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r 011 T CIIAIII Elt s, Pnisra or tub Moon, JULV. X'nll Moon 4 ™ 11.47 p.m. J-.VL tbiarter 10 ... 6.28 p.m. Nnv .M"on 17 ... 1U.15p.m. IJiiartcr 25 ... 11.15 p.m. I'crigui 8 ... 8.0 a.m. Apiig-v 23 ... 0.0 p.m. .Sun rises to-day 7.47, sets 4.12. Tllli WKATUKR. July 19.—3 a.m.; AVind N.E.; fair. Noon: (.'aim; dull. 5 p.m.: Calm: dull. 8 n.lii. A'oon. 5 p.m. J'-jroinetcr 29.72 2'J:,'o ffl.&o 'in-Jiiioiiieter 45 47 45 I'UIII'.CAST. Air 3'aulin (clopboned af. 10. to i.1,1 nigbl '.-"Sipuiily lo a gale, to NA'i'. winds, and rain, .;l"ct, "and snow uliywei's." WEATHER REI'OKTS. (fw. VKITKb i'HBSS ASSUCWTIOS.) WKIjMN'tiTUN, July 10. Ihe following are tins reports of tin weather at 4.5'J p.m.:Capo Alaria Van Uieinen.—Wind N.E., gale; bar. 2!J.85, 1 L-r. 65; misty rain; pea lioavy. ltUßsell. —AVind moderate gale* bar. 21).97, ther. 61; gloomy; .sea increasing. iVlannltau Heads.—Wind S.E.. fresh breeze; bur. 30.10, flier. 53; misty and showery; «?a, smooth. Auckland.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 30.10, tiler. 62; ovoreust, showery. Tauranga.—Wind N.f'l., light; bar. 30.13, ther. 54; overcast, dri?.zlo; sea rnodorute. East (Jape.—Wind N., fresh breezt); bar. 20.21, ther. 56; cloudy; sea considerable. Gisborne.—Wind N'., light; bar. 30.17, ther. 54; fair; ecu. smooth. Napier—Calm; bar. 30.13, ther. 53; line; Hen smooth. Wellington.—Wind NAV\, breeze; bar. 30.03, ther. 56; overcast. Castlopoint.—Wind N.H., breeze; bar. 30.09, ther. 53; cloudy; sea heavy. New Plymouth.—'Wind E., light; bar. 30.0, ther. 55; drizzle; sea moderate. Capo Egiiiont.—'Wind N.K, fresh breeze; bar. 30.02, tlier. ss; rain; sea moderate. Wanganui.—Wind N., light; bar. 30.04, ther. 53; misty; tea smoolli. Cape Farewell.—Wind N.K, light; bar. 30.03, ther. 55; rain; sea, rough. Cape Fotdwind.—Wind N., fresh breeze; bar. 29.97, ther. 55; rain; sea rough. Wcstport.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 30.00, ■ ther 55; rain, fog; sea considerable. Cape Campbell—Wind N., fresh breeze; bar. 20.98, ther. 54; cloudy; sea moderate. Kaikoura.—Wind S.E., light; bar. 29.33, ther. 53; overcast; sea moderate. Nuggets.—Wind, N.E., light; bar. 29.63, ther: 48; cloudy; sea. smooth. Bluff.—Calm; bar. 29.67, ther. 51; fine. Tho following io the Eev. D. C. Bates's genoral weather forecastAn easterly gale, with heavy rain, is probably north of East Capo and ICawhia, and northerly strong to a gale, theneo to Ifokitika and Lyttcitou. and westerly elsewhere. Rain and cloudy weather probable generally. Barometer falling everywhere, but very unsteady in tho (southern districts." HIGH WATER, July 20— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads... 4.43 5.1 At I'ott Chalmers ... „ ... 5.23 5.41 At Dunediu ~ .... 5-53 6.11 ARRIVAL. Invercargifi, U.S., 123 tons, Oillies, from southern ports. Inveretirgill Shipping Co., agents. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Liverpool.—Clara, barque, eaiied May 24. From Melbourne.—Manuka, July 20. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Mokoia (tranships to Talune), July 25. From .Sydney (via 'Wellington).—Moana, July 24. From Auckland.— I Twawera, July 22, PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Victoria, July 20. For Sydney (via Wellington'—Manuka, July 21 I'or Melbourne.—Moana, July 25. for Auckland.— I Taraw'era, July 23, TO ARRIVE. AT AUCKLAND. Walkure, left New Tork May 3. Kumara, left London June 5. Bantu, left NonYork May 13. Devon, left Liverpool Alay 29. 'Glendovon, left New York June 6. 