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An Auckland ni»S3»ye advises that hU Excellency ihe lioveruor, Lord Pltinkct, ac-t-ompanied by Csipfnin Shannon, A.D.C., left lor Y. ellinglon by tho Main Trunk express lust evening on a week's visit to tho capital. lie hill return to Auckland on Tuesday, 27th insi. 'J lie mail which was despatched from Duncdin, via Vancouver, on .Inns 7 arrived ill Luikloii on the morning of the 18th insi. The I'olicc Commission concluded i!s Ihtncdiii sittings yesterday afternoon with a t:Mii]i:st of the "lea-cup" variety, the ouliomo of an obvious misunik'tsianding. 'J his evening Mr Hi-hop wiil confer with tho Hon. Dr findhiy, Miiiirlcr of Justice. As I lie Hon. Deo. .tones is satisfied with the administration from Ciiri .iohiirch, the commission will sit. at Oatnsvu to-morrow bctweon trains, will probably tommeiie;) its Timurn fitting on Thursday.; A Press Aviation liiFSsago stale,; that tlio Hon, Dr 1' iiklhiy (Minuter of Justice) loft Wellington for Duncdin Ja s t night. On Wednesday evening ho will deliver a political speech, and on Friday evening lie will led lire before the i'Voebei Club. Mr Clement. Wragge advises us as follows:—'"Hie advancing edge of the great disturbance named '(Jibh,' already advised, is now affecting nearly the whole Dominion. Shipping is urgently notified that. loth, coasts ami Cook Strait will bo aliectod. the winds will soon shift towards mid thereafter to W. and S. Much rain and Hooding are expected, and snow ami elect later in more southern parts, i ho weather will be very bad over the Tasman Sea, About five days will elapse before ' tiibb' oeawi to cerate, and satellites or cyclonic whirls appear to L\i attached." This morning Mr \V. C'. MacCregor will leave [or Wellington to attend tiie Court of Appeal in the matter of the Olago pa-intcrs award. Some weeks ago an application was made lo tho Arbitration Court, at Duncdin to add as parlies jo that award the Dunedin Cfl.v Council and the Otago Harbour Board. Mr Justice Sim doubted whether lbs court had jurisdiction in the matter, and stat-<1 a case for ilie opitiion of the Court, of Appeal. The question for tlio Court of Appeal is this: Is the jurisdiction to bind a municipal corporation or a. harbour board by an' award made under the Industrial Conciliation Acts? Mr MacGregor will argue the ease for tho •municipal corporation; Mr Weston (ot Wellington) for the Harbour Board; and Mr I'indlay (of Wellington) for the Painters' Union. The case will bo heard on Tlmrsday, The matter is one of great importance, as it affects every local authority in the Dominion. The ordinary meeting of the Benevolent Trustees, held yesterday afternoon, was attended by Messrs W. T. Talboys (chairman), H. A. LeCren. J. M. Callaway, J. Ivoudon, K A. Tapper. H. D. Moller, and D. Larnaeh. Tho secretary reported that the cost of the Home for June had been £363 12s sd, the number of inmates 226, and tiie average cost of inmates per week 7s 6;I. Twenty-seven cases for relief were dealt with, A man was arrested last evening for tho alleged theft of a bicycle, the properly oi Alexander Mewhimiey, of Duncdin. He will be further charged with the theft ol another bicycle from Mr M'Culloch, Stuart street. In the latter case accused is alleged to have hired the liicyclo for an llOlll', and io have sold it the same day for 255. Accused was arrested bv Detectives Mitchell and l'honi-on, and will be brought lefore the Police Court this morning. A liouso to-hou-e solicitor of alms, who has been canvassing South Duncdin, will also 1* brought, before the couit. If oa?es are wnl to the Hospital from tire country, their cost can bo charged to the contributing body," said Mr Talboys ai yesterday's meeting of the Prmevoleiit Trustees, "but if the case j 5 sent- to the lienevolent Homo, this institution has to bear the cost of their keep." Mv (iallawav immediately pointed out that their cost, could be recovered, but lite chairman replied that sueh had never been the practice. Tl;c matter of disqualified Northern Tnion players still taking part in l!ti"by I'nion matches by acting as line umpires was brought tip at last niglit's mooting of the Otago Rtighv Football Union by Mr Dey, who said that the practice was certainly obtaining. After discussion it was decided that clubs should be notified that by allowing these players to act. in any opacity then rendered themselves liable to disqualification. He may Ijc mad, but he is a type of matt far too common," was a remark made yesterday at the Benevolent Trustees in reference to an application for a continuance of a grant to a family of children. Another remark was. ''You may be looking after the children, but you aro actually tc;di'.ig a big man." The case, from further remarks, was shown to be that of a struggling family being- battened upon by a lazy father, hut notwithstanding their knowledge o! this and the expression of qpinion that, the position should not. be allowed to continue, tiie trustees had no course open but to continue the grtmt. l'itc first girder of the overhead bridge which is to give access to pedestrians f. Ml Castle street to the rea,r of the Railway Station is now in position, and pile-driving to make tho foundations of the central supports secure is about to be commenced.

