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I THE NEW BODY FORMED. REMARKABLE APATHY OF VOTERS Despite the fact that the amalgamator of tho Hospital Board, the Bonevolonl Trustees, and the Hospital Trustees undei j-ho now Hospital and Charitable Instihi lions Act marks an epoch in the history ol . charitable aid -administration in New Zea > land, the public has shown a most'regret . tab!,; lack of interest in regard to the event, . lJiis was indicated by the fact that three of tiie combined contributing districts undoi I the now system failetl to nominate repre : sensitives, and # was proved by the ciectioi: ot representatives—the first under the new act-held yesterday. The most promincnl ' feature of the election as a whole was tin I very small number of votes cast in the i different districts, as compared with the , number of persons entitled to go to the , poll. As the voting proceeded "yesterday t the total ond most regrettable' absence of any form of keen public interest and the very small stream of voters that trickle* ' through the various booths made it evident that the vote wis goim; to be a very smal. : one. And so it proved when the numbers i were announced. Some idea of the post 1 tion may be gained by the following figure (which are only approximate): — Combined Number District. on roll. Votes Cast , Duncdin, etc 12,000 1,500 Roslyn, etc 6,400 750 Waihcmo, etc. ... 3,2C0 350 Totals 21,600 2,600 The following gentlemen acted as ehie: returning officers in the three districts interested:— Duncdin, etc., Mr R. Sv. Richards; ltc«lyn. etc., Mr Chadcc Wedge; Waihcmo, etc., Mr J. Pbrtcous.- Each ol these gentlemen made excellent arrange, ment for the handling of the poll, but their j resources' were, naturally not unduly taxed, I Voting ceased at 6 p.m. at Port Glial- | mers, Waikouaiti, and Palmerston, and at 7 o'clock in the city and suburbs. The coiuiting of the votes was concluded at an early hour, and the results were known al Roslyn before 8 o'clock,. and at the Oily Town Hall an hour later. Only half a dozen ratepayers assembled at Roslyn, and there,' were no speeches made, and there was an assemblage of less than a scoro at the Town Hall. Eaoh of the candidate who was present at the declaration of the poll at the latter place addressed the ratepayers, returning thanks for his election or the support given him. The following is the result of the elections : — COMBINED DISTRICT OF THE CITY. OF DUNEDIN AND THE BOROUIJij OF WEST HARBOUR. (Si-: members.)

I COMBINED DISTRICT OF ROSLYN, I NORTH-EAST VALLEY, MAORI HILL, AND MORNINGTON. (l'wc members.) . I s I a .S (2 z s I | Wilkinson, W. ... 109 70 12 55 33f Hamol, J. H. F. ... 143 24 23 108 29E Bridger,- A. 11. ... 98 27 15 150 29( COMBINED DISTRICT OF WAIHEMC COUNTY, WAIKOUAITI . COUNTY, PALMERSON SOUTH BOROUGH WAIKOUAITI BOROUGH, AND PORT CHALMEHS BOROUGH. (One member.) ■ % i I 1 g J ' I £ ° .- "3 « « -2 ft £. ft) jO Templeton, R. ... 11 189 28 22! Philip, D. M. ... 53 4 37 9/ Clark, George ... 8 0 17 2! Informal, 4. COMBINED DISTRICTS OF THP ROAD BOARDS, BAY TOWN BOARD ST. KILDA AND GREEN ISLANE BOROUGHS. (Ono member.) H. M. Ewing (elected'unopposed) COMBINED DISTRICT OF T4IERI COUNTY AND MOSGIEL BOROUGH (Ono member.) Walter Blackio ... (elected unopposed) COMBINED DISTRICTS OF TAPANUI LAWRENCE AND ROXBURGH BOROUGHS. AND TUAPEIG COUNTY. (One member.) ' Uiuwvi ' No nomination received. CLUTHA COUNTY, BALOLUTHA BOROUGH, AND CLINTON TOWN BOARD. (Ono member.) No nomination received. BRUCE COUNTY, MILTON AND KAI TANGATA BOROUGHS. (One mem ber.) No nomination accepted. THE NEW BOARD. John Loudon, Dunediu ■ J. H. Walker, Dunedin. David Larnach, Dunediu S. S. Myers, Dunedin W. T. Talboys, Dunedin J. J. Clark, Dunedin ' W. Wilkinson, Roslyn J. 11. F. Hamel, Roslyn R. Templeton, Waikouaiti ■ . H. M. Ewing, St. Kilda Walter Blackio, Taieri 'Tlirec members to be appointed. Tho above board will, on the tormina tion of the current month, take over tin functions of tho following bodies: — HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE Air BOARDS-Messrs J. H. Walker, (chair man), 11. L. Taplcy, C. E. Keast, W Burnett. James Cumming. H. M. Driver W. Blackio, " Thomas Aitken; A. H Bridirer. J. H. F. Hamel, George Clark W. T. M'Farlano, W. T. Talboys. W E S. Knigb*. H...E. Moller, and D. .W

