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AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMfrtllg. TIIS RING'S THEATRE. piINCESS~THE ATItE. Under Direction John fuller ami Sons opriciors 1^° r jj*" 13 ' THE KING'S PICTURES. Bcst-TMCTURES. TO-NIGHT. ~ TO-NIGHT. All -X ICTURK3. TIIK PERIL IJespito its Enormous Sueccss, wo must TUB PERIL OF announce last fow nighU of THE PLAINS. THB FATAL WEDDING, PLAINS. lilK FATAL WEDDING, TIIK LIFE OP THE UKBS, THE OAKKIEII PIGEON, . TIX CAN BAND. PATFIE GAZETTE (144). A pmi' ENGINEERING FEAT. COURTING ACROSS THE COURT. HIE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. AUSTRALIAN GAZETTE (63), Etc., Etc. IIEEDIIAM BOYS' DRILL — . THE WAGICR—I)UPIN. A Programme to Suit All Tastos. , And Other Goins. — Piicco: is M. Is, and 6d. Booking Feet Is. Is. l'riecs us Usual. 6d. fxl. 6d. Plan at Jacobs's. PATIIE Perfect Pictures.—Albany Street /CRICKET, School Gymnasium (Pelichet Buy), Vj * Fridav, 23rd; Glasgow Theatre, South flT\rn e/UTrmir i\m Dunodin. Saturday, 24th, 8 p.m.; Matinee, l)IACi0 V ' SOUTHLAND, Afternoon, 2.30 o'clock, Fivo of Hearts, At CARISBROOK, ■, Dance of Siva, Spades. Venire. In the Com- FRIDAY .mil SATTTRIMV missioned Ranks, In Love. Fun and Fan- ~ , oAiUHIJAY, cirs, Open Aiv School, What Happened iebrunry 23 and 24. When Hubby Wasn't Well, Sports of the ... . World (llrst tunc screened in Dominion), ™ a - v > ir £ ln s 1-30 p.m. Friday. Australian Gazette. Milton. To-niKht . (Thursday). _ Admission: 6d, Is, Is 6d; Admission: Ono Shilling' (including Children, 6d. Matinee Prices: 3d and 6d. Stand); Boys, Sixpence. WISHARtT~c7h. and ~B.T. 221 K - s WH-SON, Sco. O.C.A. 3 GRANT STREET (Off High street), SHOWS 'Phone 769. ' Specialist for Diseases of tlio Skin. A NNUAL FLOWER SHOW. Alopecia Ar(uta is an alTection of the — liairv scalp principally, and the scicntifio WESLEY CHURCH, CARGILL ROAD, method of euro is to treat tlio patient — rather than apply activo irritants to tlio ~ TO-NIGHT and FRIDtAY fJIGHT, . scalp. 9f To be Opened by Mr James ltcnnio, —————; President Duncdin Horticultural Society. 1 AGO WlTNESS.—Largest Country . At 7.30. Circulation of any Weekly in tho — Dominion. Admission 6d. 22f SPonTiiiQ. D UNE DI N JOCKEY CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING : 1012 : .AUTUMN MEETING Will bo held at WINGATUI TIIIS DAY (TIUJK.SDAY) and SATURDAY, 22nd and 241h. FEBRUARY. FIRST RACE EACH DAY AT 12.30. ADMISSION: Grounds, Is; Grand Stand. 10s extra. Stand Tickets obtainable at Railway Station. TRAIN SERVICE. Leave Dunedin To-day 9.5, 9.20, 11.10, 11.35, 11.45, 12.15, and 1.2. Leave Ou:tedin Jnilnrdny at 9.5. 9.20, 11.10.. U.2£>. 11.35. 11.45, 12.15, and 1.15. ' Leave Racecourse for Dunedin at 5,20, 5.35, and 5.54. On Saturday, 24th, tho 4.25 Express tc Invervargill will Stop at Wingatui to pick lip passengers A Special Train will Icavo Dunedin for G'hristchurch at 8.50 p.m FARES: Return Faros (including Admission to G rounds and Public Stand) are: Carriages, 2s 6d; Seated Waggons, 2s. 11. L. JAMES, Secretary.

