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REDUCED PRICK. LARGE NUMBER OF BALES I'ASSKD IN. The third Dnnodin wool sale of tho series opened yesterday morning in tho Early Settlors' Hall at 9 o'clock, when practically the whole of the buyors wero present, who attended the previous salre, or else wero represented by, agents acting on their behalf. Included in this number were buyers from Now Zealand mills, ami also from German, French, and American firms. The following are the nmnliei-s of k-iles offered by tho various agents, together with |.he ouanliiiu" forward at. the corresponding sale last year, tho tablo given in tho order of silos:— 1912. 1911. Otago I'arninrs' Co-opera-tive Association ( ... 955 909 Sironaeh, Morris, and Co. J Lid.) 594 501 Wright. Stephenson, nnd Co. (Ltd.) 3.107 2.031 Donalil Rcid and Co. (Ltd.) 2,044 1,755 National Mortgage aJld Agency Company (Ltd.) 1.050 812 Dalgcty and Co. (Ltd.) ... 2.352 2,550 N.Z. I,o,'in and Morcantilo Agency Company (Ltd.)... 1,083 597 Totals 11,188 9,158 As is usual at this series, the wools offered did not include many lots of outstanding quality, the wools forward consisting largely of medium to good crossbreds and halfbreds. Thoro was also a very considerable ipiantitv of merinos on ofl'ci. Tho s:ilo was most erratic, but taking it all round tlio prices realised were quite up to expectations, for a lower raii?u of values was anticipated in sympathy with tho easier feeling in foreign market-. Decrejised values wero also forecasted by reports from tho northern centres, prices tl'ieio showing a dcclino in nearly all classes of wool. Buyors, liowovor. wore out to buy at their limits, for tho demand for all classcs of wool, with tho exception of merinoe, vtas very keen. It is considered that fully 25 per cent- of tho catalogues offered was passed in, sellers sliowing a disinclination to accopt tho reduced values as compared with those ruling at tho last falc. Several lots, however, wore afterwards disposed of privately, at slightly increased values on those bid during tho coursa of tlio sale. Prices as compared with thoso brought at last salo may bo quoted as follows:— Super morinos, ltl lomr; interior to medium, {d lower; super halfbreds, Jd to jiJ lower; good halfbreds, par to id lower; inferior to medium, {d to jd lower; super crossbreds, jd to Jd lower; good crcssbreds, J,d lower; inferior to medium, id to jd lower; pieces, Jd lower. The following is tho rango of prices:— -Medium to good merino, to 9jd; inferior merino, 7d to 7jd; super halfbred, lid to 12d; medium to good, Old to lOJd; inferior, ?jd to 8il; super crossbreds, lOJil to lljd; medium to good, Bjd to 10(1; inferior, 63d to 7'd. At tho January salo tho highest price was 13jd, for nino bales of morino wetlior. When asked his opinion as to what le considered tho reason for the lower trend of values, ono seller said it was very difficult to account for. It wns tho