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At a mooting of the Pnncdin Labourers' Union on Wednesday night, Mr 11. Kendall ami .Mr .M. M'Alicn wore nominated for tho position of president; Mr .1. MacManns ond Mr A. H. Jackson for tho officii of secretary:; and Mr W. G. Cocking ond -Wr K. Rae for the treasnrcnsliip. A ballot will bo taken to decide these ejections. Mr IX J. M'Donald and Mr H. H. Coldslwrry ivuro dec'jarod elected ns vicoprcsidonts, only tho two Iviug nominated.

The Regimental Institute- which is king conducted nt tho Territorial camp at Wairongca Ls in every way justifying its existence liy fdling a need uikl proving a boon to the men in camp. Tiio fact that over 800 letters and post-cards have pawed through the writing tent, shows to what an extent the men have availed themselves of tho privileges provided. During leisure hours the Y.MX'.A. tents arc constantly full, and the men freely lata advantage of tho piano, tho reading and writing material, Uio box-ing-gloves, and other equipment; and many have expressed their satisfaction and appreciation of the efforts which are being made for their recreation and comfort wJiilc off duly.

Our Invcrcargill correspondent states that at the linal wool sale of tho season to-day 4026 bales will l>o offered. Tho general im-prcic-ion seems to Ixi that there will bo a decline in prices of about jd per lb all round, although miicn depends upon tho quality of tho wool. At recent northern sales tho quality has been reported as being not of tho lwst, and this lo eomo extent may account for tlio decline in prices. Tlio opinion lias Ijccn expressed that fino wool will command as good a prico as at tho previous InvoreargiU sa'.c.

A confcrciico of delegates from Iho Otago, Southland, and Canterbury Labourers' Unions was commenced in tlio Trades Hall yesterday. Tlw object of the conference is to formulate ruleu and regulations for the federation of all unskilled labour in-the South Island. In all some 6000 men are represented. After the federation is completed it is probable that tho North Island unions will bo invited to confer with it at Wellington (probably at Easter), when it is hoped that n federation embracing the whole Dominion will be formed, and Iho prfsent disabilities resulting from sectional action removed. No particular as to the progress of tho conference arc yet available, but it is thought tltat the .scheme will bo completed and approved some time tiiis afternoon.

At tho meeting of the Olago High Schools Hoard of Governors yestorday, it was unanimously decided to place on record the high appreciation of tho services rendered to tho board by the I leu. J. R. Sinclair, who has held the position of chairman for over eight years. ' Tho Accrotary was also instructed to write Mr Sinclair, on behalf of tho board, wishing him a pleasant trip to the Homo Country ami «• safe return. Tho Hon T. Forgus was thon appointed chairman to the board for tho ensuing term.

As showing how little requires to bo done to mako Iho St. Leonards jolty approachable by tho ferry steamers, it may h> mentioned that on Saturday tho Torowai conveyed a largo picnic party iroc tho St. Leonards wharf just an hour and a-half after low water, and that .Mr Moss, of the Tarowai, stales that with an extension of from 6ft lo 10ft to the jolly ho could bring his craft alongside at any time, as a good channel runs up to it from the main fairway.

A mooting of directors of tho Ol.ago Farmers' Union Mutual I''iro Insurance Association was hold ul, Mcrei-s Hiijjli Mitchell and Co.'s offico on Tuesday, when thero was a good aik-ndancv of directors, Mr William Grey (chairman) presiding. A largo amount of correspondence was dealt with, and the appointment of the following agents was eonfirincd by tho dircctoro—namely, Mr J, M. Seville (storckocpor, nt Lovcll's Flat) and Mr A. Smaill iKaitangatn) for that district. Great satisfaction was expressed at tho steady progress being made liy tho association, the total insurances now reaching £160,255, being an inercasc of £5546 sinco hist meeting. In addition, tho reservo account lias been very substantially increased.

The members of tho Reserves Committee of tho City Council yesterday paid a visit of inspection to kike Logan. At its next meeting the conimitteo will discuss tho diffc:rcnt suggestions which havo been brought fonvard for improving and laying out the lake, and will at a later date bring up a report to the council embodying its proposals. If it is approved of, the report will thou lie sent to tho ILirbcur lioard for its consideration.

