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, \ THIRD OF THE SERIES. i ■'SMALL PRICES.- '-. The-third:wool'.'sajetiof^he'.season, w Htch ■was'held, on .'Th'ur&% afternoon in the; •ArtSGa.ller.y-. Hall, -.did;riot arouse a great'•daal.Qf interest. It was' known that the. ■ort'ering was'small,-, and; the continued keen .demand for.wool -left little doubt that thcio "would' he no decline m'prices.., As will bo«cn 'by.-.the'."table 'given''•■below, the high' 'prices'at l th'e'beginnuig|«of thej 1 season en-j icdurnjjed l growers;to' htijry in' their wbol.i •with..-tihe?.\-esult; that'heavy offerings distin-f 'guished ithe.iirsfc.and second'. 6ales, audi :'.*Stragglers!'..<a'n.d.late.clips.qlilj' have been! preserved Jpr ; the'third.. It will be further' ;^ot'ed,.. number of. ■bales"'f6rtfar(l to-ilate js'.'considerably in? iexcess.of"the'eorre'sponding numbcr'of last' '" ■'■■'•'■ ■' ■ Sale. ■' 1908-09. .1909-10. First 8,821 12,2*8 •' Second. ... ... .... 20,365 24,176 I Third, \... 7,249. ,3,412 : 36,436 ,'39,836 ' ■• The fourth ,and; la6t;eale of-the.season' is to be held on March 3, and it. is ex--, pected that the offering will be very light.! At. the last sale of last season only, 1573bales .were, forward, these comprising mostly late shorn blips from the Lakes district,: passed-in lots, and stragglers. The following were the number of bales forward yesterday, and the- order' of. selling:— '■ " ■ '■'■'■ Bales. New.Zealand,Loan and Mercantile.... 336 ' Dalgety and Co. • ... '■.'.'. : : ... , ; . 870 \ -'Wright, Stephenson; arid 'Co. : ...-.675 ' Donald Rc-id and Co. ... 794 Otago Farmers' Co-operative ... 340 National Mortgage 260 Stronach, Morris, and "Co. .„ . „'. 137 .

■;:;Tdtai .:; ...;..■.-. :.. 3412 -■ A very large portion of the wool was in liea-vy^condition, and.some was tender and ;of- jioW, quality, A-considerable portion came from tlie::L'akes :district and''.from the' • back country 'stations. ; Light-condi- ■ \tioned'crossbreds were'few arid ; far between. There. wii6, on the :whole, .a isktisfactory demand, and prices, ruled,,, high,/ >; Halfbreds were a little firmer'than at-last sale, but. (merinos .were-;irregular, .and.prices were & shadc.casieu.. Except for a few choice lots the- demand was chiefly .confined to fellmongers, but all.''other lots .were firm on the' basis ,o'f last-quotations: •-".' :'. ■ .In halfbrcds Messrs Donald Eeid and Co. secured the top price- 'with four bales of ■HS over Kees'Yalley;-realising 13Jd per lb. .Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co! sold a line of half bred branded HH nt 12Jd< and the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency' Company disposed of 21 ./bales at 12|d.| The same company' spld\a line of L over] a bar, AA crossbred {it 12d;- and -Messrs! Oalgcty and eo.i;four .hales of crossbred dtj; the same pricef|and v qn6' : bale of crossbredj pieces, C o'ver'jjiVT, The highestiipriee of the day: was obtained by Messrs Donald Reid and; Co. for one bale of merinbv C over WT, which . realised- 133 d.. ' ■■' • ■

