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Some Events of L!^i.^—, 1*i~;i»~ —~ i*s Rtoiv^^r nIOfAPU IM'l7/*-'ITAfI «*AA/I J some Evenis, 4 * World-History. fTudluljlUlj Cammed. Doialilion of N.Z. proclaimed '■.'■.*'.. ' Confession of Augsburg {SUSS fflr-' " Wl,at '""* * "■*'" B "?.-.iw* "gim snzr *" Duma snmmooeii pause, the more arresting because, as history affords at once the Battle oi Pavia w WBf ' most fas ™ting and the most profitable, reading, a satisfactory Sf.Rf , coronatioii of EdWd vh. answer might reasonably be expected,. : • Diet of worms ±0.41.-. South African War * ; -. ; \ . Cortes conquers Mexico Spanish-American War of > n y Subject a general ignorance might be eXCUSed OH Mn « e,lM ' B Clrcumnavlgatloa ~ , SrSSJH thepleathat the subject was not of universal importance/or was S/v!'^ Dreyius ease • dull, or called for special faculties, The reverse is true df history. Batt,e 0l Marl * Mno C o^»\ W iiiee 8 The reCord of Umm ex P erience > **«* could be more universally S^ST Gordpn at Khartum valuable ? An epic made up of all the true stories, what could prove [Jj"* more interestin g t0 read? Is ifc not curious to reflect that most of '£5™!"" J 4 ? 8 occupation pi Egypt i i 1 • ji* ' ■n • i . Columbus discovers America Majnfaa wnat lias happened m the world is unknown to you ? caxton at Westminster The fault does not lie with tie reader. He pay fairly "ST"* *» < «"* !2&tt.b„p.,,« f^* 1 Ms 1* t0 the ' abseMe > not ° f histeM «*<«« *** {£SSL-5» J-P'" Battle oi sedan tne Historians History mentions 8000 of first importance) but of a Wars of Roses ££3rt*&!T»' his W/orln S teicalffl«y,.writatobeMdandattammga n y rSL** niggrat? degree of completeness. The want is now filled by the Historians' FaH 0| Constantinople, i«3 FrSgT|ay«; 'History of the World. To say that it offers English readers their Loiiarus , American civil war first opportunity of seeing history as a whole, is to' indicate, but bv fv oh ? H r Burne4 1 d.ltf Unification of'ltaly i 1 ; m / . * wnstancs ATrJLtJ Garibaldi frees 'Naples n0 *neans to exhaust, its extreme importance. For in giving the Battle «'Aginconrt ;cfch w ; • reader a Wolld m ° Vh the Historians ' Histoi 7 also gives him what Soi mosmw ' coup d'Etat of Napoleon hi. he could not obtain before, a complete history of each separate Sempacli Revolutions of ?48 nnnntW The Great Schism Swiss civil war . •, country. Career , Tißnr ' Even Of England there no satisfactory history for his ™L 1340 RafiwayVinSucil purpose. The great historians, Ereeman, Gardiner, Stubbs, devoted TttilTnm" H"J s£m Bin' themselves to short periods. Ereeman wrote two volumes about thtf Torks eßter En ™p* reign of William Rufus. It is obviously impossible for ariybut a ' SJ^2. :^ tott , P rofessed student to read even English history on sucti a scale. 55 J,^" 1 Peterioo'Massvre Less distinguished scholars wrote complete histories of England, but Bmi •fTOo'* SSilldKj'- each one suffered from some drawback, so that it would be safe to say b^oTe™*^ oi JKailticori that nine out of every ten readers of this announcement do not Kingdom of Granada FomuM The French at' Moscow > _. . , ; _ .■ . ' „ ,„ . p m „; l . rf „• i„,.„ A war with united states possess Knight, or Bright, or Green upon their shelves. Green's jjjtoi&u ,SS Copenhagen popular, is but a one-sided work, dealing chiefly JJ**. im J " ' Treaty or Tiisit; withsocial conditions Bright has rather the character of a text- GioryofvLice lA Qri' ' '&J&F?**r book the upper etas in'school. The English portion of/the L q „er s^ Battle of Austeriitz Historians' History of the' World surpasses, even in the matter of Henry iv. at canossa j mere s P ace > these se P arate of England, and at the same time ' mmt ° f - whiff of: Grapeshot gives the,reader complete histories of the rest of the British Empire i ,Ex P ,oits of the Cid Napoleon-at Toulon , f-p n ... _ , r ' Hurik founds Ruttiun Efflpiff iixecution oi Louis xvi.. ana oi: mncej bermany, the United btates, Japan, Russia, and Norsemen settle in France fSVUsGr ; etell °^ QVCOW^V Y> eacil on a similarly detailed scale. ' Jjjj Convocationef 'states-Geacrai The publication of the Historians' History has entirely changed Charlemagne ' ;qaa ' New Sblitli Wales Colonised ti in „ '•* -i 4 '«. j • , / "owned at Rome ovv cook's voyages the aspect of things. Before its advent, the reader simply went charks uuta, repels Sara. . siege of: Gibraltar: without history altogether, even that of his own race. He had to be n "% a ! Toure Watt invents Steam Engine v , ~1 ~ - ~ . ~ , ~ . ' . uewn ot fi^^ Foundation of united states i content with the confession that, odd as it might sound, most of what Mohammed ■ , UOfJ With the ' ' First Partition: or Poland Historians' History in liis possession, the whole epic of man's Jusfinian makes' Laws .Peace of Paris. (i • .0 ■li a \ ■'■• 11 j. in,. . Fall of Westers Empire • woife takes Quebec doings—from the first movements revealed to .us by the glimmering japa„ eS e adopt cu£e cwi. Sol : &':' of the'grey :dawn in Egypt and Mesopotamia, to the events of this ' SLm" j*, ) ,'The Seven Years 1 ' war very year \n New Zealand—is open to him. To the left and right of it.cM'ons -. ">•' Alliance of Three Petticoats At,';. / i, ' a • v a n 1 t . •% , , English Conquest of Britain Roamns leave Britain - .• , f'*'Battle;of Fontenoy - : haphazard; andibrowh together in more or less chronological order, w"sions* es ' m T may;serve to indicate some of the heads, as it were, to the fettle Em^ stor y m * the ffistoiy of the World. Everyone of OSS^S I^'' Wood's Halfpence ■■ , ' these events has its own • bearing upon history as a whole, and seSKawTcotiand ' '■ SSo^^lmsii.,./.' : ''■ FMBOMes• ite=-own - :lniarinßto. interest. Each one of them counts . Jacobite Rising of 1715 so much in the experience of the human race and has its lesson mimcM oi Than. -iiy>i : South Sea Bubble ' , , „ - ■n ,y .- , , ~ • ~ , L . .• «: Kingdom of Prussia esiab. to tell; t 0 man^. of them attaches also the personal interest of Jfi£ h "fcJj B peror " . n-u ■(/■ ■, striking characters. What does the reader know about these events ? Administration of Trajan Capture' Of. Gibraltar > ' ° . vuva Agricola makes Britain i Battle of Bieniieim_.-.»-. . \ The events and the personalities of history, the story of the nSEJ; ,^ ince ' »,« War of the Spanish Success ~ u A. • t j, 1 o '1. ~, „ - . "e ßtrucfton 0l 7A Battle oi %v ? [sion .'world, pur own world-it is a shame not to be familiar with them; it S a t le o T ßoadicea Foundation of Calcutta is a waste of experience: it is a waste of drama and romance sur- ?, cro J , bur ? s R . ome Peace of Ryswick ' • •' ■ .. . . ' Claudius invades Britain rem Battle of La Hogue passing the inventions of the playwright and the novelist. vJ™ *? o tldaermanicusId aermanicus Achievemenrot STte 'In he next % Y™™> now that * e means of acquiring it have JLSjTjesus Cbri/* [Great been made available, some familiarity with history will come to be Anto n f U aU o cieo S a^a Plrc mm\ JSution considered essential, and whereas, until the, present year, the man Jgjg J Jjjjj p Monmouth's insurrection who reads no history was the average throughout the English speak- - ? eath •' Cmt n .\ . Vienna besieged by Turks . ° ° b Cawar becomes Dictator • Discoveriei of Nekton i&g world, now he will be at a loss as compared with his fellows. , SmKT/parthiani The Aninnce lt would h ™ a book, calculated to perform aSJtfJSf Royal society Funded so valuable a service to the reading public at large, been restricted cfv?WaSMariui8 S n&ia / 1665 SguTjf 1 Lindon h 7 its P rice to the few -' The however, that it was JJJSI?^S B ol Gaul ' sale of Dunkirk publishing a book which all need and ,all will enjoy, induced The ? c, ?. r ™ s °| Ir,cc?1 r,cc ? lift ■ War with Holland • Carthage destroyed -»-*v The Restoration Times to name a price and terms of purchase which would register e c e c c a e be a es ß^ e ß J U p d "a ince . , victories of Biake ■ ■ / . a record in bookselling, and enable any man, whatever his circum- Battle oj „cynoscephaie "' ' ProWctorate of Cromwell o?. ,„. Hl ' Battle, of Zama The Tulipo.Mania stances, to possess the Historians History. 7/6 anyone Call afford, Japanese invade Korea »w ' : . Sclpio in Africa Ol'f! • Battle of Worcester £ or . n j g sum y ie 25 volumes arid bookcase are delivered free to Hannibal at Canns , /*xo. f 1 (V£,Q The Fronde ... , .