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SECOND DAY. GOOD SPORT. /in Bk-oiient day as regards the weathei vras experienced yesterday for the secom day of tho annual gathering of the Oto.g< Caledonian Society, and' a goodly ohmk in consequence visited thfi Galendonia! Ground. In addition to t.ho running anv. cycling events, yesterday was special!) marked by sawing and chopping event (in all of which popular enthusiasm foiuic lull vont), the completion of the wresthn: events and a continuation and conipletioi of the dancing and piping. Publio iij l-irest was well maintained throughout th< afternoon. For the running events the track -was it very fair order, although a trifle heavj down the back stretch. Notwithstanding this, the times were fair, though Chalmers the scratch man, could not get going witl success in any of his runs, the sbairts gene rally being too liberal. The same remarl inignt bo made of the cycling events, when the back-markers, after their successes o 'the previous day, found themselves obligee to give away just a trifle too much. The bicycle races, nevertheless, proved of xnorc than usual interest, the entries being an increase for the second day in, previous years, the times fast, and l the competition very keen. The front-markers, profit' ing by their experience of the first day. rcnJioed that their only cliance of winning was to mate full use of their handicaps, and they never let up during the course ol the races. As one limit man took a lap, another one came up, _ and helped to make things merry. Williams, a North Island ridor; Wallaoj, from Mataur'a; Dow, of Outram; and Wilson, of Oamaru, ill pat in solid' pacing work. A local rider in Maw 3ecnred both tho Two-mile and the Mile and a-half, while tho Mile went to Wallace. A regrettable incident occurred during the running of the Mile, the competitors being sent five laps instead of four, 'Williams winning. A .protest, was entered by Wallace, who was in front at the end of four Japs, and the executive decided to run. tho race ovra- again at tho conclusion of the day's sport. In, the runoff Wallace secured tot place, and Williams had tho misfortune to bo arossed by another rider, the front wheel of his machine being destroyed, though lie diH not fall. Dow, 'Shand, and Blaokman fell in the final of tho Two-mile, but, fortunately, none of them was seriously hurt, and Blackmail afterwards secured saoond place in the wood-chopping event. The Ohristchurch rider, P. Hill, got second place in the second run off of the Mile. The other Christahurrih rider, E. Wall, who won the three races on the first day, made himself a great favourite with the spectators, and if the encouragement lavished on him during iiie racing could have helped him to victory, ho would witnout a doubt have repeated his first days Guec esses. The wrestling was of a very interesting character, and Dickson, a man who gave a very heady exhbition, became a deserved favourite by his win in the Catoh-as-catch-can (open). After tho sports were over Mr Walker aid one of hie pupils gave an exhibition of fast and interesting wrestling work. The following are the results of the day's programme of events:— CALEDONIAN HANDICAP,. 220 yds Prizes: £7, £2 10s,. and £1. First heat: C. Martin, I3yds, 1; E. T. Smith, 13yds, 2. Also started: R. Chalmers scrktoh, J. White 3yds, A. A. Thorneon syds, D. Simo' 12yds. . Won by a yard. Time, 24 4-ssec. Second heat: G. M'Queen, 13yds, 1; T. E, Bermingham, syds, 2, Also ran: D. Dodds 2yds, J. Walker 6yds, E. R. llac Byds, W. Diiff 10yds. Won by about three yards. Time 24 2-sscc. Third heat: J. Park, Byde, 1; A. Valen.tine, 11yds, 2. Also started: A. Ross 2yds, A. C. Anderson syds, M. H. Browne 13yds. Won by close on three yards. Time, 24 l-sscc. Final'. J. Park >~ ... „ 1 G. M'Queen _ - 2 T. E. Bermingham 3 i

Park was in front 10 yards from the tape, and got ihome with a yard to sparo. M'Queen and Bermingham finished close together. Time, 24seo.


