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A Press Association telegram from Auckland states that tho Prime Minister and the Hon. G. W. Russell have accepted invitations to ho present at the citizens' reception to Iw tendered to tho Hon. A. Myers on Thursday. Other Ministers will probably bo present. A Press Association telegram from Nelson reports that tho Hon. J. Colvin (Ministor of Mines) arrived overland from tho West Coast lust night, 110 will leave for Wellington to-dny. The members of tho Reform party at present in Otago will return to Duuedin by tho express from the. south this evening. Liter in tho evening Mr Massey will bo entertained at a social gathering.

Tho public are reminded of tho sociul to Ik) tendered to Mr W. K. Mnssey, M.l\, in tho Art Gallery Hall this evening. Vocal items will 1m rendered by Messrs J. Jago and \V. Thomson and by Misa Helen Gard'nor, Messrs M'Kinlay, Ratichop, Oliver, and Reid will contribute a quartet, and Mr a violin solo. Tho accompaniments will lie played by Mr .1. Ilaggitt. Most of the tickets have already been sold, and nnyono wishing to bo present, and not yet having procured one, is advised to do so without further delay.

A deputation from the Farm Labourers' Union waited on tho Hon. 11. G. Kll at Chrisfchurch yesterday (says a Press Association telegram). It was alleged that the provision of tho law in regard to accommodation for farm labourers in Canterbury was l>oinp ignored by a majority of fanners. It was stated that only a- few employers woro providing adequate housing, fn many cases the accommodation was disgraceful. Mr Kll promised to lay Iho matter beforo tho Minister of Labour.

Tho triangular duel for mayoral honours now going on in tho Roslyn Horough is bringing to tho surface unpleasant, incredible, and i|iiito unnecessary personalities. At the mooting of the Rcslyn Council last night Cr Wilkinson began with considerable warmth to refer to rumours current in tho Iwough that Cr Mathcson, ono of tho candidates for the chair, had been offered bribes if he would have certain works carried out. Such a charge, said' Cr Wilkinson, affected the integrity of tho whole, of tho council. The Mayor ruled that a notice of motion must 1» given More such a charge could bo tabled, and the matter dropped.

A Press Association message from Wellington states that Mr .1. Cullen took up his new duties as Commissioner of Police yesterday. Tho junior department of the Y.M.C.A. held its first, gathering of tho winter session last evening. There was a large attendance of members and friends. During the evening Messrs Dawson, Sibthorp, and Taylor rendered items,, and games were also indulged in and were greatly appreciated by those present. Mr H. Webb spoke a few words of direr and encouragement to tho lads, and regretted that ho was not able to attend more frequently. Mr Hughes remarked that tho new building would l>o ready in tho course of a few weeks, and (minted out that a large space had been set nsitle for the use of the boys, lie also urged the memly-rs present to rally round and increase the niembersbiij to 50D lads. At tho next meeting officers will lie appointed for the ensuing year. A communication was recently sent lo tho lion. J. A. Ilanau by Mr T. K. Sidey, M.P.. asking the Minister when a definite reply would he given to the request for increased accommodation at the Musselburgh School. Yesterday Mr Sidey received word that the matter was under consideration by tho Cabinet.

A Press Association Hograni states that Mr W. 11. Wickham. IViti.-li Trade Com-mis-ioner. met a number of (imminent hminos.i men at Oamaru yesterday and disoiissMl trade matters with the view lo obtaining information as to the source of importation of motor cars, agricultural machinery, limber, ami ironmongery. Speaking of motor cars, he said that the trade had great possibilities, his information going to prove that Knglish and American lirnis cot.trolled tho bulk of it. The Commissioner went on to Timarti later in the day.

At the City Police Court yesterday lltorninsr George Hrcreton. with several previous convict ions, was fined 5-, with the alternative of 24 hours' imprisonment, for drunkenness A firs offender who ciiil not appear was convicted and dishatcod. .Serpeatit Eecle* said the man had Iwn intoxicated in Princes street South the pro\inus afternoon and had faikn thioiiL'h a l>!ate -.class window, cutting his liead Ivdlv. He was now in ihe lb>pii;il. The Map---irate considered he Lad boon siillivicmly punished without ;t line. The ca.-'o apinst Frederick Percy Evans, charred with fraudulently ontittitit: to pay moneys to the City Corporation, was again adjourned till Monday, bail ooin~ allowed as l>ofore. Mr liaulon appeared for tho accused.

Tho English mail which was despatched from Ihinedin via Vancouver on Mnrch 13 arrival in London on tho 18th iiist.— throo days lato.

