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COLLIER.—On Jimo 23, tho wife of E. E. Collier—a, son. FINDLAY.—On June 25, at 21 Brown street, to Mr and Mrs C. T. Kinctlay—a daughter FINNIE.-On July t, at 292 Castle street, tho wifo of John A. S. Finnic—of a daughter. HEGARTI'.-On June 21, at " Glentworth," Dtilwieh Hill, Sydney, to Mr and Mrs H. Hesarty—i daughter. (By cable.) HINCH.CLIFF.-4Jn June 20, at 'l'apauui, to Mr and Mrs J. J. Hinchcliff—a daughter. HOGAN.-On July 7, at 18 Calder street, St. Ki'.dn, to Mr and Mrs G. Hogan— a daughter. M'ARTHUR.-On June 22, at Patrick street, Morrunglon, to Mr and Mis M'Arthur—a daughter. UILLBIi.—On Juno 19, 1909. at. Ross street, Rosiyn, to Mr and Mrs James Miller—a daughter. PATIMCK.-On July 3, at G Bradshaw street, South Dunedin, the wife of Samuel C. Patrick, Tomahawk—a daughter. PENNELL.—At. Roxburgh, on Juno 21, 1909, to Mr and Mrs J. C. Ponuell—a (laughter. WAUGH.—On July 11, at the manse, Tapanni, to the Rev. and Mrs It. Waugh-a daughter (stillborn). MARBIAGEB. BI,ATHWAYT-IiNBOR.-0n June 1, at St. John's Church, Winchester, by the Revs. G. Oalvert Blathwayt and J. A. Adcock, Charles V. 3. Blathwayt, third son of the Into Rev. Wynfer Blathwayt. to Gcorginia Ellen, eldest daughter of A, W. Ensor, Winchester. CALDER-UEPBURS.-On July 0, at tho residence of Mr Jas. A. Park, Manor place, by the Rev. Professor Hew-itson, George Alexander, second son of Mr George Ca'der, Roslyn,. to Violet Minnie, youngest daughter oi tho late Win. Hepburn, Dnncdin. CAR.R-CAREW.-Ou Wednesday, July 7, 1909, at All Saints' Church, by the Very Rev. Dean Fitchett, Frank Herbert Canto Aniv C&rew. FALCON.ER-BIMPSON.-On May 19, at St. Michael's Church, Cliiistehurch, by tJio Rev. Archdeacon Avcrill, Alexander Robert- • son, second son of A. R. Falconer, Dunodin, to Agnes J«iue (Ajie), eldest daughter of W. A. Simpson, Christcmirch. HOWDEN-R.EID.-On July 7. 1909, at St. Andiew's Church, Dunedin, by the Rev. Dr Waddell, Ernest, younger son of the late James Henry Howdon, of London, to Editii Mary, only daughter of 11. W. Rcid, of Dunedin. KIRKWOOD-ALLAK.-Oi June 9, 1909. at the Congregational Church, Port Chalmers, by the Rev. W. Grant, Robert, third son of M. Kirkwood, Port Chalmers, to Mcdu second daughter of W. B. Allan, Port Chalmers (late of Pembroke, Lake Wanaka). ■TACKSON-BATHGATE.-On July 1. at. '.he Cathedral St. Michael's, Baxbadoes, by the Rev Mr Fanw, Alan Mair, elder son of J. Howard Jackson. C.E., Lawrence, to Dorothy Gray, youngest daughter of A. Bathgate, solicitor, Dunedin. LATIMI3R-JOSS.-0n June 17, at the residence of the bride's sister, Invcrcargill, by the Rev. R, M. Ryburn, George Latimer, of Dunedin, to Frances Joss, of Queenstown. LECKIE-BRIDGES.-At the' residence of the bride's parents, June 2, 1900, by the Rev. E. 11. Hobday, William Watt, eldest son of Mr W. Leckie, St. Kildfl, Melbourne, to Amy, third daughter of Mr G. Bridges Thames street, Motaiel ' LEE-ItORIiISON.-On June 8, at Sprey street, Invercargill, by the Rev. James Baird, J. p. Warburton, of '.' Leolnnds," Dalluigton, Christclrurch, and only son of the late John Parsons Lee, of .Ifcdbrookc, Shropshire, England, to Elizabeth, widow of Rev. 11. C. Morrison, and only daughter of the late Rev. Charles Connor. M'KAI-HALPIN.-On June 9, 1909, at St Joseph's Cathedral, Dunedin, by the Rev lather O'Dea, Patrick Jl'Kay, second son o[ John M'Kay, of Wcdderburn, to Agnes Cecilia Halpin, fourth' daughter of the late •,,, J r o ,, l !,, Ha , lpin - o! s '- *to.nans. M LbAN-MASON.-On, July 6, at the PresMenan Church, Balclutha, by the Rev. «i i£? rne ' llo]xr U youngest son of Mr Alex. II Lean, lnchclutha, to Ellen, fourth daughter of Mr It Mason, Clyde street, Lalclutha, ' MISCALL-DRURY.