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(Fboji Oub Special Reporter.) GORE, December 1, The Gore Agricultural and Pastoral Association's twenty-seventh animal show was J! commenced today in perfect weather. Tlio entries, majiy of which constitute n. record, show that Ulo popularity of this annual ' fixture is on the increase. Cattle, sheep, and '! <lairy produce wore judged to-day, ana " to-morrow horses, pigs, poultry, and dogs will be taken. The entries for cattle were \ about the same as last, year, but it is ft , matter for regret that 'there were no entries for the Polled Angus class. The , shorthorn section was distinctly creditable, 11 and Mr W. Waddeli, of'Waikaka- Valley, scored heavily, carrying off the champion c certificates for the best bull and the beat y cow, besides getting the most points for shorthorn cattle. The Ayrshircy as regards. ) B quality, were probably the best yet 6hown 2 at Gore. Tlio Jersey olass was poorly represented, thcra being but one entry, ti The crossbred* made a useful: exhibit. V Some good milkers wero shown, and tlio entries were generally gecd. The fat cattlo If were of excellent quality. On the Whole, i, the cattle were belter than those shown last year. The entries in 1907 numbered 65, as - against 63 this year, (the sheep were the k feature of the day, the entries being phenomenal, and the animals in good condition. 'j The English Leicesters wore an exception- • * ally good lot, .notably those* shown by Mr . A. Murdoch, of Riversdalo. The Downs' " formed another strong class, and'the Corriodales wero again-in. evidence, for cxcollenoe. The Lincoi.l3 and Border Leices«- . ters were subject of a good Jeal of „ favourable Criticism In the Romney Marsh sections entries ,rao again. very good.' There were some fine rams, and all the anifnals showed points of breeding. The j wool was good, and their condition satisfactory. Among the crossbreds the strong-' j woolled ewes, with lambs at foot, made a good; showing, as did Hie ; pens of ewe and wether hoggete. Tlio entries for sheep this year numbered' 273. as against 225, in .1907. Thero was 0 slight falling off J in the. entries for dairy produce, but what this section laoked in, quantity it moro. J than made up in quality.. The exhibit .of . fresh butter was altogether highly credit-' "J able. The cheeses, though few, were 'of excellent quality, : 'and' the oatcake, scorns, cakes, etc., were a splendid advertisement for" the housewifery throughout this r fettile. u and productive, .district - In; addition to £ other attractions, there wds ! a,fine-showing < of agricultural .-implements, arid a good exhibit of all kinds;;of vehicles. 'The'first * day of a show is usually the most prosaic, so the attendance was by no means large. , The show was opened tinder the best ; auspices, and the general arrangements reflect credit 1 on the executive. The working and yarding trials for sheep dogs, hold- j in tjio afternoon, wero of an interesting nature. The emries numbered IS. The 'following is the comparative tabid of s entrios for the. past three years;—. ,•.