j Messrs" .Stronach, Morris, and Co. report J having ofTcredU37 bales and sold ,126, Their .catalogue was. mostly composed of 1 str'agglors'-.lots,- and they hVd nothing of -special merit forward. Their top prices ! wire:-.-Halfbred, '12£ d; crossbred, lOJd; merino,' 9Jd; pieces,'. 88id. Prices, taken ' all round, were late rates, ..' The Otago Farmers' iCo-operative Associa- ' tion 'reports' that,-practically the whole of. j its catalogue was cleared-under brisk ! competition. 'Th'e.sales included'the' following clips;— II: 'Fenliessey'/.-fihe crossbred, :, lfljd.; I]..Ros«vcafc1 i 'fi'ne'broeebvcd.jlld; h. '. .fine : c"ro|sbre^'' J llarrcTdssbfed I: i6*d'f s S. F. '•■ Jl?l JlKterQpAne, comeback", lid; A.'-Allison, ;rosshrA ; ' Jialffii ; cd;.^rd^P.oteLlawAlfß«d,lflid; A>. Harvie, crossbred, lOjjil';' .ATG. tfavies, : crossbred., 10J[d; Crowley Bros':, haltered,,' !• ,1-ld; Mrs"-.White, half bred,-"-10id;. W. E. Aubrey, halfbred, lOJd;' Jomr~Sutheriand, ;. crossbred, 10|d. V. ..'. s .'' The National Mortgage and Agenoy Company- of -Ne\V Zealand (Ltd.)' reports that •niost of the-catalogue-was sold at .'very ■; -..satisfactory prices', -{The following are some .. of ..the prices realised V—On account John • .Finlay (Paerau),' 2 .bales half bred'ewe lOjd, ■ ,4. do; merino owes S|d, 6-do-h~alfb>ed-wether : and ■ hogget ::9ld.>-.A;:vW.;-,Dduglas .(Hanip--den), 2 bales halfbred ewe lOJdj D. Ire-: land (Roiigahcre); 2 bales halfbred -ewe'' Hid, 2 do wether 9|d; C ßrown (Oturehba), ■ 4, bales crossbred (Duhtrpon),.-' , :22 : -:bales crossbred;e\Ve's#;; j Francis Bi'os.'' • (Ida Valley),:-'2:bales:lialfbred':;i()ia'; Royds (Lakeside), .bales'. 'mefipo?ctve 9Jd; Newtop 2 : ■ m; J.■'and: i Jf;V:-B(lgar.--(Taptojji; 6. bales 1 crossbred ewe.-:iPid';.'.Hinkson.Mee (Becks), • ,! 5 .bales crossbrcd/wether-lDd,,* 3do hogget . 93d; P.-M. .ActwAdams'; (Clydcvale), 2 bales i halfl)redrfarJLtir6r<Jssbrecl ,llid,■ 1) do' 1 ■ three-quarterb'red:.lDid,--'3; ; do'combihg cross: -: bred 10id, 2d.q : :firstVP'iei;rf:'.§l<if P. -Maher'! ' -(Gore), 13 .btei&Bfe||eiyMOid; 4 do } Mg?. 'Taylor . The ,sp£>i:Zea;!sif)d/JlioanfSn&SMercantile A«ency;SGwnpan^ci)drts)ias^fol!ows: -We submitted;Mca&Jogub': of;336ffi'ales, the whole pf. ; .,which,.was.'dsposed;ot 'with' the exception 01-.23 bales.,' . There;'Srasj ao'lsrge' . .spirited for 'every" ltit, Prices,'' as "compared with the January sale,', showed an advance ; of, id per lb on fine wools and jd to' Id op strong .wools.: The'' bulk -of our catalogue, comprised'. late shorn station i lot« showing'.signs of bida-bid. The followm" are our best:sales :~Or : account -Mr Kenneth M'Lebd.'lFairlight), 21' bales' halfbred 123 d, 4 do lljd, 4 do crossbred 13d, 6 do 10jd, 7 ido- lOd, .11 do firet pieces 102 d, 2 do 9i<l; Messrs P, Mackenzie and Co (Wyuna), 4. bales comeback -lid;' 2-do combing; ;£do^co«sbred ;! ; Co. •ir^U"f-P/-%---?^?- s offerotl a catalogue '° , ?'h^: 6 r" - Ivobl ' of whicl > number' tbov, sold-604 bales, and passed 71. '■ ! i flowing area:fewof ; .the highest prices obtained-by them:—Merino—M 4, 2. bales 12d; Waipori, 7 Ist com. 10id; half-circle over M, 2 wether 9|d, 2 ewe 9id;T Z over i 0,.3 comb. 9Jd,f2 clothing 9Jd. HalfbredBar ovor-B, 4 bales 'l2?d; H, 4. super -12WHH 4 12^-d; Islay Downs, 9. Ist comb' jvether-hogget-12d ; Waipdri; 2 Ist "comb; Ist comb. owe.Hid; I Z over 0 5 hogget-'llJcJ. Crossbred-I Z over 0 ' 4 .bales, Ist ewe lOJd,;: 4'.:lst wether 103d•"■ turncdi TJover -, 2 lOfd; D'E,'2 10id horsohoof, . 2 Ist and 2nd wether 103 d • dot in RW, 5 Ist comb. 10ld : L 0, 3 three-quarterbred lOJd; R over Ber- : wick. 2 Ist. comb, th'ree-cjuarterbred -102 d 2 2nd comb, thrcc-quarterbred IOJd PiecesV £.9S O}: -R'-- 2 >M lOjQVTeyiq'tdale-J.E,.;2-necks halfbred lOd; Ir-Z over 0 1 2nd^2d; i .MarMa.overJ2,'3neck9idi Is'lav Down's; 4 nooks , ' ■ • -. Messrs DalKcty and Co. report having held-their, third, wool sale of : ,the season on-Thursday at the. Art Gallery Hal], when they submitted a ta.talogue of 890" KaW ahd sold 625; bales, which,-in addition''to ' .597' bales- sold ex their second; sale catalogue, makes a total .of 1222-bales. -The catalogue did not include many'lots df : first-qlass"■quality,-.the-••greatcr.-i'portion of the wool: boin« discplourpd. and iieavy in conditiqn. Taken as. a ;whole, the sale was an exceedingly good'.one; and the pricerealised at the lasfsale. were/ully maintained. Medium to go:d halfbreds wore in especially .good,' request, a.nd prices for tlfesc oescnptidns showed an advance of fully id above January rates: The, highest price of. Use-day, 133 d, was secured for a small lot of. merino wool grown' bv Messrs Clifton Station, ad 12id was .reahsco' for the hilfbred necks of the aaic brand—C over WT. The other principal sales v in. their catalogue -.were'Silr. J...Faulks, •■'Jlalarora; :. six: bales halfbred wcthprsat I.2|d.arid' tiro bales iialfhrpd wethers ;Uh six. bales of merino, '•'£ 12d';''Mr-Thos' ' E.rton Waikoikoi, fdur bales orpssbred at '■ \ 2d ,-y r S- f Macraes, two -i balcs K halfb m !; i at ll?d: Mr A. M'Lennin Dunback, two bales'halfbred-at 11 Jd «|

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14756, 12 February 1910, Page 14

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DUNEDIN WOOL SALES Otago Daily Times, Issue 14756, 12 February 1910, Page 14

DUNEDIN WOOL SALES Otago Daily Times, Issue 14756, 12 February 1910, Page 14