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Daily Times Office, Saturday evening, IMPORT MARKET. A quiet week has been experienced, but prospects for tho luturo are bright. The price of maizeua in 10 boxes and over has been reduced from to 5d per lb, less 5 per cent.; loss than 10 boxes, sil net. Owing to a rise in the English market tho local merchants will probably advance tho price of fencing wire by 10s per ton. A further rise in glycerine has occurred on tho Home market, tho price having advanced by £6 per ton. Turpentine has advanced 4d per gallon, and tho price locally stands at about 3s 9d per gallon. Bag ligs arc now quite out of the market, and will continue so till the arrival of now season's supply in November. Supplies of St. Vincent, arrowroot packed by Morton is on the market, and is selling at 6d per lb. No St. Vincent lines have been on the market for years, but the quality of the present stock is said to bo excellent. Tho spico merchants of Canterbury, Otago, and Southland have formulated the following tariff, which is now in force:— White pepper, 9Jd lb; black pepper, BJd per lb; ground ginger—No. 1 lOd, No. 2 9d; spice—loz packet*, loose, ]OJd per lb, loz packets packed in lib boxes, Is per lb. LONDON MARKETS. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, July 17. (Received July 18, at 5.5 p.m.) Linseed oil, 2s 2/.d. Hemp is (lull, and little business is doing. Copra is in good demand, South Sea (in bags) selling ut £20 10s per ton. Copper; Spot, £58 15s; three months, £58 18s 9d; electrolytic, £59 10s. Tin: Spot, £131 17s 6d; three months, £133 2s 6d. Lead, Is O^d. Silver, Is llgtl. LONDON MEAT MARKET. Press Associatiou-Jly Telegraph-Copyright. „ ' LONDON. July 17. (Received .Tulv 19. at 0.35 a.m.) Sheep.-Cantorbtiry, light, 3d; medium, 23<1, heavy, 2^l. Boef.-Now Zealand: Fores 2Jd. hinds 4d. Australian! Fores 23d. hinds 3Jd River Plate: Fores 2Jd, hinds <kl. The meat market is unchamrod. There are only exceedingly small sales at prices fixed by tho meeting, the bull; of the importers abiding loyally by the decision, though few small holders arc clearing stocks. The weather continues unseasonable, and importers are awaiting Now Zealand's reply. They urge prompt action, othorwise the opportunity will bo lost. SOUTHLAND MARKETS. (Pee United Press Association.) INVERCARGILL, July 17. There is still a good demand ftr oats, chiefly from the Loudon market, and prices are firm at a shade better than last week's quotations. During tho week tho market has ruled from Is ORI to Is 7d on (rucks at country stations, the latter price being for A grade Gartons and sparrowbills. There is no business doing with the North Island, buyers there still bavins fairly large quantities to fake away during tins and the next month. As far -as can be learned about 50,000 bags will leave Bluff for London during the next two weeks, and on present market values f.o.b. quotations arc Is lOd for ordinary ]i grade, but apart from London this is not obtainable. Tho bulk of the threshing is now finished, and I understand that most of the districts are cleared out of oats, though thoro is still a large quantity in stack to be held for chaffing purposes. The chaff market ;.« quiet nnd prices rule at £2 5s on trucks ut country stations for prime quality. Wheat is still selling at 3s lid to 4s on trucks at country stations, but the bull; of what ras grown in Southland is now in tho millers' hands.