'I'omoana, left New York Juno 15. Cornwall, left Liverpool June 26. Marero, left London July 2. liannockburn, left. New York Juno 21. Delphic, left London July 10. AT WELWNOION. Star of Australia, left London Juno 1. Tongariro, left Plymouth Juno 12, and Capetown, July 3. Corinthic, left London .luno 27. AT LVTTELTOS. Drayton Grange, left London. July 9. Paparoa, left Plymouth July 10. AT TOUT OHAI.JIEH3 AND DUNBDIS. Otaki, loft London June 6 for Dunediu direct; duo about July 20. Maori, left London July 9. HOMEWARD ROUND. Hawko's Ray, left. Napier April 16. Chut Grant, left Bluff May 29. Langton Grange, left Lyttcitou May 29. Opawa, left Lyttelton June 2. Aga•panthus, left Lytleltoit Juno 9. Rimutaka, left Lyttelton Juno 12, arrived Alonto Video July 2. Alimiro, loft _ Bluff. Juno 14. Tainui, left ■Wellington Juno 17 and T?io do Janeiro July 10. Clan M'lntyre, left Bluff June 21. Nairnshire, left' Lyttollon June 26. . Arrino, left Bluff June 30. Aotea, left Lyttelton July 1. Mnlatna. left Auckland July 1. Clan Leslie, left Lyttelton July 5. Orari, left. Wellington July 10; Star of Scotland, left Wellington July 11. "Wakanui, left Wellington July 13. lonic, left '.Wellington July 15. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. HIOSI AUC'KLAXD. Mamari, July 24. Kaikoura, July 51. FIIOM WEILISOTOS. Fifcshiro, early. Turakina, July 29. lAthenie, August 12. Alornyehire, August 10. Tongariro, August 25. SHIPPING- TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, July I!}.—-Arrived: Alokoia (6 p.m. Sunday), from Sydney; lvoromiko, from Wcstport. Sailed: Mokoia (7..35 p.m.). for Sydney. WELLINGTON, July 19.—Sailed: Maori (8.5 p.m., for .Lyttelton. Passengers: Haskins. Jordan, Lentloy, Mutlins, O'Brien, Ko.lly, Breslin, Mesdames Porteous, Haskins, lloofon, Alessrs Kcid, Borthwick, Keith, Oakden, Morrison, Barnes, Anderson. Cooper, Cheeseman, Newman, Ilayton, Lough, Smith, Porter, Cairns, Gourley, AVard, M'Tavish, Greenslide, Peacock, llootxm.LYTTELTON. July 19.—Sailed : Paicena, for Wellington; Storm, for Dunediu; Kittawa. for GreyiiMiith.—To sail 5 a.m. on Tuesday: ilorawhire, for Dunediu. OAMAUU, July 19.—Arrived: Corinna (0.2 D a.m.), from Dunedin. BLUFF, July 19.-Arrivcd: Afannka (9.30 a.m.). from Afolbourno (with an English mail). Pawonsers for Duneilin: ' Alisscs Hall, h'ra.ser, Callan, Rain, Knight, Simms, Sheath, Jlegtr. Alesdamcs Wai-sou, Bain, Peterson and infant. Messrs Henley, AYatson, Richardson, Simms, Nichol, Uoii. J Callan: twelve steerage. Arrived: Moeraki (9.5a,m.), from Dunedin; Koonya, from Wcstport. Sailed : Manuka (4.45 p.m). for Dunedin.—'l'o sail: Moeraki (0 p.m.). for Ilobart and Jlellxjurue. NEWOAS't'LE. July 19.—Sailed: Tug Champion, for Auckland. THE DIRECT STEAMERS. LONDON. July 18.—Arrived; Waiwera, from Wellington. Tnc- Invercargill arrived at Dunediu yes-k-rday morning, with a. cargo of tinilx-r from Stewirt's Island, atid sails again tins afternoon for l'nvercargill. The Ko'aro sailed from Tiniaru yesterday for Waihawa. where she loads a cargo of timber for Dunedin. 'Iv.c Koonya is expected to leave Blurt to-day, and is due hero tomorrow morning. Tho Morayshire ia expected to leave Lyttelton to-da.v for Dunedin_ but owing to th;> awkward slato of the tides at present. t<he will probably have to remain at Port Chalmers unii! the evening tide, and should berth here to-morrow oiening. Tho AYaipori is to leave Kaipara today with a cargo of limber for Sydney. The Victoria will fail this afternoon for Sydney, via Auckland and East Coast ports. A rumour i? abroad that llie Blackball C-'-oa 1 Company intends lo order a new collier within tho next 12 months to take th.e place of the l'etone. Tho latter vessel may then bo placed on the Australian market for sale.

