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of recovering his smashes; with M'Loiighlin there is none. So much for first impressions of the strokes of the Americans. As In tactics, it is yet too early to speak. They are very wisely practising with a view to per- : footing their strokes tit present, and although they play sets it is manifest, that their object is not so much to heat the : opponent as to try shots and become ae- ' customed to tho courts; and. with this aim in view, tht-y arc probably playing with much more at the' hack of the court than they will in t'no .match. Several of the local players, amongst whom aro Wright, .lones, Marsh, Kidsion, and Colquhoun, have had

PROPERTIES FOB SALE AND TO LET. F. c a ii, t~IT \\"~'& c~~o. f KKCHAX6K COURT. LAND, ESTATE, AND BUSINESS AGENTS. riENEUAL GROCERY STOBK-Spiendid littlo business: Shop and Dwollitt" of 6 vn rooms, stable, etc.; cash trade; good turnover; handy position, and easy ingoing; a great chant© for energetic person with a small capital. TJAIRDRESSINfi SALOON and TOBACCONIST BUSINESS (suburban), old-eshb- •*-«- hshed business; Shop and Dwelling of 6 rooms; rent 255; good turnover; new stock, and everything in first-class order. This is a great bargain, and should bo inspected ut ones; owner' rotiring on account of ill-health. rf-iOAL, WOOD, ana CARTING BUSINESS in a splendid position; doing a. really y good trade; everything sound and in good order; rent is rigiit, business is right, and only wanks a good man, who must do well. rfflEA a-tid LUNCHEON ROOMS; one of the host in Duncdin ;• splendid cornice X tton; everything now and of tho best; good lease and moderate rait, Do not fail to inspect this. MILLINERY ami DRESSMiVKING BUSINESS; goc-d turnover; sure tiling; call at once for full particulars. TTAIRDRESSER, TOBACCONIST, and BILLIARD' SALOON BUSINESS, Christ--H--0 - church; long lease; low rant; in a splendid position; well established; lnvse turnover; a gift at the price . HOTELS-Dunedin, Ohrislehurch, Olago Central, and West Coast; from 1 £500 upwards. N. PATJSRSON, t> i ' BunvEYon and q P A Ji E > S. PATER3ON, CivuEnqi. <r # Finance Aoknt & : »«"• > . 73 PRINCES STREET . LAS " J^ & (4th door above Dowling Street), ' i '■t&. House & Land Agents. Land Surveying a Specialty EXPERT VALUATORS AND SHABEBROKERS. T ONDON STREET.-Gonllcmau's Fine RESIDENCE of 12 rooms, with i-acre of '■ ■ i - i land laid out in garden, lawn, etc.; glorious situation; inspection by arrangejnent. pi'H (North End, Fronting Car Line).-Pino Modern RESIDENCE (one flat), ccntaming 7 rooms, with bathroom, scullery, washhouso (copper and tubs); hot and cold water throughout,: gas laid on; wardrobes ano) linen presses; two large buy windows; ornamental appearance; well elevated, and built on a solid concrete base; good freehold section; garden, greon, ami asphalt paths and va«l. Hits property is in perfect orcii:r, and the owner has left Dunettin. Must be' Sold iniiiwdiatcly; a sacrifice. Curds to view at this office only. Price, £850. "OISHOI'SCOURT (Near Top of Ncwington ttventie).-Prctty and Practically New -"-» VILLA of 5 rooms; bathroom, scullery (hot and cold water), washhouso (copper and tubs), cupboards and wardrobes; two bay -windows and portico; good freehold section with asphalt paths and yards, garden, ote. This Property is siluato on tho sunny side of the street, and has a cheerful outlook, ami is a real bargain; easy terms arranged. .€520. , (TjUJIBERLAND STREET.-Firet-class HOUSE, 6 rooms; bathrooms, Bcullory I _ (copper fljid tubs), washhouso; 2 bay windows and portico; good section laid out in town, etc. £60 deposit, halanco rent. £540. i rUuSE TO CITY.-Finc BLOCK of LAND containing over 10 acres; part native *-* bush, with gocd stream of water. £320. ' "FREDERICK. STREET.