A conference of delegates to tho Now Zealand Federated Painters' Association is to bo hold in Duncdin on April 6, when remits from the various unions affiliated to tho association will bo considered. The local union Ikls appointed Messrs W. Campbell and K. Clietwin as its delegates to the conference.

At a meeting of tlio Mataura Borough Council on Wednesday evening, it was decided to accept tho lender of Messrs A. Briscoe and Co. for tlio supply of Mnnnesnanii st«x)l pipes and fittings required for tho reticulation of tho town in connection with tho installation of a water service. Tho amount of the tender was £2471 17s Id. Tenders were alto received from Mason and StrnlJicrs, Stewart and I/oyd, Paterson and Ilarr, A. and T. Burl, mid J. Uuthie. Alternative tenders had liecn invited for tho material in ciul-iron or steel, the former tondcrs ranging from £2802 to £i 548, while Che prices for steel ran from £2471 to £2798. Mr 11. li. Couston is acting as engineer for the southern borough counoil.

At last mooting of the School Heard it. was decided to roadvertifo u vaauicy on tho staff, tho position lwing one for n Itidy t«icher nt u salary of £l'& SM per ,'uimini. Tho remark ns inailc iluit though ordinary (|iiaiific<l toaohers arc in keen demand, the demand for technical idiosl teachers was even greater, from th fact that technical education is now in n somewhat transient Mago, and consci]ii(.iil!y no provision had been made for the training of teachers in other than the ordinary subjects for pnblio school certificates.

Tlio Hermitage during the past week has had (jiiitc a numt>cr of well-known mountain climbers among its guests, all waiting for tho weather to clear. Of tJic number may be mentioned Miss Dnfaur, of Now •South Wales, r.'ho is the only !<wly who ;i„ s so far succeeded in reaching tho Minimi of Mount Cook; Mr S. Turner, F.H.G.S., Messrs 11. F. Wright (DuiMxlinl, and Grave (Oamarn). Guides (Jrahajn, Murphy, and Clark have not had much opportunity of doing any seriotw climbing with tJiu visitor!', I>:it, notwithstanding tho rain, some short .sido tiips to Mount Sccly, the Mueller Glacier, etc., havo been made, and Mr Turner has helped to aimife the weatherlwuml visitors with awnc very nnicli anprecii'td exhibitions of bis skill as un equilibria, etc. Altogether, tho time has not j.-assed unpleasantly.

At tho Magistrate's Court yesterday (says » Vkm Association telegram) tho Itogistrur of Old-age Pensions proceeded against a female applicant for tho o'dogc pension for fraudulently altering tho date of birth in her marriage certificate for the purpose of .securing a pension. The magistrate, in convicting her, remarked that thin was tho second of the kind in tho district, and emphasised the [act that persons practising this form of deceit rendered themselves liablo to six months' imprisonment.

After waiting at tho Hermitage, Mount ' Coo!;, from Saturday night until Wedneomorning in Iho hope that tho weather conditions would change, a number of mm.b" t . ho A f ociafio », ha<l J?^* <« abandon their intcjition of reaching Ckcy„101llh) whoro tho nnnual |Ilcc|illg h o[ aviation is beu.g hold, by way of tho Copland Pass. On Tuesday Messrs Kcnwick, ; Stanley Kinith, and Ibrr, accompanied by t '; l,, '° (-rohani, proceeded up tho Hooker ulle " is far an tho hut which haa been Cl 'f ckvl on the Copland Ptiss track. It ,1V " !0(1 intfirniittenUy during tho six-milo walk to tho hut, and, as snow was lying on Iho track almost down to tho 40COft level, at which tho hut is erected, Graham decided that it was hopeless to expect to get across tho pa M f or „ fcu . ,| lO weather showing no sign of a, change. Tho party inado their way back to tho Hermiligo, and tlso gentlemen named, together with otlior members of the parly, aro now on their my lo tho West Coast, via tho Otira Gorge.

