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Daily Times Office, Saturday evening. IMPORT .MARKET.

Merchants report that the week has shown moie activity than has ol.tainal latterly, this being due to the commencement of Ihe Christmas demand. The arrival oMhc new .season's supply of fruits has also induced business.

All salts, ivyardless <,f quantity, of tobacco a.wl cigarettes (New Zealand manufactured cigarette tobacco excepted) will in Iho liifura be at in bond prices, the (Inly being charged , eparateiy. This will involve extra trouble to tin. merchants, but -will cause, no iiirr-:asc of price to the to.l-

It is suggested (hat the. dislocation ill trade 111 Australia caused by the Newcoftb mini-is' strike tnighl all'ect a few Australian lines brought to this markel. „uch as Havelock tobacco

advance in prices made by the Colonial Sugar Company places lit:' tarilf as follows:-No. 1, tlir.?o tons ami upwards, £16 15s; one tan. £17: le.=s th ;m one. ton, £17 ss ; No. 2, irj s per lon kssbrewers' crystals. £1 ]KV ton more. ' •lohe de Kuyper and Son have advanced Iho .price of their Geneva, probably owimr lo a ri-e on the cost of the raw material! The local prioß is not yet adjusted. Glycerine has advanced in the London market.

Canned American fruits have laMv •idvanced in price, and are still S iWin<> a. tendency (o firmness. I.o.eallv, second. <.{andard apnects. are felling at &. second sta.n----d.-u-d .peaches at Cs 6d, n.'id second standard pears at 9s.

J his wwk's Australian steamer brought •=ome tarlou dates, bid l.||» majofilv d hhe supply for the local market will arrive by the steamer this week. ISv (ho f;lmD boat quantifies of .Malaga mirSfatcls arc «x----pecfed. Koine. Jordan almond.-, arc forward, and furfner supplies arc due. Advic-- is („ band that the steamer with flu- supply of new season's seeded n U'm am pruiics a< well as cvapcmlcd ..pples, »»' n her hue--, lias arrived at Auckland, and ,l,e 0 «1 supply is eNpftftl in come to hand boioro th, „ m | of the- week. Tl la seeded rats,,, market is firmiiv-. ami choice are now nwlcd „f „„,] f .,. lcv ~, ? j per dozen packets, llmv , |am ,l for 60-70's, per lb; 70-80's. 3W p.-.p ||~ In 'he hardware market no ehan«" in price Iras |„ |„, , 0cn ,,,,,| w ,J olt „ wind, was,bon o«-, nf r (o f| lß | irav v rlcmaivl expennncor. is. raw i„ full f„pp| v |, v t ., m arrival of Mm America,, rfe aMlo ,, \ fm .,,. w shipment is .bm to arrive bv ih-> IMU ( -f Nith about the end of D"cfmh'r

f LONDON .MARKETS Press Associutiou-ljy Tcle-rapU-Copj-rfeht. . LONDON, November'2o". (Received Nov. 21, at 5.5 ~,„, 1 Whoat.-A cargo of Australian nneat has been Mild al 41s 11J<|, and 7500 quarters t-'licc.-:.— Tim A rami's shipment, which was in excellent condition. sold at 56;Canadian. 575. : ItabbiK-Colonial arc firm, .and prie-s aro unchanged. Hemp is lirm. Oclober-Deceinber shipment, £27 15s. Copra, is strolls;, owing to a diflienltv in arranging freights. South Sea (in bii«-i £22 10s. "' '" Coilon. - Liverpool Novembcr-DecMiiher shipments 7.55 d. Lin-'oed oil, 32d. Copper Ppot, £69 12s 6d: three months, £«_ 15s: elrotrolyie. £62 15.=. Tin.—There is an excellent oullrok throughout the world for cciisiiniplion f<iseveral months. The lescrvod slocks of Slrails (in ore down lo a minimum. Rpol. £H1 l»s; Ihrec months, £M 3 17, a,i Load, £13 3, o,|