Prizcfi: £3, £2, and £1. A. Fester, syds 1 , R. F. Mitohcll, 20yds 2 W. J. Graingor, 25yds 3 , Also started: W. Keys 35yds, L. H. Henderson 35yds. The men were br.nehecl j coming, into the straight for the first time. ' At tho far bend in the run home Foster , got to the front, and won comfortably , by about four yards. Mitchell just lasted , long enough to beat Grainger by a couple J of feet. Time, 2min 10 l-ssec, ; 350 yds HANDICAP. Prizes: £5, £2, and i £1. • Finst heat: J. Park, 13yds, 1; J, E. i Cuthill, 15yds, 2; R. Ohalmen6, scratch, .3. Also started: A. Ross syds, T. E. Ber--I,' mingliam 9vds, D. Sime 15yds. Won by r a yard, a similar distance between sreend ; and third. Time, 41 l-ssec. , Socond heat: G. M'Queen, 19yds, 1; E. i D. M'Rae, 15yds, 2; A. H. Fisher, 13yds, - 3. Also started: J. White syds, A. A. c Thomson Bvds, J. Walker 14yds, A. W. j Valentine 16yds, E. T. Smith 17yds, Geo. f Brownlic 20yds. A good finish, the winner 1 just coming through from a bunched field. ! Time, 41 2-ssec. i Final t Park 1 i Fisher 2 M'Rao 3 All qualified started, but Chalmers (scratch) was out of it. from tho start, the ; strong wind in the back stretch telling against him. Park led into the straight t by three yards, and lasted long enough to win by about 4ft from a fairly close field. > Time, 40sec. ' HALF-MILE HANDICAP. Prizes: £5, £2, and £1. J. White, 25yds 1 t A. W. Valentine, 37yds 2 ( Geo. Brown! le, 50yds 3 Also started: R. Chalmers scratch, A. A. ' Thomson 25yds, J. Park 40yds, G. M'Queen 40yds, H. J. I-lolmes 40yds, K. M'Lood ! 40yds, G, MS'Larcn 45yds, A. Lvc isj ds, ' M. H. Brownlic 50yds, W. M'Queen CGyde, Joe Smith 55yds. Chalmers l'ctired aftor one nund, the starts bsing tco much. Entering the straight Valentine was working his way rapidly forward and catching the two loaders on tho limit, but White came out with a fine run, and, beating his men, ran in a winner by over three yards. Valentine beat Brown lie by a long yard for second place. Time, 2min 1 15£<rc. ONE-MILE WALK HANDICAP. Prizes: £3 10s, £2 10s, and £1. Geo. Stephenson, 20yds, 1 Wm. Bowdler, 180 yds ... 2 Wm. Craik, scratob 3 These were the only starters. The winner caught the limit man at the commencement of'tho third lap, and, passing him, held the lead comfortably to the end. Craik was a bad third, being distanced by Stephenson right from the start. Time, 6min 58sec. TWO-MILE WALK HANDICAP. Prizes, £4 105, £2, and £1. Geo. Stephenso.i, 45yds 1 . Wim. Craik, scratch 2 Wm. Bowdler, 250 yds 3 These were the only starters, and the result was never in doubt, as Stephcnso,! won by more than his start from Craik. Time, 14min 52sec. HIGH JUMP HANDICAP. Prizes: £2 10s, £1 10s, and £1. R. Kirk (scratch). sft sin. 1 E. Rutherford (2in) and D. Flett (2in), equal, sft 4£in 2 Also competed: A. Ross, J. E. Cuthill, H. M'Leod, It. Cross, D. Murrav, R. Rutherford, W. M'Culloeh. Kirk, who cleaved sft 7jin at Knitangata recently, was never pressed, clearing the bar as it was put up without touching. ONT-MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP. Prizes: £4, £1 10s, and £1. First Heat —G. Wallace, 120 yds, 1; A. A. Williams., 140 yds, 2; E. Wall, scratch, *3; P. Hill, 10yds, 4. Also started: H. Blackmail 35yds, W. J. Harris 60yds, A. J. Sutherland 60yds. ' Wallace and Williams paced each other turn about, and were in front all the way. Wallace just got homo from Williams, Wall and Hill contenting themselves with riding for places. Time, 2min lEeee.