The question as to whether the £5000, or thereabouts, derived from tho Baths Reserve can be withdrawn from the Municipal General l 1 mid, inlo which it has been merged, lias not. yet been seltlod. When a definite answer has been given oil the point, something will by heard of the propo?al for the construction of the baths. Tlio Mayor stated lo a Times reporter yesterday that the j Swimming Association had informed him that the baths which would form part of the Y.M.C.A new building would be ample for the requirements of tho central portion of the city, but he i« personally of the opinion that there should be in addition smaller baths provided at, both the north and the south endn of the town for ihe convenience of persons residing there. However, the whole question is likely to receive full ventilation by the City Council at an early date. A difterence of opinion has arisen between the Drainago Jioaiv.l and the General liitbourojs I it ion wit h regard to payment for pumping work pjrformcd on Sundays. We understand that a conference between the two 1/odies lias taken jdace, and an amicable settlement of the point in dispute is likely to he arrived at. A fifai't was mode yosleulay on tho work of welding the tramlines in Ueorge street, o\er the sccf-ioii that; is lioinjj volaklj by the new tnermil process. In the forenoon a joint was made in the pressttce of the AJavoi, Or Keast (chairman), and the other members of the Tramways Committee. A report on their interview held at Christehitrch with the Minister of Health by Messrs Walker and Tapley, of tho Hospital Board, in regard to tho Infectious Diseases Hospital, will be submitted to a coiiiiiiittse meeting of tho board to-night. Several oilier matters of importance will also, in all probability, bo discussed then. Ihe method adopted by shipping surteyoir, in siuvoyiiig ships ill Xew Zealand, a.-, co.ii.rastMl with tho system in use ut Aulralian ports, was tlio subject of discuss.on by the Port Chalmers Borough Council at last meeting, and a motion was passed calling the altention of the Minister u! .Marine to what is alleged lo be a hardsnip, in that more considetijte treatment was given in Australia. The Minister was only written to, and yesterday the town clerk l-ccoivcd a reply to tlio following cifcci:—' I am jn receipt of your letter of the 13th insL, forwarding copy of resolution passed by the Port Chalmers Borough touiu;!l in regard to the system adopted by shipping surveyors in the survey of ships w.thin the Dominiem, and in reply I wish to inform you that the representations con''lined in the resolution will l:e carefully considered.—J, A. Alill.ui." •Several cases coming before the Otago Utigby .Football Union Committee last evening served to indicate the existence of a very general idea among the players that referees .should not order players off tho fieid for infringements till a caution had been administered. Another matter mentioned was that players regarded cautions administered lo them in iv very light fashion, the chairman (Mr F. 11. Campbolll remarking that, players should realise the full moment, of cautions given bV referees. Occasionally the Benevolent Trustees are made a convenient*! of. Ail applicant will be sent to the Home for a term, a!Hi after a brief sojourn fhoro will desire to revisit old sciies, to which end a day's leave will be obtained, this day's leave is stretched to suit the convenience of the wantlerer, but. after a time the uncertainty of life palls, and the, applicant comes before the trustees to again solicit care ami attention. Such a cttse was brought up yesterday, and before giving a elccision the chairman saiil that thsso cases must be controlled, as petjple could not l:e allowed to demand entrance at any time flte-y wished without submitting to the control of ihe authorities. In the particular case objection was made by the applicant to being kept as "a prisoner. ' but the chairman made it. clear that a stand was to bo taken, irrespective of what public opinion might lie, and the applicant was only granted admission on the understanding that if leave was again exceeded, the police would be communicated with in the matter. The average daily attendance at the Carnegie I'llblic- Library for the week ended Saturday, July 17, was 591 persons. The stream of large families coming before the lienevolent Trusteed phows no sign of diminution. Last week tour applicants ha,:l oi children elejxindent on them. At yesterday's meeting four other families embraced 36 children—two families of 10 children, one family of nine, 'and one of seven, while tho total number of children before tho trustees was 59 from nine families. Speaking at the monthly meeting of the Dnited Temperance Reform Council last evening, Mr G. B. Nicliolls said that an agent of a firm that had a tremendous business