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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. jVATIONAL iMOI'iTGAGK & AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), Corner Water anil Vogel streets, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND STOCK AGENTS. DAIRY FARMS. | BALCLUTHA DISTRICT. FALMEUSTON DISTRICT. ■ \H at £5 ° P° r Mve - 75 ACRES, at £13 per acre. 160 ACRES, at £15 per acie. 61 ACRES, at £20 per acre. i', n at " 6 l ,ov acrc ' M \a\]& at £12 per aero. 140 ACRES, at £20 per acre. 126 ACRES, at i'l6 per aero. 150 ACRES, at.£26 per acre. 334 ACRES, at £3 per acre. TAIERI DISTRICT. 102 ACRES, at £20 per acre. 152 ACRES, at £15 per acre, 15/ ACRES, at £12 10s per acre. 118 ACRES, at £25 per acre 70 ACRES, at £17 per acre. 88 ACHES, at £25 per acre. The mincing season is jnefc commencing, and wo invite inquiries from those in search of a good Farm. Favourable terms can bo arranged. THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY COMPANY OF N Z (LTD) AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND STOCK AGENTS, ' , CORNER WATER and VOGEL STREETS. SIEVWItIGHTriIAGGITT, & C O, AUCTIONEERS, FARM SALESMEN, HOTEL BROKERS, PROPERTY' AGENTS, AND SHAREBHOKERS, EMPIRE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. SHEEP FARMS. SHEEP FARMS. GOOO Lsa:ehoW (S.G.R.), 19 years to nm, rent 4LJ; all low ,«, JWUU country; carrying capacity, 2000 sheep. PRICE (including good 4-roome Hows furmihed), largei etables, and other outbuildings, all now; ,complete t £"r£2s0 P 0 C ' MW 1,0r " S ' C °"' S '. etC - ; (excepl 9500 ACRES I^' 0, i 1 « 8 - C - a -).a T y«» to run, rent 4c!; fine safe s l lC ep , tfttion OOVV carrying 4500 sheep; good House, skbles, etc., all fanning Zlcn*nt"' 25 miles new fencing,, cows, etc. PKICJi (e«lu,Hng shcepj £28^/ 5000 mm \ S ? UTHL AN D WOO Mrcs VnM d; balance B.G. Run, «„t £30 " l "'" a year; fine quality of so . Present condition- im -~.■* old glass, 50 acres in fourfold grass, &0 acres" J 'oat 7 and grass being sown , 90 acres ploughed ready for turnips. This S P o pcrly lies beaut, uly o t1.6 sun, is well watered, is bandy to tlXav ml t one o be safest lambing runs „, tho Dominion. A beautiful home:" 10 ' toomed Dwelling (all conveniences), stables, barns, v,colshcd, cottage, ote etc Price, as a going concern, 6500 sheep,, horses, cows, implement., etc. £9500 terms ]7 , f* 3s , i;, A" fcncwl awl subdivided; 2-rooincd House 1500 sheen '"£». k! Jla ' fbl ' C,lS Md o^^d 'Ji« head mixed e.«r*AeaS. D^lK,™' ff'i ° f ? a ™ al ' U i 95 f WS L ' Lr - reilt 5s a » "ere; 5 aOres Free- : *-r hold; all good land, well fenced in five paddocks; water in 'every paddock' 1(1 acres m grass; and clover, balance fallow; gocd 4-roo'med House, dahv l "vashho'uso looscbox, cowbyvc, fowlhousc, etc. Price, £550; terns "smiouso, ana iuu ACKES FREEHOLD all tt:it ; wel fenced; cent paddocks' running crooks etc.; one in.le frontage to Main road, two mile, from two Say station" b? acre* English grass, 20 acres oats, 2 acres potatoes, balance lino tussock; verv cood brick House of live room,, bam (30 x 30, used as woolshed), stable, et garden ™d orchard; carrying capacity 1000 sheep. PRICE as a going concern (nSS 1M crossbred Shwp-600 cw< s and kmli and 300 dry Sh°^ l° 9 IS/ iff iust calved, fowfe, c rays, g,gs, horse-power and chaffoutter, 4 largo stacks hay and all necessary fanning; implement), £3300; a good place. 