•.'. V IflOG. .1907. 1908.';. ', . Horses v.. .. ..' 266' 294 '289'.' ■-. • ■ Cuttle' ', .. .. .. '/80 65 63'". •. j Sheep .. 161 2& 278':"\. , Pigs , .. 4 ." 8 1 Dairy produce .. 150 : 188 166 ' \ Dogs •... .. ... .. l 4 29 40 i Totals ~. .. 675 809 .832 " j The following is ' the prize-list:— ' . . CATTLE. ■ . ■ ■Shorthorns. • y ,■'■' Judge: Mr W. Charters. '•' ~ Bull, three, years and over. Three entries -. • W Waddeli 1, (i, P. Johnston 2. Bull, one year. One entry—W. Waddeli 1. • ' . . ' ' Co*, any age. Four entries—W. Waddeli 1, 2, and.S. - Heifer,' two vears. Pour en-tries—W. Waddell'l and 2, G. P.'Johnston 3. • Heifer, or.ei year. Three entries—W. Waddell 1 and 3, M.. M. La-wlor 2. Champion buII-W.. Waddeli, Champion cow or heifer—W. Waddeli, ■ . Most points-W. Waddeli. '* . ' ; AyBBHmE3. . ' Judge: Mi A. Bull, three years and over. Two entries—. J. Campbell 1, • >■■>'■ Eullj two years, Two entries—A! Aitken 1. Bull, ona year. One entry—Jas. Scott 1. Cow, over three years,.in calf. One entry— J. Campbell 1. , .. , Heifer, three years,;in calf or- in milk. One entry—A. Aitken 1. ' • ' Heifer, one year. One entry—J. Campbell I.' / Champion bull—J. Campbell. »' Champion cow—J. Campbell. •■'' Most points—J Campbell. AldebnAy or' Jersey. ' , Bull, any nge. One entry—Alex; ByersM. ■ ■ . . ' Hereford. , Cow, any age. One entry—W. Waddeli 1. Heifer, one year. One entry—lV. Waddeil 1. Crossbred, Judge: Mr T. MacDoiiald Cow, any age, in rililk, Three entries—M. Dickie and Sons 1 and 3, W. Waddeli 2. Cow, in oalf. Four entries—H. iftlntyre 1 and 2, W. Wadd»U 3. Poh cows, in calf or in milk. Three entries -LI. Dickie and Sons.l, H. M'lntyre 2; W. Waddiell 3. Heifer, three years, in calf or in milk. Two ehtries-'W. Waddeli 1, H. M'lntyre 2. Heifer, two years. Foiir entries—W.' Waddeli 1, M. Dickie and Sons 2, G. P. Johnston 3. ;..•''.■ Heifer, one year. Three entries—G. P. ■Jomistbn 1, H. M'lntyre 2, W. Waddeli 3. . Best cottm's cow, exhibitor not to own or .occupy more than 10 acres ol land. Two entries—Mrs J. Stcvonson 1, Mrs Cnrrick 2. Most points—W. Waddeli. Fat Cattle. • Pen of fat cattle, not less than two of any "breed, steers or heifers. Three entries— M : R, La-wlor 1 and 2, It.. 'Wyber S., • N . Fat steer. Three entries—B. Wyber 4- and 3, M. E, Lawlor 2. , Pair steers, two years or undei. Two .en-,'tries-M, R. Lawlor 1, W. Wrfddell 2; . J?t& cow, - any breed.' Three entries—W-. Waddall 1 and 3, B. Wyber'3. Most points in cattle-;W. Waddeli. SHEEP. Lincoln's. Judge: :Mr D:, Murray. BiWct, four-tooth or over. Oiftt entty—G. P. Johnston 1. '~.-'.' \ ' Ham, two-tooth or under. .One entry— G. P. ■' Johnston 1. ' ' .'■■■. : Two rams, two-tooth or iindsr.—One entry— G. P.