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rnuHfcmifca FOR SALC AND TO LET. J0 H N RE I D k SON S, JOHN REID, HENRY WILLIAM REID, CHARLES RUSSELL SMITH, F.I.A.N.Z, AUCTIONEERS, I,ASD SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE & FINANCIAL AGENT?-. ALUATORS, SURVEYORS; MONEY, 811 A UK. .t LAND BROKERS, ARBITRATORS. AUDITORS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. 'Phono 190. LIVERPOOL ,t BOND STREETS (Next Star Offics). 'Phono 193. UNDOUBTED BARGAIN IN FREEHOLDKAI\nv!4I ( V MlxrT|,;s ' WAI ' ,C ~' l tnM KTUART STREET CAR TI-;H----t! ii L'N-l)utit 5-nooitutl IKH'KE rvctl T yv.ns); Z bay windows* portico: bathroom; two built-in wardrobe#: mp|*r. tubs; WiUM: walor Isiwl on; lino largo suiiny Jetton almost i-ncro. This splonOhi is to lx> sold for £'135. SIJPP 3way. You cart become the luckv owner if von have aJxmt fcßa saved trp. " * |^407) NORTH nUNKniN (ON LEVEL. AND ONLY PEW MINUTES' Walk from 1,1 w!V'~. T J, I . IS lfi '' 0R TO". AND IT IS A GENUINE BARGAIN: SUUSTAXattractive dwelling, with slate rook, and con*i\l« - llHltniT. (/HKKRKVjI/ IIODMSi pitsloreil and papered, pas, fj LINEN PRESSES AND WARDROBES, 4 cupbord-i in kitchou (also built in urcwr), hot and co!.l water to I villi, basin, and fink; washlmuse, copper tubssalutary drtiihaee; tomato house. l.arce rrctjon. sJft x ISbfi, laid nut in flowers, fruit, etc. .SPLENDID FAMILY HOME FOR QUICK S\LF O\\NEU T8 DETERMINED TO SELL, ami has )la w l the very low price' of illso on it; ,-ihoiit £200 deposit re>|uiiod; but pfese see this at oiicc. IT'S GOOD. ' (]S?Q) £5E5.-ST. TvILDA (J blocks from car line): Now 5 reorriwl HOUSE, built of wellseasoned timber throughout; large oriel window, verandah (with conoroto floor), concrete an<) Milestone piles, 5 fibrous plaster ocilin<r3, cat, niirror-dnor u'ardrobe, Itookcvw, Clipboards, bath and basin. hot wafer service to bath diow<" and sink, pnntry, scullery, washhouw, etc.; asphalt paths. An ojtra-ehoice nropcrt>\ and can ho purchnsed on reasonable deposit, » (1502) £930.-MOSSKLBCftGtI RISE: Superior BUNGALOW, with 7 rooms, 2 verandahs cafcmcnt window?, tiled roof, electric light. fvorcclain enamelled bath, h. and o water, steel ceilings, handtiomn carved mantelpieces, linen ami clothes presses. two pantries, bookcase, cupboards; folding <!o«rs between dining and breakfast rooms; summer liouso, trellis work I full i-;tcrv; splendid garden; sunnj position. 115K) TO LET. TO LET. EXCHANGE BAKERY. MOSGI.EL, also EXCHANGE TEA ROOMS AND GARDEN (formerly Cryloft Tea Gardens), with modern Shop and 8-roomed Divollinp (i>Holc|. ,mv?" -'« R9,v ' cr ' 'iffht. and aI! mrclm conveniences'thnMHihoat. THESIS rijNl'i NEW PREMISES to W either separately or com binnt SIM. ENI) 11) OI *KN • INCrS for the ricbt tOuants. A capable baker (bread and small jroods), who knows how to run a tea room, would havo a lucrative bUvineso, JOHN nKID <t SdN3 t AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMAN. ,J{A T T RR S B Y ~k 00„ LAND SALESMEN', REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS, AND FINANCIAL XGES'TS. SIIAREBROEERS, 2S DOWLING STP.EET, DUNEDIN. FARMS. FARMS. 2<Y« ACRKs FREEHOLD,-oyer ZOO ncrfs have lwo cultivated, Ivtliuiot bush; .. watrtwl with cri-ek.s; 200 ( hrep. 5-j'oonved ( vafflfi etc. Four miles from rail. H miles, sohool. Clil- AP AT £350; TEtiMS. ' ' ' '

