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Tho monthly meeting of the Maori Hill Hnrouph Council, held last night, was attended by tin- Mayor (Mr A. J. Huttor\vi'i <r t ''' laurie, J. I/illio, ». llemloiton, Ci. liatlor, ,f. U I'iu'smoro, !'• Ci. Gumming, P. L Clark, and P. Noilion.

COniIRSroXDF.XCK. The hccrelary of tho Charitable Aid lio.ira notified jiiaj, tho recommendations Irtnii ilio 0.-.ur.cii in m situ for proposed wcoiidiry hospital would bo considered when tho purchase of a sit<> romo befuro board.—'Jlu; Mayor explained t.lvo rcpro.ontiition.i mado bv tho deputation that n-cnntly united cn the Iwd.-Letfr rc--loivod.

■>'. Nieppcrd, IJ;i|o street. um!« calliii" attention tu the i:cce.-sity (or metalling in Dalo stirjet.—Rr-xivoj. ( lip Town Clerk tlist tho <!rain3 , *o had hocn attended to. Tito cllm* mailer wai referred to the Works Committee. I'l'c 'I own Clerk, Dune-din, notified that tho City Comieii hntl rotwlvoil not to continue tlie grant of £50 towards expenditure on roads in tlK> north and west, wards of th:' ltorouph.—The Mayor, Cr i'asMiioiis and members- for Xoith Waul and ilia Water Commilteo were appointed as a deputation to the City Council to urge that liie annual grant be continued.

S. Lawsuit, Leith Valley. jmltwl that the fenco on road (routing his property might bo removed, as it, was a risk to Ilis cattle.C'olisidoration deferred.

Tho .Secretary of tip Amalgamation Committee (.Mr C. 1 techy) forwarded n petition with 12D signatures toque-ling the taking of u poll on the cpte.-tion of ainalgajnatilig tho borough with the city.— Cr Henderson ntovod, and (V Laurie seconded, that tho stvps be taken for holding a l>oll on tho amalgamation question.—Cr IS. S. Clarke thought that the promoters of the amalgamation propyls had Icon guilty of something like a breach of faith, m a Ratepayers' Committer h::d been formed, and it was understood, lie thought, that iio further action should be taken until the joint coir.mitloe hud reported to a future public meoting.-Cr Lillic said thero was no snob understanding, and therefore no breach had Iwu eominittced. Ti:o quostion would go before the electors, wh> would deal with tho proposal at tlio jvoll as they thought bi st —C'r Henderson pointed out that there was nothing to prevent ratepayers from holding another publio m-vt-lllg, although the |>otit.:on had been pr*> sentwl (o the council,—The petition was received, ami the town clerk was instructed to take tho neuvwirv stops for hoi J in.'' a poll.

Tha Town Clerk, Dunedin, notified that the terms for ssrvice for lighting the Tow-i Belt (£80), ns piopcsetl by tho borough, were agreed to, and t.hs ' lighting would be proceeded with at as early a doto ai ]xi",-il)li\—Received.

A telegram was received from Mr G. M. Thomson, M.l'., notifying that tho Hospital Board cmM not jiiooohhl with ost.ihlishing tin' proposed .sanatorium without tho approval of tho Health Department.— Uiceived. The Lawreneo Conntv Council forwarded a resolution utFn that, the tost of maintaining nml supporting institutions for the treatment t{ tubercular diseaaw should Ik- Iv.rno by the Covcrmucnt, imj wking corporation in Mipport of tho motion.— Inferred lo the propo-ed confcrcnce of local lx;die_s which uill be held i-hortly. The City Kngiikxir wvoto (skills' for authority to i.iko steps to prevent cattlo [10111 straying on the reserves on the ea-vi. Uiuk of l.lio Lc.l.h, below tho intake »t Frr.sor's, and fumi polluting the water.— T.x- letter was received, and it was resolved—^" Thai tho Citv Council bj informed that tit-? Maori Hill lton>i.\gh 0«m----eil is not. prepared to grant uny concessions relative to road, lines within the botnugh until cdviso 1 of 1.110 City Council's doiijion with riference to the term* sub niitted in the borough council's letter of 28th Juno last, concerning certain roads which the City Council desires to have h1os:hI. That tho City Council's attention ho drawn to the (aH that n quantity r,f native biifh on the roadline alongside tho Loith has bcon cul, down liy that council'i employees without tho permission of tho Maori Hill Council: and further, that folicii.« and oilier obsti notions have bout orcctcd by tho l.'itv Council on several pc»lIkes in the boicugh, also without permission." lISrORTS. The Finance Committee recommended payMonta amounting lo £232 17s 4d. and that application bo made to tho Government. for an additional amount of £250 for &>uth Ward loan, on tho basis of 10 per eont. on the £2503 loan.—Adopted. The Work.; Committee recommended that a handrail b? erected on tho north side of tho ro:.d running from Chamberlain street serosa tJie Town Holt to Queen's Drive, find a formed tlinrron ami kerbed with jn'rrnh; that L. Mnxwoll lx> supplied with tar for the bridge leading to his property, ho to apply the same.—The .nb;>i ion of the report was moved by Cr ami seconded by Cr Lillie.— K. S. Clarke said that, as tho petition in favour of taking a jx>ll for amalgamation bad lxwi sent. in. he thought the council should regard it r-s a wa-nt of onnfitVnco motion. and, following i:a.r!iamonhry pnxodent, they should not undertake any further works until the vote ha(i boon taken, lie moved tlmt tho report in> held over until after the amalgamation |>01l had l>ecn laken.—Cr Nielson seconded the amendment, which was carried.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

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MAORI HILL BOROUGH COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

MAORI HILL BOROUGH COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8