Second Heat—J. W. Dow, 150 yd", 1; G. Proctor, 150 yds. 2; C. M'Laren, 140 yds, J; Muir Wilson, 120 yds, 4. Also started: H. J. Withey 60yds, Jnmcs Shand 80yds, L. Maw, 100 yds, J Walquist ■] 10yds, W. Fletcher 150 yds. Dow and Proctor kept in front for two laps, when, the field closed up A rattling finish saw Dow winning by a, wheel, Wifchoy .being just'beaten out of i place eight yards from the winner.' Time'. Rmin lOsec. Final: A. A. Williams 1 G. Wallacc 2 C. M'Laren 3 All qualified started. Dow made the pace hot in front, and neither Wall nor Hill could get up. The competitors were allowed to ride live laps instead of four. At the finish of the mile proper Wallace was first, Wilson second, and Williams third. Wilson and a number of the others then pulled out, but Wallace and Williams went on and fouglit_ out a hard finish for the e*tra lap, Williams winning, and M'Laren coming third. No time was taken. Wallace entered a protest, and i twas decided to the lace at the conclusion of the sports, it resulting as follows:-^ Wnllnce ... ... 1 Hill ... ... 2 Wilson 3 Dow and Wall did not start. Hill was up with the leaders with two laps gone, but in the run homo could not hold Wallace, who won by six yards, Muir Wilson a yerd back third. Time, 2min 16 l-sseo. MILE AND AHALF BICYCLE HANDICAP. Prizes: £4, £1 10s, and £1. First Heat.—L. Maw, 125 yds, 1; J. Walquist, 135 yds, 2; Muir Wilson, 145 yds, 3; J. W. Dow, 175 yds, 4. Also started: 15. Wall scratch, P. Hill 15yds, C. M'Laren 165 yds, G. Proctor 170 yds. Dow, Proctor,' and Hili look turn about at pacing, and made things vory lively. At the second last lap Maw and Walquist broke away from the field, and finished in that order. The scratch men did not get up. Time,. 3min 25sec. Scoond Heat.—A. A. Williams, 160 yds, lj G. Wallace, 150 yds, 2; James Shand, 100 yds. 3; II Blackman, 50yds, 4. Also started : W. J. Harris 70yds, H. J. Withey 80yds, A. J. Sutherland 90yds. Williams and Wallace led light through, finishing some 30 yards in front of Shand and Blackman, who had a good race for places. Time, 3min 30sec. Final. L. Maw ...• 73 .. 1 G. Wallace 2 J. Walquist 3 All qualified started. Blackman soon got up to his field, which rodo in singne iile for a mile, with Dow. doing most of the pacing. At the second last lap Maw sprinted, with Walquist on> his wheel and Blackman following. The field was bunched coining into the straight, where the pace was a cracker, and Dow, on. the inside, fell. His machine struck Blackman's bicycle, ad this rider also came down, and forced Shand right off the track at the corner into the spectators ound the ring. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt, Dow faring worst, his arms and knees being skinned. Tho bicycles, however, wore a very dilapidated appearance. Maw won by a few yards from Wallace who just beat Walquist for Eccond place. Time, 3min 38sec. TWO-MILE BICYCLE RACE. Prizes, £5, £2, and £1. First heat: A. A. V. Wi-llianis, 190 yds, 1: G. Wallace, 180 yds, 2; E. Wall, scr.. 3; P. Hill, 20yds, 4. Also started: H. Blackman 70yds, W. J. Harris 90yds, A.

J. Sutherland' 100 yds. Williams and Wallace led throughout. Wall and Hill were satisfied to go for the other places. Tims, 4m In 45 l-&sec.

Second heat: L. Maw, 140 yds, 1; Muir Wilson, 160 yds, 2; J. Walquist, 150 yds, 3; C. M'Laren, l£oyds, 4. Also started; 11. J. Withcy 99yds, G. Proctor 200 yds 'Witney got up to his field with two laps gone, and the field then rode in file, [ Wilson, M'Luren, and Proctor sharing the pacing. Walquist: sprinted a lap when the ! bsll went, but was passed, in the strnign.t , by Maw and Wilson, the former winning I by a couple of yards. Time, smin 2seo. ! Final. L. Maw 1 Muir Wilson ... 2 I G. Wallace 3 All qualified started. Williams, Wilson and Wallace kept' hard at it from the start, and Wall and Hill failed to get within striking distance. Haw caime away when the bell rang, and won by half a dozen lengths from "Wibon, who was just ahead of Walace. Time, 4min 37 l-ssec. GRAND WRESTLING COMPETITION, 12st 41b and under. Three stylesBorder, Cornish, and Calch-as-Catch-Can. Prizes: £6, £3, andi £1. Final. M. Forde 13 points 1 E. Gallery, 9 points 2 E. Dale, 6 points ... 3 (Portion of this event was held on tho first day. Yesterday's details were as follow Cornisii Style. Final. M. Fordo threw Callery. A. Robertson third. Catch-as-Catch-Can Style. First Round. Callery threw Guy. Dale threw A. Rcbertson. M. Forde a bye. Second Round. Callery threw M. Forde. Dale a bye. Final. 'Dale threw Callery. M. Forde third. GRAND WRESTLING COMPETITION. All-cornel's. Prizes £6, £3, and £1 10s. Boeder Style. First Round. J. Forde threw A. Graham. M. Forde threw M. Cameron. C. Dickson a bye. Second Round. M. Forde threw Dickson. J. Forde a bye. Final. J. Forde threw M. Forde Dickson third. GRAND WRESTLING COMPETITION. All-comers. Prizes £6, £3, and £1 10s. Catch-as-Catch-Can Style. First Roimd. M. Forde threw W. Guy. J. Forde threw E. Callery. P. Hyncs threw A. Graham. C. Dickson threw M. Cameron. Sccond Round. Dickson threw M. Fcrde. J. Fordo threw Hynes. Final. Dickson threw J. Forde. M. Forde third. The wrestling in this contest was of a very fair order, and much more interesting than was .the ca6e in the light-weight wrestling. The winner (Dickson) gave a very fine exhibition, and thoroughly deserved his success, STRATHSPEYS AND REELS. Prizes: £4, £2, £1. J. Morrison 1 W. Cameron ... 2 R. Sutherland ' 3 Also competed: C. Munro (fouth place), John Higgins, George Munro, J. M'Callum, R. Clark, and J M'Kechnie. Tho judge (Mr J. MacGregor) stated that the winner gave a very fair performance all through. The music, as a whole, however, was not up to standard, and the majority were slack in reel, playing. The winner of this event secured the special prize for most points in piping with 280 points out of a possible 300. BAGPIPE MUSIC, Special. Open to pipers urxler 20 years of age. Any sex. I'.rizes: £3, £1 10s, and £1. • Miss W. Ross 1 A. R. Frame 2 A. M'Millan !" 3 Also competed: F. E. Anderson and A. ' M'Kay. The judge remarked that the playing of Miss Ross was very pleading. On the original placing Alex. M'Kay was given , ,P la< ;?' a Potest was lodged, and ! Upheld, that he was over age. REEL o' TULLOCH. Prizes £2, £1 10s and £1