general opinion, however, amongst sellers that tho unocrlainly of tlio lalxiur conditions at lloino must liavo affected tho market, Personally, ho could not advanco any other reason, Messrs Stronoch, Morris and Co. (Ltd.) report baring submitted a catalogue of 53G bales, tlio following being tho highest prices obUiinod:—Account executors of lato F. 11. Ward (Waikouaiti), 9 bales halfbred ewo lO^d; Thos. Telford (Otanomomo), 4 bales lioinney ewo lOjd, 12 bales do 10d, 3 bales Romney owo lioggcU 10d; D. M. D. M'Laren (I'atearoa), 4 lialcs fine halfbreil 101 d; John M'Donald (Tapanui), 9 bales halfbred ewo lOd, 4 bales halfbred wether 9Jd, 7 bales lialfbrod hoggets 91<1 j David Pott.s (Tapanui), 5 bales crossbred hoggets 9}d, 7 bales crossbred owo 9d; J. G. Siithcrlnnd (Milburn), 5 balos lialfbrod 9d; Alex, Elliott (Ellin Bay), 6 bales halfbred 9;d; Peter Whito (Morton), 2 kilos halfbred Did; L. G. Fenwiek (Wailati), 1 balo lmlfbred 9Jd; John Pilches (Ophir), 1 bale scourwl (loeco and locks m Tlu> Nationa.l Morlgago and Agency Company of New Zealand report I ho following as some of tho best prices realised:— j R. Jackson (Kawaniu), 3 Ixiles scourf-d bellies and pieces Kd; D. Ireland (Hongahero), 13 b:ilo3 super halfbred lljd; It. Mitchell (Deop Stroani), 5 bales halfbred owes lOid; A. E. Tluirlow (Becks), S bales Ist halfbred 10i<l; D. Ireland (Rongahoro), 5 baJi« second lialflired ]0d; 11. Mitchell (Deep Stream), 7 bull's halfbred hoggets lOd ; T. A. Pannoll (Hill Springs), 20 bales halfbred lOd; C. Mitchell (lleep Stream), 5 biles crossbred 9.? d; T. reach (Sirtton), 4 bales lirst h.ilfWed 9Jd; D. Frasor (Recks). 4 kiles haifbrod 9Jd; J. Mitchell I Deep Sliv.nn), 4' bales crossbred wother 9Jd; .Mrs lluddleslon (Ida Vallc-y). 3 kilos halfbred 9Jd; Smaill Bros. (Moa Flat), 20 hairs Romney ewo 9jd: T. E. Whilesido (Waiivilii). 5 bales crosshed ewo 9jd; F. 11. Pannett (Five Rivers), 4 bales" 'lialfbrod Ojd; II C. Stevens (Kelso), 4 bales second halfbred 9jd; ('. Brown, jun. (Olurehiia). 4 bales crossbred ewe 9|d; J. 11. Roberts (P;u!i'au), 9 bales crossbrefl Aid; Sarginson (Tyiro), 3 bales lialflired 9jd; W. J. Rolierts. (TailmaUi). 4 bales crossbred owe Oil: ,1. I/ihli (Woddorlmrn). 4 bales halfbred 9d; T. Peach (Sutton), 7 bales lino crossbred 9d: ,T. Black (Tauniala), 3 bales crossbred 9d; Ilinkson Bee (Bocks). 4 bales halfbred 9d. Slar lots: J. Black (Tanmnta), 2 bales halfbred 93d; C. Milchell (I)ee|> Stream). 2 hales halfbred llid. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report: Our principal sales were as follow:—(In account John M'Kinnell, 3 bales halfbred llid: .las. Prentice, 8 bales ,\ halfbreil llid: Howell Bros., 8 kilos Romney ewe lid; Mrr, W-il-tfn and Hons. 5 bales lialfbrod hogget lid: Geo. Clark. 7 kilos lirst halfbred 103 d; A. M'Canghaii. 9 kales A quartorbred lOjd; Robert Maiheson, 3 liales A haifbrod ewo Iflld;. A. Trotter, 6 hales A iialfbrixl ewo 10il; A. ("iortion. ii K-\)es lialfbrorl e^ve 10il; Henry Scott. 