Captain Diwotto loft flio at Dimcdm on Saturday, and proceeded (o "olbngton, on account of illnc?.-* in liis family. Captain J'alo transferred fi'oni (ho J|tilcaki to the Whangoiv, and Gapiaiu .1. (j. took command of the I'ukakl pro tcjn. Mr J. Ilyan, comp'c-tod his holi<]i) Wjoiliul tlio Mokoin f> second oiii'.'t at -\iK'tvlf.nd ye.'ierday. Mr Gamble, v/no was .\f ( - Uyan, h reluming to n^:!'lf|ii?ri-icr:? for inHniciions. A Moi\- v j lutiul lamp ha, 1 ? been supplied to (ho signal station at Honcon Jlill, .S iiouu, which at fnm« iulnro tinio niay K- for tra?v>niiUin<; a. niossaijo from, vessels uIV the \\ cn'iauc'?, llu: Kovomiho h tnrnd to leave Auek-to-morrow for Norfolk Inland and *\ii. Slw! will 14:* 55 Norfjlk Islander.; iri.i'M tlio cithlo steamer Jn's back to tlic i«!'j.ud, It h o.\p?eted lliafc Mi? Manuka, duo iooav Melbourne, via Dluif, which sin I*ft- at <1.45 p.m. yeMorday, will arii'.c at Dun-id',e about 3 a.m. She if timed to tail Hjfaip to-morrov; afternmm for Sydney, via Cook tin-ait. Xofieo h <riven in tlio fiajwtte that on ami aH?r Aw\ 1, 1909, a fixed red li-ht w;J In .shown from tlio end of Rona Bay wiwif. The will bo 20fj. above, high water, and plioultl be; visible at a disking of oboist. miles. Komi Bay wharf bortfH S. 56de;j. K. from fr'oanK-s Island ) r^: ' churls affected arc Admiralty rlane ll'>3; N-mv Zealand I'iiot, eighth edition. 1903, Chap. v.. page K3 ? Xew Zealand Nautical Almanac, plan facing na ; ' rt 132. ° I'V flm Tonic, ulikh failed from AYelimg* ton on 'Jhur-day, the following cargo was snipped to Tiondon: —From carcass mutton, 0017 carcass "lamb, totf) quarters be:T } 111 meat, /9 ca.'os suet, 1G42 bales hemp, 13 eas!,-.s tallow, 809 bales wool, 23 bale.? ?kin.s, So bales tow, 1 bale hair, 50 sundries. From Lyit-Dlton— 13,271carcfifos mutton, 6053 carcases lamb, 335 crates kklncy?, IG7 casks peli>, 1 cnUc ducks, 1131 sacks >eas, 11,821 sacta oals, 2 sacks cocksfoot, 1583 rarks wheat, 112? bales wool, 2 bales skins. 31 cases meat exlract, 7 pa-ekages sundries, 6 ejL-es horsehair, 2 sack seed, 15 sacks hides, 51 crate cheese, 7 bale? lotion, 556 sacks barley. From Bluff—l 2 cases meat cxlrnct, 433 sacks fescue. 500 boxes ni"at, 23,167 packis oafs, 261 tack's ryccorn, 1 en;}; bides, 216 caslcs liillow, 17 casks (islts, B7 liajjs shoelito, 753 bales wool, 123 bales skins, 2 bales hair, 020 era 105 clice.w. From Dnncrlin—9 clay. Froiu Auckland—Bs crate.; cliee;?.'. From Ne.>.v I'lymonlb—2lß boxes bntler. I'Voni I'atea-iOJI crates cliecso. I'or Jlunls Video: From Wellington—lß rams, 110 sasks xrnjs s:sd, 20 pac!;ajes sundries. Fruni Lyttellon—b tacks praii'io From llc.hirt, foe ilio ilc June ire—3so i'usm apples. At the mecline o! Nelson Harbour lionrii ;lio following' new scnlo oi t-liiirpps was eontiraied and the seal of the board aflived: — CTinniilsory: Cliai'g'od inward and outward, steamers per ton ljd; eailijig vestols per ton re,'liter 6d; niiniinuni pilotage each way in ail cases, £1 10a. Harbourmaster's fees: '.''or caeli removal of any steamer or fa : lirt!j wiijiiu tho harbour, for vessels of 120 tens and upward*, per ton register Id; for vessels lefs than 320 tons, 10s. Harbour ligbt dues: Fvery vc?scl not paying pilotarjo to pay the following on each arrival:—Vessels over 60 tons register, pc ton 2d; vessels under 60 tons ve'deter, per ton Id. I'oit. eliiirges: Every vessel not paying pilotage to nay the following unon lint arrival half-yearly:—Vessels over 60 tons register per ton ?.s; vessels under 60 lons per ton Is. British and foveign-going vessels lo pay ill nildilio!'. to pilotage the following on first arrival half-yearly—viz.: Between .lanuary arid June and between July and December, per ton register (this payment to hi'clude tho services of a ftig when necessary),

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14580, 20 July 1909, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14580, 20 July 1909, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14580, 20 July 1909, Page 6