RAILWAY NOTIFICATIONS. ZEALAND RAILWAYS. DUNEDIN AUTUMN RACES. The following ALTERATIONS IN and ADDITIONS TO fho ordinary. Timo-tahlo will ho nindo in connection with tlio above: THIS DAY (THURSDAY), I'HimUAHY 22. Trains will Leavo Duncdin for Wingatui Uaceoour. B » at 11.10 a.m., 11.35 n.m., 11.45 a.m.. and 12.15 p.m., returning frc.m tlio llacti'ourso at 5.20 p.m., 5.35 p.m., and 5.54 p.m. Tlio 11.35 a.m., 11.45 n.m., and 12.15 p.m. Trains from Dur.odin. ami tlio 5.20 p.m. and 5.35 p.m. Trains from.the Hncecoiirse, will NUT flop at Intermediate Stations. Trains will leave Wjngatui for Dnnedin at 5.2 p.m. nnd 6.15 p.m. The Train usual]); leaving Dnnedin for Omali.'iu at 11.40 a.m. will Not Icavo until 11 SO a.m. Tbo Train usually leaving Outram at 4.15 n.m. will Not leave until 4.30 p.m., lilosgiel arrive 5.15 p.m. p The Train usually leaving Mosgiel at 5.16 p.m. will Not leave till 5.40 p.m., Wingatui 5.57 p.m., arriving Duncdin 6.30 p.m. By Order. EXCURSIONS. milK PENINSULA FKRKY COM--1 PA NY (LTD.). Oilicej. 20 Crawford street Telephono 1486 SUMMER TIME-TABLE. Mondays, Tneadnvs. Thuredays, «nd Fridays.— lioavo Duncdin 10 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 5.15 p.m.. 6.20 p.m. Leavo Portobello 6 20, 730 a.m.. 12 30 p.m., 5 p.m. ' Wednesdays.—Lrnvo Duncdin 10 am,, 1.20 p.m:. 2.30 p.m.. 5.15 p.m., 6.23 p.m . 10.30 p.m. Leavo Portobello 6.20 a.m., 7.30 a.m, 12.30 p.m., 3.45 p.m., 6 p.m. Saturdays— J/cavo Dundin 10 a.m., 1.20 p.m., 2.30 p.m.. 6.30 p.m.. M 0 p.m. Leavo Portobello 620 a.m., 7.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. •Special Trip. Faro, h oinglo. SUNDAY'S.—Leavo Duncdin 10 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 6.20 p.m. Leavo Portobello Bam 12 noon. 5 p.m. Broad Bay Timetnbln 15 minutes after Portobello; Company's Bar 25 minuter; Mncondrnw's 35 minutes. Uiunl Fares: Adults. Ono Shilling Return; Children, sd. 29d | 1 '■ 1■ ■ .a j OOUHTV NOTIFICATIONS. j COUNTY. OUTSTANDING RATES. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN <m ADDITIONAL CHARGE of I*o PER CENT, will bo added to all Rates NOT PAID on or l>eforo THURSDAY. 20ih February, and that PROCEEDINGS will be -Taken for the recovery of all Rates not paid by that dato. By Order of the Council. JOnN PORTEOUR. Countv Clerk. Wmkouiiiti, 30th January, 1912. 31ja ! PROFESSIONAL "jl/TED'IOAL Man free for LOCUM ITi WORK, or like hear of Opening.- • Surgeon, Times Office. . 22f' T ESLIE D. COOMIiS, A.R.1.8.A, ARCHITECT, UNION BANK CHAMBERS, PRINCES STREET. Telephone No. 3032. 27in; 'Phone 3097. J T. COOP ]•; ,R. " ' DENTAL suite EON, Corner of Manse and Princes streets, Dunwlin. Honrs; 9 to 6 p.m. Open Saturdays insT nnn found CASH ADVEUTIHKJIIiNTS tinilcr thl. beadio;. Fourteen Wordi, SIXI'BNX'K per iaicrtioa; Fix insertions, 2i Cd; over Fourteen worJi oni not exceeding Tirentj'four Word 3, li; 8U Insertion.*, in. Jiaublu utc* chargci uslffj ca«it pjid. LOST (Monday His Majesty'* Theatre Pit Stalls), Creonstciio liar IlltOOCH; ppoKI oiidi; reward.—llill Jack, liomanolf, Roslyn. 22f JOST (near Ow.m Reach), Tan Collie -J UOJ; reward.—Mis; WoodhoiiTH.', l'r.rlmrv road. St. Clair. ?2f lOST.— Person who liftod BAO St. Hilda J car please RETURN Paterson, Burk. Moray ploco. Reward. 22 f RK\\ ARD.—LOST (between Leviathan and Siaiionl. Turqnoifo and Pearl HROOCIL—Miss Rogers, Express Building. 1 OSI, Blaok SPANIEL.—Finder return J.J or (X'.immimrat.'j with I'aj-k. Victoria liifiiiranoo Company. 22f 'OAGLKY'S Photographic Department, XJ (roorgo street (next Morav Plac Post Office), IMPORTERS of everything photographic. jjf

