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The English mail which was despatched from Dunedin, via Suez, ou October 22 reached London on the night of Nov*mber 27, The result, of the election for the'Tuapeka is now officially announced. Air Scott secured 2178 votes and Mr Macpherson 1781, Mr Scott's majority being 697 votes. His Excellency Sir Richard Poore, Admiral of theTAustralasian squadron, now at Lyttelton, came to Dunedin last night, and put up at tho Grand Hotel. It is hia intention to continue his journey south this morning in. order to spend a day or two at Lake Wakatipu,. returning to Dunedin probably on. Saturday. On Monday evening Sir Rieha<rd and the officers of tlio squadron will attend a banquet - given in their honour by tlio Mayor of Cliristchureh. Very steady progress is being made with street-widening operations in King Edward street, South Dunedin. Three or four additional properties have been moved back the requisite- distance, while eevora-l others are in process of removal. Very few propertyowners now remain to lie settled with. The administrative block of the Fever Hospital at Lake Logan has just been extended by the provision of further accommo'dabion for the nurses at the institution. This means the providing of five additional rooms, a second storey having been- placed on tho house. The Otago Co-operative Fat and Tallow Company, whose works at Burnside were recently destroyed by fire, wiU shortly oom. menoe to rebuild, and it is hoped that tho works will be running again early in-the .new year. ■ Mr -A; R. Barclay, stated to a Times reporfer yesterday that an due course he would make amplication to a magistrate,for a review of the poll for the Dunedin North, electorate. There wore, he said, 6ix votes which were deducted on the ground of alleged dual voting, and these he hoped to bo able to demonstrate were improperly rejected. There was also felia questicsi of the legality of one inforanal vote, and also the question of an absent voter's permit yet to bo settled. These were the only points on which he desired to see a magistrate give his decision. ~

. The business to come before the City Council this evening does not rontajVanything. fat should produce lengthy discussion, and the meeting therefore does not promisg to be of more than ordinary interest., During the past month 78 cases of zymotic diseases were- reported to the District Health Officer. The- total was made up as follows:—Scarlet fever, 26 town and 28 country; enterdc,. 1 town and 1 country; diphtheria, 4- town and 3 country; tuberculosis, 4 town and 11 country. / A meeting of the county delegates to the Hospitals and Charitable Aid Board is to bo held on 'Monday morning next to discuss proposals that may bo put forward with a view to reducing, if possible, the heavy expenditure which county' councils have been subjected to over the past year. The Gore-Waikaka railway line-is now completed. Several of the station structures have yet to be finished off, but with this exception the worlr is ready to pass out of the hands of tho Publio Works Department. Tho majority of the men who have been engaged upon tho line have been transferred to the Rivoredalc-Waikaia line, where there are now over 200 men employed. The length of this lane is about 13 miles. For a distance of five miles .tho rails are laid, and for about six miles further the formation work is well under way. The monthly meeting of the committee of the Shipwreck Relief Society of New Zealand Was hold yesterday afternoon in the Empire Buildings j present—Messrs T. W. Whitson (in the chair), W. A. Moore, F. 0. Bridgcman, and W. Sibbald. It was resolved to place on record the committee's appreciation of the laudable efforts of Captain Fleming, of Auckland, in raising .£99 for the society's funds. Mr ,T. Loudon wrote forwarding a cheque for £5 5s 6d as a donation to the funds, tho amount being the surplus in hand in connection with Sir James Mills's banquet, held some time ago,

Tlio amount wa«, received with thanis. Captain Fleming wrote from Auckland Violating accounts connected with the relief if t-hroo Jiwrnbera of Llio crew of tho ketcl. Zlor. The- treasurer reported that the rc : Cfiipln for tlio period between October 6 and December 1 totalled £178 19a Sd, and the expenditufc £9. It was resolved to hold the next meeting on ihe 7th January.

