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PROPERTIES FOR SALE *ND T0 LET. , NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). ■ - Cornor WaUr »nd Vocel itreeU. 'AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. fJQA A ACRES 5.G.11, 13 years lo run, with abaohito riffht of renewal; rontal £71 ' <v«/UU per annum; nil nice warm tussock country; 1500 acrra aro nloughahlo; 5rtomcd Dwelling, and all accessary oul.l/iiild:ngs. Stock: 1300 ahoop, 6 homes, oattlo, etc.; complete set farming implements. I'rico as a going conccrn, £3300. QQjlfj ACRES S.G.R., 14 years to go. with absolute right of renewal; _ rental 5Jd 'vtJUi; pc r acr«; 500 acrcs are splendid river flats; 8 paddocks. Buildings: 6rocmc<l Dwelling (now), dairy. wiwhhouse. woolshed. liarn, yards, dip; fOO sheep, 3 draught, horses, full and complete set implements. I'rico, £2600, going concern. Cheapest. Run offering in New Zealand. XA A A ACRES S.G.R., 18 years lo run; annual rental £130; well fcnccd; close to railway; carry coaly 2000 sheep; hut. yards, do. Prioo for goodwill and improvements, £1400. "jlf? 000 S.G.R., 18 years to run, with absolute rifflifc of rcnowalj annual i.tJiUUy rontal well fennid, hnviujr 32 mile? <if fencing, largo part being •'.::liit netting; in six blocks. Buildings: 4-roomcd Dwelling, wools!tod, shoaring oil engine, stable, etc.; everything practically new; carrying capacity 5000 sluo P- (roiiip with the I'roperty—2ooo slirep. HO horses, 20 head cattle. Prioe, aa a going concern, JCSOCO. Nothing cheaper now offering. 11 SO HMO Freehold, balance Leasehold!. all first-cl.vs agricultural land; *~r- , well subdivided; boundary rabbit netted; ono mile from school, P. 0., otc.; 100 acres in wheal, 150 acres in oats, 150 acres turnips. Buildings: 4-roomcd Dwclling, Kirn, stable, woolshed, yards; carrying 125 C ewes, besides crop; all good wheat laud. I rice, £7 per acre; £1500 cash required. P E T E R B 0 Y 57"' LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, Ti'lcphono 1905. 156 PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN. Telephone 1905. SIII2KP FARMERS, SPECULATORS, CROPPERS, AND GRAZIERS. HERB IS THE CHANCE 01- A LIFETIME. /I AAO ACi!l ' S 0K I'IRST-CLA.SS FREEHOLD AGRICULTURAL AND PASTrWUI/ lOR aL LAND; subdivided into 20 paddocks by good fenccs; 800 acres Ikvut- wheat-growing land. 2400 acres have Ix'on cultivated, 1600 acres in tussock, '250 acres rape, grass, and turnips. 70 acre. ( turnips, 85 acres oats, 15 acres wheat, 45 acres ryccom. 2 acres jxitatocs, 20 acres plantation, Ixihuioo in Engliah grass. The Hornet - ,tead consists of 13 rooms (telopliono connection), nicely surrounded by cxergreoii trees and shrubs; good orchard in full bearing; largo woolshed (12 stand), dip yard?, barn, pain store, coachhouse, 6-slat led stable, 5 looscboxos, shearers' hut (24 Imnkt;), S-rconied Cottage, 6-stallcd oo\vl)yre, implnmcnt shed, smithy, eto. The flock consists of 5500 sheep (2280 ewes). 50 lead mixcd'c&tUo, 13 horses. Full r.ingo of up-to-date implements. This Property is without doubt ono of tho finest little stations in Gtago. The bulk of the laud is very easily worked, and grown tip-top crops of all descriptions. and is situated a little more than half a mile from railway station by good level inelalled road, and iibout. 1J hours' motor drivo from Duncdiu. WALK IN, WALK OUT (excepting household effects), 95s PER ACRE. Terms: £5000 cash on land: cash for stock. Ownor is retiring. I'leaeo tioto THIS PROPERTY IS NOW OFFERED FOR THE FIIIST TIME, .AND WE CAN RECOMMEND IT AS BEING A REAL GOOD THING. First man to inspcct will bo sura to purchaso. 