RACING CLUB. ANNDAL EASTER MEETING, MONDAY and TUESDAY, 6th and Oth APRIL, 1911 £1503 GIVEN IN STAKES. PROGRAMME. (Approved by Duncdin Jockey Club.) FIRST DAY. I.—HANDICAP lIURULE RACE, of 70? ova; lOsovs out of the stake for second horso, Ssovs out of tlio stake for third horse. Over six flights of hurdles 3ft Gin high. Ono milo and a-balf. .Nomination lot, acceptance 20s. 1 2.—TRIAL STAKES, of 50sova; Tsovs out of Btake for second horse. Ono mile. Open to horses that Imvn not won a stolid exceeding £15 in valuo on the flat at timo of nomination. Maidens Sib alio wane o ; w.f.a. Entry 25a. ' 3.—OTAITAI STEEPLECHASE, of SOsovj; " lOsovs out of tlio Btako for second horse, sfovs out of the stake for third horse. About two miles, over and. jumps as the stewards may direct. Han- , dicap. For all horses that havo not won a stake or trophy of 30sovs in value over i a steopierhase course. Nomination 15a, acceptance 255. 4.—RIVKRTON CUP, of SOQsovs; second ' horso 25sovs, third horse lOaova from tlio stake. One milo nnd a-quarter. Nomination 40s. acceptance GOs. S.—FIRST COUNTY HANDICAP, of GOeovs; 7sova out of the stako for second horso, Ssovs out of tlio stake for third horso, Welter handicap. Seven furlongs. Open to horses that have never won a stuko txcwdiiiß £50 in valtio at lime of nomination, and which have been owned for three months prior to date of meeting by residents in Wallace, Southland, and Lako Counties. Nomination lSs, >c-' ceptanco 15cG.—GREAT WESTERN STEEPLECHASE, of 200;ovs; second horso 25sovs, third " horse lOsovs from the stake. .Handicap. About tlirco miles, oyer such courso and jumps as -the stewards may direct. Nomination lO.i. accoplanco 60s. 7.—I 1 LYING HANDICAP, of 8H«ovs; lOsovs second horse, ssovs third horso out of stake. Si* furlongs. Nomination 15s, acceptanco 2os. B.—WALLACE WELTER HANDICAP, of 70eovs; lOsovs second horse, Seovj third horse out of stake. Ono milo., Minimum weight Sat. Nomination 15s, acceptance 20s. SECOND DAY. I.—HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 70son; lUsova aocond horse, 3sovb tliird horeo out of stake. Over seven lli-hts of hurdles 3ft Gin hijjh. One n.Tj and three-quarters. Nomination 15s, acceptance 20s, 2—PRESIDENT'S WIvLTER HANDICAP, ~®p s *)" 8 ! lOsovs second horeo, Ssovs third horse out of stake. Ono mile Minimum weight Bst. Nomination 20s! - acceptance 255. 3.-APAIIIMA HANDICAP,pi 80eov 3 ; second h°rae lOjovs. third horso ssovs from the Make. Six furlongs. Nomination 15s, acceptance 255. •I.—SECOND COUNTY lIANTICAP. of GOeovs; second Jiorso 7fovs, third horeo front the stake. Welter handicap. Seven furlongs. Open -to horses owned i for tlirco months prior to date of meetinn by residents in Wallace, Southland, and Lake Counties. Nomination 15s; acceptance 15s. 5 —RIVEitTON STEEPLECHASE, of 130sova; scconil horso 20sovs, third horso Csovs out of Blake. Handicap. About two miles and n-linlf. Over such coureo nnd jumps as the stewards m»y direct Nomination 255, acceptance 40s. &•—lvASr?,lv HANDICAP, of 130sovs; second horso 20sovs from the stake, third horso stovs from the stake. Mj| 0 and a Nomination 255, acceptanco 7.—VISITORS' HANDICAP HACK RACE of GOsovs; sccomi liorio Tsovs. third horso 3fovs from the stake. Six furlongs. Open to horses that have not won a raco of tlio value of £100 or the colltctivo value of £250 at time of nonrination. Nomination 15s, acceptance 15a S.-KAKKWKLL HANDICAP, of Tasovs; second horse lOsovs, third horso S-ovs from the «lukc. Seven furlongs. .Sonmiauon 15s. -icccptancc ?sb. DATES Hl' KNTUIKS. NOMINATIONS AND ACCEPTANCES. NOMINATIONS for ALL HANDICAPS close With the Secretary at ltiverton at 8 p.iii. on WEDXKSAY, 20th March, 1912. " eightß Declared on 23th March. Accentances and Entries for Trial Stakes cloao 3rd April, at 8 ii.m. Handicap* for Second Day declared about 8 p.m. Mondiy, Bth April Acceptance at 9.30. JOIIX GEAItY, Secretary. I' O. Hox 31. Toicphone No. 3, Rivcrlon. PERSONAL. CASH ADVI'.UTir.EUESTS tinder this henjlos, Wordi, .-IXI'ENCi; per InitrtionSix insertions, :'i Ed; over Fourttea Words aii'l noj ficccdiDg Twenty-four Words, lr. Mi iniiTlbus, Si. Jlculilo tc) charitti utili." cash paid. Woriil) J, 11. tall nt C.1'.0. and gel hticr from Mi 22f OTA GO \V ITNE.Svj.—New Stories. A largo ainount of reading matter. Prioo (3.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 1