on the time-payment system in the whole of the Dominion had shown him list? to prove the comparative excellence of the different, centres as regards the making of weekly payments. These lisls showed that Ash bud on (a no-lioense area) was easily the l»r,t in the .Dominion, the people there having paid 17s 6d for every 10s they need have disbursed to keep up their payments to elate. Oamaru, another no-license area, was second, with 13s 'id paid for every 10s necessary. Invereargill was sixth, with lJs for every 10s. This, said the speaker, was an excellent result fe/r tho no-license towns and proved that there was neit much wrong with the home life an.l soundness of these places. Mr A. S. Atkins also gave some interesting points showing the great vigour and success with which the temperance Pght was being pushed in South Africa. Intimation has been received in Christchurch (says our own correspondent) that, Lord Dudley. tlovernor-General of A ustralia, has been so impressed with Professor Dickerton's t henries of cosmic evolution that lie had persuaded the professor to proceed to Jingland and remain there (at his Excellency's own expense) until the cininonfc scientists of England have opportunetics of fully considering the professor's researches. Professor Bickertcn, who is at present, visiting Australia, is to deliver a lecture at (Jovernmcnt House, Sydney. The Rev. S. Lawry advises receipt of the following aelelitional returns of the voting on tho quest ion of a separate Conference for tho Methodist Church in New Zealand Cambridge: 11 present, 11 for; Johnsonville: 12 present, 12 for; Waimate: 25 present, 25 for, 1 neutral; Lytk'lton; 16 present, 10 for, 5 against, 1 neutral; ltosiyn: 10 present, 8 for, 2 against; Balciutlia: 8 present, S for. When a couple of cases came before the Benevolent Trustees yesterday lor admission into the institution from the Hospital, upon tivo recommendation of the doctors of the trustees, some slight discussion arose as to the principle affcoted. Tha chairman (Mr Talboys) said lie eoukl never get it out of bis mind that admitting incurables into the home was an injustice to the uitcpayers—at least, these whom he represented. This drew from Mr Callaway the lemark that it was a matter of bookkeeping, ami ligures were given to show that the cost of inmates at ihe Home was cheaper than at the Hospital. Mi tlallaway said this was an argument for adjustment in xokkeeping, but was no reason for keeping them our. Tho chairman said they had been rather waiting upon the new Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Bill; that might equalise tilings and put the matter on an equitable footing. The suggestion ve> further made that upon the recommendation of the doctors advising the trustees any inmate might bo at once°sent to tho Home without, immediate reference to the trustees, but the objection was made that the trustees should exercise control. It was decided that (.he eases should be admitted, jukl the latter question postponed for consideration to another meeting,

Our London correspondent, informs us that the pielnra, "A Cool Retreat," by Mr George .Smith 1 , A.U.S.A., No. 433 in the exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy, has been purchased for the Public Art Gallery of Duncdin. The monthly meeting of the Moray Place School Committee, held last evening, was attended by Messrs A. Sligo (chairman), A. M'Ciill. A. Miller, C. }!. Thomson. S. Douglas, 11. Forsyth, S. J. Lyon, Dr .Stonhouse, aiwl Captain Mitchell. The Head Master reported 266 on the roll and that the average attendance for tho quarter was 236. The inspector's report on the annual examination of the school was submitted and was satisfactory. Mr A. Sligo and Dr Kfeiihouso were appointed a A'isiti»g Committee for the ensiling month. The Uniled Temperance Reform Council was granted permission to display on the walls of Ihe school rcoms copies of physical deterioration placards. Since his visit- to Ohristclmrch, where ho inspected the public conveniences, the Mayor (Mr J. 11. Walker) is fully determined that this city shall ho similarly provided as soon as possible. He is now making inquiries as to whether them is any money available to be expended on their construction, and as soon as that information has been obtained he purposes bringing down a minute embodying the whole question, making suggestions as to where they should be located and giving estimates of their probable cost. The Mayor is very firmly convinced that they are urgently required, and considers that, from Ote point of view of drainage, at anyrnte, there should bo no dillicttllies in the way of establishing them. In regard to the financial side of tile question, it is interesting to know that in the event of a. local body having no available funds for a. purpose there is a provision