"ach; BENEVOLENT TIiUSTEES-W. T. Talboys (chairman), A. E. Tapper, D. Larnaeh.W. E. S. Knight, John Loudon, J. M. Gnllaway, 11. A. Le Oren, H. E. Moller, and .1. H. Walker; HOSPITAL TRUSTEES-S. Solomon (chairman), J. Loudon, A. E. Tapper, Join M'Donakl, J. M. Gallaway, John Mill, J. H. Walker, and Dr Batchelor. ELECTIONS IN OTHER CENTRES. ' (Per United Press Association./ AUCKLAND, March 16. The following were the successful candidates at to-day's election of the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board:City: P. J. Nerheny, P. M. Maclcay, J. S. Dickson, and F. J. H. Klliscfon. Combined boroughs of Mount Iwen, Grey Lynn, l'arncil, Newmarket, and Onehunga, and Ellerslio town district: H. Schofield, E. H. Potter. Combined boroughs of Devonport, Birkenhead, and Northcotc: 'Dr W. G. Guinness. Waitomat:: and Rodney Counties and Helcnsvilic town district: F. Dye ('Unopposed). Road districts of Eden County: M. J. Coyle and J. Jenkin (unopposed). The representative of the Manuka u County road district will be elected on March 30. The voting was small in the city, tho highest candidate receiving only 1030 votes out. of a total of over 19,000 electors on the roll. WELLINGTON, March 16. The election o: W representatives of'the combined Wellington district on the new Hospital and Charitable. Aid Board took place to-day. There were 23 candidates. Tho followiiisf is the polling:—Elected: J. G. W. Aitkin, 1657; Rev. Van Stavern, 1617; Miss Richmond, 1547; R. C. Kirk, I486; .). Smith, 1454; Rev. TV. A. Evan'4 1331; J. Kolwrhron,-1323; J. Godber,"l32i; J.J. Deviiie, 1259; U. M'Lareu, M.P., 1262; J. Trevor. \W:"r, A. H. Hiudinarsh 1137; G. London, 1058; J. JO. .Fitzgerald, 1079. Rejected : G. Nash, JOo'l; Dr Anson, 1021; Dr Uorghetti, 996; F. Castle, 908; D, Campbell, 869; T. Smith, 771; M. J. Reardon, 675; G. Bayliss, 591; S.' Gordon, 4C2. / ' NELSON, March 16. At the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board election to-day Messrs Field and Lock and Mesdames Fell and Watson were elected to represent, the contributing districts of Nelson and Richmond. Very little interest was taken in the election, between 600 and 700 only out of 3671 votin". CHRISTCHORCH, March 16, ■ The election of seven members to represent the city of Christehurch on tho Hospi--tal and .Charitable Aid Board resulted in the return of five out cf tho seven peoples' nroffi-cssivc ticket, including three ladies. ••.,. f..;i,.-,,;.>.r niccted:-Mr3 Cunninglon, 1191; C. Allison, 1158; Mrs Wilson, sail; Mrs ifosmn, 913; W. W. Tanner, 885; Rev. W. J. L. Closs, 793; T. Gains, 713!' Messrs Allison and Gapes were previously on the board. It is estimated that out of a total of 17,0G0 on the roll only P4OO voted. The Socialist candidate received the fewest votes, and was last on the poll. The election of one representative u-y the Alraroa County Council resulted in Mr Muiray (old member)_ beating'Dr Thacker by 102 votes to 39. Several small returns are to come, but they cannot alter the result. Mt Colin Cook was elected to represent the combined boroughs of Lyttelton, Woolston, Sumner,' and New Brighton.

(From Our Oiks Cohrbsposdext.) *. INVEROARGILL, March k The first set of elections in connection with the Southland' Charitable Aid Board was held to-day. The returns from the country booths ot the polling for county council representatives will not he in or made known until Friday. The In'vercargili colling for three representatives resulted as follows:—A. F. Hawke, 422; .las Ward, 416; Robt. Galbraith, 258: Wm Baird, 249; Richard'Allen, 231; I L Pctri Cj 146; and A, A. Paapo, 123. Messrs Hawke, Ward, and Galbraith, the elected members, have not previously been members of the board, although'the two first nave during the' past year been members ot tne Southland Hospital Trust. Mr Galbraith is a member of the Invercargill Borough Council. '

I Jl . 4 OTAGO DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, MARCH IT, 1910, I ; " A INTERNAL DEFENCE • ALLEGED LIBEL.' BALLOT FOR SECTIONS. accidentsmd"fatalities. MANUFACTURE OF BUTTER I ••.•;''. THREAT BI HOTEL EMPLOYES. OPERATION OF THE NEW ACT. BERTLING v NEW ZEALAND (Per Unitkd Press Association.) t p EE United Pbess Association.; £^!L__ !■ • (P M Association) - m „ ' ' ™ m «,, i i'i r CIST30RXE.. .March 16. REEFTON, March 16. NEW ZEALAND'S MARKET 1 ' ,'„„?!,L"l ,? , ,, (Pm United Press Association-.) nn ~ mvnn ~~ The ballot for scciions on the Ngatapa An old man named John Asmus. a pen- ASSURED I • „. , WELLINGTON, March 16. WELLINGTON' March 16 OF PLAINTIFFS CASE. Krtatc, 17 miles from .Gisborne, look place "oner,- 1... been drowned -,t Antonio's -\-MJKLD. I , . To-day a meeting of the Conciliation Defence matter7 in teDonlln,.„ The ™ ™ fir competition the Flat - (Per TJx.ted Press Association.) I .