-Johnston 1. ■-■ '.' '. ( ;'.' Bwe, four-tooth or.over, in 'milk, with lamb at foot. .One entry—G. P., Johnston 1. i Ewe, two-tooth or uhdor..'. Two.entries—G. P, Johnston 1 and 2, . Champion ram—G. P. Johnston. Champion ewe—G. P. Johnston^. Border Leicebterb.' Judge: Mr J. Ross. "Ram, four-tooth or over. Thre* entries— M'Kerdiar Bros. 1, H. P. Hennckson 2, A. Murdoch 3. Ram, 28 months or under. Nino entries—G. P. Johnson 1, 3, and h c, .R. Miller 2. Ram, two-tooth or under. Eight entries— M'Kerchar-Bros. 1 and 3, G. P. Johnston 2. Earn 1 , shorn, two-tooth 01 under. Three entries—G. P. Johnston 1, A. Murdoch 2 and ; 3. ': Two rams, two-tooth or under. Seven entries—A. Murdocii 1, G. P. Johnston 2 and 3. ! Five flook rams, In wool, upset price not to exceed' £6 6s each. Two entries—A. Mur- ( doch 1, G. P. Johnston 2. Ewe, four-tooth or over,' in milk, with lamb at foot. Seven entries—G. P. Johnston 1 and ' 2, A, Murdoch 3. '• , Two ewes, four-tooth or over, in milk, with lambs at foot* Six entries—G. P. Johnston 1 and 2, M'Kcrchar Bros. 3. Ewe, two-tooth or under. Eleven entries— M'Kcrchar Btos. 1 and 2, G. P. Johnston 3 and he, - Ewo, shorn, two-tooth or under. Two en-! tries-G. P. Johnston 1, W, C. Ladbrook and Sons 2. ! Two ewes, two-tooth or under. Nine entries ;:. .-LM'Kerchor Bros. 1, A. Murdooh 2, G. '?. Johnston 3. i, , Champion ram—G. P. Johnston. , Champion ewe—G. P. Jblm6ton> / '• '■ ENonsn Leicesters. , ■ •■' • ; Judge: Mr D. Murray. {'' ' : Ram, four-tooth or oter. Three entries—A; ;. Murdoch 1 and 3, W. J. Johnston 2. _ • Ram, two-tooth or under. Two entries— A. Murdoch 1 and 2. Ram, shorn, two-tooth or under. 'Two entries—W. J. Johnston 1, A. Murdooh 2. Two rams, two-tooth or under. Two en- ' trio3—A.. Murdoch 1 and 2. Five flock rams, upset price not to exceed £6 Os each. One entry-A. Murdoch I'. Ewe, four-tooth or over, in milk, with lamb at foot. Three entries— W. J. Johnston 1, A. Mludoch 2 and 3. Two ewe 3, four-tooth or over, in milk, with liuiihs at foot. Three entries—W. J. Johnston ' I,'A. Murdoch 2 and 3. Ewe, shorn, two-tooth or under. Two entries—A. Murdoch 1. Ewe, two-tooth or under. Two entries—A, Murdocii 1 and 2.

Two ewes, two-tooth or under. Two entries —A.Murdocl- 1 and 1 2. , .Champion rnm-A. Murdoch. , Champion ewc-W. J. Johnston. ( Most points in English Leicester sheep—, { A. Murdoch. '•''' | Roiinbi 'Marsh. : Judge: Mr-W: M'CaJlum. Rain, four-tooth or over. Bk entries-A. , M'Kay 1, W. Secular 2, John Waddelt 3. ~ Rain, 28 months or under: Five entries— . W. Scoular<l and 2, A. M'Kay 3. ■ Ram, two-tooth or under. Thirteen eu> tries—J. B, Mackenzie 1, A. M'Kay 2, V. A. ' Keir 3. ' : • . . ' ] Two rnms, two-tocth or nnuer. Twelve en- ] tries—W.-C. Lndbroolt and Sons 1,-J. ft.. ' Mackenzie 2, W. .J. 'Jdhnribit 'J, A. M'Kay ' he. ': ■'' : ■ ■■■ ■-, ' ~- .