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PORT OH.ALMBKS, Phises or thr Moon. November. Last Quartet ■. 5 ... 9.8 a.m. New Moon >.. .„ „13 ... lM First Quarter ~.., ~.,.., 21 ... 4.59 am Full Moon ... >~.>„■ 27 ... 8.22 pirn! Apogee ... M ... ... 10 ... 5 a-m Icngco „, ... 26 ... 2 am Sun rises to-day 4.23, seta 7.18. THE WEATHER. November 18.—S a.m.: Wind S.W,lightrain. Noon: Wind) S.W., light; overcast. 5 p.m.: Wind S.W., moderate; rain. ~ . 8 a.m. Noon. promoter 29.75 . 29.68 29 66 Ihermometer ... 50 60 62 FORECAST.—Mr Paulin telephoned last night at 11 o'clock ;-"S.E, to S.W. winds und heavy tnundcr rain." WEATHER REPORTS, (Puis Usited Phess Association.) ~ , WKLLINGTOX, November 18. Tho following are tho reports of tho .weather at 4 p.m.:— Capo Maria Van Dieman.-Wind W liffi't; bar. iXI.OO, thor. 69; dear; sea blllOOMl. KuwlL-Wind S.W., fresh breeze; bar. 23.83, ther. /2; fair; tea smooth. Munukau Ileads.-Wiud S.W., breezebar. 29.K6 ther. 61;. cloudy; sea smooth! Auckland-Wind N„ light; bar. 29.86, ther. bi; fair. I Tauranga-Wind N.W., light; bur. 29.77, tlier. 6/; fair; sea smooth I ai f~\ Vi ' Ul , iVW -' frcsh brc «c; bar. 29.8/, Cher. 66; showery; sea moderate. Gisbomo.-Wind W.. Ji R j,L; bar. 28.71, ther. 63j cloudy; ecu smooth. Napier.-Calm; bar. 29.70, ther. 69; fair; sea smooth. Wellington.—Wind N., light,; bar. 29.60, ther 6b; fair. Castle„oint.-\Vind x.\\., (resh brCMO .. bai-. 29.U5, ther. 66; cloudj; sea moderate Sow rlymouth.-Wmd S.W., breeze; bar. 29.75. thor. 64; fair; sea moderate. Capo Egniont.—Wind \V., fresh breeze; bar. 29.75, ther, 66; line; sea moderate. Wanganui—Wind W.N.W., frcsli breeze; bar. 29.75, ther. 68; fair; sea lumpy. Capo Farowell.-Wiud E„ fresh breeze; bar. 29.75, thor. 63; cloudy; sea rough. Cape Foulwind.—Winu S.W., fresh breeze; bar. 29.63, ther. 57; rain; sea moderate Weatpoit-Wind S.W., fresh breeze; bar. 29.70, ther. 56; showery, squally., Capo Campbell.—Wind S., light; bar. 29.59, ther. 69; clear; sea smooth. ' Kaikoura.—Wind N.N.E., light; bar. 29.60, thor. 63; clear; sea smooth. Akaroa Lighthouse.—Wind N.W., light; bar. 29.58, ther. 59; fine; sea smooth. Nuggete.—Win<t S., light; bar. 29.58, ther. 62; onorcast; tea 6inooth. Bluff.—Wind S.E., fresh breeze; bar. 29.55, ther 53; overcast; squally Tho following is the Kov. D. C. Bates's summary unu forecast:—Warm, light rains ha\« fallen in many parts of tho country. WJiirly winds Jiavc prevailed, but with gradually decreasing (force, The barometer has fallen slowly everywhere, Present indications aro for changeable and showery weatlicr generally. The barometer will probably riso slightly in tho wutli, and then fall considerably lowor. Unsettled weather and strong and squally westerly winds will probably occur at times in most parts of tho country. HIGH WATER, November 19— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroft Hoads ... ... 7.7 7.54 At Port Chalmers 7,47 8.14 At Uunedin ... 8.17 8.44 ARRIVAL. Monowai, s.s., 2137 tons, Smith, from Auckland, via East Coast. Union S.S. Company, agents. Passengers: Misses Adams, Owen, Alcsdames Sidey, Window . and infant, Black and infant, Messrs Sidey, Doughty, Scott. Auld, Somervell (i!), Kcitl, Allen, Black; seven steerage. DEPARTURES. Holmdale, s.s., 187 tons, Clark, for Wellington, via Timaru. Keith Ramsay, agent. Pukaki, s.s., 1444 tons, Tate, for Westport and Greymouth, via way ports. Union S.S, Company, agents. FL\ PLOYED ARRIVALS. Prom Liverpool, via Wellington.—John Lockctt, barque, left September 14. From Melbourne.—Moiinn, November 23. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Wimmera, November 21. From Sydney (via Wellington).— Manuka, November 20. From Auckland.—Tai'awera, November 25. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland)—Winnncra, November 23. For Sydney (via Wellington).—Ulimaroa, November 20. For Melbourne.—Manuka, November 21. For Auckland.—Monowai, November 19. TO ARRIVE. AT AUCKLAND. Falls of Nith, left New York October 2. Ncrehaiiu., loft Loudon October 18. Star of Canada, left, London November 5. Karamea, left Liverpool early in October; duo about November 23. Waiwent, kit London October 7; due November 23. Sussex, ' left Liverpool September 18; due November 15. Nainisliire, left. Liverpool October 16; duo December 13. Orari, left London November 7, Morayshire, left Liverpool November 13, duo January 10. Dovon, to lcavo Liverpool December 11, duo February 7. AT WELLINGTON. Star of Scotland, left London September 28. rapanui, left Plymouth October 16. Athcmc, left London October 15; due Wellington November 31). Tongariro, left London Ootobor 30; duo about December 14. t'orintbic, left London November 13, AT LYTTELTO.V. Matatua, left London November 9. ~ AT DDNEDIN. Indradevi, left New York September 12; due l.)ecembcr 2. Auchcndale, left New York October 6; duo (via northern ports) end ol December. Kaipara, left London October 7; duo at Duiicdin November 21. Mutatun. left London November 9; due übout December 24. HOMEWARD BOUND. Cornwall, left Wellington, September 30. Toinoanu, left Auckland Octo-