13 bains first combing haifbrod lOd. 16 bales second combing halfbred ICd; A. Al' 19 hales half bred ewe lOd; J. B. Robinson, 8 kilos halfbred lOd; E. C. Kinsman, 6 kilos lialflired ■nvo 9i<l: Robert Scotl. 16 bales quarterbred 9|d; Mrs h. J. Gray, 8 bales halfbred 9.? d, A. M'Cauglian, 9 hales B iialfbred fljil. 5 kiles B (piarierbred 9Jd; Mrs M. Hamilton, 6 bales kilfbred 9Jd; WilliauiMin Bros., 4 kilos halfbred 9Jd; W. Blackie, jun., 4 bales halfbred DJd; M. Isbistcr, 6 Iwlos haifbrod 9Jd; D. Irishman, 13 kilos kdfbivd ewo'lid; R. M'Skiinming, 4 kilos super halfbied 9 Id, 3 bales f.rsl lialflired ewo 9id: Ji. C. Kinsman, •! kilos halfbred hogget Sd: Itobort ?cutt. II hales A halfbrrd 9d: Geo. Clark, 3 kilos halfbred 9>i; UilliaiiMii. Bros. 4 kilos second halflirnl 9d: Henry Scolt. 8 bales lirst combing naHbrml lO^tl: .1a«. I'hillire, 3 Kilcs bred lOJd; 11. It. riftl, 17 bales crossbred ICJiI; Tregonning and Son. 14 kilos crossbrinl lOid; Gil). Hark, 8 kilos firsf nrosbrul ewe lOd, Howell liros., 5 kilos A < ro«bred I'Jd; .lohn Henderson. 3 Uiliis crossbred 10,1: Ilonrv Seoii. 5 kdes erovsbrtvl Kd; Mrs Wallers and Sons, 12 kilos crossbred lOd; Robert Matheso,,, j] | )a | M first crossbred 93d; Howell Bvos.. 13 bnies crossbriyl SJd; Geo. Clark, 4 bales lint<sbn\l 9Jd: .lames Sim. 12 balo , Tn «. bred 9Jd; G. A. Keade and S.-,n. 11 bale? crossbred owe 9i<l; James Pederson, 3 kilos erossbrod S.;d; I). Mathoson, 3 bales crossbred Dill; It M'Guekin. 4 kilos > : A. Wlu.elv Ides ( , W sbnv| A 1 KuiruMl. 10 ha!<* iro.vibn\| ; IL H. Wilson. 5 b.i!.''S crossbred 83<l; John'llenderson. 3 bales irossbred 83d; Henn- Soott, 3 i bales lirst combing merino 9Jd," 3 hales second combing merino 9Jd, T kiles first. , cloth, merino 9. 5 kilos morino 6W • \ i M'Can:rhan. 6 bales lirst halfbred' n'i.xv". lOd; Geo. Clark. 3 kales lirst pieces 0!dA. M'Caugli;in. 5 kilos nieces 9Jd; James Prentice. 3 kilos lirst pieces 9d ; ]I cnrv sV.f.'- , 3 l' :ll ; s , 83d: Arcki. Jl langtian. D bales pieces B?.|. ]4 bil"s < rossbred j.ieces 83d; John Henderson', 4 ha es lint piiws 81,1; IMktl M-itheson, 4 ixiles nrst pieces Sid: Hcnrv Scott. 9 bdes pieces 8i<l; A. JJoyil, 2o kilos pi ( . COS & 1 : j . ». bogors, i bales first piec.'s F<j; l». | Maiheson. 5 bah-s necks ami "pieces gd'. j Mcsms, Dalgeiy and Co. report havimr 'offered 2352 kiles. 'Jlio following a"S J aa;oiint of ~ m' 3 hal " halfbred ewe lljd, o kilos halfbred wethor and hoggot lid; Vreel,mil Bros (Shii;g|oy Creokl 5 bales haifbrod lid. 4 bale, halfb'red 10ie •' Philps 1W (Dunback). 11 kihs lirst eombtng liallbred ewo 10] d: Mrs M i liv (Macriws). 3 bales lirst halfbred ewe 10W'R. Aeton-Adams (Wilden), 11 bales \ ludf bred ewo 10] d, 3 balm Corrirdalo"owe and hogget 103 d; P. Twimov (Waikouaiti), 5 kilos lialflired woihor lOJd; J. s .sh aw (lWfotir), 4 lalas lirst h.ilfhre<l lOJd'; John M'konzie (Dunkick), 6 kilos first halfbred ewe lOid. 4 bales do lOjd. 3 bale? do 30d: W. and T. '1 elford (Clifton), 3 bales halfbred ewo and hogget JOj,'; T. R. Connolly (Hyde). Id bales halfbred ewo ICid; Omaratna Station. 