1000 !' KEI.HOI.D. in 3 RUv?ks, W.ilorcfl bv ercoks; half p'lnuchal'li l ; &Wt ««<>* W R(SYVI'Ss ,lo " S< '' > ' U<lr '' Cit ' TlV ° "' lilra frolH raii * v,: '- y - QH ACRI..S LIjAtSKHOLn, handy t 'l C' i iy: !vn t ( 3S> ppr aero; lease 9 yv.l rs, ri t renewal. Mill; run (40 ■Ttn.-tomofsl; IS rows, horse. cart. lniriip, : 0. cans, a full s»t llill.i.pMoiit.s Cheap. as a coins' roitccrn Cnsli required. £200. 1100 700 acres lit for cultivation; K oo<l flat mMrcs well vm cY l,y 40 wb oats, 40 a.oros rcadv for turnips; OUU s|i M |> prmenally owt'sl, 7 head caUle. carries "00 sheep. Gcod 5-ropmcd llon^o *' railcs trm <»'*» 3'ooo 1,1 Blovl:v;.-~C',[V;xi warm flkv?p country; permanent water; 1700 i f, " ei T? un,!p| ' cultivation; carry JMO shoeji. hull; owes, woo'Wi-l ya.KlSj stAliJes. cliii. t)m> mile from rail. £3 !5s per acre: TERMS. 320 ACll l> <s ° ""tMrcks. aire netted; rental, £3 ios; 200 ACRES Vnilii" , RWSS w otc? broken Hp; ure-enl ovver carrviiitr 2SO I'.WKS. Hcn-p" varcs, stable. PRICK, £1001; TKDMS . f SEASIDE SUMMER RESIDENCE, 11/rnilN" 3 miles of Dunnlin Cily.-fi-roomod Ductliuc;. tWujrli order: undT * ern paiKTo and friezes, balh, Jict ami cold water, tiUyl hearths etc.; voram|:ih conservatory, room suitable for smokwosm or billiard wow. The' ground ron?;«N of 2 acres and 23 pol(W. and is liiosl beautifully laid out in aniens, orchard, fernery etc., and contains one of flu- finest collections of plants (im'ludiiij; tropical) in Dunedin Ilio Ht« is a magnificent one. and commands a innimilie.-nt view. Tlie Property :■< suitable for ciiilimr uti. THIS IS A OPPORTCXITY TO SKPP It K A $UMMKR RKSi|IBX(;E or A RESIDENCE FOR A RETIRED FARMFII OR ANYONE DKSIRIH'K OF SECURING A SUPERIOR POULTRY" FARM W'U orchard niMmxRD could not do retter tii.w ixkpfctTin*at TERMS To r k'l'r K; ' : IS £!0Q0 ' awl lho Propcrty is " IIAHOAIN at <1»« KB""'. •»,rUSSEr.BCROn RISR.-Stylish imd lav' <>b- finished 6-rootned BUNT.ALOW- lar-o iT t ««*!crn l»pws and frica*. tilod hearth* and electric Iwl.t, lead WW inn IlLMit.s. etc.: snnnv and sheltered rite. DO\'T F-VIL Tf) IYKI'PVT IT IS EXACTLY WHAT YO(T ARK LOOKING FOR. MJ * CI ' *' QCXSUIXE.-Xew awll wcll.biiilt 6 ;,i"d RUNGALOW; liied hearths and cral« , inodcrii paisrs and poi-ecliun bjtli, oleetric lj K ht panelled h-iIV ground, siinn.y position, handy car, l»:it away from Ilio dust.: Terms arranof

QT. CLAlß.—WelMvilt nn<[ Rtyliiih Groomed hun-nlow desiun -ill !r"°s rxr-i , ; , i , r i ' i ' n,o "'' : -^ '-' lIONS, [f votl want a Scction AX\U'IU , MtE. oomrnnpieate with us K - ? . ... t fOUND PASTRYCOOK'S RURIXI'SS. rpillS BUSINESS is in Olio of the Icadinj towns on the North ],inp, nnd enn lv< I HKCOMMKN'DRD IX EVERY RIiSPECT. The hook, L'f n'l y * accountaiit, nml skovr nn avcrajro not. profit per annual „f £600. The owner has now dccidod to R0 on tho land. Pnrtkulara will tio fnruiJiP.l to 1»N1H111P atld buyers only. The l'remiso? can tie lease,] with a puroha^ini? n " '•^ P T E l\ B 0 Y D, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, 186 PRINCES STREET (Opposite Messrs Jolm Edmond's), DUKEDIN.