-Good HOUSE, 6 rooms; bathroom, soldiery, washhouso ■»- (copper and tubs); bay window and vorandah: freehold section. Easy terms. Only £550. ; T ITTLEBOURNE (Overlooking City).-Up-10-da.te RESIDENCE of 6 large rooms, • il - J With every modern convenience; 4 largo bay windows; section with over 80ft frontage; garden, lawn, etc.; splo-ndid view; a real good home. Inspection by arraii^einenr. "MAORI HILL (Splendid Position).—Practioallv New VILLA of -6 gocd rooms, ; J-T-H- with bathroom, scullery (hot. ami ookil water), linen presses and wardrobes, , tile grates and hearths, steel ceilings; 3 bay windows and portico; section 60ft by t 132 ft; slightly elevated, and laid out in garden, etc. Easy terms. Price, £620. MjUSSELBURGH.-Pretty RESIDENCE of six good rooms, with bathroom (hot and cold water throughout), washhouse, basin, shower, Wardrobes, oupboards, and bookcases, tile grates and huarths, copper and tubs, etc.; good freehold section, with stable, trapehed, and harness room; asphalt paths and yard; ground laid out jii garden and lawn. A really first-class Property. Low price' to an immediate purchaser. Inspect without delay. I QT. CLAIH (Splendid Position).—Practically New HOUSE of six, rooms (large), , fJ with all tho latest modern conveniences—steel ceilings, largo hall, tile grates and hearths; largo freehold section, garden, lawns, etc. A sacrifice at the price, £655 MAQIU HILL (on Harbour Side and Close Tram).—Fino VILLA of five good rooms; bathroom, scullery, hot and cold water, washhouse (copper and tubs), and all other up-to-date conveniences; good section, with an unsurpassed view; .asphalt paths; fruit and flower garden; £50 deposit, balance a-s rent. miHS IS CHEAP ENOUGH (South' End, Cicso Tram).-An Ahnost-new HOUSE of J. six rooms, with bathroom, scullery, hot and cold water, arched hall, washhaiid basin, copper and tubs, J oay windows; a good freehold corner section; garden, etc.; J^ 1 ! 1 ?;-.,. ( *?L dep ??!}-,™tt?? ! ,, <> n suit P"«> is only £475. (W. " 4«"-Wf TLLMAN'S JT:ii 0 RESIDENCE ol 9 larg* rooms, fitted y with the latest modern conveniences, v.-itii 1 acre and a-quarter; fine position; laid out m lawn, fruit ana kitchen garden, etc. This is a splendid Property, and t ! wn?to™ (v 1 8"".!, 12 1 00 - I v°r d ' i t0 h,s l* ct on application. TEITH STREET (Near Stat.,on).-F.rst-c!ass HOUSE of 7 rooms; bathroom, scullery, hot and cold \vator, gas, cupboards, presses, and wardrobes- bay )I'Xc , d-^£s75 V S ° o<l froell ° ld Met ' oU; asphalt paths mi J"" 4 ' l,ric e greatly QN RISE (Close George fitreetJ.-Praitically Now VILLA of 5 large rooms, fitted bathroom (hot and cod water), steel ceilings, and everything in first-class order; nearly J-acre section; glorious view. Price, with terms, £560 •rsOSLYN.-Litllebourne: First-class HOUSE of 5 good rooms; bathroom, scullery, JL»j hot and cold water, cupooards and wardrobes, washhouso (copper and tubs), bar window and verandah, drained to sewer: gocd section; fin* view, and very sheltered position; garden, etc.; everything in first-class order; a great chance; easy term? Lards to view on application. TO LET. TO LET A *Sif i™w D 7? GW Mo i Cm Vi " a ; all 17s. hULIII DU.MMJLN—Good 4-rcomed Modern House; 13s. C-tfiGILL STR'KFT— 9 Rooms (modern). D. M. FE A &' 00, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, ESTATE, AND COMMISSION AGENTS, Telephone 822. RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN. Telephone 822 DAIRY FARM, N.E. VALLEY.-Forty-tom- Acres Freehold, in splerklid heart with 5-roomed House, 21-stallcd byre, stu'ole, barn, men's hut; 8 acres in oats 9 acres in turnips, and 5 acres hay. Adjoining the Freehold, 65 AciM • Lea'ohoid • reiil £50 per annum; 2 horses, 2 milk-earts 1 6 ,,rin g -eart, farm implements' Milk run with turnover £600. The Ircehold and improvements and everything as n going concern (including milk run), for £2100. ° BOARDING-HOUSE, SITUATED IN SPLENDID POSITION.