IXYEUCAKUILL, November 20. During the week a few 01KI lines of oats Jiave keen oli'ering front the farmers, and m most eases suits have been made in the, bases of Is 5Jd to Is 6:1 foi 15 grade, and Üb'i-i to Is fjcl for A grade, ihe latter price being paid only for A grade (.'ailons of prime cpnlily. No husim*-! is being transaek-d wiih the London market owing to freights net Icing available, but lliero is every likelihood of a sale being tixed no for West of England ports. North Ulanll buyers have been taking small | ()ls „„ (],„ buAw of Is 9d to Is 10d f.0.b., s.i. Ti'cre live net .nmuy oats left in Bluff stores, and though there is „ 0 grcal iiuntiliiy l 0 conin ill from the coimiry. there is not niii L h chance of prices .•idvaneimr lo anv extent unless freights aic procuiablc for Ihe London market.

'UlO chaff market is e\lr;.nielv .hill, the best ])iices going being £2 i,,' £2 5s on trucks at country sinuous for prime ipialiiy. Tlioro is nothing whatever doing in potatoes at present, nor is there pjet of a revival.

There las Ijecn a little ms-rc iwpiirv for negra-ss during the week, ami severalties have been made, (o the Xortli Ulaml at from 2s 3d to 2s 7d for drci-ed seed of 241b to 261b, heavier-weight <w<l making lip to 2s lOd on trucks at Inverc.-ii-ill. There is very little doing in the sheep market, an J there is no change to report from tat week. The shearing of drv sheep will most likely be starter! within Ihe next 10 davs, but it is not expected lliat a. vcrv large catalogue will ho forthcoming for ih'r, iir.-t Kale on 'Dcoonibrv 14, Farmers are delighted with the reports coming from tile London market and from northern sales as to the values likely to iw vnliii;-'. Ilia general opinion is that met of the Jocal growers will trust the auction f!l !e S wilii their clip; this year. a::d it' is improbable thai muvli private busings will be done. A fair range of values ruling- at. present would be: Ewes (with lambs at foot), 7s to 10s, all counted; ewe hoff"cl.-, 15s to 16s 6d: mixed s;-xes. 12s b.l :o\k In fat wethers she only busiiuv; doing is in butchers' requirements, prices ruling at ISs to ?.ls, extra, prime slioej. makim" c> to 22s M. ' '

There has been very little doing in the I'M market. ihou»h a fair number have been frozen for shipment to London. Local butchers' prices are on. f.l>c basis of 25< to 2is per 1001b, Thoro is an exccrdinglv good demand for cattle to feed on and the prices quoted are from £5 to Younger cattle are inquired for both locally from tlio North Island, but recent sizeil mobs of wellbred soils are exeoedingiv Irani lo iM hold of. The fibre market emilinues in a hcaltliv conJitjon, aiul inquiries are coining in from the ohief matuifacturiiis owitrei for prompt shipment, and for shipment up to tho enx.l of MnnJi. Inquiries for such a distant ilate indicate a certain stability in tho market, and tiie result of the sea.K)iVs -workitig of yvp-fiasmjlib should bo

highly satisfactory. The latest London advices indicate the price of "good fair" fibre- for shipment ibis next month to !>e £24 5- f.0.1.., BlulF. and for '-fair" ~ualit> fibrc £1 per lon less. The small margin of <lilfeifiice Ix-iwcen '•fail" anil "good fair" quality fibre Indicates the popularity which Hie former grade has attained ill llu mnmtfaeinriug centre*, and j« also proof thai the miller* in the l'loiiiir.ion are obtaining an insight into the icipiiii'inenfc of the manufaeluriiur hoii??-. [ understand thai ollW, have been made erpnl to lite above prices for .shipment up to the end of Mairh, but so far as I can learn there is practically no liliro ofi'bring for sale at the present moment. Tow is in strong demand, but very little is offering from millers.