£400 m l qm& I ' I \ l Vr , T bsii M 3 A V KKS . of FRF ' F '"™> ni «' 63 ACRES , -Y V?-l, J? 1 !cw " ulcs fro '» |,nlt filial mors, anil ni.ilo closo to railway station, school, P. 0., and creain'ry; 5-momed House, splendid now byre with concrete floor. TotdJ purchase monoy gtilv £750. ' £380 St!! 1 X , EKnEn . 116 ACRKS al. foui'dale; good 4-roome<i liens?, rt-roomiMi Men a House, 14-stiil!,-,l l»y ro . stable, am! barn- good running stream on Iho property; part ready (or turnips; will be sold (including cr m of oat*. potatoes, etc.) .it £10 per acre h ' £12 v,iH ' I,, :f hast> ,110 . VITV til'l" DAIRY FARM of 170 ncrps in M tek J! t!pyi ; fttihvny station, township, school, P. 0., and erc.imorv; exWJ)Moii:u!y good grLss land- and grows great craps. 205 ACm ' : f- r? r on " '"i, !c ,r " m fCno " l - 6-roowod Divollinp, cowslit-d. barn, sfcMc. etc.; 87 acres sown in oats. 25 in rape, Hi» potatoes « acres in new grass; good orchard and garden; a verv handv little farm <md tip soil produces tiptop crops; will he Fold at £7 15s an aero,' crops'given in.' ' IQJ. ACRE.*. Cr.I'TFIA; 28 nCroK in «aK 26 ploughed for turnips; K ood running j stream; good 9-roomed llouso, dairy, slab!,>, etc., etc.; a real "ift at £4 1(k per ccre. "

JOHN 11ER0US & CO., LAND. ESTATE, INSURANCE. AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS 5 nnd 6 EXCHANGE COURT. 96 PRINCES STREET, rni: sai-e. FOR SALE.-Sub.stantially-buill 6-r<?om«l HOUSE, with stable. I'lcrl; stfeol, North-East VaTev; £750 FOR SALE.—Suitable for Summer Rosi<lence: Five-roomed HOUSE and J-uqro Land. liani|xlen, not far from l;encii £350. I'OR SALE. 217 ACRES rough gracing land; ring fenced; sheltered, and good sixain of water through it. Alxmt 3 milec from railway station, crcjiincry. Price. £2 i>?r acre. FOR SALE.—S4OO. corryins 3000 eives nnd 10C0 dry sheep; 800 acres under cflltivation; grows wheat, oats, turnips rape, etc.; fencos sheep-proof; periiinunit water; 10-roomed modern Ilnusp, shearing shed. etc.. etc. £2 17s 6d per acre. I 1 OR PALE "—.Seven-roomed HOUSE nnd 7} acjes land; near town; £625. Six-roomed HOUSE, charming view, hot water, elcctric light, conservatory; £675. TO LET. Fivc-roomed HOUSE, Anderson's Bay road ; 17« 6d. PoTon-roomrd HOUSE. Anderson's Bay; bnt.h, viiiery, stable; J-arre; orclwrd Rent. 20s. " ' Rix-rroiiuxl HOUSE; bathroom, washhouse, etc.; fruit garden; J.V (x> r W ei»k. Seven-roomod Modern HOUSE, Rosh'll. Rent, 255. MONEY. jy- 0N E Y _TO rE ND. Tho DUNEDIN SAVINGS BANK is prepared to LEND MONEY on FREE HOLD SECURITY at Lowest Current Rati.s. FRED. SMITH, Ism Manager. rpKUST MONEY TO LEND on FREEHOLDS at Current Rates. JOHN WILKINSON. Solicitor, 20j;i 26 Dowling street, Duuedin. VTONIiY to LEND in largo or small amoimts, on Frechoid Security. MONDY .V STEPHEN'S, Solicitors, £03 l'rintes street. reiRUST MONEY to LEND on Frechoid i. Hecuiity or Miinieipiil Delttntnies, at Current Rates.—Tim Trustee, Executors, and Agency Compiny of X.X. (Ltd.), comer Wnlo-r street and Bond street. W. LAURENCE SIM.'SON, Manager. Money I u i. L ATJ In Any Sum.. MOORE, MOORE, ft NtCHOL, Solicitors, 230 56 I/)wer Stuart street. rjMIUST MONEY lo LEND on First J. Mortgage of Freehold Securities.— ADAMS. BROS., folicitors^ jr Pl'.li I.'ENT - -Money to Lend on Froo- " holds', easy payments. Bills discounted. Bryant. Qetagan. i6s O'i'AGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS J Oil I'll I.N'T INO DEPARTMENT.— Job Printing cf tverj description done witb Despatch and at tbo Lowest Current lUte*.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8