1 e! c. • M 0 R G A n" 'Phono 274 a HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. 'Phono 2748, EMPIRE BUILDINGS. PRINCES STREET. MOSGIEL TOWNSIIfP.—TWO HOUSES, 4 and 6 rooms each, with largo scctionj all conveniences, drained, water laid on; trust estate; must sell. A bargain at. price: £350. Early application necessary. /~UTY. (leu minutes from Post Office, no trams required).—s ROOMS, almost now vJ (above average size); h. and c., h.p.. g'.®, largo bathroom and basin; drained: ready to conned: good section; nice front lawn and garden; all modorn conveniences. I'rico, £675. Cards lo view from our Office only. MUSSELBURGH (besidt) car).—s ROOMS and bath tile gratoa; good round-built liouso; portico, lofty ceilings, gas, h. and 0., h.p., scullery, wnahhouso (tub, copper), workshop, fo'.vlrun aiid houses, garden; nica scction (50 x 100, about). Owner leaving Dominion. Prico, £525 (lo make quick sale). ROSLYN— Six ROOMS and liathrcom; electric light throughout, portico, two * bays, h. and e. h.p., lile grates, concrete foundations, and largo collarago: nicely-laid out. garden: pantry, scullery, tubs, copper, etc.; atl modern convenience and all in first-cJass order; beautiful Home; section 50ft x 100 ft. Price, £695. Terms TyrORNfNCITOX—Now 4 ROOMS; cornor seel ion; bay and oriel, bath (h.p. li. and i-'-H- c.), part steel ceilings, tile grates, concrcte wall, largo rooms, gas, drained t<s sower (patent); Section over an eighth, l'ric;, £500. Torms. "O AYENSBOURNE. Five 5-roomcd HOUSES, from £250 to £500. Two 6-roomod -Oj lloures. £625 and £700. Sections vary from Jto J-acro oach. J 0 IFN & gONS, AUCTIONEER?, LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE k FINANCIAL AGENTS, VALUATORS. SORVEYOItS, MONEY, SHARE, AND LAND BROKERS, ARBITRATORS. AUDITORS. I'URLIC ACCOUNTANTS, 'Phone 190. LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS (next Star Office). 'Phono 190. OAMARU.-320 ACRES L.1.1'., in nino paddocks;' river frontage; House of 5 rooms, outbuildings, etc. This Property is considered on<\ of the b(*t in tho district, and is in splendid heart; good roads; near to railway siding. (215) DAIRY FARM, AS GOING CONCERN, TO I,EASE IN WAIKOUAITI DISTRICT. NO GOODWILL ASKED. 145 ACRES, in 10 paddocks: 5-roomed Dwelling, byre, stable, etc.: 10 acres turnips, ?, acrcs ixitatnos; 13 rows nnd hcifors, calves, pips, 3 horses, 250 young poultry, ploughs, harrows, discs, grubber, spring-cart, dog-cart, dray harness, plough liari lies?, lools, e)c Till'', I#'>T AS (iOINC! CONCERN for £280. Lcaso has about 5 vears to run, with risht of renewal. Three miles to croanicry, station, ato. A GREAT CHANCE. WRITE OR CALL TO-DAY. DON'T LOSE IT. (203) GOODWILL OF of 3500 ACRES, WITH 18 YEARS TO RUN, AT 3d PER ACRE; good fences; 4-roonicd House, bathroom, etc., stable, shed, and hut. Further particulars on application. (214) WARRINGTON.—6S-acre DAIRY FARM. ALL HEAVY BUSII LAND; about 35 acres ploughahle, balance in crop, crass, and bush; grows splendid oats, turnips, erass, etc.; permanent water supply Good 6-rcomed liouso; 12-stall(vl byro, concrete floor; pigsty, trapshcil; handy to railway station, store, etc.; J-milo to school; factory and creamery within 2i miles. £1225; about £300 deposit. (184) 116 ACRES, north line; 1J "ules from railway station, 1 mile to school, 2J miles to creamery anil factory: P.O. on farm, returning £6 per year. Fences all good; permanent "water supply; abnut 70 acres kdance bush; 4-rooined Cottage, 2-roomed Cottage and scullery; byre for 10 cows, looscbox. ctc. £11 per aero. (183) TA PAN L'l DlSTßlCT.