Education in tlio Dominion has At times been criticised wry adversely for not l>cin^ in kcoptng with the requirements of Uio people or tlio class of work which residontd iu the different districts kvo to perform. At Wednesday's meeting of tlio board of Technical School Managers, however, there uvm not wanting evidence that a change is taking place in this rctpoct in various |«irU of tho Dominion, for atnong tho correspondence woro no fewer than three letters, headed Wellington, Uhristohurch, and Invcreargill, from gentlemen offering to conduct oJa&ses in veterinary tii-st aid, \vco!-ckifsinß, ;uid sliecpfariuiiig and woolclassing respectively. From Uio details contained in tlio letter wo gatJior that theso three gentlemen aro at present ail engaged in teaching the different subjects mentioned above. Evidently, liiorcfore, tho study of agriculture, is r.ow receiving a sharo o{ Uio attention it Jias so long lacked.

A Wellington message reports that tlio terms of ofiico of conciliation commissioners by Messrs P. llaty, T. 11. Cilos, and J. R. Triggs, which recently expired, Jiavo been extended as from January 22.

Tho appointment of W. J. Protiso as Vicoconsul of Uruguay ;it Wellington has (says an Association message] been provisionally recognised

Tito Portobollo Road Board wrote to tho Works Commiittoo of tho City Council last night, forwarding plans of tho proposed new bridgo to bo built across tho nwutii of tho inlet tit Anderson's Bay. It is estimated tiiat tho bridge will cost £1000, and the board' wished tho council to oontributo £5C0 —Jwlf the expense. Tho conimittoo did not arrive at any decision in tho matter, and tho whole iiuestion will probably bo brought before tho next meeting of tho council.

Tho Works Committee of tho City Council has decided to recommend the council to purchaso Fox's quarry at Caversham, Mr Fox's temiro of tlio quarry having- expired, and he having decided not to apply for a now lease. It is estimated that tlio quarry will supply stono tor tho next 10 years for t.ho um) of tho Cavorsliam and South Ounodin district.

At a meeting of tho Public Works Committee of the City Council last night, a letter ww) received from Mr Steele, Northliast Valley, withdrawing his claim of £250 for damages sustained by tho overflowing of Lindsay's Creek. On receipt of this letter, tiie committee decided to recommend that £30 lw spent in clearing up tlio creek for about two chains adjacent to Mr Steele's property, tho stones cleared from the bed of tho crock to be left on 'tlio bank for .ur Steele to dispose of in whatever manner ho uesirts. Tho committee is taking this courso in order to maintain its attitudo of non-liability for dania.go caused by tho Hooding of the creek.

The English mail wliich was despatched from Dtinodin, via Vancouver, on tho 17th January, arrived in London on tlw 21st inst. —two days late.

Tlio mcimWs of tho honorary medical staff of tiio Duiuxlin Hospital aro emphatic- in their opinion as to the most suitable site for a secondary hospital. Tlso following letter has been directed to tho Board by tho lion, secretary of tiio honorary medical stalf (Dr Williams):—" I am directed by tiio Jionorary medical staff to write you on tho subject of tho secondary hospital, which, tlioy understand, h still occupying the attention of (Jio bard. Tho stutf desire again most earnestly to urgo upon tho board: that tlio Pino Hill site should bo eccuwml. Tho properly thoro has practically all tho qualifications which, in the opinion of tho stall, aro needed for a secondary hospital." Tho adjourned caso of theft and rcojiving stolen goods against Willianifon again camo before Mr 11. Y. Widdowson, 0..M., in the City Police Conn yesterday. Mr Scitrr reprefontcd accused, and Alfred Woolnought was called to give evidence- as to accused going to Auckland to travel for hiin, after wJiicli Mr Widdowson raid that ho found great difficulty in tho ease, and proposed to t»k© further timo to consider it. An adjournment was mado till Saturday. Tho monthly meeting of tho Green Island School Committee was held on Wednesday evening, and was attended by Messrs A. Kane (chairman), Wright, • Taylor, lianaway, Jackson, Duncan, and Wynn. Apologies were received from Messrs Deer, Clark, and the secretary (Mr Miller). Tho head uuulor's rcyort showed tlio attendance since school duties wore resumed to bo 170 boys and 193 girls, tho roll number being 3SV. Thirty children had left and about tho same number wcro admitted. Tho Works Committee was instructed to attend to some minor repairs, and the master was empowered to procure necessary school equipments required. Mr Gilchrist's olfor to give two of his lectures to the school children was deferred, it being Draught an inopportune titno at present to give them.