Tho quarterly meeting of the Caversham Licensing Committee, held yesterday, was attended by -Messra Jamee Wright, T. Fiddis,F 0. Shacklock,'W. Cuttle. Mr Widdowson, 8.M., being. absent on Toicri drainage business at 'Outram, Mr J Wright was voted to tho cliair. ■ Tho only application before the meeting was for the transfer of the liccneo. of the Grand Pacific Hotel from William John Marshall .to Wilb'am M'Corkindale. Mr Bnigh appeared in support of tho application, and,, tho police report being favourable,. tho transfer was granted. The police report on the licensed houses generally contained no complaint's. The returning officer; (Mr. Mercer) notified that the official declaration of tho local option poll for Dunedin South district was;— Continuance 3250, reduction'' 3721, ,no-license : 4083; total valw' votes recorded 7376; reduction was thus carried. . • .' t Many, amusing experiences seem to have fallen fa the lot 1 of the oiiorgetio workers who spent Tuesday of last, week in conveying reluctant electors to tho various polling booths' in Dun-edm North. Amongst theso is the story of -two young ladies who were quick to peresine in -election day, the ohanco of a lifetime for a. ride in a motor oar. They lived but one block away from the George street booth, ,but nevertheless mado it known that they would not record their votes • unkss a motor car was sent, for them., Tho committee was slow to believe that they would not change their minds, amd Bant round, a cab, but its aid was firmly .declined; Later on a waggonette drew up at their door, but it, too, was-re-jected with scorn. .In the. end.the obdurateones scored their point, and were driven in a motor car to. the nearest booth. "■When is a passenger not a, passcngev" was a probleto over wha'oh the Bruce Ootmty Council had some trouble yesterday. A reaideutof/Taieri Beach had written icomplaiaing ho had crossed the TaicriEiver' recently, in a funt the man in ohargo.there had made him pay for the passengers' lie carried at so; muc-*- per head. He objected to this. • In, the past, when passengers 1 , wVe in his trap ho had not had to pay for them individually: they had counted as part-.of. his ;lcad,. and were' charged up at so much per ton. Why had an alteration beeii mad*?' The" council resolved that; it.must Uphold 'its regulations— which fixed tho charge for persona crossing the riyer : por punt at .Is each. Tho December! emminations in 'connection with'tho New Zealand' University were commenced-in the University' buildings yesterday, loinJd'-will continnie .until next Tuesday. .. 'Iliere are in all. 168 candidates sitting here for the matriculation, examination, 28 for the,medical-preKin»rJ•, and 27 for the junior university: scholarships. One of the latter mirnber has chosen, the history 'of music as one subject, The total number of candidates. ,(223)-is slightly larger than it was last year,, the second largest number'that.has ever sat {or these examina- - tions in Dunedin,' the *ccord being 230. Tho; difcf supervisor (Mr F. S. T. Little) has found "it. necessa-ry to' mako use of 10' rooms to accommodate all-tihe candidal^. Yesterday,' at the inquest on a Momona farmer, who-died- as a result of injuries received from being .run over by a dray, was", th-e first occasion l in ; Dunedin 'on which advantago, was taken of the Coroners AniEiiding Aot, : wliich enables a coixmer to conduct an inquest,without the aeaistanco of a jmy.i ".,'•'" ,'''■'-.•

After'!the .business of the quarterly meeting, of the Gavcreham Licensing Committee had beendisposed of' yesterday. :tho} members informally discussed'-the situation as the result of reduction having, been carried at tho recent local option poll The sections in' tho act .were tunned.;up, was ascertained that tho committee. which will have tho carrying out of. the mandate to' rediio9 licenses will have a discretion only'as .regards one house. 'That is to k.y, they must reduce tho present' number by two, ,-but they .may reduce- by. 25 pei- cent., the maximum allowed, in which case they may reduce by three. 24- .of "The Licensing: 'Act, M 908," provides, in the overit of the reduction,;..- issue being carried, 'that i. the committee: shall reduce the number of publicans' licenses: by not le^'than 5 per centum nor more-..thin 25 per centum of the totrfl number existing/in the district at the'time the poll was taken, .exclusive of licensee forfeited for .'breaches of the law: provided that the number 'of publicans' liccmsei shall be reduced-by' one at least where tho number does, not exceed 10, by. two at least-where tho <mmber oxceeds 10 •ill. does pat ''exceed;3o, and by three at lsast where the number does exceed 30. There'are 13 publicans' licenses in the Dun-e-din .South licensing district, by whichTiame tho Oaversham'district will in. the-'future bo known, so that the minimum reduction is two licensee, whilst' the .maximum, or 25 par cant, is thro© • licenses. In. the.Dunodin licencing,district, which now.includes one publican's license'in North-Bast Valley formerly'in Chalmers, < there are 4D*publioans'lioenscs; tlie minimum to be reduced is three arid the maximum ten. The trade between 'Wellington, the Cook Islands, and Tahiti will be inaugurated on January/3 by the Union Company's steamer Manapouri., The-, round trip will (says a Wellington telegram) occupy three weeks. .Papeete will -be reached on January 12, and connection 'establishet l there with the lirench Government's subsidised' steamer' for; Sam-Francisco, which is duo to reach San. Francisco on January 25, or 22 days from Wellington. The Manapouri will also call at Raiptonga both going out and coming home, leaving there for Wellington on January 16. ';

