wsrs Ward, and Nixon. i 2"> ;'t 19 If, 10 ti CI »fi » « 52 '.'ti iH 22 IS 15 913 15 in 13 17 .» « 15 10 £0 IK 1 n d 0 It SI iti 31 17 23 J2 IS IS 10 19 •::! 17 22 21 19 tl 2 lit 12 5 9 10 H 21 17 ol Vti fit IS 5 9 1(1 15 IS '5 Drawn Problem 3320 (Bv W. Dunn).-Black: 2. i, S, 11, U. 13, 19. 26. White: 9. 12. 25, 27, 52, kings 3, 10. Klui to move and win. IS IS 3 1» 4 S l' 7 IS C ,; 3 10 17 11 1« 312 Hi ::i 19 ti :> 7 12 3 IS 23 l:u> 3i :v Black wins. Probksn 39/21 (By W. Vcall.-Biack: 1, il, 17. 25, 26. king 20. White: o. 6, 7, 10. kings 4, 9. While to ploy and win. ifi '8 11 II Hi 10. 7 9 U HII tl ft-A 15 19 ill 2 2i in 111) W. wiiu (A) 11 16 comas tollie same, (li) 1 10 ocjuhm to the saiii*. Problem 3322 (Bv W. VeaD.-Black: 4. 13, ». king 1& AVirite: 9, 30, 31, ki:i ; i, White to play and win. ii ■:« 17 M it! i:i 31 '-V> V 22 M :i! IS 22 22 :5 15 IS IS;7 S3 IS W. win? In tho foKpHtifi overj- move is. nicely, forced, inakrug a good problem.

ft d 4 % \ 9 "5 —• •2 g E o 5 $ '* a Jj « a f2 Hilliker 23 G 1 20 - 2G' Caldvrwood .. .. SI 6 1 26 — 2li' Horcham .... 18 9 3 22J — 2?5 IjegRiiU 17 10 ,1 22* ,1 25 Enckton .. .. 12 11 4 19 a go i Gibson 12 8 10 1(1 5 21 C. Itcid 13 5 12 155 9 2I> Bruce 11 7 12 ]4> 6 •*« Cliiuil 11 G 13 II 10 2IJ Lowllicr .... 1) H 13 13 8 21 Mooro ' fl 7 14 125 8 20} J. Rcid 9 7 14 12J 9 215 | I'bro 7 2 21 8 10 18 [Watson i G 20 7 101 17J Manron 2 8 20 G 12 18 Ooultor 3 5 22 55 145 20

:iU7 24ro nu i;n 3 8 10 7 H I* 27 23 18 53 23v»7 27 2l 14 10 :.'! 5 5 1 8 3 21 1? IS IS' 7 3 II 111 23 18 15 IS IE 10 0 I) III li ■Oil 15 14 17 12 IS 15 II II ID 732 18 15 IS 15 27 34 !l 13 ti It it 17 II 8 17 U 19 25 17 H 21 17 13 22 ID 14 15 IS 32 27 13 17 While ■Sll 5 M 14 17 !5 2l 14 HI winn 32 27 14 18 1815 10 6 17 14

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 3

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DRAUGHTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 3

DRAUGHTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 3