The Waikouaiti settlers arc moving in the direction of holding the unnual celebration of the nnnivcrKiry of the icltlemont of that district by passengers by tho Magnet in IBM. There is a remnant still surviving of that hardy band, ajid their presence at Mich gatherings bridges tlio present with that distant past that wos tho precursor of so many clianges. iho dal* which is fixed upon for tho celebration it March 20, which is the nearest suitablo day to tho actual anniversary—namely, March 13- Unfortunately, Wailcor.aiti i> cut out from the list of stations at which all the express trains *lop, and clfoits aio being made to induce tho railway authorities to relax on this occasion the rule which forbids many from it dihtanct; from liuiug present. Tho celebration w of sulficieiit historical value to warrant the small concession which is to bo asked for.

On the motion of .Mr I'. M'Kinlay tho following resolution was adopted by tho l<uigo Education at its mtotiiifj ywterday:—"That owing to tho increasing (i'.'ht of tho auuiiustration of tho School of Art a spiciul committee consisting of Messrs Mitchell, Fergus, W. Scott, ar.d tho mover bo tet up to report on tlio whole matter at a future meeting."

At this wcek'i meeting of tho Maear.drew Ilnutl .School Committee the head master's report showed that there were on tlio roll 517 scholars, which is an inciwso on 1911 of 54, and an increase over 1910 of 97. Thri-? of the iehoiars siKxwsfu' in pacing the junior «ho|jirship exiin.inatioii. Tho resignation of Mr 11. M. Henderson was received and accepted. It was decided n.jt to fill up t:« vacancies on tho committee beforr. tho annual householders' meeting. Owing to the continued uncertainty of the weather tho committee decided to abandon the kleaof holding a picnic thin year. A letter was received from the secretory of tho 'Education lioard .showing that the anomaly as regards tho Mailing of tho school under tho Education Act was receiving attention, and hail been referred to tho Education Department with tho Education Board's own, opinion oa Ux> ma'^ftr.

