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;•-■'. PHASES OP THE HOOH. NOTZKBBB. Pull moon „. ■„ _, m. -. 1 3.18 a.». '■■ Uit quarter _ _-«.— — M MO p.m. Sew moon .».*_.._ 31 8.10 a.m. : : First qoarttf „. «..„.„ 29 MJp.m. : TIIB BTJN. Rises toitf at <■" s-tn.; actrat p.m. THB WBATHBB. ■:' KoTcmbcr It—B a.ta,: Csbni fine. Voon: • Wind Twt«ly; overcast,. ehowery. B pjn.: Wind i>.W.; oTCnaut, ehowsrj. ■ •,' 8 β-a. Kooo. 5 p.m. Barcmckr »._>;— SSJO 59.15 . M.M '■ 'Thermometer « «■- O SS 83 BIOE^ATBB, SoTctnbcr It- n.m. At Tsiaro* Hrate,*. «-; - 9.« »O.M At Pert Ch»hnci»w_—. - - W-M H- s V. it Duntdln .- - ~ 10.63 11.33 VTEAIEEB BCTOBTS. (PlB TJUTBJ PRtSS AB30OIjm0If.) WELIiINGTON, KoTtmbcr 13. Tho following »re the reports cl the weather

WEATHEB FOBECASTS. . The foDoring is the Her. D. C Batee'e ircalhen kranmarj , and lorccoft:—" A prolonged westerly disturbance, which hi* prevailed during the port fortnight, hit icooantod (or very unsettled and Elormr veather in taotl parte o! the Dominion, and especially in districts with a westerly a?prct. The barometer continues very low in the wntli. ' Piesent indications ore tor rain in" all parts ol the country, and-' strong westerly winds generally. The barometer Is very unsteady, ond with a falling tendency." Mr J. A. Ptulin telephoned at 10.S0 last cren-ing:-"S.E, to g.W. winds, and heavy thunderihowers."

ARRIVAL. Tarawera, ji.s., 2003 tons, M'Lean, from Auckland via East Coast ports. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. Passengers: Misses Fair, Lang, Murphy. Macey, King, Every, Kdser, Mcsdames Baird, Pointon, Tcffany, AnselL M'Leod, Frame, Vinioombe, Godfred, Evcret, Johnston, Messrs Simpson. PoiDton, Reid, Thompson, May, Scott, Tcffany, Closo, Harvey, Stephen. Kennedy, Vinicombe, Frame, Grindley, Edser, A. M'lntyre, Kennedy, (lodfrcil, Smith. M'Gill, Aitkcn. Goldsash (2), John,son, Gardner, King; 32 etccrago. v EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Melbourne.—Ulimaroa, November 14. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Wimmcra, November 19. From Sydney (via W«Uinsi£B>).r-Warri-moo, Novcmbor 18. From Auckland.—Mofcoia, November 16. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Tarawora, November. 14. For Sydney (via Wellington).—Ulimaroa, November IS.

For Melbourne,— Warrimoo, November 19.

For Auckland.—Mokoia, November 17;


, l>n of Airlie, left Neur York September 23. Kumarajeft Montreal October 10; duo Dt-ecmbcr 15. Ayrshire, loft Liverpool September 2, and Sydney October 21; arrived Auckland October 30; Paparoa, left London September 20: loft Briebano November 9. Star of Australia, left New York October 15. D-ilphic, loft London October 22. Star of, Canada, left London October 22j due Decemßor 13. Marienfels, left Now York ■October 31. Marere, loft London October 1; duo about December 3. Tokoinaru, loft Montreal Octobw 22, Drayttwi Grunge, left London October 23; duo December 25 Star of India, due- December 28. Zealandic,. left Liverpool Novomtar 3. • AT WBLUITOItW. Rua-hinc. left London October 23; duo December 11. Niwaru, duo about November 12. Corinthio, left London October 17, and Capetown November 3. Tahiti, loft London October 17. Queen Elizabeth (ship), left New York October 17. Opawa, left London October 1, arrived Fremantlc November 7. Autuco, barque, left Livorpool September 20. Ruahino, left London October 29. Star of India, left Londoa November 8. AT MTTBITOIf.