Thoro is still a. good demand for heavy ryegrass, and it is anticipated that the inquiry is likely to keep up, and that prices are likely to'remain firm for tho rest of tire season. There is very little business doing in potatoes, some of the lots forward not being up lo what they were represented (o beby growers. There seems to be a good deal of blight about, and buyers arc not very keen to operate. Prices rule up to 55s on trucks at. oountry stations, but- this is for prime quality only The sheep market continues firm, especially for stores. Prices are fully up to last week's quotations, and practically every lot corning on the market is readily disponed of. There is a largo acreage in turnip, which in many cases owners are trying to s?Il, but the difficulty is to gel. bold of buyers. It is generally reported that tuniins are not likely to stand feeding as well as last year, as apart from swedes, the other turnips don't, seem to have grown to the same extent as in former seasons. who arc selling feed arc getting id to lid per head per week for shecip, and Is 6d to 2s per head for cattle. Present quotations are:—Good store wethers, 12s; good lambs, well woollwl (mixed sexes), lis 6d; fat lambs, 12s 6d; fat. wethers, for butchers, up to 15s. Freezing buyers have been operating, but not to any great extent. The fat lamb season is practically over, and very few arc now coming into the works. Beef is quoted at 23s per 1001b, and is very firm. Good forward .cattle are worth £7, and 18-month and 2-ycar-olds up to £4. There is a good inquiry or the latter class, but decent-sized lines are hard to get hold of. The fibre market has remained steady during tho week, and 1 a small inquiry has come through from London for fair quality, but so far as I can learn no business was transacted, although a small parcel was actually under offer for delivery in July-August. Tho absence of sellers has caused the London market to firm up a .little, but the demand is extremely quiet and tho English manufacturers in general will not pay tha high prices ruling for New Zealand fibre while Manila is so cheap. Shipments of Manila to English ports still continue to bo excessive, and until thoro is a genuine curtailment of these shipments no lasting improvement can take iplaca in New Zealand fibre. Prices are' nominally £18 10s, f.0.b.. for "fair" quality, anil £20, f.0.b., for "good fair." Tow is in very poor demand, and small parcels offered at £4- 15s, f.0.b., scril.'icovcrcd, elicited no response. MIOHELLI WINDOW-FASTENER CO. At an extraordinary general meeting of tho Miehelli Window-fastener Co. (Ltd.), hekl on Thursday in tho registered offico of tho company, Liverpool street, tho following resolution was unanimously passed: "That it has been proved to the company's satisfaction that it cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up tho same, and that tho company be wound up accordingly." Mr W. Hamilton Irvine was appointed liquidator. DUNEDIN HORSE SALETARDS. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.), report as follows:—Tho horses entered [or Saturday's sale were, with a few except ions, of indifferent quality. Draughts were not a very bright lot, most of thorn being on tho aged side, yet notwithstanding we arts pleased to report a satisfactory sale. A full complotoment of buyers for" good young draughts, sound and staunch, was present, but their wants were unsupplicd. We can strongly advise, vendors of good heavy and farm sorts to forward their horses to our market. There is a splendid inquiry for first-class sprinjrvannors and spring-carters, and whenever anything in this class is put on tho market fresh from the country it commands its full value. As indicated above, we. had nothing of special merit on offer, and the highest price that we have to record for the day is £22, this price being obtained for a very ordinary class gelding. Old and stale horses of all classes aro a perfect drug in the market at tho present time, and to effect sales of such, very low prices have to be accepted. We have several buyers on hand in quest of first-class wellbred draught marcj and fillies, and could place quite a number of them to advantage. We quote: Superior young draught geldings, at from £40 to £45; extra good ditto (prize-winners), at from £'15. to £50; superior young draught mares, at from £50 to £60; medium draught mares and geldings, at from £30 to £40; aged, at from £10 tu £15; strong spring-van horses, at from £25 to £30; strong spring-carters, at from £18 to £25; milk-cart and butchers' order-cart horses, at from £15 to £25; light hacks, at from £8 to £13; extra good hacks and harness horses, at from £13 to £25; weedy and aged, at from £5 to £7, OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association reports: We had a good entry of horses at our usual weekly sale, held on Saturday. The draught section was particularly well represented, and as we had country buyers for teams from both north and south every draught horse was sold at considerably over late values. The entries winch attracted most attention came from Mr Michael Duggan, of Wyndham (who has the reputation of never keeping a bad horse) and. Mr John Hogg, of Milton. These consignments were nmdo up of tome of the best horses we have seen in tho Dunedin market for some time, and every one of thorn, after keen competition, brought record prices. Our other consignment? came from Milton, Taievi