-Or. April H, 1909, at Burkes, by the Very Rev. Father Coffey, Adm assisted by Rev. Father Heawi, An* tm Joseph Miscall, o! South Dunedin, to Mary (Jolly), eldest daughter of Mr P Unity, Ravensbourne. PARCKLL-JEFKEItt.-On June 22 1909 at All Saints' Church, dunedin, by the ev. W. A. K Fitchett, assists by the win- • £ tay, „ i: ?? lor David > thM «"> of Will am Parcel], Bannockburn, to Beatrice Martha, second daughter of F T n Jeffcry, Civde. ' •"• PBRKIJfS-FBHBY.-On June 30, at All Wield John son of the late W. Pet km, of Hwthoote, Christchurch, to SCOTT-DICKSON.Ion~ June o tana • James Scott Esq Nithdalo, Otaraie, to Marian Phebe, oldest daughter of John &'#*!?• E «t. Boscneath, Otama TATTLOB-KEAM-On June 23, at ' Lindfieli Sydney, by the Rev. W. G. Taylor, assisted \l ? , £'' , C - £, Jan,e3 ' Halol « Norton Warwick Taylor, Charters Towers, QueensVT ! " d f Bourio Ream, Dunedin. \ICKEBMAA -FIRTH.-At St. John's, Port rairy, Victoria, on June 22, F W Vicierman (Nelson, New Zealand), to E~ Firth (Queenstown, N«w ZmtatdJ.

WARMINGTON - RONALDSON. -On July 1, at St. llartin's Church, North-East Valley, by the Rev. William ltonuldson assisted by the Rev. G. Harding, Edwoid Valentine Warmington, of Hawko's Bay, to Elizabeth Eleanor, fourth daughter of the Rev. William and Arabella Ronaldsoi). GOLDKM WEDDINGS. ' ' FOUNTAIN-STAGG.-On June 22, 1859, at Trinity Church, Trinity square, London, by the Rev. D. A. itoulliu, Charles Wolsey Fountain, lo Harriet Amelia Stagg. Present address: Victoria avenue, Wan°amii MUNRO-M'KENZIE.-On June 24, 1859, at Alness, by the Rev. John Eraser. Alexander Mum-o to Hectorina Ji/Kenzie. Present address: Strafhcarron, Palmcrston South. DEATHS. AIMERS.—At Dunedin, on July 11, Lillian wife of T.jG. Aimers. At rest. AINGK-On June 28, at Dunedin, Joseph Archibald Ainge, of the Grand Hotel; 62 years. ° AITCHESOxY-On June 22. 'at her «»- donee, Hampden, Jessie Aitchcson- aced 67 years.-ANDERSON.-On June 23 (suddenly), at 67 Heriot row, Dunedin, Jessie, wife of nSi?*™' lßte ot B roa<l Bay. ANDERSON.-On July 2, at 07 Heriot row. Dunedin, George Anderson, late of Broad Bay; in his eighty-fourth year. ANNAN.-On Juno 23, at his residence! Pilkirgton street. Maori Hill, Henry David, the beloved husband of Mary Ann Annan; aged 45 years. Deeply regretted BAIRD.-On July 8, at her residence, High street, Dunedin, Frances, widow of Thomas BaiTd, Mornington. BASTINGS.-On June 28, at Auckland, Horace Bsstings, late of Invercargill; in his_ seventy-ninth year. BASTINGS^—On Julv 3, at. his residence Port Chalmers Hotel, Beach street, Port Chalmers, William Frederick, dearly heloved husband of Margaret Bastings; aged 43 years. Deeply mourned. BItOTHERSTON.-Ou July 4, at his residence, 40 Stafford street. Charles, beloved husband of Catherine Brctlicrslon; aged 87 years. BROWN.—On Monday, July 5, 190 D, at Kahautara road, Feathersto'n, Alex Brown, late TJ.S.S. Co.; aged 25 years. CAMPBELL.—On June 24, 1900', at his residence, Beach street, Waikouaiti, Donald Campbell, beloved husband of Margaret Campbell; aged 79 years. CANE.—On July 5, at his residence, William street, Mornington, Daniel Henry, the beloved husband of Amelia Cane; aged,B9 years. CARROLL—On July 7, at her residence, Mailer street, Mornington, Johanna Mary, beloved wife of Edmund Carroll; an-ed 75 years. R.I.P. CASEY—On Juno 28, at his residence, 0 Leith avenue, James, the dearly beloved husband of Mary Casey, and father of Mrs P. Walsh, Mrs W. Bell, and Mrs J. . Columb; in his.scventv-fifth year. R.I.P CLARK.-At ."The Kcst," Kaitangata, on July 10. 1909, Margaret Arthur, Moved wife of George Morani Clark. CLIV'FORD.-Un July 3, at her late residence, 112 Melbourne street, Dunedin South, Jane Gordon, beloved wife of James Gunn Cliltcrd, and third daughter of James Stewart, of Warcpo. "At rest" COUBROUGH.