• Council was hold to discuss tbo demands n T !^, Ln r . (Pe* United Phess Association.) lot* attracting from five to 18 ™li niin„! ■ — AnPK! ivn \l,«* \t i. . of the hotel employe*. Mr P. Hally (Con- ffi" ™" »'» complete transition stage. ' J)er lot. The M llot ™i nrf * P ■"' Mr S. Dunklev, of the firm of Snencer u, r „. i ■ ■' ' ,v S [:■ V.." ciliation Commiutonor) presided, anof staled f T° luntD f s Ma6ed '<• "»., and-were „ . . ™! T0N ,' f ch 16 - , m ocfe X_ie ° 01 ' 7 «• n a »<I Dnnklev, mit with nc id nf r ° t" S ' ''r" ™ n ° f d , 11,ector H *i„t ♦!,.» „,,,•„ „™,tJn. aI l1. ,.,,.„* instantaneously resurreclc. hv art nf p,, lo-day. before the Chief Justice and r . , ,, ■ '-« ctl0fc 1 and 4, W. D. u„, v,-,i„„-„ . \- . at of tlie Kauri limber Company, who pay ■ ■'■S?p^«^C n yL& ffi liamel,t » b reuV s l"=™' Jury. Albert Ernest Luis « < »«»*«>. M; section 2, W. J '^,'? h T M £ 0 f S? "''"''-T'- »«>»n™l vjsit to AockLi'to confe I \ tU^fiXeMlovl fM!in e of "noerlainty about future open? superintendent of the Welling- f ™"> > ■section 3, M. Muir T e %rip chain? SioS J" 1 * his >-othor directors in New Ze» I J"* .T«» "fury authors P * 0 ft claimed £2000 damages from « > -tion 5, D. S.. Willi.n.. ™ „££/ ,s "1i„£ w""S * '"l M ° n f * - i -of the Ir-idr- ind Mr Howl-id™ w nnld unal,le to .comp etoly en Mi ten the nnWin Jon " Norton, publisher and proprietor of (»' ln Pni"); section 6, John Ivaiu Mako- bein<r somewlnl «,L„iv „ , g - S ' antl in lhe course of an interview ha. 1 i»»t now in regard to futSre diC New Sfealand Truth. Plaintiff alleged } U N; section 7, G. A. Walker (Gis- aitor I„d7d H™'f i ™e'hing lo say about the reported pre I Smtions bnt it JsclearNrom what has tern done that on or about Saturday, March 27, borne); action 8, Ii. S. Cbrbett lva, conveyed to l.i r«il P ,"' F-f -° ™port Japanese and Polisi 1 Mr bridge *id when the matte, at » .^/hat the Territorial fit 19 ? 9 f "ant falsely .d }«.„ ; s «tio„ 9, Carle, O'ConneM whicrhc^b.' 1 confined o" n X or S' 'uo "otn n^nTTh"" 5 P "' i. ' issue were placed before the membrs of 1 ' " • vr ,,- . , „ t ' two ' J K, J „,;'' w P P T? . ? "T 1: the executive of the Licensed Victuallers' f at,1S ' , Ca l ,ltatlon has been substantially ,bclI( f ""tier. There were other simi- '»?* M.-Seclion 1, A. E. Cowley Percy Gibson, a single man; 29 years b e onetiH • Zonolt I i;.-.. Association and othci-n.on.bers of ti W trade nc ea f 6 " ™ to enable old liabHitiea lar « n "8« for alleged libellous state- Wn.piro); section 2 Agnes Horefall old, was thrown from "a horse at C Ze hnd t SIL Si )?• fi I j it was at onco apparent that not one-third ( ° be elear f d and fl1 " c 'l«il'ment provided, ™™l* concerning plaintiff. tWJ.atali.ta) } sec ion 3, Alexander Faul- haugh at 9 o'clock last even )/ n was s.ite d fo r winl ( n ' ' 1 : of them would agree to the demands as to ? nd ? scale of nay for camp attendance ,3?l4intiff urged that by reason of the coner Hawke's Bay); setuon 4, Robert lake,, to the Hospital uncon c°io ls Pom odo 1 tv Sd its ifh Sp« T I: Lou, 5 , wages, and p.efcrcnce. The matters ,,as been l lrmi * which will bring in *«tement* reflecting on his work at the Berwick (Orinond); section 5 Annie lies of his friends saw (he horse bolt w I to Svdnev -n f ?h,?" I ■.. were fully discussed and thoroughly Eonc m o™ revenue to the battalion coffers. As Wellington Zoo, hie nationality, end his (GisbomeJ; section 6, Robert Burns its rider,' and. follow.V un found f! 'hont tn"h mS» ™,inrf» |: into, Lnt ho regretted to .tale°that the »°» «f tlle wh °'* "heme become, opera- general qualifications, and an alleged sug- (Meeanee, Hawke', Ray). son lying on the road." Inquir es made Mr Lush however f s of ■ 0I)il^'iT,?' 1; trade could not seo its way clear to accept h ™ «".«» heed-ie no more trouble about !! es t->on that he was glad to sever his Block XIV.-Heet.on 1, H. P.Hamil- late last night, tended to show tint tho rcpo t \m very liV °roL fnr f n i h | .--. any of the demands set forth. As the "cnnting, for m the absence of Volun- connection with' the London Zoo he had ton (Waimate Valley); section 2, James victim of the accident was sufferin« from lion ''' Somr' buve? Shn! «S i ii; union was pledged by its objects to strive "crstlio commander will simply requisi- been greatly injured in his reputation E. Hope (Gisborne). concussion of the brain. , ° 'squeezed ' him " lie said "n f I' .for a six-day week of 40 hours for all male li on Ins. district superior for .the men re- fad in his profession, and had been Block XV.