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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. \TATIOx\AL AIOI'TGAGH k AGF/NCY COMPANY OF KEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), ' Cnrner Water and Vogel streets, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND STOCK AGENTS. DAIRY FARMS. BALCLUTIIA DISTRICT. PALMERSTON DISTRICT. 147 ACRES, at £30 per ' acre, 75 ACRES, at £13 per acre. 160 ACRES, at. £15 per acre. 61 ACRES, at. £20 per acre. 270 ACRES, at £6 per acre. 63 ACRES, at £12 per acre. 140 ACRES, at £20 per acre. 126 ACRES, at £16 per acre. 150 ACRES, at £26 pei acie. t\ti?pt nT^TPTf'T 334 ACRES, at £8 per acre. IAIERI OISIRIGI. 102 ACRES, at £20 per acre. 152 ACRES, at £16 per acre, 157 ACRES, at £12 10s per acre. 118 ACRES, at £25 per acre. 70 ACRES, at £17 per acre. 88 ACRES, at £25 per acre. Tho mitking ecason is just commencing, and wo invite inquiries from those in search of a good Farm. Favourable term s can be arranged. THE' NATIONAL MORTGAGE k AGENCY COMPANY OF N.Z. (LTD.), AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND STOCK AGENTS, ■ CORNER WATER and VOGEL STREETS. V ALB lOHTHTMB MB, ' X. & \ 11 DOWLING STBEET (Cutting.) yWb \ E»Ublijhtd ■S™LAL \ /\llll. ESTATB ijsaim INVESTORS' AGEHTS, PROPERTIES MANAGED, REiSTS COLLECTED, TO LET. T0 LE ' l, SPLENDID LARGE ROOM, in tip-lop 30 HANOVER STREET (Adelaide Hotel), order, overlooking North Duncdin contammg about 9 rooms; batbroom, Recreation Ground; well lighted; with washhotiso, yard, etc. use of bathroom (h.p. boiler), kitchen, wIIJ „tTATTOP unrmeTPe : * i •* ~ n , ' WAREHOUSE PREMISES in central situav;ashhousc; 2 smwller rooms, will let , , . tiou on street front; tliree-storoy, large separately; cheap rent. .. ' , ... b floor space, well lighted, with all neccs* BOND STREET Stings, offices, lift, lavatories, etc BRICK PREMISES and LAND, recently Possession at early date. Inspection occupied by the Massey-Harris Company, arranged for at any time. having fcont»Scs to Bond street, Craw- jOHiN STREET (Cavcrshain).-Fivc ROOMS; ord street, .Manbr street Lease arranged t boiH bil(hroomi etfl _ for term. Lull particulars obtaiued on application. GEORGE STREET.-SHOP and 4-roomed SPLENDID DAIRY FARM, on Otago Dwelling. Peninsula, containing about 200 acres, ffILKIE BOAD (Kensington) - Five with good Residences, byres, and also rooms ; h.p. boiler, bathroom, copper, necessary outbuildings. EGLINTON ROAD—Nine-roomed RESIDENCE; all modern conveniences; batli- DOLLING STREET. Two KOOMS,ground room, h.p. boiler; sunny; fine view. " oor i suitable for offices; lavatories, etc. PRINCES STREET (Just Offj.-Central CAMPBELL STREET (Mornington).-Six Ground Floor PREMISES; fronting ROOMS; bathroom, washhouse, etc.; strcej; well lighted; large cellar; lift. handy to tram. lIERIOT ROW—Modern &-roomed RESI- CAVERSHAIt \Main road) — Caversham DEXCE; bathroom (h, and c. water), HALL, with lavatories, etc.; good acgarden; large piece of ground. commodation; suitable for Sunday serPRINCES STREET - Central OFFICES, ""s, etc. recently occupied by Messrs Ilolpies and CENTRAL SITUATION. - WAREHOUSE White, solicitors, consisting of three PREMISES; well lighted; suitable for laige rooms, Conveniently arrungetl, sample rooms or warehouse. Telephone 1458. CAIiT Ell & C 0., Telephone 1458. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, EXCHANGE COURT. "CIARM—BO Acres rich heavy bush land, in routine cultivation, situated North Lino- -*- handy to factory, station, otc; good Dwelling, cowbyro, etc. A fine dairy farm UIARM—I2O Acres; very rich dairying land, with good House, stable, cowbyre, etc.; situated liiclicluiba; closc to laetory, station, etc. FAR.M-140 Acres, situated close to Oamaru; very rich laud; well fenced and watered; all m routine cultivation. "pARM— Acres; very sweet land; on NwrUi Line, close to station, P. 0., > etc.; fine Dwelling and outbuildings; healthy district; beautiful view; overlasting wator supply. TjIAK.M—2BO Acres, Milton District; adjoining school and P. 0.; nice Dwelling a.nd * all neccssary-outbuildings; £3 per acre; easy terms. pAHM~331 Acres, close to Dunedin; suitable for fruit-growing; good House and outbuildings; 20 acres in orchard. J 1 rice on application. OHEEP liUN—ISOO Acrc6, frceJiold; good tussock land; close to LoveiFs Plat; mostly plougliablo and well watered; carrying 850 young ewee. QHLIIP KUN—IdiOO Acres, freehold; »veet tiu;sock country, North Otago; carrying 1800 sheep, mostly ewee; line House and all neecssary outbuildings; £4 acre; easy terms. CJHELP li UN—IBOO Acres, freehold nice silver tussock, situated Tapanui District; c ' osc to station, school, etc.; ncvor-fqiting water supply; £3 acre; very easy terms to good man. gMALL RUN—I3OO Aoree, freehold; North Line; handy to station, etc.; £1000. i'ho above a very small proportion o£ tho numerous SIIISEP RUNS and IARMS, LEASEHOLDS and wo have For Sale. If any of the abpYo do not please you, give us a call. We can suit you. Telegrams: HUTTONS' AGENCY COMFY, Huttone' Agency. 19 PRINCES STREET Codes Used-A B C Fifth Cables: "huttonia." (OPPOSITK KRAITHWAITE'S). Udition Western Unicn. LAN'I), PROPERTY, MINING, UNA NCI-:, AND GKNEIUL COMMISSION AGENTS. 49 PRINCES STREET (OPPOSITE BRAITHWAITE'S). HIGII-CLASS PROPERTIES WITH LARGE SECTIONS. OOprA-TEUMiXUS OF KAIKORAI OAR: New 4-roomed HOUSE; snug and corafortiible, all conveniences; i-acre Section. (15 minutes' walk from P. 0.): Five ROOMS; nearly now, conveniences; a bargain; £«acro JScotion. jOKOK—EIVE ACRES; superb land, at present cultivated with nursery shrubs c&tJ/Vtl and fruit trees; well, fenced; S minutes' walk from Roslyn cor. £«KCA-™OOMKD RESIDENCE (all conveniences), with 3-stollod stable; dWU'UU Roslyn; Section. tf»KQA--AI3IiOTSFOKD: Six-roome<l handsome verandah HOUSE; nil conveniences; 10 lniimtes' easy walk from station, splendid position; with 4 acres good Laud; u bargain. Cir ' : Handsolne 6-i-oomcd RESIDENCE; hot and cold water (showers, etc), largo rooms, beautifully pnjierodj lovely garden, fruit trcos; fowlruii, etc., etc.; n-oere Section. •PQOO BUILDERS AND SPECULATORS: A magnificent I'i'opcriV, comprisms a 0-rcomed House; scullery, pantry, bathroom, dairy, workshop stables and loft, bujary bouse; and 14 i-aero grand buildiiiß Sections;' 2 minutes' walk from terminus of hill car. Must bo dispnscri n£ nuiridv. ' N. PATERSON, „ . Surveyor asu Q 1 A Jl E. S. PATERSON, Civir. Exgi- - . Fi.vanck Acknt & l^l:K1, • 73 PRINCES STREET <1 ~ U * D (4tb door above Dowling Street). ' q Housk & Land Asms. Land Surveying a Specialty EXPERT VALUATORS AKD SHAREBROKER9. LONDON STHlihT.—Gentlenuuls Fin! REoiIJENCE 6i 12 rooms, with J-acre Of land laid om in garden, lawn, ctc.; glorious situation; inspection by arrangement. ' piTY (North End, Fronting Car Line).—Fiin iloder.ii ItESIDEXCE (one flat), containing 7 rooms, with bathroom, scullery, washhouse Icoppcr and tubs); hot and cold water throughout; gas laid on ; wardrobes ant) linen presses; two largo bay windows; ornamental appcarance; house well elevated, a.nd built on a solid concrete ta.segood freehold jeetion; garden, green, awl asphalt paths and yard. This property is in perfect orcur, and the owner has left, Duncdin. Must be sold iimiK<lintoly, a sucrifa." Cards to view at this office only. Price, £350. BISHOPSCOURT (Near Top of Kewington avenue).—i'retty and Practically New VILLA of 5 rooms; bathroom, scullery (hot and cold water), was'hhouso (copper and tubs), aipbcards and wardrobes; two Kay \vindow6 and portico; good freet.old wc'iion with asphalt paths and yards, garden, cto. This Property is situate on the siuiny side of ilu ; street, and has a cheerful outlook, an& is a real bargain; easy terms arranged. £520. STUEIiT.