-On July 15, at the residence of his nephew, Alex. Blair. ' Tokarahi, RobertCoubrough; aged 08 years. DARTON.—On June 24. at his residence, " The Willows," Lawrence, Thomas iliche)more Darton; in his 65tli year, DODGHERTY.-On July 2, at 41 King Edward street, Kensington, Neil Dougherty! beloved husband of Hannah Dougherty; in his fifty-sixth year. R.I.P. DUNGEY.-On June 13, at his residence, Cambrian, Oaleb Dimgey, dearly, beloved husband of Catherine Dur.gey; in his 7Glh year. EDWARDS.-On June 51 (suddenly), at Queenstown, William Thomas, the dearly beloved infant son of John George onil Sylvia Edwards, of Waikiwi, Invercargillaged 4J months. Deeply regretted. " Safo in the arms of Jesus." FEAniERSTONE.-On July 3, at Johnstone street, Milton, John Featherslone, late of Akatore Coast; aged 07. FINDLAY.-On July 5, at her residence, 83 High street, lioslyn, Annie, beloved wife of George A. Findlay,' and second daughter of Robert C. Paterson Mornington. ' 'FLEET.—On June 21, 1909, at her residence, No. 422 Great King street, Elizabeth, relict of William Fleet; in her 80th ycjr. At rest. FRAPWELL.-On July 15, at the residence of his son-in-law (Mr T. Holgate), Napier' street, Belleknowes, Mornington, Harceh Prapwell; in his 71st year. GIFFORD.-On July 5, at "The Glebe" OamaTU, the Rev. Algernon Clifford, first incumbent at St. Luke's, Oamaru; in hjs eiglityifourth year. GORINSKI.-On July 6, at his residence, Allanton, Joseph Gorinski, the beloved husband of Annie Gorinski; in his sixlv-ioiirth year. R.I.P. GRAHAM.—On July 10, at her mother's resilience, 4 Holcna street, South Dunedin. Gertrude Aquinas, dearly beloved daughter of Katlierino and the lato Thomas Graham; aged 22 years. R.IP G H KT '~ On Jlmo U ' 1903 ' at ' lis residence Craigcllachic," Croydon, Gore, Charles' Alexander Grant, beloved husband of ManAnne Grant; aged 79 years. Doeply mourned. G w E ?-^ At BaJcll "K on July 9, Annie JMvzabetb, widow of Thomas Green, Worksop, England; aged 67 years.

BIRTHS. BALDWIN.—On July 9, at Nurse Brew's Private Hospital, to Mr and Mrs 11. S. Baldwin—a daughter. BATES,—On June 24, at 17 Richmond street, South Dunedin, to Air and Mts C. Bates— a daughter. | BROWK.-On Juno 21, 1909, at Mrs Piskin'a ' nursing home, Dundas street, East Gore, to Mr and Mrs T. Blown, Waikaku—a son. I BR\'DONiE.-At No. 9 Maitlond street to ' Mr and Ztrs T. Brydone—a son.

GRIBBEN.—On July 8, at her parents' residence, Torquay street, Kailangata, Mona, the dourly beloved daughter ot Richard and Ann Gribben (jun.); aged 6 years and 6 months. Deeply regretted. HARVEY.—On Juno 21, at her uncle's residence, Heriot, Annie Elizabeth Harvey, youngest, daughter ot the kte George and Catherine Harvey; in her 22nd year. At rest. JACKSON.-On June IG, at the residence oi her son-in-law (Mr R. De Silva), Emily Mary Jackson, widow ct Adam Arthur Jackson, C.E.; aged 70 years. R.I.P, JEWISS.—On July 12, at his son's residence (Mr Harry Jcwiss, Scotia street, Port Chalmers), William Robert Jewiss (late waterman); in hia 80th year. At rest. JOHNSTONE.—At her residence, Lawrence, on June 21, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of David Johnstone; aged 68 years. LISTON.-On July 3, at Dunedin, Florence Agnes, youngest daughter of Mrs John Listen; aged 5J months. R.I.P. M'ARA.-On July;lG, 1909, at Dunedin, John, . the beloved husband of Elizabeth M'Ara, of Pine Hill; aged 45 years. AI'DONALD.-On Jwne 22, Charles Wittiam, dearly beloved youngest son of Murtlta. and the late John M'DonaJd, of 424 Great King street, Dnnedin; aged 24 years. At rest. M'GKEGOH.-Ou June 29, at the Dunedin Hospital, Peter, the dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth M'Gregor, of No. 3 Law street, Parksid'e; aged 47 years. "God's will is best." M'HAFFIE.