A noteworthy point in connection with the brick area by-law in tho Horough of Ilalcliitlia cropped up at tho last mooting of tho Borough Council. A local husine.-vs man asked permission to terntiorarily shift his wooden premises across to the otliT side of Civile street while a largo now hriel; building was being erected. There would he a clear space of 36ft from tho proposed fito of the removed premises to the nearest building. Tho council's discussion was not open to the prcs?, but it was eventually resolved that tho town clerk write to the applicant stating that the eonnci|"repretted it could not seo its way to grant the request, as tho removal of a wooden building within tho brick area would be contrary to tho borough by-laws Notwithstanding tho council's decision ii is held by some that the premises could lie removed temporarily without infringing tho by-law, and that, in the interests of progress, no such obstacle should bo thrown in tho way of business p;op!o, especially in exceptional cases liko that under notice.

Tho final event in the Clutha Sheep Dog Club trials was tho Consolationabout 500 yds, time 10 minutes, and maximum points 32. It was concluded on Thursday evening, and resulted as follows:- .). and It. Pollock's ((lore) Chance, 27 poin;-, 1; K Russell's Ulakataramoa) Scott, 26 points, 2; and I*. Watts's (Warq.a) Nell and J. and It. Pollock's Sharp tied for third place with 25 poinis cavh, and divided third and fourth prizes.

Apparently littlo interest lias so far been aroused in the contest lietwecn Messrs K. S. Clarko and P. L. Clark for tho Maori Hill mayoralty. Mr E. S. Clarko was to have addressed a mooting iii the Council Cliiiinbors tost night, but there were a number of other meetings in the district, with the result that tho attendance was so small that the candidate after waiting for some time decided not to speak. At present he decs not think he can arrange, another opportunity of putting his views beforo tho ratepayers from the platform.

Mr 11. Y. Widdmvson, S.M., hold a short silting of the Magistrate's Court at Port Chalmers yesterday. Gcorgo Dawson Armstrong (for whom Mr Scurr appeared) plratlc<l " Guilty" lo a charge of having entered ilio Saratoga Hotel at dining tlio currency of a prohibition order, nml was convicted and fined £1. wiilt costs (15s Ed), in default 10 days' imprisonment. Franc-is Dochcrty, a young uniuarried man, was ordered to pay 10s' per week towards tht> maintenance of his mother, for whom Mr do In Mere appeared.

Four dervishes who fought against the British at Omdnrman have now exchanged the shovel-hladed spear for the iuicros«|>o and warliko pursuits for tho study of tropical diseases. This somewhat remarkable conversion was described by Mr R. Dtirantl in addressing the members cf tho Now Zealand Club in Wellington. He stated that a magnificent laboratory had been established at Khartoum for the study of tropical diseases. The work was carried out upon an extended scale. Every year the men engaged in it travelled ir,i tho Nilo lo study the habits of mosquitoes and other insects suspected of spreading abroad various diseases. Four of the workers engaged in this humanitarian activity were dervishes, onco wild sons of tho desert, who hnd taken tho field against the British at Oinduriiiaii It was a wonderful example of the benefit of British Imperialism, Mr Dtirand remarked, to sec theso four dervishes labouring at a <roat risk, not for their own lienciit, b'.it for tho licnefit of tho human race at large.

There is to bo a revival of the whaling industry in Now Zealand on a fairly snlistint ial scale. A company, which will operate as the Now Zealand Whaling Company, has been Heated by Mr C. Nielsen, of Larvik, Norway, with a capital of £60.000, and British investors are interested to some extent (says Ilio Auckland correspondent of the Lytlelton Times). Mr L. S. Hasle arrived in New Zealand recently to undertake the management of the company, and has taken up his residence at Uussell. There arc at present no fewer than six vessels, five steamers and one sailer, belonging to the company en route lo various ports in tho Dominion. Mr Hasle. was advi.-ed on Wednesday (hat the steamers Whaugaroi, Whangaroa, Hawk, and Eacrle passed through the Suez Canal for New Zealand on April 12. Tim sailer Prince George, left Homo on March 7 for Husso.ll direct, and the steamer Hakiuru, 5700 tons, sailed on April 4 for Wostport. via Port Natal, where she will call for bunkers. The steamers have evidently been pnrclnscd at Home and renamed, but the barquo Prince George is known lo a number of seamen about Auckland, and is descrilied as a fine stamp of vessel. She was built by Roydon and Son, Liverpool, in 188-1, and was launched as the Sierra Cadena, and was afterwards renamed the Calisloga, The vessel was then purchased by a Norwegian firm and her name was altered lo Prince George. The Prince (leorgo is of 1903 lons gross, and h.»r dimensions arc:—Length 268 ft. beam 42ft, and depth 24ft. Captain Hasle states that the Prince (leorgo is fitted out with tho latest plant for boiling out blubber, beef, and kino. Sho has also a plant for turning portions of the wludo carcase- into fertiliser. Tho Rakiuru wr.s specially purchased with a view in navigating tho Wcslport bar. The Hawk and Eagle uro steam whale boats. 115 ft long anil 21ft beam, steaming 13J knots with 730 horsepower engine'. The year will bo divided into two seasons. Tho headquarters will lie at lius:oll from May to Ociolx>r and at Stewart Island from Octolier to Mav.

