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MORNINGTON. Tho usual meeting of tho Mornington Borough Council was held last night. The members in attendance woro—Tho Mayor (Mr A. H. Bridgor), Crs H. A. LeCren, S. Diokson, W. J. Bolt, H. A. Reynolds, J. P. Simon, J. 11. Ford, and R, Wilson. CORRESFONDENCB. ' F. Anderson and Mrs Lowden wrote acknowledging with thanks letters of condolence from the council on their recent .bereavements.—Received. The Seoretary of tho Drainage Boarrf ' wrote informing the council that tenders had been called for tho drainage reticulation of Waltor arid adjoining 6tixcts.—Received. Tho Town Clerk, Dunedin, wroto intimating that the work of erecting and altering tho electric lamps in the borough had been commenced, and would bo completed at tho earliest possible date—Received. BOROUGH VALUATIONS. The borough valuer forwarded a report on tho recent borough valuations. These showed an increase of £603 on tho 1909 valuations. Tho levies were as follow:1903. 1910 First Ward ... ...£13,366 ... £13,805 Second Ward ...... 10,910 ... 11,072 Third Ward ,„.-... 5,590 ~. W92 ' '£29,866 ... £30,463 The report was adopted. BErOKTS. The Tramways Committee recommended that 11. Moss be informed with reference to the quality of the old ropo purchased by him that tho rope supplied was accordine; ? f°J? pl i e T- « Tho , oomm 'ttee recommended that U. H. Grove's tonder at £16 per ear be accepted for painting' cars. The tram managers report showed that tho main lino had, during Fobruary, carried 86 694 P- aSSC S' 6 ' £6561 6s 2d; Maryhill line 9989 passengers, £43 19s lOd; rent and refunds received, £9 os4d;-total, £709 lbs 4d. iho mam ]i ne had workcd & lactoij and continuous service during the mouth, running a number of extra car trips for. picnics, also on the day that Lord Kitchener arrived in town and the following day, and on Cup Day and the Sunday the Besses Band played. Necessary works of repair o keep the line in good working eltancy had been attended to. The Maryhill line had also worked satisfactorily for the month, and a considerable amount of repair had been done or. the line-Tlio ' report was adopted. The Works Committeo Tcferred to action taken to improve tho etroot in Matthew's subdivision, Rosebery street, Crosby strool .. Uarko streot and- other localities. Tho> water insiwctor's monthly roport showed that six now services havo beon put in and several premises had connected to , ho water a>rvicos. House-to-house inspec- l fef T s ra^' »:nd. a. large part of I'irst Ward and part of Third Ward are completed. So far not many leaks had been discovered; 1.855,000 gallons of water were-used during the month. There are - now upwards'of 750 connections to tho - water se.mee.-The report was adopted. miJ'L gh c tln i Committee r^ort «l that members of the committee, along with ' somo of the City Corporation olectrica stall, inspected the various additions and alterations (authorised at last meeting bf tho counoil), and located the position of ' tho lamps, and that the city men wero puslu n gon W it.hthowork.-Adopted Iho imanoo Committeo reported the ■ stato.ot die various accounts as follows :- «km'w i'S" .• ac< ? unt - Municipal Dr., £2663 12s lOd; district fund account No 2 ram,vay S Dr., £6d07 17s 7d; waterworks loan account, £154 7s lOd; waterworksi?o7» account No 2, £699 15s' 'The^commS' ecommended payment of accounts IH- " low:-Tramway accounts, £350 5s 4d- '■ municipal account,, ;£694 15s 3d.-Adopted.' The counci went into committeo to con«d« items-m tho Works CominirteoVre-

ST. KILDA, • Tho ordinary meeting of tho St. Kilda "MS pmindl ■ ield'krt- evening, "as" attended by the Mayor (Mr W. T. M'Far- • W' , Cre £? w ' D - a Ewmg, Clark' lhomsMl ' Burk - and. Tho Town Olork, Duncdin, wrote asking co-operation in delegating to attend a conference of representatives of ail local bodies interested in tho matter of tho demands of . tho General Labourers' , «™',n7T a , n<iw . aff fd. The conference would take place jn- the Town Hall, DunI edin, on the Bth of Mareli.-Tho Mayor ' said he had attended,' and the sub-corn. , raittoo previously appointed bad drawn up \ ' a soheduo of what thoy; thought was fur Upiea of tins would be printed and oircu, ated. However,.from what he could seo the matter must com© before the courtIhe letter was received,,and the Mayor's action m attending the conference approved ~- M f 1 ; 1 ; *--'Mejr, MA wrote stating' that ho had wired the Minister, asking hinj not to overlook the amount voted for tho new port office, at St. Kilda. The Minister had replied that tho matter was under consideration, -and that he hoped tenders for the post office at St. Kilda would be invitod , before long.—Letter received;,Mr Sidoy to \ bo thanked. . ~-•... j The Town Clerk, i)unedm, wroto stating that the work of erecting an electric lamp at the south cnti of tho Queen's drivo, on tho telephone post, had been put in hand.— > Received; it being mentioned thativhat had ' been wanted was that the light should bo focussed dowji the Queen's drive, in- , stead of which it throw the light right down on tho ground. 'Tie; Works, Tramway," and Lighting Committee recommended, t;hat. a plan of inud tanks at tho intersection of Kennedy street and Itoyal Orescent be referred to the Drainage Board's engineer, and that Mr Byal be notified of the fact.—Adopted. The combined committee recommended that consent 1» granted during the- pleasure of the council to the rifle club for the discharge of firearms on' Mr Keynolds's section, Musselburgh. The oommittco had instructed the clerk to inform Meesrs King and Co. that when they formed tho roads > in Ijorbury Park subdivision according to tho levels as shown in tho Drainage Board engineer's plan tho council would givo a' certificate as each road was completed.— Adopted. _ Tho Finance Cbmmitteo recommended that district fund accounts '(£BS 16s) and special loan accounts (about £21) be passed for payment. Tho committee- referred tho altered plan of honours board to tho council cost £1 10s), aiid recommended that the work bo proceeded with. Tho district fund, account was £723 15s W ' in dobit, tho special loan account £1131 Uj in credit, and the drainage and sewerage account £286 17s 5d in credit.-Adopted! The Water Inspector reported having located 53 defectivo water taps,—Cr Gore, referring to the fact that these reports were ' merely roccived, said it was no use getting them unless something was done in the matter.—Or Ewing said the inspector iroing round and reporting was <i warning to those who had leaky tops. When ho (the inspector or plumber) found one leaking ho put a now washer on.—Tho ropoit, with others that- had preceded it, was referred to tho Water Committee.

Cr K'Donald said he had boon requested to present a. petition from ratopayora lii • '.- Tainui township, Peninsula Read Board ', " district, asking that (hey might bo brought under the jurisdiction of the St. Kilda- ' Borough Council.—Tho • petition was received, it being pointed'out that tho matter could not then bo'proceeded with according to the standing orders. It was under ; 6fcood that it would bo'Healt with at next council meeting. •■ ■ - The council went into committee.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14777, 9 March 1910, Page 5

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BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETINGS Otago Daily Times, Issue 14777, 9 March 1910, Page 5

BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETINGS Otago Daily Times, Issue 14777, 9 March 1910, Page 5