-On July 15, at her parents' residence, Hamilton Bav, Lower Harbour, Port Chalmers, Isabella, the dearly beloved infant daughter of Hugh and Janet Barrie M'Hafiie; nged 45 days.* MxcLAR,EN,-On July 14, Mabel Dorothy Bullivant, dearly loved daughter of J. and M. MaeLaren (late of Alexandra); nged 15 years. Fell peacefully asleep. " Come unto inc. ye weary, and I will give you rest." It is well with our cliiE M-'LEOD.-On July 3, at the residence of bis aunt (Mrs J. Blackie, East Taieri), John George, beloved husband of Emnm M'Leod, and second son of William M'Leod, Stafford street, Dunedin, and son-in-law of J. S. Ingram, Caversham, after a long illness; aged 32 years. "At rest," M'LINTOCK.-On July 14, at the Dnnedin Hospital,' Agues, the beloved daughter ol John and the lato Elizabeth M'Lintock, Eavensbonnio; aged 27 years. Deeply regretted. M'NETJK.—On June 21, at Parldea, Clinton, Margaret, the wife of James M'Nottr; agea G3 vears. MANSOOR.-011 Juno 20 (at Dunedin' Ho* pital,. Sarah, beloved wife of Lahood Mani\ er Uefi P l y »gretted. AlA'RaiJi.—Ou Friday, June 11., 190J, at Coolgardie (W.A.), Tom, beloved' brother o! Harry Martin, both natives of Jfoorcourt (England); aged 47. O'NEILL.—On July 4, at Mosgiel, Edward Bernard (Eddie), second son of Edward and Elizabeth O'Neill; aged 8J years. K.I.P. OUTRAM.-On July 15, after a long and painful illness, Lucy Ann, the dearly beloved wife of Albert Outran), 59 Grange street, and daughter of Thomas James Stublcy; aged 44 years. At rest PATERSON.-On July 3, at .Owaka (after a lingering illness), Hugh Paterson painter; in his lliirty-nffh year. Doeply iegrelted. PIIELAK.—On July 13, at his residence, J2 Constitution street, Dunedin, Miohaot Joseph Phelah, only son of tho late Richard Phchn, Walcriord, Ireland; aged 71 years. Rest in peace.—Home papers please copy. fiAUSAIf.-On July G, at Fairleigh, Hydo, Anna Maria, relict of Jatnes Ramsay; in her seventy-sixth year. SHAR.KIE.-fln 'July 11, at Dunedin Hospital, James, the beloved husband of Maty Shorkio, of 20 Wilkio read, Kensington; aged 41 yearn, Deeply regretted. SIKVWHKJHT.-011 July 15,1909, kt London, Mary, widow of Basil Sievwright, lato of Dimediu. (By caMc.) SOMMKRS.-On July 12, 1909, at the Dunedin Hospital. Jessie Ellen, dearly beloved daughter of Jessio and George Sommcrs; aged 8 years. At rest. SPKOUL.-On July 1, 1909, at his residence, Mornington, John Sproul; aged 67 ywra. M rest.' STEVEX.-On July 0, at his residence, 43a Georgo street, James, the beloved husband of Agnes Steven; in his sixty-fourth year. "At vest." SULLIVAN.—On July 14, at Hakataramea, Mwthy Joseph Sullivan, oldest sea of Mary Sullivan, Halfway Bush. R.I.P. SUTHERLAND.-On July 15, 1909. a.t ti, residence, Goodwood, Pafinerstorr, Jcis, the beloved husband of Ann SuthcrlanQ, and father of Wm. Sutherland, Goodwood; aged 70 years. Deeply mourned. WAUftEN.-Ou July 2, at Seaclifi, Moses Warren, lato of Purakanui; aged 69 years. WATT —At his residence, No. 100 Valley road, Cavorsbam, James Walter, the beloved husband of Harriet Watt, youngest son of the kte Robert Watt, master nmriner, Glasgow; aged 38 vears. WEIR,- On Juno 23, 1909, at'his residence Argyle street, Jlosgiol, Alexander Weir' beloved husband of Jessie Weir; in bis eighty-fifth year. WUKTE.-On July 5, at his residence, 7 I-cith road, Woodhauyh, Walter, .the beloved husband of Isabella Whyfo "At rc3t." WOOD.—On July 7, at his residence, Dun. edin, James Henry Wood, late of Oamwu; in his sixty-ninth year. WRIGHT.—On June 20, at Invercargill, eiier a brief illness, Wilson Wright (brt«-of Lawrence), beloved husband of Jeasie Wncht. Deeply. BKrarnti

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 3 (Supplement)

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BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 3 (Supplement)

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 3 (Supplement)