- ' Ram, shorn, two-tooth or under. Five en- ' tries-W. C. Ladbroolc and Sons, 1 and 2, ( W. J. Johnston 3. ! Five' flock rams, upsot price not to exceed \ £6 Gs -each. Five "entries-John Murray 1, 1 W. C. Ladbrook and Sons 2, W. Secular 3. < Ewe, four-toolh or over; in milk, -with i lamb at foot. Ten. entries—W. Rankin 1 and ■: 2, W. Scoular 3. « Ewe, shorh, two-tot>th oi -andcr. Six en■tries—W. C. Ladbrook iind Sons 1 and 2, J. Waddctl 3. . . I Two cwcj, four-tooth or over, in milk, with lambs at foot. Six entries—W. J. Johnston I i, W. Scoular 2, I. Waddell 3. . Ewe, two-tooth or under. Thirteen entries j —J. It. Mackcrizio 1 ami. 2, A. Mofiatt 3 and | he, W. C. Lsdbtook and Sous c. ' ' ( iTwo owes, two-tooth or under, Eight en- j tries—W.- J. Johnston 1, A./Mbffatt 2, J. R. Mackenzie 3/ W. C. Ladbrook and Soiis h c. Champion ram and champion owe—J, It. Mackenzie; Downs. ~ , Judge: Mr D. SV-Murray. Ram, four-tooth or, over. Three entries— • M. Dickie, arid Son i and 3, W. J Johnston , 2. ' ' ' , . ' Ram,' two-tooth or under. Two entries— ' tv". J. Johnston-1, M Dickie and. Soil .2. ; - Ram, four-tooth or Ww. One entry—W. J. , Johnston' 1. "',.. . . - ; Ewe, two-tooth or ■wa&a. One entry—W. : J. Johnston '1. ' '■'. ' .Champion ram—M. Dickie aid Soft 1. I Champion ewe—W. J. Johnston.. i V. GoiIIUEDMiES. ; Ram, fdurVtootli or over.'-.. Two entries— I John Stiingfollow land 2. : '" •"' i , Bam, two-tooth or over. Three entries— John Stringtelltiw i and 2, W. Johnston 3. Ewe, two-tooth, or under. Two entries—, "John'Stringtcllbw 1 and^.'' ' ' > CROSSfIRKD. ■- < Judge': Mr. W. M'Calhim. Pen of two, ewes, strong •woolled, any age, , in milk, with lambs at! foot. /Eight entries— S. W. Moffntt 1, "G.-!P.-.John6fi».'2, I f! addell 3. . . , -'';:.•; ~,:.; P«» of two ewe. hoggets, istfrongvwool. Eleven entries—G; Mofiatt-1, A. Mofiatt 2, J. Waddell "8.'." ''-.' i- <''-... •'" : .' ■ Pen of two wether hoggets, strong wool. Seyen entries—A, Mofiatt I, G. Mofiatt 2, T; . Herpn 3, J.'Waddell he '•: Pen of two ewes, fine wool, any age, in milk, with' Jambs at foot. Five entries—G. ']?. Johnston 1 and:2;.H. Smith 8. ■' ■• Pen of two ewe hoggets, fine wool. Seven entries—G. P. Johnston 1 and 2, J. Burnett' 3. ' ". '•■' '',•'■'■:.■-'•' '. ■.. \ " Pcn'of'two wethor hoggets, fine wool. Five entries—J. Burnett 1,, C. Ooopei 2 and 3. ' Pen of freezing sheep, hotleSs than five to be. shorn, weight ..not to exceed 651b. Four entries—M./W; Lawlor 1, J. Brown 2. ; Pen of five fat shorn wethers. Four entries—T..Heron 1 and/B,' , 'M. Dickie and Sons i 3. ' /■'■: ' ~ ''. .., '. ' Pen of five fat sheep, 18 months and under, ' in wool.. Two Dickie and Sons 1, T. T. B'agne 2. .' ; ,' ' , i Pen of five fat lambs; strong' wool. Three entries—J.■ Brown I;and.2, J. Wa<hM.3.\ ; . Pon of five fat lambs, K fine wool. Five en-tries-rJ. Bro\vn 1, C. : Cooper 2, J. "vYaddell !daie.y pJabnucE. ■ . Judge: Mies Kempshell. Home-maue. cheese.. ; 'Five entrieß—Miss Crawford l; Miss M. J. Dickie 2,' Miss Meg Wnyteß. l ' : " ' ' ''■■'■ Factory-made cheese." Three entries—Goie Factory 1, ; 2,-and 3. , v . - f Ftosh-.butter, 2!b in wtall'a, plain. Thirteen 'John..Clements 1, Miss M. J, Dickie 2, Miss E. Terry 3",' Kiss Ellen Cowie 4, Miss A. Smith 5. ' ■ " Powdered ,'buttel. Fpurteen entries—3rs_ John. ClemeUts. 