-Section 1, John M'Kay P „„ n „, m 7: — annoyed with the nosit'on and WU! H workers and a six-day week of K hours r l u, r«' to fill the deficiency, and will get brought into public odium, ridicule, and (Ormond); section 2, James Campbell t,H LD FATALLY INJURED. to talk of onoosit'on srmm.- •, u , S I •■.;..: for all female workers in the trade, and as J*eni/ron. the general training section, contempt, (Makauri); section 3, M. P. Hills .A child named Hazel E. Harrison, ro- bo that some speculative neoi'le 1 TJ 1/ .1. such would mean the ruin of every cm- uw volunteers who are still unattached Mr H. H. Ostler (with him Mr F. B. (Palutahi); section 4, J. J. Prendei'gast; siding-with her Barents in Athol place thoifM- of enterin" into the litlnvl I'. ;. ployer engaged in the business, and anv lo 'heir company can remain under the Sharp) appeared for plaintiff, and Mr section 6, S. W. Jhuiro (l'atutahi); sec- was playing with some other children in bnsiiiW=;. but at nrr-icit. it mZlt I. : agreement arrived at could onlv lie of a » ew an . d improved conditions, and need T. M. Wilford (with him Mr W. Dunn) tion 7, John .M'Laughlan (Palutahi); sec- the 'ocality oil Tuesday evening, and in know how NW ZnaL'.d timber is liLh ■ •■'-- -temporary character, the employers could »»''. retrre 'intil the usual retiring age of for the defence. Uon 11, J. S. Harrison (l'atutahi); section """ling after another girl she lollided to be supplanted as it so Ihoroml,', ■ ■-,..-r not seo their way to assist in bringing about oO is reached, fcach regiment of the Terri- . Defendant, in his statement of defence 12, Susan Bttt (Matawhero). win a lamp post. Her head struck the the rer|iiiraneiils." Mr TikI i" I;- ; -snch an umlcsirabio stale of affairs. to™ 1 1,(, ™s will have attached lo it a, admitted that on March 27, 1909, on -———=== lu' and sl ! e , (ll '°!'l ,t -'' 1 ! <> the ground f"'-t. o,,„ s id ers ti, at the whole 7, L : |,; ' Mr T. Long, representing the workers, permanent instructor. April 10, 1909, and on June 12 and 26, . nTnml , rrtth'SnFZ 1 '* aml commenced to may be discounted verv considerably g •-. said «.o altitude taken up by the em- ll ls to the non-volunteer that the new 1909, he published certain articles on the CRICKET. [,, \ ,oIentl .V- Dr Butement was called ~~— —!««. H,;. ■ Jiloyers was not in accordance with the Act will come as a call for self- conduct of and with reference to'the Wei- - * „' „ ff on . found that she „„,. nrn ~"~ I ; tonns laid down in the Conciliation Act. sacrifice Lihcient Volunteers are to be lington Zoo. He denied-that the words ATW ™„ TA v M AS fAW\TU br in sTl, lm \ f 0 '"'""™' of the HOSPITAL k CHARITABLE ■ ■:.. They were making no attempt at concilia- exempt from the compulsory training, but were published falsely and maliciously AUSIRALIA v. MAiSAY\AlU. wan. bhe was put to bed, but r-rad- nil Hfmm mnl. I , tion. They merely said; " No, wo decline th« young man who has not gone in for or that the samei were libellous or *** U " lraD PkESS »»1'-V sank, and died shortly before 7 AID B(URD ELECTION I; to discuss lira matter; and, further, wc volunteering will now be obliged to do defamatory, and he affirmed that they PALMEUSTON N., March 16. °J , 01 * yesterday morning. An inquest - : * —- B.v , arc going to the court," But if the matter a certain amount oi military training. ;i'o were in ' their natural and ordinary The match Australia v. Manawatu was ,„", ue opened-at the Court House at THE N-FW BODY irnn-upn g was going to tho court, then there would "™<e the position clear we will trace ,,a signification true in substance and fact- c0l " ,Iiencetl lhls it'ernoon. There was a "-™ tnls morning. - lu «' u^. 1 be a-repetilion of tho old-time bitterness, school boy through tho various stages of that in f0 far as thev consisted of mm' f f'- r "ttendanco The wicket was, if any- "" . REMARKABLE APATHY OF VOTFRS ■ ':•. Some effort, .should have been made to settle his development in the primary school. meilt \£ T m faS iTl Tfid ™"' h '? , S "^«' y • t WM , m " WANGANUI BAND OONTPW n ■ , 01 VOTLRS I this dispute. It was useless for both Between the ages of 12 and 14 he will be ment * of mblin ,nH mli«mi '\ " Armstrong and Uory WJNlliSl Despite the fact that the amalgamation I-.- ■: workers and employers to be everlastingly attached to the Junior Cadets, from 14 S„ ™ nub ltd s tl .X'S S \ , •?" t0 , SS ' (Pee Unit™ $ tl0 Hos , pit , al T Boai ' d ' the K.^voen |: 1? to 18 place will be in U,e B-nior E£tt I pllf aM SoS fl MlLheh'oS of t "S £"S SjpSd SSaSa'blf T "t m ■, the workers at the local option po . 