Contrary tc general expectation that the recent warm and dry weather would'prevent potato blight, this disease has made its appearance again («ajt>'oui Auckland cot■respondent), and has destroyed several crops that leaked strong and vigorous ■» few days ago/ At Matahrura, in the Waikato, it is, said to be. partiioularly bad, but not quite so last __year's visitation.

On Satin-day oyaning. (says a Press Association telegram 'from' Ghristohuvoh) a party of campers at Taylor's JHistake had an unpleasant .experience, whioh might easily have' ended, fatally. They had set their nets for a tjawl, and retired to their bunks in a- ..cave, to; rest, when they were considerably alarmed by a bomb being thrown in the opening of the cavo and exploding; One of'the party was hurt so much that he had to be assisted home. Besides this, olothes and rugs wore damaged.! At a joint meeting of the Standing Committee of the Dioce6o of Dunedin and the Cathedrar Chapter, at whioh the Primato presided, the Rev. W. Curzon-Siggers was elected a' canor. of St. Paul's Cathedral. Mr J. Mabony, a member of the Levels (South Canterbury) .County Council, left Timaru on Saturday for .iTasmania under engagement to oonduct a lecturing campaign on .behalf of' Labour over there. Prior to leaving he was presented by members of/the Levels County Council with a purse of 'sovereigns. , Mr Mahony came to New Zealand from Tasmania, where his/ father was for. many years a constable, and in the early days -saw somo starring times in dealing with bushrangers. The Dujiedin Engineers, to the number of about 70, wont ,into camp at the: Central Battery last evening, and will remain there for some 16 days, during which time a great deal of training work is expected to be done. Captain Roes-is in command, and! there aro under him Lientenajitfl Lacey, I Smith, and Robinson., • ' -.. |