5 kilo.s super halfbred ewo lOjd; D. D. Kiisar (Tapanui), 2 bales lOjd; J. t) Neil! (Waipiaia). 3 bales halfbred lOid; Hawkdtip Station (St. Bathans). !3 kil.-p iirst halfbred eiro ]0;d 1- b:ihv quarierbred lid, 14 kilej halfbn>l lOd: John Weir (G:mmerburii), 6 kiles first wnbiug halfbred weihcr lOid; Philip

Bros. (Dnnbaok), 4 baloa first combing '.ii!ibred hogget 10i<l; *J. A. Kjrko (Tiipamii), 3 bales B combing halfbred 301(1; •I. ami J. Shcppard (louder), 10 kiles halfbred wether lOid; Mrs M- I'. Thompson (I'oulden Hill), 3 kilos halfbred ewo 10'iil; 1). C. Hose (Sutton). 3 alia halfred hogget lOd; C. Indor (Xasebv), 5 bales h;ofbred wether !0d; ,1. Faulks (Makiirora), 3 b.iloM halfbred owo and wvther lOd; Robert Duncan (Hampden), 6 lules halfbred 9jd; John Ilrightling (Morton), 7 bales halfbred ewo 9j<l; Con White, (Omakau), 11 ales halfbred ewo 9]d; lleotli Broi (Dimrobin), 9 bales lialflired wetlior and hogget 9Jd; .John Weir (Giiiimorburn), 3 bales first combing halfbred hogget 9id; Blakoloy Bros. (I'aiearoa), 3 bides IwJfbred Ojjil. On account of U. ActonAdams (Wilden Station), 4 bales crossbred r«o lOJd; Thomas Kirtxm (Waikoikoi). 5 balej, crossbred owo and hogget lOJd; A. J. A. Hall (Clinton), 11 bales crossbred ewo 9Jd; P. Cotter (Greenfield), 3 bales crossbred 9jd; Jas. Wilson (Slogarie), 4 bulla crossbred owe 9|d • .1. O'Neill (Waipiata), 3 bales tiiw crossbred 9Jd; .lohn Woir (tiimniorburn), 4 10-les lirst oombing crossbred wotber 9Jd; Philps Bros. (Dimback), 9 bales lirst oombing crossbred ewe 9Jd; Frecland Bros (Shingly Creek), 14 kilts crassbivd 9id. Mcssm Wright, Sloplienson, and Co, rejort having olFcrod a catalogue of 3107 bales. 'i'Jio following aro their liighest prices in the respective clas-cß:—On account of Hugh Frasor, 4 kilos ludfbrtxl owe and wetlior 12d, 5 bales fmo lwillbrcd owe ajxl wothor lljd; David 13 baits combing hallbral -HotlK-i - 8 bales lirst combing' haKbrcl 10d, 3 bales sccoikl cojuhing halfbmf wethor 10(1. 4 laics st-rond combing halfbred "Jjil; F, I'. Neill, 15 bjiles hallbrod ewe lUd; A. S. Orlxil, 19 bnliti lirst oumbing halfbred ewo llid; •b:s. Al'Kee, 5 bales halibred ewe lid; R. Cotton, 5 liides Hint lino h;dfl«e<l wetlior 10^d; W. W. Mitchell 4 bales first combing halflircd owo and hoggtt lOjd; C. Connelly, 11 balos hajfbnxl lOJd; Thomas Wliclan, 6 buica halfbred wether 10i<l, 11 bales liallbred ewo 9Jd, 3 bales halfbred hogget 9jd; 11. ,1. B. Alunro, 12 bales halfbred ewo lOjd; H. Ilagon, 4 bales lialflired owo lOidj W. Macdomdd, 5 kdes halfbred owo lOJd; J«lin AiUJiecon, 3 bales A halfbred ewo lOcf; Beg Bros, 7 Ides lirst oonibing lialfbrod lOd; Waikaia Plains Station, 16 halc6 su[ier. eombiiiß lwlfbiwi ewe lOd; R. Atkins, 5 lialcs lirst, eomliing