1 us Cadets. If he leaves school it makes no mtl \\ c . „ n ,, fn - ,V ,'n. , ,, ,,' the bowline n Whittv ,„,i i; ,- m, „ WAN&ANUI, March 16 u„„« \ » Charitable Institu- |.;- T an unjustifiable em- difference i» his liability he can stdl be tf "- 11 ffe ™« S .Si Tta^we^rJ 0 ? fa «A. tbi t g : - ployers to lake up. there would be such attached' to the local Cadet corps. Lpon c bl f .„„,-..;„„_ nr \J,',,',,, wus clean bow ed by a tricky one from ,,°," eat)el " ,s hne, and a very lar-e land, the public has si own , LcH I \ I,... a howl setup throughout tho length and attaining the age of 18 the youth will be Sn„ and was denied Tie ""c 1 - 0 ' yioVed Ong% ° \*«? »». 8»«"red in the 'bea ufi! table' lad oT in:tore mgard toth^S |- broadlh of the country over this that the faced with an important problem, which wod 'Upvld 1, Ln,!o"i: ,, , • . [a K &,,m * for 3 ' T 'evena scored a singli r. of the Jocke . v Club. The B was indicated by the fact th-it C !;- hotelkeepers would bo very son-y lor the he will be free to solve as suits his sense Z Iond„ 7nn. L m' 80 ', ,wlth ! vltll f a ? eat "I 0 - to lc =' but "» ove '' fo »'"l i'^ 6 , S andB ' of wh!on lhei 'e were 10 of «« combined eon Jbutog dfatri^ I;: : way they hadactod. of patriotism or his disinclination- to share Sfned -,mk ,L,n T . T r,™ 7n B f " tl "' wilC6 r third b;l11 fail »d W fil ' st ' tl,eil ' test piece beiiv- " RolU tli(! D . 0ff s l«tom failed to Lmin |. Mr Bereridgo: These are fhreafa. In the bVden a, well ae the privileges ot , Lw f ° l "l cane n e t T'fi '~f~ l ° B " ttan y-" ™« Nelson Band 1*3 f d - WM P 1 ' 0 ™ 11 b y tbe S 1: effect, it means that yo„ will remember citizenship. These are tho 'three alter- t- tin. » ° were ™? d E v tV 'Ii,-!' 1 ''' Ong.ey hit the hst with 128 potato, Wanganui C ,y undor tho « w g ns at tho polls. If this is what you want, natives/ one of which must be selected : - " " ? ™' * hab *"•? ™" !"«4 " «&KU th e n °ii ed h "'! with 1Z4 > »»* «isbo c y elto e The r"" 1^ | then the sooner we know where 4e are the (1) Refuse military duty and suffer tje a ""- "J oti '» ™« ptaS t r° T S. | bettor. You arc a S k..,K he hotel em- penalties imposed t>y a cour of law; [i) „ Ild er circumstances Zedit^ hil * l ' Um > '"" l«al aptain, replaced m» T^ OT ~™ g0 U8 ' Wellington different districts, as comparedI with h 1:;,, ployces to vote against fheir own living, join tho Territorials and tram with them 0nsl ' !y ' ilmi S001 ' cd 0,? Whittv, wlcso aver- }^ m ™?A- 117; ** aIta » 115, Blenheim number of persons entitled to eo to e | -. Wean you ask us to be conciliatory? We tor Hires years in his own locality; (o) S n ' J ™ ™±d ! ad W «1» >» tbis time had been' ot-ers, f - ™> Zinnia. 102, OmmX 1»H- As the voting S«W ? ««! B : have given you our reasons why wo are await tho summons to the general training T T*'!° maidens, three wickets. Boldspring 1,he J ud S e «"'d: " Nelson put" iiu an the total and most regrettable absence ■;■ ■ asking for the award of the court as it at camp, and put in 14 days annually under »n(l- proleesior by the statements pub- «v>s clean bowled l, y Kmery. 13-4-2. The excellent performance." l ' n of o-p.y form of keen public interest and the g- present stands. Since that award was military instructors and camp discipline, " ea - . ,. ,, , | "^' (-"wori) scored a lucky 3 off TJie First Grade contest between Wan \ erJ ' s , ma ! ! strfiam of votcre that trickled ■■-! made we have had a very bad time, and and 12 days at the nearest Territorial .™ r ,. bn l i "T' "! "s address to the jury, bul '«Jj 1 « victim to Whitty, ganui Ga-n-ison and Petone proved i verv n'Y'fu 1 th 1 "V 0113 .booths made it evident- ■ ■ the outlook .is not loo bright. But on centre , - a,d , ,a , t was claiming £2000 HT oS.1 fdfi MS - V tllin S for tile d"""Pion who''i„ 2 th . e T 0 ' 0 '° be a very small I top of that, you asked for 100 ner cent, in-' As there isM.o way of honourably avoid- °[ 'be Tnese damage, were assessed J?™™ h «d m kn8uaga of the ju ,j J ut u ne And 0 proved when the numbers | crease ,n wasee and shorter hours These illg t r „i„i, lg) it is probable that a large «J« Jj^«-|n consider..on o, hree hands at third' Zl Performance, while PeU 'came if, for H demands you subsequently modified, but proportion of young men wdl select their Poims (liiiiat tile libels were repeated Oobbji was next man. Emery then clean ratll « uniavonrable criticism. Wan»anui (which are on-h auproximiite) — | , J ou (.till ask for a veiy htiire increase of local Territorial Force as the training ™ m ore .Han one occasion and were boiled MT.ean, but the umpire called no- sc01 ' 6[i m P 0 i"ls and Petone 76.