• ■ .: Chinese Wall Built xu * u Charles 1. executed ' any port or railway station, and to a large number, of addresses Pyrrhus invades Italy oqq :. l ea !v,Vlf fha f\x,» throughout the Dominion. Nothing further need be paid until a samnite° wa" 80 " English Settlement at Madras e . , „,1 1 ai •• , ~, Speeches ol Demosthenes . Battle of Naseby month after receipt of the volumes, then a series or monthly pay- Death of Epaminondas , cLi./««.«««♦ ments of only 7/6 completes purchase at a total cost which is less Rome taken by the Gaui» ; scotch uveaan ,y .*. 1 # r -. ? m. •• . 1 , Retreat of the Ten Thousand Impeachment of Strafford than one quarter of the price paid tor ordinary books. This is, indeed, Athenians defeated 41 o Hampden refuses to pay Ship , ~!„., .... 1 j; n 7•» -»? &> it at Syraceuse ,' sfcla ■/.-. Money to put the History within reach or all, wme the offer lasts. Thermopyiai.Saiamis, Aoti Siege of La Rochelle 1. 1 MarithOß • .™W Battle oi Liltzen > Soon', however, thesubscriptlOU list -miust be Closed, the History HannocirciminavigatesAfrks ~;■',' { Birth of Buddhism ' s ,T r VL , oy ? will then cost about half as much again as it does now. If you Carthage Founded , .... Pilgrim Fathers land f t °. •;../• ; Z Cyrus con= • KOQ lat i\ Assassination of have not vet seen the subscription form showing the -'extraordinary qucrs Babylon Ooq IblU Henri IV. . . .•/ , i ~ ,'j ..': 9 . ./ . ■*■• Confucius in China The Thirty Years' War bargain to prompt purchasers, you Should Wl'lte lor it. at Once, and Sojon gives Laws to Athens Romanoff Dynasty Founded the 84-page descriptive book. This book Contains 16-pages of, Nebuchadnezzar besieges JeriiGunpowder Plot [land . *to . l . : ~;.,, Fall of Nineveh [gilnii.. Union of England and Scot= Specimen pages Il'Om the History, a lull page plates, and SO detailed Sennacherib destroys Babylor ' Ea^tbdia. company gets its a description of the plan ,and execution of the! work as will enable T£? a .®. Shakespeare writes his Plays you to form an absolutely trustworthy opinionas to its merits. If, sugTof Troy mp e Dutch Republic Founded. , , , ... -.<■■ 11,' The Exodus The Spanish Armada howeyer, you have already Seen the descriptive, booklet, yOU Should Aryans invade India : Mary stuart executed, to-day fill in yoursubscription form so as to he sure you will be in Bab ß yiouia Ung ° ! 3800 "- v Ass—onolWiiliamthe t . ' ; Men s unite, : : Exploits of Drake ; • ,;;; ' . .■ " l * Colony of Virginia Founded „ , ... , v M . ... ~ . , ... . , , , ; sack of Antwerp The Historians History has the warm approval or the most distinguished men in every .»,■■■■. 1571'™' I Bar^°' omew department of life. Lord Roberts, among soldiers; Lord Cromer, Lord Milner, Lord Curzon, -*-" ,J - Battle of Lepanto . ,-. ~, .:, French take Calais among administrators; the Bishop of London and the Moderator af the Free Church, among Mogul Empire Founded .-','" «'•«' n 1 ■ •■■'».• «J nr.... it< n ' .Council of Trent churchmen; Sir Gilbert Parker, amonp noveltsts; btr William Treloar, among men of business. ; Abdication oi Charles v. 0 fess remar k a ble is the enthusiasm expressed by purchasers in New Zealand, of whom the first , Loyola founds the Jesuits Ivan the Terrible SOO have already been sent their volumes, ,'' '■ Brazil cokmised •• You are cordially invited to come and INQUIRY FORM. The Inquiry Form examine the volumes at the following places Je THE TIMES (LOr*), N.Z, Office t 2 KaiTlS Sfre&t, . will go in' an open where they are on view: Wellington N.Z. Please send me, post free',' the pamphlet ' ncr cti r- u j\ n u « describing the''Historians'History of the World" envelope for • • limes {London), 2, Harris aM form of siibscription at present introductory prite,* St.; Auckland, N.Z. Herald; Christchurch, Name . J .-.;'....,»!..;... Spend that |d The p^ ss . Uvmedin, Otago Times. But Dia Address 1..u—.L~.:■ TO-DAY. write for the Pamphlet NOW. , „.„„.,„ „ I _.„„_„_ m „, m .„.,„.^ ra „^_ w .. ■

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14380, 25 November 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14380, 25 November 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14380, 25 November 1908, Page 3