A meeting of tho retail section of Iho l/tatro Employers' ARw.inlion was held, yesterday rooming to givo fnrl.lier cowideration lo the fomowlint vexed question nl trsutsforring tho holiday on Anniversary Day to Easter Saturday, 'flic meeting won largely oil-ended, .1:1(1 Mr lioborl CliisVioltn oocupial tJio clKtir. Two deputations waited on the meeting—ono representing (lie Early Settlors nnd the other llio Trade* and labour I'oiuicil and the shop assistants. Tho latter as-ked the association t< throw Anniversary Day over to Master Saturday, and thus confer upon shop n.*istnnla a more lxmeficia.l holiday than was oh taincd «t either Christmas or New Year. Tho former deputation Wed its objection on sentimental grouixb, and, while approving ol Iho rcflimit iiiiuld by tho previous •iolegatus, expressed tho hoix> that the Retailors' Association would do 'nothing l<i jtopardiso Anniversary Day, wliieli wa a day dedicated to tlie early pionoors mid the work thpy did in connection with Kmpirebuilding. Tho meeting was of opinion that Anniversary Day should not ho taken out of the list of ho'.iik-.ys altogether, but was to some cjtent in sympathy with ll;o desire of Uw workers for a gtiod holiday at Ka.s!cr. As no satisfactory agreement could l>e arrived lit it was decided to adjourn the mooting until Tuesday next, when the mallei will Ijo (ina'Jy considered. If AjmivciKiry Day (March 23) and Master Saturday (April 6) are both ob.-crved as holidays litis yew it will npccssiuti: tho shops cltMiny on tw< Saturdays very near to inch other, and il would seem that from the shopkeepers point of view a compromise is very dosirab!o this year. A.-, Anniversary Day fall; on n Mon<kiy next y<sir t-his objection wil not thon lioltl good, and therefore even ii il should Iw transferred to Kartcr •Saturday tiiifl year no precedent v.ill he establish™ tlio future, 'llio tnoveuient in favour ol closing on Kistcr Mai unlay is mooting will ttrong Mippurl, a nuinlwr of the leading fhopkoe.pcra having agreed lo observe tin day aa a holiday. i In tho Alagwtrale's (L'ourL yesterday : debtor appeared on a judgment summons and was put into Uk> witness !k>x, accord ing lo usual practice, In show cause wiij lio had not paid up. After wuno invostiga tion Iho magistrate (Mr Widdowson) askn the debtor whether lie could pay by iustal moiits. " Nil," ttud llio debtor, " l wit pay it all now." Kveryl.-ody in conn Mniled at tho unexpected development. Hi: Wort-hip oxikruscd surprise that dcfcndani had not inado known his ability to pa; Mori) Jio was examined as lo hi; means. A verdict by consent was cntercc for a Iriflo over £4. Mr Moore, who up pcarcd for llio creditor, look Iho ever money, which was all defendant Jia< Itfought into court, ai.d willingly ii greet to take defendant's word that he wouli pay Iho balance. A deputation representing Mr Wilford'i llutt Coiuiiiittec interviewed the cxcculivi of Mr Vi'ilch's Motion Coiumilteo las night (says a Wmipanm telegram), <in< asked the committee lo roquet him to |>aii villi Mr Wilford. The eomtniltio unaiii mnusly declined to ;i««!o to tho request and nvolved to telegraph to Mr Veilch, in forming liim that it had full confidence ii bis determination lo stand by bis olectioi pledges. An interesting jmint was determined ii the Magistrates Court at (lisboriio ycsler day morning (says a Pres.i Assooiation lele gram). Tho freezing works' employees lefi on Thursday without notice, and tho wage; earned to t-hnt day were slopped. Tho in Kpoelor of awards proceeded ajpiinst. till Freezing Company for drench o( award am £10 penalty. -Mr R-irlo;.. S.M., held lha no breach had l>eon connniltcd. . «. ilrnicinlmr. ClonicnlHayard cars art dromns nf comfort, liamlsonm in appear •mice, and tho chassis is tho latest word it teiontifio engineering. This has been do signed lry a genius.—Particulars from Sled man and Wilson, Cumherhmd f I reel. Dun odin.—Ailvl. Pri«oriptw«w sent from (lip country a.r< dispon-id with fresh, pure drugs by Wilkin son and Son, I'rinoos street, and medicine forwarded by first return mail.—Advt. lCxlm. Cheap.—Wide black all-silk moir< ribbon, 4}, at, and 6} indies wide, usually sold at Is 3d lo Is 9d yard-to l>o o'onrei: at 6Jd per yard at Mollisons' sale.—Advt. A. B. .). Hlalioloy, rfenlist. Hank it »i, ; trnlMia, cornor of Ilond and Ilattray tUoch (noit Telegraph OHico). Toloprions Hb9A.lvt. Hnvo vou seen Willi.nmyin's new jewellen ftoro? New goodi wild ipiaiily and \<n prices at, 31 l'rincos slrnot.—Advi, You cannot do bettor than nmkn our o.\ lalilishinent your buying cenlro. when ynti leijiiire a wedding or birthday gift. Rn'lia bility in joxctlory and silverware is alwn.T; associated with our name.—G. and T. Young (Limited), 83 Princes fitreot.—Advt. Yes I When jour ttomaoh in di»ordcred. liver nnd kidneys sluggish and inactive thr mind soon l>oeorries despondent and thr lioily WMk. " Waltoo " ii n complote cii.-o, taken in time. 2» 6il, chomists ind store keepers.— Advt. Wno 18 Pxhr nn;»!-Tlie most telinbl-! \\ Mchmskor. Joweller, and Oplici&n, ciro site Pslaeo Hotel, Mor«T plnco. Dunodia Charges atrirtlr moderale—Ad»t j

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15385, 23 February 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15385, 23 February 1912, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15385, 23 February 1912, Page 4