--Fii6t.-clnss HOUSE, 6 rooms.; bathrooms, scullory (copp-or and tulw), washhouse; 2 l?iiv windows and pOrtico; good section laid out ill lawn, ele. £60 deposit, buluMs- rent. £540. CILIjSE TO ClTY.—Fiiw BLOQK of LAND containing over 10 acres; part native J busJi, with good stream of wator. £320. "CIREDEIUCK STREET.—tlood IlOUSti, 6 ix>oms; bathroom, scullery, washhouse , A (copper and tubs);-bay window ami verandah; freehold section.' Easy terms. ; Only £550. . . LITTLEUOURNE (Overlooking CityJ.-Up-to-dato RESIDENCE of 6 large rooms,' with every modern convenience; 4 large bay windows; section with over 80ft frontage; garden, lawn, etc.; splendid vijw; a real iraod' home. Inspection bv ; arrangement. MAORI HILL (Splendid Position).—Prai'licaily New VILLA of 6 good rooms, with bathroom, scullery (hot and coli'. 1 watcn), linen presses and wardrobes, , lib grates and hoarths, steel ceilings-, 3 buy windows and jwrtico; scotion 50ft by . 132 ft; slightly elevated, and laid out in gaitlen, etc. Easy terms. Price, £620. ' 1%/ffiCSSELBURGII.—Pretty RESIDENCE of six good rooms, with bathroom (hot -L'-l and cold water throughout), washhouse, basin, shower, wardrobes, cupboards, ; and bookcases, tile grates and hearths, copiier and tubs, etc.; gooi freehold section. : with stable, trapshed, and harness room; asphalt paths and,yard; ground laid out iti , garden and lawn. A really first-class Property. Low prios to an immediate purl clmscr. Inspect without delay. QT. CLAIR (Splendid Position).—Practically New HOUSE of six i«oms (large). > with all the latest modern conveniences—steel ceilings, large hall, tile grates and hearths; large freehold section, 'garden, lawns, ele. A sacritico at the price, £655. MAORI HILL (on Harbour Side and Close Tram).—Fine VILLA of five good rooms; bathroom, scullery, hot and cold water, washhouse (coppor and tubs), and all other up-to-date conveniences; good section,. with an unsurpassed view; ) asphalt paths; fruit and flower garden; £50 deposit, balance as lent. r|MIIS IS CHEAP ENOUGH (South End, Cicse Tram).—An Almost-new HOUSE of , -. six rooms, with bathroom, scullory, hot and cold water, arched hall, washhand 5 basin, reppcr and tubs, J bay windows; a good freehold corner scction; garden, etc.; tonus; about- £35 deposit, balance to suit yourself; and the pricc is only £475. ! TO CITY.—GENTLEMAN'S F:no RESIDENCE ot i) large looms, fitted , with the Jatest modern conveniences, with 1 acre and a-quarter; fine position; laid out ill lawn, fruit ancj kitchen garden, ctc. This is a splendid Property, ami ( will be soles a great bargain £1200. Cards to inspect on application. T EITII STRECT (Near Station).—First-class HOUSE of 7 rooms; bathroom, scullery, hot and cold water, gas, cupboards, presses, and wardrobes; bay ' window and verandah; good freehold section; asphalt paths and yard. Price greatly reduced—£67s. 1 W osc George street).—Practically Now VILLA of 5 large rcoms, fitted '-'with bathroom (hot and cold water), steel ceilings, and'everything in first-class, order; nearly 'i-acro section; glorious viow. Price, with terms, £560. T>OSLYN.-Littlcbourne: First-class HOUSE of 5 good rooms; bathroom, scullery, , . , co ' t ' watcr .- cupboards and wardrobes, waslihouso (copper and tubs), bay ' window and verandah, drained to sewer: good section; line view, and very sheltered position; garden, ctc.; everything in first-class order; a groait chance; easy terms. Cards to viow on application. TO LET. TO LET. BAY ROAD—New 6-roomed Modern Villa;'all oqpvenienoes; 175.i SOUTH DUJsEDIN—Good 4-ioomeoi Modern House; 15s. CARGILL STREET— S Rooiro (nwotrn).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14684, 18 November 1909, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14684, 18 November 1909, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14684, 18 November 1909, Page 12