—lmproved FARM of about 503 acrcs. sulxlivided'into 11 paddocks; fences aro all good; |>ermar.cnt water mpply. Substantial 5-roomcd llous> nnd necessary outbuildings; 6-st.illed stable; one milo from railway station, two miles to school, |>ost olfiec, etc.. 10 niinutes from creamcry. Also, adjoining nliovc, 190 ACRES of First-clnss LAND; all river flats; can bo Iroporl 12s 6:1 per acre. (210) CLUTIIA DISTRICT.-95 ACRES FARM; about 60 acra plcghable, 15 acres of bush 'tolara and black pine); situated lj miles from railway, store, do.; closo to school; 1J miles to creamery. New 4-roomed verandah Cottago and outbuildings £4 15s per acre. (166) WAIKOUAITI—I39 ACRES, ring-fenced; 5 miles from railway station and factory. 4-roomcd Cottage, byre, and stab'e. At £4 10s per acru it's cheap Don't fail to inspect this Property. (209) MIIIIWAKA.—IO7 ACRES, all heavy bush land; about 60 aores plough able; I*rows Kroat crop B turnips, cats, gras?. etc.; nearly all in grass, with exception of 3 acrcs ir. oats and 3 ncrcs turnips; i, miles to railway station, Ij miles to crcamery, 1 milo l« store. Buildings consist of now 7-roomed liouso (all conveniences), 20ttalled byre, piggery, ctc. Price, £1350. Tip top farm at rcasonablo prioo. (203) MILTON.—HERE'S A TIDY LITTLE FARM AT THE RIGHT PRICE: 100 ACRES in 7 paddocks, all ploughable; water in oach paddodc; 23 acres young grsss, : 32 acres old pasture, balance wheat, oats, and turnips. Almost new 6-roomoii Houso and outbuildings, stablo and barn (30ft x 18ft), byre for 12 cows,_ turnip shed, cto.; 4 miles from Milton; nchool. etc.. IJ miles Prico. £1200; crops in. (206) N. PATIvR-SON, -rj j E S pAl'Frqhm Survetou AXD g. PA X P 'Fiwncr Aom J Civa Lkoi- E p land i Stow DOMINION CHAMBERS, 1 § Bnouta. 142 RATTRAY STREET, O • (oppo6ito Wood's Private Hotel). M Lloura k Land Aconls- Lar<] SitrTojinfr a Specialty. ROSLYN (Close Ross street Tram).—Splendid HOUSE (up to date) of 7 larica rooms: scullery, bathroom (hot and cold water). 2 bay windows and portico, tilo grates and hearths, cuptioards and wardrobes, gas throughout; good garden; asphalt Wilis and vard. A good Properly. £780. LITTLEIIOL'RNE (Close lo Town Bel!).- Fine RESIDENCE (ono flat), containing 7 rooms; bathroom, wullery, hot and cold wal-or, and all modern conveniences; tower, bny miiulows and return verandah: "ilh half-acre section, jrarden, orchard, ctc. Al«mt"i' ov.ner. .Must bo sold immediately. IVrAORI HlLL—Practically New HOUSE, 4 large rooms, with all tip-to-dato con-' ItJ. vniiences, including bnlhroocn. hot ajid cold water;: drained to sewer, ctc.; Jaire se<lion: splendid view. £50 iloposil, balnncc lonl, £-170. 'iVfORNINGTON (Close Tram).--Fine SECTION; planted mid vorv sunny IVI £10 deposii. A cifi. £100. CtLOSE TO GIWRGE STRECT.—Good 5-rootned, conveniont HOUSE; return vcran- ' ilah: with i-ncrn frdion. orchard, etc. »4CO. MORNINCiTON (close to trum).—Prnctie a "y MLLA of 5 pood rooms; bathroom seullerv (hot and cold water), tII PPCi' and tubs, tilo grates and hearths, cuplwards anil wardrobes built in, gas, widj' baii: fine appearance; j-acrc section laid om in vegetable and fruit garden; splend'd view; owner leaving Duncdili. Easy torirv. Don't mis« this ImrKuiri. TONDON STREET.—?. Clioiee Corner IV ILDINO .SITE&; unsurpassed for vi cw J awl Min. Ivirlv application necessarv. T EES STREET (Cily).-SubsUantial Hlil'Sl. <Jr> rooms; bilhroom, scullery (h, an ,| .Ij c, wniei), g.i.s, el".; 2 bay windows n" I ,' l»rtico; Haslilioute (copper nnd tubs); frei'hild leclion: asnhi'.!t paths; modern sd n, 'a!'on: all in first-class order. £553 ' THIS IS A PROPERTY Wi; CAN REC n M}.IEND: HOSI.YN.