Messrs Wright Stop'ienson ami Co. report as follows:—Eor Saturday's sale there was a very good entry of horses forward, composed ]>rin<-ipally' of light springcaiter.s and light harness horses: in fact, there was only one draught in the yard. There was a very largo attendants? of the public, attracted, no doubt, bv the announcement that the executors of the late Mrs Stephenson were lo dispose of ail her eli'ecls. including horses, carnayes and harness, etc. A comencement was made with lite horses, which sold extremely well, as also did (he carriages, harness, ele. Following on Hiis lot we offered a consignment, of nice spring-carters on account of Mr A. F. Douglas, Waikotmili. Tbjs emisignment was composed of good sorb, but unforliiuately they-were on Hie light side for what is in demand in DmU'din at the present lime, contcquenily sales wore somewhat hard to effect, and our highest price realised f or this lot was £20 10s. For other vendors we sold quito a number of light harness sorts at up to £17. There is a great scarcity of real tip-top heavy draught geldings in this market. Heavy upstanding tpring-enrters and spring-vaniiors meet a keen demand, and are easily disposed ol at satisfactory prices. We quote: — Superior young draught geldings at from £40 to £45; extra good ditto (pri/.e-win-ners). at from £45 to £50: superior young draught marcs and (folding.:. a t from £30 to £W; aged at fiom £10 to £15; strong spring van horse? at from £25 to £20; strong spring-carters at from £18 to £33: milk earl and butchers' order cart horses tit from £15 to £25; light hacks a. from £3 to £13; extra good haek.-, and haniws horses at from £13 to £25; weedv and aged at from £5 to £7.


llio Orujro Fanners' Co-optrativo Association report:—Wo held our weekly sale, o[ horses lit oir. bazaar on .Saturday.' when ivo ollered on account of various clients 42 horses, comnri-inj medium draught, marcs and {rolcling*. vaimcrs. sprin/j-cartei-;, exprc-, nig, dog-carl, and bogjty horses. Tlio mill; <il the entry came from Clinton, fapamii, Waiwc:u, Iliudon, Diinbac'i. renm-nla. Crc-n Inland. and Waikouaiti. The alkiidaiice was a-ocd. the whole of llie town tontraclurs and carters beintr present, a.s well as a t'nuiber of f::ri;i->rrfiom tin? smnmiKli,:- district*. For all voiinq iiml sound hor.-.w suitable for farm and town wovk competition fr}>-l.v good, and a considerable mmit?r changed ownars at good values, e.-peeiallv in the useful ploujtli ami spring-cart section..;, 'J'ho dcmam! for lighter soils was not. ?n aitil Imrses .sliowin.s; pigns 0 f hard work

were diatonic to phce. There* is a capita! demand (or voiir.jt, mediumweigU cat-r suituWe for tipdray, van. and rami work, and a few heavy active liijr C!lr f |, 01 . 5iy c< ,,,j,| | ir , at fjoixl value?. We shall offer on'Decaniher 4 aconsignment from the North Hand comprising vanncrs and sprin?eiirtor=. the past week wo sold <,uiiia >: minion- of marc.s and srhlinns at very satisfactory prices. We quote :-(iood' vouii" draught mates at from £53 to £45: 'extra, good Clydesdale mares, suitable for stud purposes. £45 to 80 guineas : superior younp: <ll<Ul!dlf. K p.ldi nfr s. fit for shaft a v,\' lornwork, £58 to £43. extra, lo £55; ordinary draught mares and jioldmß.s at from £23 to £33: aged draught* at .from £10 to £20; pond strong, upstanding vamurs, at from £26 to £33; lic.ivv .sprinj-carior.s at. from £20 lo £2? 10m' ordinary M,riecarters at from £15 to £?,(); tpta'miinlr Impy nwr;s and celilings from £16 to £25: hackneys and cob ponies to £15.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14687, 22 November 1909, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL Otago Daily Times, Issue 14687, 22 November 1909, Page 4

COMMERCIAL Otago Daily Times, Issue 14687, 22 November 1909, Page 4