Beach, Moonlight, Maungatua, Oamaru, and the Taieri. For all draught horses, sound and staunch, and showing: a .fair amount of quality, there was good demand, and Saturday's sale was one of the best wo have had for some months. We quote: Pedigree. Clydesdale mares, ' 60gs to lOOgs; good Clydesdalo marcs, suitable for stud purposes and general farm work, £40 to £52 10s; good useful draught marca and geldings, young and sound, from £35 to £4*; ordinary farm draughts £25 (o £35, lighter and older £20 to £28; heavy lorry geldings, from £*0 to £55: spring carters, suitable for town and hill work, £20 to £30; upstanding buggy mares and geldings, from £16 to £25: hackneys, from £10 to £15; lighter sorts, from £6 to £10. .oSHIPMENT OF CLYDESDALE FILLIES. Tho \ow Zealand Lean and Mercantilo Agency Company, (Ltd.) reports having shipped to Melbourne by the s.s. Moeraki on Saturday eight Clydesdale fillies, particulars of which aro as under:— On, account of Mr Thomas Gawn (Mosgiel): Hay filly (Belle), rising thrco years; sire, Prince' Alexander, by St, Alexander (imported from Scotland); dam, Jean, by Hatfield, by Lord Salisbury (imp.); g. dam, Silver Belle, by This filly wa3 shown at tho Taieri show as a yearling, and was placed secondin a. big ring; as a two-year-old at Dunedin she obtained second prize in a ring of 17. On account of Mr James \V. Blair (West Taieri): Hay lilly (Missis,of Abbotsford), rising thrco years; sire, Pride of Newton, champion at Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invcrcirgill; g. sire, Prido of Blacon; g.g. sire, Bacon's Pride, world-renowned champion horso of Scotland; dam, Misaic, by Sonter Johnny. (2) Becle of Abbotsford, bay filly, rising thrco years; sire, Young Daluiuir, by Daimuir Prince (imp.); dam, by Lion King; g, dam by Elderslio's Pride; g.g. dam by Herd Laddie. (3) Dark brown lilly rising two years; sire, Prido of Newlon (imp.); dam, Lilly, by Laird of Kilbride; g. dam by Prince'; g.g. dam by Emperor. (4) Black filly rising two years; sire, Sir Royal, by Royal Knight (imp.); dam, Nellie, by Merry Morning (imp.); g. dam by Laird of Kilbride; g.g. dam by Prince (5) Brown filly rising two years'; I sire, Abbot (imp.), by Baron's Pride; dam, .Molly M'Arthur; sire, M'Arthw II; g. sire, M'Arfhur; dam by Extinguisher. On account of Messrs W. and R'. Clark. (Clarksville): ■(!) Dark brown lillv rising three years: sire, Ccdric, by Cedrio the Saxon: dam by Extinguisher. (2) Bay filly ; sire, Clydesdale Laddie, by Herd Laddie;, Belle, by Royalist. These lilies have been purchased at high prices for breeding purposes in Victoria. « _ We have received a copy of a pamphlet issued by tlie Perpetual Trustees and Agency Company of New Zealand (Ltd.). Its tit'.• is " A Summary of the Objects and Advantages of the Pcipetual Trustees Company a.; Executors, Etc." The contents are interesting ami concise, ami should bo of impoi'tiuico to those who contemplate the appointment of executors or agents to conduct their affairs. The company has now been in existence for 25 years, 'and Mr J. A. Park is the manager.

POST OFFICE NOTICES. Mails close at the Chief Post Office, Dunedin, as under:— For Northern Ports, overland, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 6.30 a.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 10.30 a.m. For Palmerston, Oamaru, AVaimate, Tcinuka, Timaru, Ashburton. Christchurcli, overland uaiiy at 6.30 a.m. (late letters C.P.O. 7.40 a.m.. mail van 8 a.m.), and at 10.30 a.m. (late letters C.P.O. 10.45 a.m., guard's van i 11.15 a.m.). > I For Cireyrnoutb, Holritikn. and Keeflon, .Moiiday, Wednesday, and Fridav, at 10 30 a.m. For Oamaru,, and Intermediate Offices, daily at 2.30 p.m.. (late letters on guard's van 3.18 p.m.). For Invercargill and Intermediate Offices, daily at 7.30 (late letters. C.P.0., 8 a.m., on mail van. 8.20 a.m.) and at 3.45 p.m. (iaio letters C.P.O. 1 p.m., guard's -van 125 p.m.). For Cromwell, Clyde, Karrfturly, and intermediate offices, daily, at G. 30 a.m. (late letters, on guard's van. 7.45 a.m.i. Late fee letters must bear Id in addition to the ordinary postage. Newspaper mails close 30 minutes earlier than ordinary letter mails. THIS DAY (MOaMY), JULY 19. FEDERAL SERVICE. For United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, Australian States. Ceylon, India, China, Straits Settlements, liamnius, South Africa, Mediterranean Ports, via Bluff (duo in London on August 31), per South Express, at 6.K) a.m. Late letters C.P.O. 8 a.m., and on train till 8.20 a.m. TELEGRAPHIC NOTICES. Hails close at Auckland for United Kingdom and Continent of Europe, via Sydney, per Jlckoia this day (Monday), at 4.15 p.m. Mails close at Melbourne for Durban and Capetown, per Miltiades, via Frcraantlo, on July 21. W. St. George Doughs. Chief Postmaster. For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d and 2s bd.— Advt. -"Tlic worst of Spongely is he never pays anything," said Grabbles. "Oh! doesn't he, though? Ask him to pay you a visit ami see," retorted Hicks, "LINSEED COMPOUND," of 40 years' proven efficacy for Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, etc. — Mrs BlaWt: "John, what is an absolute vacuum?" Black: "An absolute vacuum, my dear, is something that exists only in your mind." Officials, dairy inspectors, expert*, instructors, managers, dairy farmers, and medical men _ advocate the Hartnett milking machine.—Nimino and Blair.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 4