1250 A^Pv Small .?' tt ™S l ft«'>, in live paddocks; one milo from school and five JL*rt»U mil« from railway; 400, acres Under cultivation; 350 cro.sbrwl EwSUwith 13,040 Irlf 8 ( F° UPHOLD balance S.G.R.); carry 5000 sheep; 8-rcomed t W , H ? u f?. store, dairy, washhouse, coalhouse; 'l-roomcd Cta« P h! . torehouses; plantations, orchard and kitcben garden; stable,,T™UZnf^ha(T° Z«- Zfc ' m yiUd? ' SI,6CP ya,ds (wi?G ncttc(| . fol ' 10,OoTdZ ' men'. 318 srts 32 acres wheat (splendid result*), 30 acres English qns , i ;„„ oate • 4od hut ( fl v 12); slice? yards. As a going concern, £650; a great chance. ( A FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM IN NORTH OTAGO £_ GREAT OPPORTUNITY to secure one of tho best Dairy 1W in the South _ Island. i 53 ACRES, consisting principally of rich river flats. A river rune nght through the middle of tho Property. 45 Acres in wheat, 32 Acre, in oat. 30 Acres ,n turnip. Splendid 6-roomcd House, 4-rocined Cottage; stoblco barn and . np-bKlal* byre, with fl M fcclr« milking machine. Wat« laid on evorywhero required. G» dairy cows, 2 teams draugnt horses, large colony of bce3, 40 pigs, 200 fowls; and even- ~i,-,plcment required on a. farm. Half .» milo from orcamory and 1* miles from railway rtation. 111-hoalth reason for selling. Price as a «oinconcern, £25 per acre.; only £1700 cash deposit. 1/? ACRES FREEHOLD and 9 ACRES LFASEHOin- ~--,-» , i , and o M half-acre action; two loo S eteX•libto^o , VßW , clntthmi'e 1 v"*™* e-iwrMßffiffia.'S.-ts £S- "«"*»&? s QPLENDID LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM, overicokimr n„n r ~ eiJble, etc.; itibU; ajibO clown, balanco at 5 per cent, in 5' "OAKKRY.-Largp Shop, living room, an.l •Eak-chouso (Frcchokl) in m -O No opposition. Price, £180, Term.. Write for particulars. ° taS °' BUTCHERY.-Six-roomcd Stone House, Shop (15ft. ~ mi\ ■ „-,-M office, storeroom, Pausage house, slaughterl^o,^Lo anl ™-d, ° n d T' t T ,10USC ' Land. Turnover, 3 bullock., 30 ahip, per w-k I'Hce' f4' ° Ut 3 ?, ac !* s a 5 years' Lease at £2 10s a week. £100 goodwill ' 12 °°' ° r W01l!tl S lve BAKERY.-Four-rooincd House, Tea-room, and IM-nlim,™ v„ ~„ 245. Sixteen bnga flour per week. T rec ho s lTnrt* hS5°" 11, 11 ™*; bridle, elc. As a goinj concern, £320. ' s ' hainosa ' sa<kllu al '-<l RICHAUD JONES. nil? PirnpTli^TTT^rT.T; — ttt-, —: — 111-i^-rJLUI-'LJi/b AGl'jNCy Telephone 2191. CARGILL ROAD (Opposite Workshops) P limm ,< e, t , .a ' -~ „ OOA DEPOSIT rWrie Neat 3-roo.nod 7 to 8.30. &><<> V larjg action ( f a , cho i r;)) laitl 011 ' . L «"'«*. conveniences; for immediate sale. ' " gal<!<; "' eto - 2 ™ e - &M &e lot; fl?(Jir DEPOSIT (Car-fill's Comer).