in the Public ITeaftii Act undr.r which the Government is entitled to lend what is required. That provision was availed of by the Christe-hurtli City Council, which obtained the desired money at 4>i per cent, interest. A meeting of the committee of the Ofasro Debating Societies' Union, held last night, was presided over by Mr J. A. Park, lieports of the results of the first round of competition debates were received, and it was decidcd that Y.M.C.A. representatives should meet Port Chalmers at Port next Neek, It WHS to procure a handsome banner, to be lipid by the society winning this year's tournament. Detailed arrangementis wore made for the second round of debates next month. The monthly committee meeting of the Bums Club was attended by all the members, Mr Alex. Wain, president, being in the chair. A capital musical programme was submitted by the Musical Committee, to he presented to the meeting to-morrow evening. A short address will be given by Ihe Rev. D. Dutton, on "Hums as a. Patriot." It was decided to celebrate the anniversary of Sir Walter Scott by a Scott Night" in August, when Sir Walicrs songs and recitations will be given. Mr Alex. Bathgate has consented to give the address of the evening. A meeting of tho Southern Starr llowkett Society was held lust evening, Mr S. S. Myers presiding. Two appropriations of £500 in group No. 1 were disposed of, the first, by ballot, falling to cluster No. 20, held by one sharp-holder. Of the other appropriation, £400 was disposed of by sale, and realised £10 pel tei,!. premium. In group No. 2 an appropriation ot .-0500 was disposed of by ballot, and fell to cluster 204, in which three shares were held by a ladv in Oulraiu and two by a jnembar residing ih Orcen Island. At the meeting of the Spiritual Scientists' Society on Sunday last the services were conducted by Mr and Mrs Weeks, After the opening hymn, Mr Weeks offered an invocation, an.d Mrs Weeks read a poem entitled, "Speak Thy Thought." Mr Weeks delivered an address on Colonel IngerselPs mission in the light of spiritualism. Mrs Weeks gave several spirit messages, which were recognised as true. We have received the following donations in aid of the Calvin Book Fund:—"K. R." 2s 6d, AY. Coitll 2s M, Protestant 2s 6d. Mr J. A. N. Piicdle is in receipt of cable advice from Melbourne advising him that the ''Bachelor's Honeymoon" was. tproduced there for the tirsl. time oil Saturday night to an iiumon~j audience, hundreds being unable to gain admission. The cast included Hugh Ward, Grace I'alolta, Ilcse Musgrovc and Celia Ghikmi, and the av/licnea was enthusiastic from start to finish. This is tho company fortnc-d by Mr Hugh Ward recently in London and which will shortly tour the Dominion under Ihe direction of Mr Allan Hamilton. - — ■ Tho attention of readers is directed to an advertisement re Camp Cetfce in this issue. A notico with reference to tho Guardian Assurance Company will be found in otir advertising columns. Space will not permit us to do more than mention that the cheapest blouse flannelette at the price is to lie obtained at Jlollisons'— 25 pieces fancy blouse flannelettes, 3Jd nor yard.—Advt. We recommend for watch, clock, and jewellery repairs A. J. Shaw, 13 ltattray street. Absolutely tho best in Dunedin.— Advt. With the prevailing fashion of 'full hairdressing, it is almost impossible to do without a hair pad of some kind. Ar.:l those who value their hair, and do not wish to destroy it, ate warned against buying any hair pr.d not made ot real hair throughout. M-tmy pads made ami so!d ill Duncdin and elsewhere arc simply stuffed with coloured wool and other rubbish. To ensure getting a, genuine hair pad buy only the "Betgravia" pad, maniifaclurcd and sold by A. Jf. ifendy, hair specialist, Dunedin; price Is. pest free anywhere, livery pad branded,—Advt. To cope with the growing demand for highclass jewellery, Messrs G. and T. Young, of 88 Princes street, are specialising in making up articles to customers' own requirements, using only !ho finest quality stones, and guaranteeing the best workmanship. Designs prepared if required.—Advt. ° For Influenza take AVocds' Cireat Peppermint Cure. Never fails. Is Cd and 2s Gd — Advt, "A bonnio face" is clear, sott, and velvet;-, full of lioaith and brightness. It is produced by pure bleed, and purity cf Wood is attained by using Sulfarilla Tablets. One shilling a box. j)ose, one dailv. Evenyoung lady should use them.—Advt," Wuo is Peteii Dick .'-The most reliable Watchmaker aim Jeweller, opposite Coffee Palaco, Moray place, Dunedin. cCes Mnctly moderate.—Advt. "

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14580, 20 July 1909, Page 7

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14580, 20 July 1909, Page 7

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14580, 20 July 1909, Page 7