1, Uts'S. ItfTaggart'2", ,Miss Ellen Cowie ; \3, Miss Mi J. Dickie 4, Mrs J. Humphries 6. ; Fresh 'butter. Five' ,Johh Clements. 1, .Mrs! James Falconer 2,:, Miss' E.. J. G'ar'dyne, 3 a'nd 6, Mass Agnes 'Logan ■<!.•', Powdered .butter. Three entries—Mi9 JFalconer 1, Miss Agnes Logan 2. Saltbntter; not less than 51b,-. in creeks. Twolve entries—Miss M. J. Dickie 1, iliss E. J. Goidjae %. Mißs -Dora Harvey 3, Mis J. Scott : 4,. jlißß.: v Jsl)en Cpwie 6. i v '- •- : Powdered'buttcrl not' less than slb, in orocks. Ten entries—Miss Ellen Cowie 1, Miss M. J. Dickie 2, Miss R. Keith 3, Mrs J. Scott 4, Mis John M'T.agg&rt 5, Fresh bv.tter,'>pen. to. persons who have ■ never taken a first-prize. Seven ' J. Scott 1, Miss Edatb Terry 2, Miss E. Morton 8, Miss E. J. Gardync 4 and 6. Salt'gutter, open: to> porsons who have never' taken.-a first .prize. Seven entriesMrs John Clements'l, Miss' Crawford 2, Miss Dora Haney f 8 and 5, ..Miss E.'.J,- Gardyne 4, Powdered butter, open to .persons who have never taken' a. first £rlze.' Five, Entries—Mrs E. Dodds 1, Jifiss E. Mor{on 2, Miss Edith Terry 3, Mrp J. Sjptt 4, Mre.A. BeinkeS. , Best fancy butter/ Two entries—Mrs Belcher 1 and '2, Best honle-made Moaf. Fourteen entriesMrs J. Eadee .1, Mrs E. Dodds 2, Miss T. ' Cooper 8, Miss Ellen Co\vie,4, Mrs Belcher 5.-' -..-'■■ '■■ : '.' : , ■' ; '' Best oatcake, ■ Eight entries—Miss Logan 1 and 8, Mrs Belcher 2 and .4, Mrs R. Ross 6. \ ' ■' ■'■' '■•",-'..' ' v "Best home-made girdile sconea. Twelve enf tries—Miss 'Koble 1, 2, and 3, Mrs Belcher j 4 and ,5. ( . ' : Best'.oven scones. .• Ten entries—Mrs W. Giahani l.Mrs'M.M'Donaldi 2, Mis Belchor 3, I, and',s.:- ■';.-:. • .. " Tray pf' cakes,,,cut 'and..prepai'cd- for afteinoon'/tea,' six varieties lo'nly. 'Six : entries—■' i Miss.'-G.'Waddoll' 1, MissoU ■Wadde-11-a, Mrs W. Crawford 8, Miss Mabol.Day 4, llrs E. B, ~- Body.'o.i, ~ ■.. ■ ■:'_ ', , ; ; '•' ... Smoked ham. Seven entries—M. R. Lawloi 1, It;' Meredith 2,' R. Wyber 3. Green ham. Enght entries—R. Meredith 1 ( . Miss Mary'M'Kerizre 2, R, .: Roll. v ba,e6ri,..smpkeiJ.: -. .tfvai: entries-fR;: .Mereditht'i>a'n(jli 2,.'M, '&' ".. . Roil'.Vbacon^greoni'.Piv'e^enfiiek—R.'v Merer' tt.-Bijrwn'^^Mi/It^'Eawlor. "' V--. ;Mr;G..Jn'deriV ! {. •'■" ,' : i' Fifteen.' chtrie.s,.-,Po^ibl^.;2o', J, '. Scott'sr.D.on,'.-'l6,'points, 'J;-' Ri 1 A'ardley's dla4ce^i7:.j6in^;'2J\^'P^■*^|'(jl'tyie'B - ohan■ : - 'f>.■ vV "■ -, ',:.';

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14386, 2 December 1908, Page 2

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GORE AGRICULTURAL SHOW Otago Daily Times, Issue 14386, 2 December 1908, Page 2

GORE AGRICULTURAL SHOW Otago Daily Times, Issue 14386, 2 December 1908, Page 2