-Th rcc ROOMS- , ~ ,*"4O niencee; freehold, 33ft x 165 ft; mr*,i frnir 21\ 7 ashl J ou »-, «»™- only £220. GOT TO GO. fe ' mfc troes - Pnoe for the lot, M DEPOSIT secures Modem 6 ROOMS St Kilm- h,» • i *40 andah front,; scullery, bathroom, w.ucirotes n d 'esoa™ S K °T, TFRMs' oVe '' y convanH!Dcei 6, '""- v " spcrt; nic « freehold" »SioS YOUR OWN £395 %™fi3SSL^i^JT" ""* - -„er^- ienM3; ~c xeFre, •PJ.f»A~ Now * KOO.MS; scullerv, bath, hot water, steel ceiling i cupboards; tile bearths. Freehold allotmen . c£rice g TERMS. SMALL DEPOSIT. , ome ' LASTI £30 DE ™ SIT (1 t CcW ' % C 'i al !' ) i : ? ou i r BOOMSi bat1 '- «»»"«"«». eopper, oonc*UU venienccs; i-acro Freehold; fowlruns and outhouse,; 6 ,.5 i ,-Sr YOUR OWN TERMS OF .REPAYMENT. Great Bargain' spi.ndid Mew. TO LET. TO LET. TO LET SOUTH END-Fotir Rooms, 6s 6d; 4 Rooms, 7s; 3 Rooms P, M. ivr i , Rooms, 13s; Neat 5 Rooms, 12s 6d. JIDSSIABURGH-Morlrf, kK* « CAVERSHAM-Mcdern 4 Rooms, 12s. SOUTH DL\T,DIN llf-Tf' ? S - Up-to-date 5 Rooms; bathroont (h t and cold wa£,ft^L,s 2^ „ W window and porch; splendid locality; rent only Us week. »e«-uon, A LEX. HAKfiIS & CO AUCTIONEKRS, VALUATORS. AND ESTATE AGENTS " ' 221 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDLW CTI AAA-SUI'EKiOII S-roomed Brick RESIDENCE • nlaslvireo'• k,n, , SfIUUU in orchard and garden; near raihray 4°,% ftf?." 1 ' H™ home; splendidly plaoad for run and shelter, M i a n ide^ttaa D „r«r4ece hno MUSSELBURGII-Choico Corner ALLOTMENT, comnmin* tw • fronting Victoria road and near twopenny soct-ioT of caf • « 60Ct '° nS ' position. ' *" i ' JU ' hn<: sunn y 1000 A T! FKF ' E "° LD ( T "H 15 ° fres ploughed, in 6 XUUU with 4-roomcd Home, 4-stall stable, cowbvre \fc„ iv\<u l i ,~! Acres; £1 12s 6d p=r acio. ' ' 1 ' 1 " v - 1 ' of 400 TKUNEDIN (Close to Princes street SouthJ-Seven-roorocd DWELLING- bath (lint XJ and cold water), gas, linen press, - ; 33ft by 66ft, freehold; £875. £G4O~f T ! FR ™ LD PROPERTY, 6 rooms; bath (hot and cold water); cwu'xv two bay windows; gas, etc. - " LARGE COUNTRY STORE in Taranaki; annual turnover from £5000 to £6000 Capital 7-equired, .about £1200; terms. ,ir p j JEWELLER'S and WATCHMAKER'S BUSINESS; Iar S e turnover; new stock, tools tH plant, etc.; £1250. / '~p £320"P 00 ?- D^ EL « I n G - 5 .- room,,,ionUc,7; hvsc 6hwl ; IH Se section; near c*itJ/VV tram line, South Dunedm. ARROWTOWX-.l.ive.rcomcd DWELLING; st f re,oon,, etc.; j. acro flwhol( |. aA. orclinrd; 20 acres of land; fenced and suitable for fruit-growing; £265. f»Oj.A-CARRYING BUSINESS, North Island; net profits per week' £5 ss. 3w.V±V a bargain. , • •PftOK-MLTiSIDE (Momington. close to Eledric Car, Penny Section): Seven*o/50 r oo IIW d Brick HOUSE; bath, scullery, pantry, gM , VashhouK, ctc^ WAITATI-Firct-claa Freehold FARM of 150 acres; 6-roomcd Dwelling, stable cowbyrs; largo orchard; level land; £?00; owner retiring. 1 F»ft A P RES . FREEHOLD (fenced), close to creamery, Brighton; will sell in two J-OV lots ot (5 acres; each £325. £fihft -50 , A C . RK5 1 about 15 miles north of Duncdin; firet-claM * uuu dairying land; good creek running through property. The prop'rtv is in a gocd position, and handy to station, well sheltered, and fenced into nadWckscropped, with quantily of good hush land; al;o 4-rccmed Cottage, cowbvre and pigsty; satisfactory reasons for selling. , ° " ' £100~fHn° Ufl ' han M CXOTH ' N a' ln i' p RESSINP BUSINESS; good comieeat «mce. Uwd reasons

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 12