° The Combined * 'Number I , pay and shorlei-hours. If (he conditions medium, but the nlternative-tl.e camp- wtremely coarae and offensive; (2) that ball, and the captain got a life. The ball test piece was " Liszt." District. enroll. Votes Cast | fair when the award was made and will bo attractive enough to the average tlIe allegations had spread to likely em- ) a* »*« seven to of tho over. M'Lean was This morning the side drum solos wer<» Duncdin, etc 12,000 1,500 I tho trade was prosperous, they should he healthy individual, and his experience of 1'lo.YOK. of plaintiff in Australia, to the Z JTnS Twi if! 0 !' 0 con^ mcc < but played, with the follow..,., result-- Rosl J - "' etc MOO 750 1 fair to day now that times are bad. it will make him better fitted for his civil, "wnagement of the feydney, Bmbane, an r £ «o oMUi t s proved too much Donovan (Gisborne), 83,- Hindtev (Nelson), WaihCT;o - elc - - «0 i The cha.rman remarked that there were as well as his military, obligations. The Perth Ax»; and (3) that m the defend- 33 _ 7 _ 8 : Holland folfi Id -S TO i (B'onheim}, 75 s Olfiver .(Cam! »., ~ | a number of points on which the parties camp work will be under the instruction of »nls journal an apology was published stand was made. Fifty went un "for an bridge), 73; Robinson (Manaia), 73 mC, n ■ „ ' ,, ' ,. r | liadaKwed. ■ members'of the Permanent Force, and will which was not an apology at all but hour's play. Things showed signs of lira. Tenor Trombone.-Walling (Petone), „Sni, fci»'S n' 5 . ■ I M. Bovendtjo: Ma large number of tlic probably lake line* similar to the present merely added insult to injury. ing up, and Holland lifted Emory for 114; Trownson (Wanganaf Garrison £ 3l£ " L V R V | cmploxers would not sign it. The em- com p ally drill. The "raw material" will tinsel proceeded to read the state- father 4 win e Cobbe followed this up by 109; Gray (Wanganui Garrison), 108; Su ■ Relardv l!«h. ''te Mr ChTrlp. Wedae•' 1 ployen' assesson. came to the council giv- l C ar, how to take sentry and outpost duty, on which lhe.claim was based. In 8 W»l.l>J««r»h«P was broken livan (Nelson), 107; Levar Welli, uton WaW ete., Mr T Porteou-" W of | .n C it to be undcratood that ll.ey repre- to reconnoitre, to do efficient work,with the °uch'ng on the published statement that LS V cflf "* *?, ?• ' °", e 105, Humphrey (WanS tbeso guntlemin made ar™„ g e- | scntod flw trade. He could only refer tho rifle in the trenches, and also to handle the u, ° >$""]** at-the zoo had not been and made mii' Citv). 101; Weir (Manaia). 97 ; Havhittie mont for the handling of the poll, but their H maltoi to the court, but he believed .the shovel to make the trenches. The ordinary properly treated and cared for, he said Knery, afto makin-'fte wXrf -J™ e (Wilding), 96 Turnciili (Blenheim) ' 95 • I resources were, naturally not unduly taxed. m comt would refer it back lo him again. attack and defence movements, including J 1 TO " 1(I be shown that there had. never his side (32) by oW° hittirj Hi' 7mu ;?,'' Douglas (GLsbome), 94. ! Voting ceased at 6 p.m. at Port GlialI - skirmishing will be provided, and the bud- heen anv Australian iguaras in the Wcl- eluded five Vs. 78-S-32. Wells walked to Euphonium.-A. Kave (Nelson) jas. i ™rs, Waikmiaiti, and Palmersto, and at i pt,n pniipivv ding soldier taught to look after himself H'on As to plaintiffs alleged thewiokota .placed one into Whitty's hand" W. (Waneanui Garrison) 116- 7 0 ,f. 0<:k '» *>'« «t, and suburbs, tho I P. & O. COMPANY. to ,.fc in „, & h iBnB and tj|e proper appointment to the local 7.00 through the «nd walked back again. 79-10-0. Eyre D Williams Wand Ga iso, ' 114- 1 " g 1 I? 1 "1 I „ * utilisation of rations' No social poMtion S«od offices of Mr T E. Donne by tele- g«d a race but was clean bowled next £ £'Sj W S«)" oT '' ' tTdk I THE POET OF CALL IN NEW can, bo respected-all are liab.e' for service, gram counsel said that so far as t-bey 8 '-U-2 placed F1 ,' (Wellington Tram- H IM an 3 Only half a I ZEALAND. and tliero will be the same opportunity for Knew Mr Donne had nothing whatever to Bar(bv J he i.nLs I L T ways), 117; Gould- (Wanganui Garrison), dosen ratepayers assembled at Roslyn, and 1 " mroimpn t nn«™v • CV - el '- V0 "° with a liking for military P.uv- J with Bertlingi appointment Bert- 87 after an and a-halft pk? " r 106; H. Shone (Nelson Garrison), 102; there: w«o il0 speeches made, and there Hj UULUUHhD