-Splendid RESIDIiNCE of 6 yocsl rooms; !i:itlirooni, (h. and c. water), nnd all other modnn csiiveniencef; has a line appearance: J'ere seeliou tastefully laid out in pardon and flowers: asphalt paths. | a wn. i'ie. Inspect, immeiljntely. Terms. £700. ST. KILDA (clow- to tiiin).--Prdty 4-rn ol,| ed Mcciern HOUSE, rcpleto with all ::wler'i conveniences; balhroom (ii. ,i r "l '• water)- fine garden, workshop fowl rill.'. ''ti\ An (arlv ollor wanUvl. T"rinr. 1° ,l ';i you. ' V CHEAP LIT'IIE FARM (rlo.-c to Mii 10 "). a warm situation.—Splondu! Farm ! jli. of 100 iicrcs rifh land, producing 80 t° '"ishels per acre, and all hcavilv i limed; dividrsl into 7 paddocks, and nearl v all at prcenl under crop; together with i a practically new 6-roomed House, with a" conveniences (insured for £450) and all other necessary farm buildings; J acre in orchard of apples, noachns, apricots, and cherries. Tin- choice little farm is heiim .vjj" worked. ,md is at present in splendid heart, and without doubt it is one of the little farms in the 5011 th. Liberal , terms arranged Don't delay in ,r i'h us. F'ruv. £1250. •pOSLYN (overlookinir City)-I'ino .MwKni Rricl: RI'SIDKNCE of 7 largo roomsAt fin" bathroom, h. and e. water, gas, postered thrnuehoiil, drainnge up lo date' wit.! 1 I aero action; msqnificent view: uar"™, mwri. a/id Wo can rccommend this Prot.erty to any gentleman in search of a pood home. GIEOROK STREET.—Pretty VILLA of 5 good rooms, bathroom, sciillcrv: hot and T cn!'| water thrniighnut; tilo crates a! I '' hearths, wardrobe? ar.d cupb'ardj and 1 bcokca-es; lar'.'e vinorr; fine freehold secti°u ; garden, lawn, flowers, ntc.: workshopdrained to <ewrr ; asphalt paths and yard. This is a really good property, and in ! n<-rfe*t o"lrr, :'nd will he Fold a bnri'.iin 0 11 easy terms. 1 "POSLYN.--Fino Modern RESIDENCE, containing 6 largi- rooms; practical!- r(!w jit -ind in fplewlid order; bathroom, sciil lf,r >'. hot and eold water, and all modern I conveniences: largo vinery, workshop, fowl "ins, etc About J-acro elevated section j laid out in Bowers, vegetables and mrro:i"ded by live hedges. A real jrood home' 1 and it onlv rei|uire< in'nection to convince vou of t!:»- fuel. Terms. £67(1 pLOSK TO THE BOYS' HIGH PCIIOOI—FINE RE-SIDENCE, containing 7 larsis \J rro'ns. with all modern convenience* a:«l sanitation; return verandah tower j etc.; with about i-acre «ection, 'aid cut in girden. fruit, shrubs, etc Thifl placo ii ' now in perfi-jt order, and must l;r roWl to eW an account. Any res- : finable deposit accepted. Pr : ee £115j. or ofTer. Inspert w : tho-j| ( lclav. ON RISE fclone prosimitv to Knox Chureh).—Fine Now Bungalow VILLA of 5 rooms dare-'), Itithrootn. 'ciillery. I)r.t and cold vriier. steel reilinTJ. tile gralM | and hearths, cupboards, wardrobes, and bookcases: and all beautifully finished inside. 1 Splendid freehold corner section: '.'ood ourlcok arid exceptional!? sunny. £675 OUIiLN STREET. — Tine I?r'Sl nrXCl".>!<*-?tornyr,'l. containing rijtht lar^Q room-, modernly fitted up; pas, hot and cold water throughout; bathroom, cupboards and wardrobes, bookcases, linen p rt".<rf, etc; Wintered throuchout; alato roof; commanding appearance; ba'ooniei. ote.; fino level Freehold Seciioa in ao'coioo »nd socluded position. This is 1 Property w- ran highly rcoimmcnd, and is & rati baxgain. Houso insured for £800. Easy terras if desired. £950,.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 9