A trial of Messrs Muir and Munden's street annunciator was made on mm of the City Corporation cars yesterday afternoon. The device has Iwn taken up by a local syndicate, and is already patented in nearly all parts of the world. A largo parly. including Mr Myers (chairman of the Tramways Committee), .feveral councillors, and most of the shareholders in the syndicate, look part in the irip, which was from tho sheds .to the Gardens and hack. Tho indicator is controlled by the motoniinn. who has only to press a button on parsing each intersection when a bell rings and the next stopping-place is announced in largo letters within tiio cat in full view cf the wholo of the paswigeis, In addition to acting for the- purpose for which it would be installed, it would serve as a-tt unsurpassable advertising medium, and in the event of it achieving the success anticipated would prow a large ,-ourco cf revenue to tramway companies. On the outward trip the machine worked without a hitch, but r.vio.' on the inward journey it failed, first at Diimlas street, where tho screen ran for three streets, stopping at Albany street, and again after pawing tho Octagon. The defect, however, it is explained, was entirely <\w to the composition of the roll, which was only made for temporary use. Mr Myers, en licir.g approached sub'eiptenily Ivy one of our representatives, >tatisl that tho City Council had tho first option of the patent at a reduced figure, but Ik- expressed the opinion that a further trial must lv> held before ihr council would decide upon any action. The device, must work to absoiuto perfection, as the slightest hite.h would necessarily prove nto.-t inconvenient to passengers, inasmuch

as it would cause the wrong street :o he indicated. In addition to lhe slight I rouble yesterday, which corluinly appears to be in 1:0 way prejudicial 10 tho prosports of the machine, tlie fact has -0 bo i-msidercd that a (lurk device has to ly> installed be.«ide the iiiotorman to indicate what street the inside machine i.s .-howini;, and lief ore the council can definitely commit itsolf the certain working of the machines in' unison will havo to bo thoroughly jennMairated.

Tho annual meetings of householders for tho election of school committees will lw held on Monday owning next ct 7.30 o'clock in the fvlnxil of eiich district.

Tho Clutlu Leader is authoritatively informed that tho South Otago Freezing Works will bo ready for tho commencemont of work on May 1.

At a. dittiiu,' of tho court at Blaoka yesterday Stanley Charles Ililgcndorf was charged with stealing £4C anil Michael Ikglcy with receiving £20, tho property of tho Postal Department. The offenco ia alleged to havo taken placo at Omakau, where lioth tho accused have l>een employed in tho railway service. Ililgcndorf pleaded "Guilty," and was committed for sentence at tho Supreme Court. Bogloy pleaded " Not guilty," and was committed for trial. Until were admitted to bail of £75 each and two sureties of a similar amount.

At the City Council meeting on Wednesday a number of proposed increases in salary wore considered in committee. The principal ones agreed to were as follow: — Mr 0. A. Lcwiu (town clerk). £600 to £700 per year; Mr 11. A. Johnston (chief clerk, town clerk's department), £230 to £250; Mr W. D. K. M'Curdio (city engineer), £450 to £550; Mr .1. M'l-achlan (chief inspector of works), £215 to £250; Mr W. 1). Snowball (abattoir inspector), £175, house, and forage, to £200, houso, and forage; Mr I). Tannock (superintendent of reserve), £300 and houso to £325 and house; Mr \V. It. M'Kwnn (librarian), £300 to £320; Mr C. V. Alexander (tramways miiniifjer), £500 to £550; Mr J. llungerford (gas engineer), £450 and houso to £475 and house.