h.ilfbi'wl r»]d; D. S. Middloton, 4 liaks lirst and si«;nd lialfbrod SJd; lilawkcs and Co., 15 bales second combing liaJfbrod owe and wotlusr 9Jd, 6 bales seoond lial fbrwl hogget 9Jd; Hugh Frapor, 5 l»ks crosslired owo awl liogget ll|d, 7 bales crossbrod wethor lOJd; D. Ross, 9 I*ilcb first oombing crossl>r<x? wotlior lid; F. Bradfiold, 19 bales ei-ossbrcd owo 10|d; Alex. Donald 9 baios crossbred ewo and wether 10jd; John M'Lny, 5 Kilos crossbred ewo lOd; Peter Sim, 6 bales umsfbrod ewo 10iL 3 Inks Ronine.v crossbriMl owo and hogget- B'd; C. M'Donald, jun., 3 Inles crossbnxl owo and hogget 9J<f; Mrs E. M. Clack, 4 tales crossbred owo and 1 hogget 9jd; H. Cotton, 3 1 «los tbroo-quartorbred ewe and wother 9'd; It. Cotton, 8 bxrs second mmbini,' mcj-ino 9]d; llawkes and Co., 6 Itilcs mtTino 9Jd; D. S. Middlcton, 9 bale-? fn-st combing medno 9id; W. M'Aughtrie, 13 lwl(« A combing merino 9d; 11. J. 13, Munro, 27 bales lirst oombing inorino wethor 9d; Ilawkes ami Co., 10 Uiles lirst piews 9Jd; D. Itoss, 5 bales lirst. pieccs 9Jd; R. Cotton, 6 ba}«; first piixx?; lialfbrod 9]d; F. F. Xoill, 6 Ixiles lirst piiws 8d; D. Ross. 6 bales second pieces fijd; 11, 5 Kilos lirst piux's SJd, 3 bales piecos and bellies; W. M'Donald, 3 ball's first pieces Bjd; Malvern Downs Station, 3 bales piccca liiilfbrcd BJ,d; H. J. B. Munro, 3 bales fu-st pioces nxjrino Bid; W._ M'Aught-rio, 5 bales necks inorino &jd. TJo Otago Farmom' O>opciativo Association of Nos- Zealand report thai ihey cleared thoir catalogo, with tlio exooplion of o few b;i}c3, at Ritisfadorv price;. 'l*bo sties includo tho following:—On acOTimt of J. F. Axvou (Kaihiku), halfbixxl, Ujd; Jlre MulholkuKl (liuumorbtirei), halfbrixi, lOd, John Aitkonhcad (IVckn), Jwlfbrcd, lOid; A. B. llall (Waipiafa.), halfbred, 10J.I; Russell and I'iwiuf,' (Pwiiiiroke), halfbrwl, lOd; 15. lla6tio (Kokonga), halfbrotl, 10<1| E. O'Comxll (Rock anil Pillar), halfbred, !M; K. S. Rood (Wc<idorhurn), Jiiilfbrol, 9d; James liarr (Sutton), liiilfbreil, 10d; A. Ilarvio (N'entJrorn), ludfbrod, 9d; J. A. Townsnml, jioi. (Waikcuaiti), halfbred, 0^1; Pctor I*w (Wcddcrbiirn), lialfbivd, ;A. Dempster, jun. (Flag Swamp), lialfbrod, 93d; Wm. Sutherland halfbred, 02d; Wm. Lc.usk, jun. (Omakau), Iwifbrod, ; fKxs. Jlotartsou iKilfhrcd, Djd; Jolm Doiißhoriy (Himniorburn), iialUirod. 9jd; A. Wilson (Kurow), halfbred, 9Jd; Thos. OrmLs-ton (WaipiaUij, ii.i'lfbivd, 9^l; I). and W. J. M'CrttvJv llCyoburn). luilfbierl, 9-Jd; R. O'Conneil (Rock anil Pillar), halfbred, 9Jd: Pot Is Bros. (Lawrence), lialfbrod, 9Jd; Gihnoro iWailati!, lialfbrod, 9d; J. B Taggait (Hillcnd), lialflirwl, Aid; James Soott (Gi:nnicrburiil, morL'in, 9J<l; Russell and Kwiiifj (Pembroke), merino, Bjd; Bwlcr Bpos. (Pat«Lro.i), crossbred. Dd; J. F. Ays«n (Kaihiku, civi-fbred, Bjd; Wm. Bwan (Clinton), <;iT»ssbro<l. SJ<l; Barr (Sutton), crossbred, Bjd; J. A. Townsend, jun. (Waikousiti), cmsflnitl, Sid; A. B. llall (Waipiata), cra'sbrred, 9d; J. M'DufT (Kolso), arossbrc<l, A. LVjiipiier, jim. (Flag ftwamp), cioffibnxl, BJd; (iilmoro Bros, (Wnilati), crosubwHl. B.i<l; Wm. Sutherland (Stoneburn), '.Tiisbred 9d; K. O'Conneil (Rock and Pillar), crossbred, 9Jd; I). M"Col! (Ronpihere). crossbred, 83d; Andrew Murlu.v (Waipa'ni), orof.sbre<l, Bjil; li. 11, .