LABOUR QUES1 ION. suits to continue them and secure promotion "ng tad never been a. clerk 111 the Lon- The Australians opened to W bowlin Mahoney (Petone 100- Vau<»han (Nel- was an assemblage of less than a scoro at 1 „- „ T by merit, and merit only. There are don Zoo as alleged. Mention was made of Ongley and Bartlett, Facev "and Dodrfi son) 91- Williams (Gisborne) ° 91 • Law Town Hi>IL Eao , h °, f f he ."n^tc 8 fi (l-no M Oua Own CoxaEan.roEHT.1 2 ,550 Volunteers or Territorials in the by counsel of plaintiff having, it was going to the. wickets. Fac-e v L ™d a°e„ W„i M ■ S- wl u "TT' at i the ° f I WELLINGTON, March 16. Dominion, but the military expert* are of stated, severed his connection with the •»<*» by bitting On-gley out of "he ground' ™ ffi a 'rison), 88, it Lonnel! (bis poU at th lat t cr , addrewed tho rate- ■ Thc.o is every indication that the P. opinion that 30,000 highlytta-ined men London Zoo and "was glad" to take twic f m ra P' d Twenty and 30 Thlmiic'l-sten will be token tomorrow ' I and 0. boats must eventually call at should be available if New Zealand is to charge of chamois which were coming 'out J™' U P « B - «"> board in quick time. Greer The quickstep will be taken to-monow. -orthowppo rt given hmfi Wellington. This will be a 'very sad defend itself effectively, and the whole of to New Zealand. It was contended that clean " W^i h M ,0U, 1 h ,> U " ===== t.ons - 1 n!vu', A T ld n m1, . A » ck,Bn 'J tins big. force can k obtained by training that assertion contained a harmful followed, and snTned Greert' fi»t de'lf UWION STEAM SHIP COM- COMBINED DISTRICT OF THE CITY m nay bo mado the port ot arrival, and the physically fit males between the ages innuendo. Attention was drawn, to the very, but there was no on" handv Short,- PANY OF DUNEDIN AND THE BOROUGu M Wellington the port of departure. 1 of 17 and-21. ' heavy mortality which had occurred at afterwards he repeated the performance ,» OF WEST HARBOUR. (Sh member.) H leain that a visitor just arrived from To equip the increased number more the Wellington Zoo, but Mr Sharp w ' th Bartlett-, and spooned ono nicely into cpppo m bydney states that many intending intor- arms nave to bo imported, while the read copious extracts from a zoological Wo " 3 ' s hamk - 37-2-1. Kelleway was ' ™ utjKIiBbn L i . - „ « n jo * g g g g 5 M tolomal passengers intend waiting for arrangement of training camps and provi- classic to indicato that animals in u «t man., -p„iwn i..«,„ M i oob-c-o^^^^w S tho P and O.. boats. To-night's -J'ost, in sion for instruction is a big preliminary captivity were extremelv hard to rear ' na,nI - v .> sn "odds fell to a swift one ,m association.. B ..leading article, brings up the subject task before the eligible men can be called The position in this connection was that u-°" hn^WH. 7h' ? m ?i ry rcpla ? cd «• -r AUCKLAND, March 16. '-.ieswuioa g f2 S S S S 2 S IS S I of .heap labour competition. In the upon to put in their training. A procla- when animals and pets in private cap- T,med\ h,° fo 22 ? „""!? <fa^ th l'iTf* Sir Jamea Mills, managing director of " MH " IN """ WH m of this article it says: "The niation will shortly be issued calling upon livity began to fail they were considered S-o.cs-- ° S tho Unlon Stcam S « P Com P an y- arnved m entry of the P. and O. Company into the all eligible persons to register their names fit for tho local zoo. Counsel showed ' ' Maxawati--Fi cf t • '" Auckland b y the P. and 0. liner Mon- SnmSSwShw 00 ■ lllloiiolomal tl'lido raises ' some didicult with the prescribed officer accordinc; to the •Jainlifi's good work with birds at Mitchell b'Whittv & ' n S ot ' a from Sydney to-day Ij. the course H .questions, to which interesting reference act. The enrolment upon the register of a Rotorua, and in rearing animals at New- Ongiey.'c Emery b Whittv I °! an lntemew ' Slr James said that H was lecenlly -made by the Wellington attended bv the individual is a- suf- town Park. Before being employed at Trevcria, b Whitty ? there was nothing, new to chronicle be- _ U w -t' m o c-' .0 *•* a o m ro g imicspoiideiit ol the Christchurch Press, ficietil regislralioii, but failure to enrol Ike London Zoo as head keeper, with Goldspring, b Emery ... !.! \ 2 .V 0 '" 1 fie statement made by him in u '* s m , The Union Steam Ship Company and under other circumstances aiders the de- special charge of the birds, plaintiff was M-Lean, b Whitty "." \'. 8 Sydney a-week ago to the effect .that the . n „ H , 1g a the Ihiddait, Parker Company have faulter lialilo to a fine! As a man who examined by a board of experts as to j VI , ilS0n - c Emery, b Whitty ... .,, ... 