The High Street School Committee met " last evening, thero being present Messrs J. H. Walker (chairman), W. Taylor, A. J. Sliaw, C. ft. Keast, 31. .Cohen. D..: Wishart, A. J- Sullivan, R. \, Ewing,, and Dr Church. A vote of thanks was; passed to the Athenaeum Committee for thotranti of a freo ticket of membership for fto'best pupil in general knowledge. Tho Hwd Master reported that the roll number wui 300 boys and 272 girls, and the average attendance 281 boys and 249 girls. The saviiga bank receipts were £6 10s 7d, anil payments' £3 17s lOd, the total sum standing ! o credit being £277 5s lid. It ms decided that the break-up of the school. take llace on December 16, and that the. rcccssVierminato on February 1. It was agreed;that during'the holidays stops be, taker have or-ofy .■lassroom disinfected, and, if .jossiblo, distempered, also that tho.' exterior be painted. The best thanks of tho oonutiHee wore accorded to Mr R. A. Ewing foi his very interesting lantern lecture, by vbich the swimming bath fund will benefit-to the extent of about £5. Thanks were also extended to Messrs Chas. Boggand Co. /or the free use of tho gramophone, and rocords on tho same, occasion, '• , \ • ' TJie evangelistic services being held throughout the weekiri the King Street Tabcrnaol-a (Chutch of Christ) by Pastor E! T.' Edmonds, assisted by Mr W J. Hastie, werecontinued lart night in the pesence of f, fairly largo congregation.' Mr Edmonds, in an e|o<iuciit ind practical way, and .through the medium of apt example, spoke on tho. subject of "Transformation: A Change:of Heart,'! Th' Q speaker .said that a true change-'.of heart brought about' a desiroci operation, in: character, embracing intellect), . affection, a-nd will, noticeable in ihe true, i disciple of Christ; for the religion of Jesus reached dowa into the depths of the heart, life l , and soul of the follower who comeunder new, birth. .During the.evisning'llr. W. J. Hastie'taoig the solo "Let us aloiio;','The church choir led the singing, and Miar C. Sundstrumpresided at the organ. The.'•' services, will bs continued to-night. At test night's meeting of,the committee of tho Duuedin com! . plete were niado for its fofthy ' coming rose show ( to be held on Wednesday, 16th inst. As season'has been a vejry favpurablo one, patrons may anticipate an i unusually fine display. '* N ','. An. accident of a rather startling nature occurred at4he. intersection, of, High," Maaohester, and Lichfield streets, Ohristchurch, ■■' about ,5.30-p.m. on -Monday; Ono-of the'> spar- wires, thatheld ilp the tramway trolley '.'.. wires,., fell, and a cabman drove over it,' although the. constable,on duty ,at the spot warned him that it was probably alive. No sooner (says a Press-; Association tele. gram) had the cab horse stopped '.upon tha wiro than it- fell writhing .-ttf tho ground. The constable jerked thriirans'aiß]' got the animal off the Wire, a nastyshock himself. The horse recovered quickly' • from-tho shock. The constable had great 1 difficulty in keeping,, thepidjy curious away from tho ,wire, but tho* break was : soon mended. .. X. -. As-showing the extent'of cargo-broaching on the Auckland wharves', Sergeant Hendry stated at the' Police Court yesterday (says a Press Association telegram) that during ' the last 12 months one firm had received claims amounting to £500.f0r pillage from' cargo. The claims of a second firm during the same period •represented- £78,' and a. \ third firm £155; The magistrate expressed surprise that there wore npmeaiis.of'deteet-- . ingand checking this dcrt of thing. • A i very successful performance of "Tha Messiah" was given ii> Tiriiam .last w«eV under the oonductorship of Mr Irvin MoFre, formerly of Dunedin. The,' prinoir^/i n . eluded Mr John Protiso (of 'Wellington) and - ,Mrs Gower-Burns (of Chrisichurch). At the.' feral-rehearsal Mr.. Moore was iwcsenteo with a silver-mounted *baton in recognition of the good work ho' had' 'done preparing the oratorio for miblio performance: '■■. ■•■•.•'■■ -. , >■•< •!".. /■-v ; ' :

Xinas Novelties.-*-New shipment'choice Indianan|d Eastern gooda.-jD. ■ Finlay, *188 Geo; Bt. (opp Mollisoh's), a'ncj Sear Gardens.'—Advt! Nothing cheaper than a good steel trunk for travelling. We have placed oh sale "a big lot that we know, are good value. ,■ As an instance of how cheap they are, xwo'mention a 26-inch trunk with brass lock, 12a Gd. Mollisons Ltd.-Advt. '" : 'i' ';..; ' We recommend for watch, "clock, ami jewellery repairs A;' J. Shaw, '13 j pattfay ■• street. Jlbsolutely the-best in^'Dunediri.—», Advt, . .: -■ ■.. ;. .-:■: /-;...■ All sufferers from rupture will do welKlo fully investigate Dr Ji A. Sherman's modern method of treatment. One glance over.ilie illustrated book of cases photographed before and after treatment will satisfy the most inofednlous. Some of these bases, baffled the skill of the best surgeons of England and America. So .operation and ■ no, detention from work. Send for two freo. booklets. ' Consultations free. Hours. 10 v a.m." to -12J. 2 p.m. to's p.m.; 1 extra hours, Friday evening from 7 to 9.. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon.— A. W.Martin,. Stokes's Buildings, 91a Princes street Dunedin.—Aflyt; Keep Hed Cross Ointment on hand; cures pimples, skin eruptions, sore's, • -. To Bowlers.—Our new season stock of Taylor's bowls is to hand. They, are a specially fine lot, and those requiring a set should make n point of .'seeing them,—U. andvT, Young, 88 Princes'street.—Advt.. ;i . Business men! Don't- bother with drugs. If your Stomach or Blood is out; of .order get " SulfariMa. Tablets." is box. All: chemists.—Advt '• .• •. ". -•' ■:' Who is.' Peter Dick?— The most .tellable '•Watchmaker and Jeweller, opposite Cofieb Palace, Moray place,/Dunedin,., Charges strictly moderate.—Advt. '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14386, 2 December 1908, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14386, 2 December 1908, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14386, 2 December 1908, Page 4