-Thirtoeu rooms, with all modern conveniences; rent, £2 per week, pavable montiilv. House beautifully fiirnished. Boarders pay 35s and 30s weekly. Everything as a goiupcoucern (including piano) for £475. TEA ROOMS (CKNTRAL).-Rent, £3 per week. No goodwill asked. FiirnishiiFs (practically all new) can bo bought at cost. Approximate value, £160. Books can be inspected as to turnover. DAIRY FARM, N.E, VALLEY.-SOMKTHING CHOICE: 82 Acres, subdivided into 10 paddocks; all tho hind has been ploughed with the exception of 15 acres in bush for shelter. Tho buildings consist of 6-roomcd House (hot and cold water) 52-slalkl cowbyre (with concrete channels), niilkhouse, and other outbuilding l'nco &000. Purchaser can have tho option of over 90 Acres Leasehold adjoining at a rental of £30 per annum, with six years to run. Splendid milk run can be taken.over. P E T' E B BOYD LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, JETTY STREET (near Princes street), DUNEDIN 'Phono 1905. 150 ACRES FREEHOLD and 365 ACRES PERPETUAL LEASE; rent 7Jd per acrelease 12 years to run, with right of renewal for another 21 years. Purchasing price of Leasehold 12s 6d ]>er acre; 20 acres oats, 20 acres rcadv for turnips •' rood buildings. This is; a. good little farm, very well adapted for "sheep and 'mixed farming; oi miles from school, store, P. 0., and dairy factory. Owner asks only i/oO—a real snip. J 160 ACRES near Dunedin, close to railway, school, P. 0., and factory; mostly nil p.oughable; 8-roomcd House, stable, byre, cart-shed, etc., etc.- A rare chance In secure a. linn dairy farm, very handy to Dunedin. With a little care this place could be mailo worth double tho money asked. Get particulars ■ and inspect at once. Price £8 10s per acre. 314 ACRES, CIAJTM; gocd 6-vooined House, stable, barn, etc. etc; about half low-lying ndges; balance good rich swamp; an ideal grazing "or dairying farm, should very soon Ixs worth £10 [icr acre; onlv £6 per acre asked- tcrm° ' 128 ACRES, CLUTHA; just alongside school and P. 0., handy to factory "siilnnrlbi 9 -roo,„ed House large byre, 5-s.alled stable. 2 cart sheds, 2 meSff loolliouse, workshop, dairy, etc.; very rich soil; grows immenso crops tuni m down 00 *' 101 "'''^ 3 ' ln " nSOlds; Krollt RrMS " lilCfl; ml™ acre ; o»l>' £250 wanted 205 ACKES, ROMAIIAPA; grows good crop., oats, turnips, and grass; all clear and ploujfhable; handy to echool, P. 0., and creamery; good House and other fa buildings; 50 acres crop 22-acre 3 rape, and young grass, all looking splendid Price-if (crops given m); a, bargain for someone. '' ' 270 ACRES PUERUA; good llouso and Steading; line orchard; 2 sets sheep yards dip, water power; a piece of hue country; will carry 500 sheep, besides cwK . .'^""'L" 1 "!-™^ 1 !!.? (cro|M_in)_£6 per acre; terms. THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED) (Established 1884). Under Powers Conferred by Special Act of Parliament. CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED ... £106,250. CAPITAL PAID UP, £9375. RESERVE FUND, £9500. Directors: WALTER HISLOP, Esq. JOHN MILL, E<q. AV. E. REYNOLDS, Esq. ROBERT GLENDINING, Esq. JAMES HAZLETT, Esq. THOS. W. EEMPTHORNE, Esq. This Company Acts as EXECUTOR*, TRUSTEE, 1 ?, ATTORNEYS, AND GUARDIANS; Also as AfOTIONEIXS, VALUATORS, SH.AKEHKOKERS, & ASSESSORS. COLLECTS INTERESTS, RENTS, aim DIVIDENDS, NEGOTIATES LOANS and IXVKSTS MONEYS. AKD CONDUCTS A PROPERTY' AN U GENERAL AGENCY BUSINESS. Correspondence and Inquiries Invited by letter, telegram," or telephone. jnj Confidential Interviews with the Manager on private affairs can be arranged at w™**£S!SSl Ktc " in Co,,,pany ' s Pamp,li6t ' M will ■» MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE TO SUIT BORROWERS. QTWCES: CORNER 01' LOWER RATTRAY AND VOGEL STREETS. US, A. PAit,K, MmoEa

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 12