3 company had decided to replace the ">y\\v\\ <■- " <n *.* uj t> » >-j ki S hitherto enjoyed a practical monopoly of serves in tho Territorials will not be re- bis fitness for the position, and was ap- }l onl10 ,!'' ° Bi "*ley. b Whitty 2 wrecked Waikare with a vessel of the H that lijde. but they have had to work quired lo put in time at the training camp, pointed to that nosition in 1904. Bert- h'n^ M ery ? 2 Ma™"a type, arnJ to have her running m o N m o ro H m to.ihr.mty with the conditions pre- it is anticipated that a great impetus will be lin S resigned from the gardens to take \S%,rS\ v""„;; : next summer. The company had also uosuiiio 8 8 8 io 8 S S S3 5 3 " a stubed from time to time by the Arbi- i ; ivcii to the Volunteer si* of the defence «harge of chamois going to New Zea- Bartlett not out ! -.o Purchased'the Canadian-Australian mail ': ~ I tu ion Court of New Zealand. Tho movement. One of the chief difficulties in '""d- Newsnaper tributes to his expert- Kvre, b' Emery .. .'.'.' "" '" 0 steamer Aorangi, and intended holding o a E g -Malwa, whoso maiden trip to Auckland cam-ing out tho general scheme is tlig "ess and testimonials from zoological en- Greer, c Bardslev, b Emery n "eras a reserve steamer, the New Zea- ",«« ° 2 " B '" » «"° " .« B was celebrated with such ecstatic jubila- liability to cause dislocation—or. at any- thusiasls and his employers were read Extras ' .' [ g land Shipping Comuany, since laying up c M tion a few weeks ago, was under no such rate, 'serious inconvenience-in some by counsel. These all testified to plain- - ™ e Aorangi last January, has had no m obligation, nor under the existing ] inv branches of induslrv but to avoid this tho liff ' s practical knowledge of ornithology Total 87 further connection with the Sydney-Van- - Tl.fH'lS g S o g 2 g S o S S B will tho other vessels that will follow general training period will be spread'over and animals. For his successful voyage Bowling Analysis.—Whitty, 6 for 36; couver service, _ and this line will 111 AllK lIv B hei e\.unplo bo in any different position. f lvo or six months of the year and batches oul wit1 ' the chamois, in which all the Em « 1 T. 6 f«r «. future be carried on entirely by the : : : : : ; : : : : M Not merely are the wages paid for white 0 f several hundreds will be taken nerindi' Lima's, arrived safe, the Tourist De- AusrRALiA.-Fiist Innings. J;' 11011 Company with its own steamers. H , hboui by the P. and O. and other big ca il v f rom the different district* The P a ' rlmcnt g av o him a bonus of £15. Doddsb Greer 15 lhe Onion Comoany was desirous .of ::::::•:: ! B L1110pc.u1 companies lower than the rates preparation of the list of clieible males will After fil!in S SBVeral positions in New \*W' b U 'm'„ T hV ; 2 * sec,, , r, , n S r a contract with the CommonI which must bo paid on a New Zealand 0 01l Lit iSmeSSy S i t", ! Zealand Berlling saw 'a„ advertisement t h ltiM \ wealth Government, which would enable ::.::: B steamei, but the. wholesalo employment natcd that H10 fn-it lntoh nf mpn ndll nn ln an Auckland paper of the nosition tw1 J ' , V 8 't to place the Vancouver service on still _S a <fl • j 1 by the former of coloured labour'mul- into caSJ "^ the ieri «PC" »t Newtown Wrk, and Wte tn^' » ot out ° better footing. Questioned in regard to ? • O » « J 1 B liplies tho handicap still further. Being year i,ntl obtained the same. Letters of com- Total for three wickete Ip the P r oP ose<1 new SDrvlce between Aus- -■ . rJ * .„: % I icgislered outside New Zealand the V. " nicndation as to his work at the Wei- Bowline r™ r ? 1 tralla and Loiulon ' via Soutil Amei ' icil . gijl - I ' . £ £ . § and 0. Company will'be able to engage I . lington Zeo were also read. Mr Sharp B ■ Bart ftt 1 for W • S»v no iomK[m S wltl) lh e Trans-Andine rail- ■§ | J * % | .3.2 I in the Sydney to Auckland trade will. I WHEAT STATISTICS K ave notice of his intention lo ask the for 21. ° *' at Valparaiso, ■ Sir James Mills do- 1^? H Hist js nianv lnscars and «s fo.v wliW» - ' iurv to visit, IIir -jnn il, n i ♦!,„„ ,„:„t,t clined lo express any 001111011 on the sub- J k- rf « H O H A J

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14784, 17 March 1910, Page 8

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HOSPITAL & CHARITABLE AID BOARD ELECTION Otago Daily Times, Issue 14784, 17 March 1910, Page 8

HOSPITAL & CHARITABLE AID BOARD ELECTION Otago Daily Times, Issue 14784, 17 March 1910, Page 8