Tongariro. left London Ociober 22. Arawa, left London November 12. VT DtINRDIN.

Whaicatano. left Montreal Augnet 22; arrived Auckland November 1. Norfolk, left Liverpool September 28. Ayrshire, loft Liverpool September 2, and Sydnoy October 21: arrived Auckland October 30. •'Tokomaru, left Montreal September 22. Noro'hana, duo from Liverpool, via Auckland, about Novombcr 7. Kumara. left Montreal October 10. Den of Airlio, left Now York September 23; due about Dccumber 20: Tongariro, left London October 22. AtfKfflio, duo November 12. Autnoo, barauc, left Liverpool September 20. Zoahndic, leit Liverpool November 3. Mat-a-tua, left London November 8, OUTWARD BOUND. '• Mainari, left Port Ohalmere August 23. Wajmatc, left September 20. and Adelaide October 20, for' London. Surrey, left . Bluff September 22 for Avonmouth. Indralema, left Blurt September 28. Tainui , left Wellington October 5. Itotorua, left Wellington October 19. ' Kent, left Bluff October 30. lonic, left Wellington for London November 4. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. " mOH WELUSGIOS.

Torakina, November 18. Athcnic, November 30. . i

JBOH TORT CHAIMERB. Ayrshire, Novomber 22.


AUCKLAND. November 12.-Arrived: Wimmero (9.55 p.m.), from Sydnoy.— November 13.—Arrived: Ysabel, schooner, from tho Tongan Islands. Sailed: Victoria (11 p.m.), for Sydney.

NAPIER, November li—Arrived: Ncrc. hana, from Dunedin.

LYTTELTON, Xovcmbsr 13.-Arrived: Kairaki, from Karamoa and Nydia Bay. Sailed: Whakatwo (0.40 ani). for "thinedm; Himitangi, for Blackhead; Aorangi, for We-llington; Mararoa, for Wellington, with 250 passengers.

BLUFF, November 15.—Arrived: Moaia (7.45 a.m.), from Port Chalmers; Ulimaroa (2.30 p.m.), from Hobart and Melbourne. —Sailed: Mcana (6.p.m.), fnr Hobart and Melbourne..

NEWCASTLE, November 13.-Bai!cd Hazel Craig, for Auckland.


AUCKLAND, November 13.—Arrive*!: Cranky, from New York, via Melbourne and Sydney. LONDON, November 12.—Saikx3: Aroiva, fer Lyttelton.

Tie Tβ Anau Is to load at Westport shortly for Bluff. Tho 'Dlimaroa < will arrivo at Port Chalmere this morning at 7 o'olook, and will not 'proceed to jDunodin. She will fail from Pork Chalmers again to-morrow on the arrival of tho 2.30 p.m. train.

Tho Kaitangete will proceed to Port Chalmers to-day after completing tho discharge 61 her coal cargo, and will take in 30 tons of bunker coal beforo sailing this evening for BhifT. The Atlionio will complete her Homeward loading at Port Chalmers to-morrow, and will sail at 3 p.m. for Wellington, where she, will ro-rdl her bunkers in tho ttreani, and proceeds to Auckland. After loading at the lattor port sho will return to Wellington, whfcnoo she will sail finally on 30tii ivoveuibor for London.

Preparations arc being mudo (nocordinir, to tho Dutch corrofpondent of the Shipping Gazette) for a remarkable towing feat. A largo dock is being built near Amsterdam for tho Dutch East Indies, and it happens that a smaller dock is bejng built in England for tho Bast Indies, and also u sliip. Tn save three sepcralo towages, it is prol>oscd to put tho ship in tho small dock, and to put the two in tho larire dock, which will bo brought to England for tho purjwso. Tho unique three-decker will then w> towed to tho East Indite.

The report.of tho Public Works Committee recommer-ding tho extension of tho southern breakwater at Newcastle a distance of 460 ft. at an estintaUti cost of £54,000, was tebJod in tlio New South Waloi Ijegislativo Assembly last week. Tlic report sols forth that all the eridenoo was unanimously in favour of tho adoption of the scheme as a means of inducing smoothness on the bar, protecting ships negotiatnig. tho entrance, minimising tho rango within tho harbour, and affording facilities for obtaining an additional depth of water. It i> anticipated that with the completion of tho proposed work further breakwater extension will bo unnecessary, and that tho cost of tho dredging bill will be greatly reduced.