J. M'Keohme ... i R. Clark o D. M'Donald 3 There were six competitors. GRAND HIGHLAND REEL (in costume). Prizes £3, £2, and 1 £1. D. MTDonaldi, -40 points 1 K. Clark, 37 points -2 W MaoKcnzio, 32 points ... .!. 3 • There were seven competitors. Tho Judge stated that tho placed men danced well. • GENERAL EXCELLENCE IN DANCING (youths only). Prizes £2 10s. £1 10s, and £1. C. M'Kenzie •. 1 D. M'Kenzie ... ... 2 J. H. Jarvio 3 The Judge (Mr Bills) said tiio'danomjy °1 the third competitor was very creditable for one so younj*. Thero were only three competitors. SWORD DA NCR (in costume). Prizes £3 10s, £1 10s, and £1. J. M'Kechnie, 40 points 1 R. Clark, 33 [joints 2 G. Anderson, 36 points 3 Also competed: D. M. Thomson, W. Mackenzie, D. M'Donald, J. Reeves, J. Archibald. The Judge stated that Ander6on was a very keen competitor* GENERAL EXCELLENCE IN DANCING (girls under 15 years). Prizes £3, £2, and £1. Beatrice Miller, 42 points ... 1 N. Mitchell, 36 points 2 D. Gait, 34 points 3i class Miss D. Gold gave an exhibition of dancing without being a competitor. SAILOR'S HORNPIPE (in costume). Prizes £2 10s, £1 10s, and £1. D. M'Donald X J. M'Kechnie 2 R. Clark " 3 In the opinion of the judge the three dancers gave a splendid exhibition, IRISH JIG. Prizes £2 10s, £1 10s, ajid £1. D. M'Donald 1 R. Clark 2 J. M'Kechnie 3 WOOD-SAWING COMPETITION (sinjrlchandod). Prizes £2, £1 10s, and £1. A. Laughton, 15sec 1 G. A. Goold', lOscc 2 J. Pettit, scratch 3 These were the only competitors, and the time was lmiu 23see. WOOD-SAWING COMPETITION (doublehanded). Prizes £4 10s, £2 ICte, and £2. Lec Bros., lseo 1 W. and A. Laußhton, 2sec ... 2 J. Pettit and G. A. Goold, scr 3 There were the ( only competitors, and the time was 23soe. WOOD-CHOPPING COMPETITION. Prizes, £5, £2 10s, £2. A. Laughton (lfcec) 1 W. Blacknwn (lOsec) ' 2 G. A. CJoold (scr.) 3 W. M'Lawn (lOsec) 4 Also started: W. Laughton ssec, J. Pettit Ssec, P. F. Goold lOsce, M. O'Neill lSsoc, J. 0 Xoill lOycc, 15. J. Norman E&cc. lhe winner's actual time was 3min 41sec. Tne other placed men were not far behind, tho second awl third men being particularly close together. QOITING, 21yds, 21 points. Prizes, £4. . £2, £1. W. Mehalski, 7 points hq> ... 1 J.' M'Lauclilmi, 3 [wints hep. ... 2 W. Dons, 5 points hep 3 The preliminary rounds were worked off on the first day, when tho above three, with J. Hutchison scratch, survived. Hutchison did not appear yesterday. PUTTING THE 221b BALL. Prizes, £210s, £1 10s. A. M'Culleeh (Ift 6in), 33ft Sin '1 P. M'Lean (2ft &in), 32ft 3in ... 2 M. Hanley (2ft), 31ft lOiri 3 Also competed: D. Murray (Ift 6in) and M. Fordo (Ift 6in). TOSSING THE CABER. Prizes, £5, £2 £1. W. Murray, 44ft, 1 A. M'Culloch, 43ft lOin 2 P. M'Lean, 43ft 7in 3

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15032, 4 January 1911, Page 3

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OTAGO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY Otago Daily Times, Issue 15032, 4 January 1911, Page 3

OTAGO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY Otago Daily Times, Issue 15032, 4 January 1911, Page 3