bcr 5. Kuapcim, left Wellington October 21. Filestore, loft, Wellington October 23. Taiiiiii, left Wellington November 1. Wai- • — mate, left Wellington November 16. I'HOJKCXKD DWAItTUKIiS. MOM WEUI.NU'IOX. lliniutaka, November 18. o SHll'l'lNG TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, November 18.—Arrived: Tarawora (noon), from Dunedin, via ports; Squall ('( a.m.), from Uisborne. Sailed; Amokuru. (5 p.m.), for the Kcrmadecs; May Howard, iov Norfolk Island. KAU'ARA, November 18-Sailed; Melbonrn.e, for Melbourne. FAREWELL SPIT, November 18.-TIIO Koromiko passed east for .Wellington at i.ot) p.m. WELLINGTON, November 13.—Sailed: Mururoa 18 p.m.), for Lytlelton. Passengers—Miss Tuit, .Me6clames Hodgen, Hanlahan, Kgorton, Messrs licit Koyle, M'Loan, uodgeu, llauratiun, Kgerton. Sailed: Manuka (5 p.m.), for Lyttclton, Dimedin, ISlutV, llobnrt, and Melbourne. Pu&oagers: For Lyttelton—Misses Anderson, Barron, Mesilames Rodgere, Westerman and child, Penny, Messrs Waghornc, King, Karl, Penny. For Dunedin—Misses Tliomiiso'i (2), Chapman, Bodtlim, Whitson, Mesdames Jiridger and child, Chapman, Hart, Messrs Scott, Stewart, Adcock, Dougherty. For Bluff—iliss Williams, .Mesdamcs Williams, Tennaiit. For Hobart -.Mrs Gilbert, Colonel Gilbert, Mr Misworth. For Melbourne-Mrs Tonksand infant, Messrs Tonks, Woolf, and Vial, LYTTELTON, November 18.-Ar'rived: Maori (6.45 a.m.). from Wellington.— Sailed: Lily, schooner, for Groymouth; Komata, for Westport; Moeraki, for Sydney, via Wellington; Maori, for Welling, ton. UREYMOI'TH, November 18.—Arrived: lvaitttna (0.-15 p.m.), from Newcastle, via Westport roadstead. WESTPORT, November 18—Arrived: Waitemata (0.30 p.m.). from Newcastle. TIMAKU, November 18. — Sailed: Corimu (4.30 p.m.), for Dimedin. OAM ARU, November IS.—Arrived: Fitkaki (H p.m.), from Dimedin. Sailed; Kolare (10.15 p.m.), for Dunedin. iNVEUCAUGILL. November 18.—Sailed: Invcrciirgill (4.30 p.m.) for Dunedin. SUVA, Novomber 18.-Sailed: Tofua, for Auckland. SYDNEY. November 18.—Sailed: Aidebaran, for Auckland oThe Mouowai, from Auckland, via East Coast, reached Port Chalmers at 5.30 a.m. yesterday, and after landing her •jiassongors and discharging her perishcargo of fruit, went into dock at 1 a.m. for cleaning and painting. Nie came out of dock again about 0 P.m. and canto up to Dunedin, where she will discharge tho balanco of flor cargo. Sho will cail to-day -on tfw. Auckland-East Coast trip. v