Advioetito hand givo an acoount of liow tho liro on boird tiie Nc\\; Zealand Shipping Company's now steamer Hurunui occurred. Tho vessel was launched at Pore Glasgow on September 25. and her dimensions uro: Length, 495 ft; breadth, 62ft 9in; depth (moulded), 43ft 3in: and deadweight carrying capacity, about 9000 tons. Insulating machinery for tho carriapo of frozen ami genera! cargo purposfe has been fitted, and it was in this part of the vessel that, on September 27, a, fire broke out, c-auHnir damage estimated at over £3000.

After the launch the Htirunui was towed to Glasgow to be> engined by Messrs D. Rowan and Co., and early next morning a Bcrious outbreak of fire was discovered a» sho was lying at Finncston quay. It was found between 2 and 3iam., situated in tho forehold, which wan bsing fit k<) out for' coM chambers for tho frown meat vodc. ltunning round the hold was a scaffo'ding for tJio workmen who had beon engaged lining tho sides with wood char and cotton waste, materials used for insulating pur. noses. In tho hold were a largo number of bags of wood char, packing waste, and a considerable quantity of looeo timber. By tho timo the firo brigade was on tho sccnl} smoko in dense volumes was Tising from the hold, mid, owing to tlio difficulty in roachtho.eeat of tho lire, the task of subduing the outbreak occupied the firemen several Hours. Ultimately five lines of hose werAlec through a manhole between decks, and the fire was gradually checked. The timber and packing material worn all destroyed, however, and in addition the vessel sustained damage thro\ieh a number of plates buckling under tho Intense heat. Four hours elapsed before tho fire was mastered. Difficulty of access and tho volumes of smoko within tho chamber made the task of tho firemen very hard, The Hurunui is scheduled to leave Honvy on her maiden trip to Xowr Zealand on January 4, and should arrivo at Auckland about Icbruary 18.


(P*B Ukimd Pbess Association) AUCKLAND, Novemlwr 11 An unexpected arrival . in tho stream at Auckland to-da,v wae the Nofwegian tramp steamer Artemis, 33 days out from \afparaiso to- Sydney. The vcesel ran short of coal, ami bad to come hero for supplies. Sho will proceed on her voyage to-morrow.

at 1 p.m.:— , Wlhl Bar. ma. Neither. Cane Marls... X.W.,Iresh 25.60 63 Misty Rntsell ... W.N. W., fresh 23.6S 56 Filr , Mtnnkau H. K.W.,frwh ».4J M Misty Ancklsnd ... X.N.W., fresh 29:41 65 Overcast Tinranga ... X.W., light 20.53 63 Overcast Eat Capo ... W., Irefh 59.53 62 Showery Gl«borni) ... W., light 29.50 62 Fair Kiplcr .- ' N.W., Jresh 29.W 70 Fine .Wellington... K.V.W.,hrcee39.43 IS Cloudr Cartlenoint ... -V.W., Ught ».6O 61 Cloudy KewPlymooth Calm 29.45 60 Tog C»pe Egraont S.W., light 23.44 60 Overcast Wmgasnl ... S.W., light 29.<J CI Overcast Cape Farewell W., fresh 23.53 59 Mnj Capo Fonlwin4 W.,l)ree:c 29.44 61 Haty Stephen! II... S.W., light 29.43 CO Overcast Westport ... W., light 29.44 63 (hrcrcast C»pe Campbell X.W.,(rt«h 29.3fl (!) Overcait KiikoDU H.S.K,brofM 20.26 K) Fair Akaroi Light JT.E., light 21.27 S3 Ovrrcait KbucIs ... S.E.,brmc 29.27 49 Sllrty . BluB W.N.T., frreh 29.20 53 Overcast

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15300, 14 November 1911, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15300, 14 November 1911, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15300, 14 November 1911, Page 4