\, .ItfT (Clinton), crossbred BJd; If. h". Blaioh (Liwisden), crosslirwl, BJd; (!. Mooi-o(Puke-pito), (Tosshred, 83d; Mrs Mulholhiiul (Giminorburii), cinssbrod, 9d; A. M'Donald (Cliiil!*), crossbred, 9d; Thos. Frazor fKaiI antral a), crossbred. 9d; I'oil.s Bias. (lawI'enco), eu»shrod. 9<l; Antlmw Dempslcr, iiui. Swump), piecoo, 8?cl; Ritsa'll and Iwina (Pomhroke). pieces, 7jd; Win. S\itiierbr.<l (fltoiicliurn), pieces, TJrl: A. Ilarvio (Xtmtlloni), pieces. 71(1; A. Murray (Waipahi), piiw, 71d; J, liarr (.Sullon), pieces, 7Jd; I). ;ed w. ,1. M'Cready (liveburn). pir<«s TJd; ii O'Conneil (Hock aiid Pillar), pieces, 7jd. ' Tlio Now Zealand Loan and Morcantilo At;flitcy ComiKUiy reports that the following arc same of its principal sales:—On account of G. and C. A. Kain, 4 bides lirst combing halfbred owo and wetlior 12d, 9 lialos siwnd combing halfbred owo and wot,her 10{d, 3 bales ipiartor-brrd owo lOd, 3 Ixiles i|iiartor-bre<l lio?got mid wother 101, 18 bales dingy halfbred 9id, 5 bains dingy halfbred hoggot 9d, 6 bales nuartorbred dingy 9d, 3 Ides hai'.fhred neeks 9|d, 6 Vales first piecos merino 9Jd, 3 bales lie-t pieces halfbred 10 bales merino bellies 7jd; William IJowdall. 13 bales I'trrt halfbred lljd, 16 luiles lint crossbrcd lljd, 5 bales lOjd, 7 kilos first piews 9'd, 8 kilos second piecos 9Jd; G. It. Fry, 5 biu\s lialfbrod owe and hogget lid; i\ M. Acton Adanis, 6 first, combing halfbiwl liogpot lOid. 3 kales halfIwwl lvoL'get B{d, 7 kilos lirst piecos and ni<cl,s 8d: Alexander Grey, 5 kilos crossbred ono 10d; M'lndne Bros., 4 bales liiu l rrowbrnd own D?d, 8 bales first bnvl ewe 9d; J. Max, 4 l«los crossbred ewe and hogget 9d: H. perry and Co.. 7 bales eros~bred 9d: Donald M'l>eo<|. 7 kde; first combing merino ewo 9Jd. (i kilos lirsl combing merino wether D]<], 5 lsvles scoind rombiiiff tnorino wetlior 9jd. V kales clothing merino owe 9,1 d, 13 ball's second eombiny merino ewe 9d, 3 bales merino pirces 8J<1: K. and F. ("lenient. 4 kilty; Imggel 9Jd, 6 bales crossbred owe 9Jd; Jatnos Burke, 3 bales cro.ssbivd hogget 9d: Walsoy Ka'jn, 6 lialfbrod 9d, 4 bales merino wethor 8UI; G. Coekburn. 5 bales lirst crossbrrd owo 9ld; W. Black. 3 ln.l»>s halfbred 91d, It biles fine and first, crossbred B|d; W. M'Rilehie. 3 lm.'os fine cnossbrcd ~9id, 3 ba10.5 halfbred 9?d. 7 hales crossbred 9d, 3 balrs fine ciwsbre<l 9d.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 8

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THIRD WOOL SALE Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 8

THIRD WOOL SALE Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 8