The Maoriknd 6teamer Holmdale (formerly Torganten) left the Jetty street wharf at 2 p.m. yesterday for Timaru, where 6he will completo the discharge of her timber cargo. She will altcrwarda proceed to Wellington for orders. The I'ukaki camo up to town from Port yesterday morning, and after taking in cargo loft about 4.00 p.m. lor w«*iport and Greymouth, via Oamani, Timaru, Lyttclton, Wellington, and Picton.

iho Kaituna, from Newcastle, which arrived at Greymouth yesterday, will load coal thore and at Westport lor Wellington and Lyttclton. The Waitemata, which arrived at Westpbrt from Sydney the same afternoon, will laid bunker ooal ajid then go to a berth on the Jiast Coast of the North Island to load wool for London under charter to the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company. The Corinna, is line here this mornimfrom Onchunga, New Plymouth, Welliii"ton, and Timaru. °

lho Manuka, from Sydney, via Cook Strait, which is duo at Duuediii at 8 a.m. to-morrow, brings a total of 256 passengers Irom Sydney for various New Zealand ports. Uf tnis number 150 aro saloon and 116 steerage passengers. The Aparima will leave Calcutta on November 25 for Singapore, Samarang and New Zealand.

Caplam G. G. Smith, Royal Naval Register, has returned to Wellington from a ten (lays' visit to Lyttclton, wnero he enrolled about 20 more naval reservists of various grades. They include a number of tmic-expired mon. Captain Smith will probably visit Dunedin about December 21 on naval reserve business.—New. Zealand Times.

An unexpected visit was made at Albany on Novomocr 4 by tho Tyser lino steamer Indradevi. She was on a voyage from New York but was probably compelled to call at tho West Australian port to replenish bunkers. She is laden with general cargo for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand porte. Tho Shipping Index of Australasia states that the steamer Cape Finieterre has been chartered to load a full oai-o ol umber at Puget Sound for Melbourne. Air J. U. Spams, one of the most popular pursers in the Australian mail service, has ken appointed to tho new Orient liner Orvieto, which leaves London lor the Commonwealth on tho 26th inet Mr Sparks has been trading regularly to Australia in Royal mail liners for over 20 years. He wits for a prolonged period purser of tho Oruba, and subsequently for six years in the' Ortona, which latter vessel was only recently retired irom the service.

Tho Kaitongata left Melbourne on Wednesday tor Sydney with the balance of her timber cargo. The Whangapo will leave Westport to•Ji ,1 "V 0 , 10 "' 1 SU B" fOT Sydney. Ihe Hcv Zealand Times of the 16th inst. states that the Union Company and tho Huddart-Parker Company are ,f ow ch ™ .mg an increase in the charges for Pii «. sengers and cargo from Australia to Now Zealand owing 10 the increased coat of coalitig tho intercolonial vessels tluriii" tho Newcastle strike. Instead of 15s per "ton noltr?! T- 0 " 80 fl ' 01 " Al » tra '» « nuw IBs M, being an increase of 25 per cont. Fruit cargo rate s have bean i„. creased. 10 per cent., and pawengere' fares have been raised lu , )C r cent. These additional charges apply only lo cargo and passengers to the Dominion, the rates irom New Zealand being unaffected. Ihe Kotare is duo at Dunedin this morning Irom Oamani, where she has been discharging timber from the south. u-hiT ia a uu 0, Colmw ". v '« Macedonia, \\lieh loft Melbourne on the 9th inst 00k away nearly 28,000 boxes of butter! am am t ■°, of ,- wllich is c6t " r,at « l tWOm lhirlyl,™,, aro represented i„ he sjiipmcnl, and they represent 150 different factories and dealers. Tho shipjiwnfis the largest line of butter that bus ever been taken from Australia in one keel.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14685, 19 November 1909, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14685, 19 November 1909, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14685, 19 November 1909, Page 4