Tho Maheno is advertised to run fc> tho Maori Ktiik and b:.ok at excursion iutc3. Tho Itev. ]•). Drake will conduct an evaugeli.-tic service to-muriow evening in tin: Kew Primitive Methodist Church. .Alexander's Hymns will Ixi sung. At St. Paul's Cathedral to-morrow night th:i service will luivo sjwciiil ri-fucnce to tho wreck of the Titanic. Mendelssohn's air, "Lord (kxl of Abraham," will bo sunj, by Mr .lohn Ilaggett. The offortorium will he, " 0 res: in the Lord " (Mendelssohn), and the " Diad March" in "Saul" will |)o played. The thirfy-thiid anniversary of Dr Wnddell's settlement in St- Ar.drow's Church will !>o observed to-morrow. The l\cv Mr Lindsay (Moderator of tho Gcuoral Assembly) will take the son-ice in tho momin?, and Dr Waddell in tho evening. A retiring collection will In; taken up in nid of the Territorial Chaplaincy l'und'. At tho strangers' ten to be held at the Y.M.C.A. rooms to-morrow afternoon Mr H. Huglles feenoral secretary) will givo an address, entitled "The ltook of Jicoks."

Tin 1 Council of Christian Churches tinsioanees tluit a special thank-giving service for tho splendid icsults of ilio ChapmanAlexander Mission wili l>e held on Monday evening, at 7.30, in Knox Church. The President of tho Council (ilio Rev. R. 11 Davie. l ) will preside A scries of short testimonies will lie given by ministers and others.

The King Street Congregational Church will mark its anniversary by special .w----vicea to-morrow. Tho Revs. W. Saunders P. W. I'nircbugh, and Professor Hewitson will occupy the pulpit in the morning, a-fter-nojii. and evening respectively. The annual soiree is fixed for Wednesday evening. A special musical programme will bo provided, and short addresses will bo given by ilio Rev. R. K. Davie? and the local congrcg.itioinl ministers.

Notices of the following Sunday services wili In l found in the advertising columns:— Aiu'lican: St. Paul's. All Saints', St. Martin's Presbyterian: St. Andrew's. Reusingion, First, Russell Street, Knox, North-East Valley, Opolio, South Duncdin, Koslyn. Congregational: Moray Place, Kinir Street. Baptist: Hanover Street, Methodists: Trinity. Woodhaugh. North-East Valley. Central Mission. Primitive Methodist: Dumbs Street. Ravenslxitiriie. IlighclilF, Anderson's Bay, Kcw, Fairfield, Ahliotsford. Salvation Army. Tlioosophical Society. "Perfect in every part."—The worldfamous U.S.A. Co. started making 25 motor cycles tier week; now they are making 75. Next .Tune will he turning out 150 per week.—Stcdman and Wilson, Cumberland street, Duncdin.—Advt.

No wonder the monster lioot sale at Simon Brothers' is booming. Every pair at genuine salo prices.—Atht. .

A. I). Edgar, dentist, Cargill's Cornor, South Duncdin. Full upper or lower 6et of artificial tenth, £5 3s. Extraction under gns, 3s 6d. Painless extraction, 2s 6d each. Additional tooth. Is 'Phono 3039.—Advt.

Dr Hale's " Vin Sanguis" recommended by the medical faculty. Nutritious, stimulating, flesh-forming: 2s 6d bottle.—Wilkinson and Son. pharmicists, Duncdin.—Advt.

Tho practical jewellers in Duncdin are Williamsons'. You may see Iheni sizing your ring or effecting yotf repair?.—Arivt.

Readers should inspect Royal Bungalow pintiqiir) ware_ now on view "at Chinroni's Ait Depot, which is certainly most artistic. -Ailvl.

A Disordered Stomach is a constant source of pain and suffering. Indigestion, a Sluggish Liver, and Inactive Kidneys can be cured by "Wahoo." which gives quick and welcome relief. 2s 6d bottle—chemists and storekeepers.—Advt.

Splendid heavy-weight colonial blankets, guaranteed all pure wool, double-bed size, 19s 6d per pair.—Mollison's Limited.—Advt.

We recommend for watch, clock, and jewellery repairs A. J. Shaw, 13 Rattray street. 'Absolutely tho best in Duncdin.— Advt

For children's hacking cough at night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d, 2s 6(1, -Advt.

You cannot do holler than make our establishment your buying centre when you lenuire a weeding or birthday gift. Reliability in jewellery and silverware is always associated with cur immo.-G. and T Young (Limited). 88 Princes street.—Advt.

A. E. J. Blakcley. dentist, Bank of Australasia, corner of Bond and Rattray streets (next Telegraph Office). Telephone- 1659.— Advt.

Wno is Pr.TEit Dick ?—Tho most rcliablo Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Oplioian, opposite Palace Motel. Moray place. Duncdin. Charges strictly moderate.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 9

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 9

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15433, 20 April 1912, Page 9