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Conducted by Job. Aexeketiit. CLUB DIRECTORY. Otaqo Diiaughts Ci.un.—Club meets every Saturday evening at the clubrooin, MaclagSan street (onposito Universal HotclJ. Visitors welcome. Gore Clul).—During the summer players will meet on Saturday evening:) at Jlr I'robsitli's rcouis. Visitors welcome. Geo. ii'lUy, secretary. rKOBLKJI 1209. ly W. Teal, .Southampton, Englant!. [Hues.]

[V7uiTr..] Black: 3, 4, S, 7, 14, 24, king 23. "White: 3, 12, 13, 2G, 30, 31, king 13, Whito to play and win. TO CORRESPONDENTS. G. M'K, (tore.—Thanhs for inlereftinj to.port. Congratulate 3*oll all 011 successful .season. 3?. D., jun., Evrc Creek,—Play wclconn?. Mr Bovehaui's reply will no doubt appear next week. J. A. M., Hiversdnle.—Play and games rcceivccl and appreciated. Thanks. Cahtehtox Coitp.EsroxDOT.—Reports received with thanks. J. P., Luggatc.—Solution of Problem 1200 received last week. See below, J. A. B.—Thanks. IV. Vm,, Southampton, England,—Your interesting budget to hand, and all highly appreciated. Thanks, F E. H.—Thanks for favours, which, however, may havo to stand over with a number oE other things. It. 13., Yaldhurst.—Note received. The proMem was very interesting l , and certainly not easy, so it served its purpose. The Two Chumps.—Received queries, but not in time to answer this issue. GAMES.

KOTES AXD CRITICISMS. Mr J A. Murdoch, Stanley Downs, Riversdiuc, writes as follows under date October cw Zealand Championship Game '-3t>B, Otago Daily Times, played between llr Lucas and myself, the position at note (d) is—Black: 3, 5, G. 7, 11, 18, 19, 20 'White: A M, 10, 17, 25, 20, 27, 28. itr Lucas shows a win for Black here by 11 15, and continues II! 11, 7 10, 14 10, 3 *8, 10 1, 8 11, etc. I think bis play is unround, however, and submit the following plav to draw — )i 15 2ii 22 ;i in j:i u is :n 10 12 7 U-is 12 8 11) 21 Si 15 ti 10 aH 1 r, t) £8 1!) II 18 Drawn. (a). 7 11 U 10 ]fi 32 1 6 Eli 22 IK 21 10 1 ]S s:| 11 IB £8 II) 32 2/ ]? 14 Drawn. (n) 19 23, 23 24, 23 32, 24 10, 15 24, 22 6, drawn. Mr F. Diack, jun., Ewe Creek, writes under date October 23:-In rc Mr Horeliam's foiution of Problem 1200, I thing it is very interesting. In his solution he gives 3 5 at 38th move in trunk; instead, play 9 13, and if Jlr Borpiiam can show a Black win on this line 1 would like to fee it. I make it a draw as follows:—Black: 21, kings 7, 10, 18. White: 27, 20, kings 3, 17. White to play— 313 7 2 :0 1G 2 9 17 22 25 30 ID (i 21 20 II !) 10 12 21 25 2!i 23 27 24 IS 15 13 ti ]i) 1 1-a 2*2 211 Drawn. (A) 3 G, 12 8, 15 11, 8 3, 0 10, 17 13, 10 15, 10 9, 15 18, 9 G, 18 22, f. 2, drawn. PROBLEM 1200. Three solutions were received for this problem, ior the best solution of which Mr lWolinm offered a copy of Lees's Guide. All the play received, however, falls so far short of grasping the possibilities cf tlie position that -Mt Borcham thinks it would he better to set some other and easier task for the book, and believes the three who sent in play will agree with him. He remarks on the play as follows: — F. D., Eyre Creek. —At 42nd move the position is:—Black: 21, kings 1, 0, 18. White: 20, 31. kings 5, 17. White to play. You proceed 17 13, which loses, but 17 14 draws by a phase of " Second Position." Further on a number of draws and wins aro overlooked.! Waitahuna Gully.—Your first move allows a draw. •T. P., Luggate.—At your 21st move position is:—Black: 2.5, kings 15, 24, 30. White: 23, kings 14, 22. You now play 22 17, which allows a Black win, but instead, 14 18 draws. A draw is also allowed prior to this. CLUB EVENTS. GORE DRAUGHTS CLUB. The Gore Draughts Club brought its season to a close last week, there being a good attendance of members, and also visitors from the Invercargill and Seaward Downs Clubs. A match President v. Vice-president was played, the former winning by one game. An excellent supply ot refreshments was providf-d by Mr Van Paine, and a very sociable evening was spent. Mr P. C Grav (president) occupied tho chair. ' ' ' The secretary (Mr G. M'Kay) then gave a brief outline of the chib,s record dtuiiK- the year. Several matches had been plaved°with other clubs, and all the contests played at homo had been won, but when the)' went away from home they had lost every match, lie hoped an effort would he made for some of tho club to go and try conclusions with the Tulurau players during the summer. A word of praise was due to the handicapper, Mr W. 'M'Kinna, for tho successful manner in which he had carried out his duties in the tournament just completed. Mr 11.I 1 . C. Gray said it gave liim great p.easuro to .be able to record such a successful season as they had had. He looked upon draughts as one of our national games, and hoped to see it more widely developed, lie thanked the members for the assistance they had given him during the year. In presenting Mr W. M'Kinna with the prize for the championship for the season, he complimented him on being top of the list. Mr M'Kinna had been a most energetic member, and hacl well earned the position he now occupied. Mr iM'Kimia's tropliy was a handsome gold Maltese cross, suitably inscribed (president's prize). Mr M'lunna thanked Jlr Gray for his kind remarks, and also for the excellent trophy he had presented. As tho club's handicapper, lie complimented the winners on tho improvement they had shown since last season. He hoped to see good entries for •tho New Zealand tournament to be held here at Easier, as tho more entries the more successful would l:o the meeting. Ifo promised a trophy to be competed fcr next year. The president then presented the prizes of the tournament as follows:—Messrs C. Bennett (first prize), ,T. A. Mills (second prize), 11. Graham (third prize), and Mr Van Paine a special prize (ior the' consistency ho had shown during the contest by winning one game), tho various recipients making suitable acknowledgment. Other members who spoke during the evening wero 'Messrs Fowerakcr, ,T. MaqGibbon, and G. Penny, the latter gentlomau giving a short review of the progress draughts had mado in Gore, he being one of tho oldest members of the club. It is the intention of tho club to try and keep up (he interest in the game by having a few occasional meetings during tho off season. Soups were sung by Messrs Paine, Ingram, Borlev, Barron, and It, L. Christie, the latter gentleman being cordially thanked for tho vocal assistance he had given at the club's meetings throughout the year, °' Tho evening closed by the singing of the National Anthem. —Result of Tournament.— The following is the result of the tournament:—

CARTEKTOJT. The draughts handicap tournament anion" members of the Carterton Chess and J, n, s i s I?'" 1 ' f ,T a tro Pl'y presented by ™ Was concluded on October T ' le handicaps were sealed, and when opened nt the close of the last round it was found that Chew, with a handicap of three had won the tournament, isoreham, wno started owing two Barnes won 12, but the two off put him one below the Winner who scored 11 with his start of three. The following are the players and games won: —

CARTERTON v. GREYTOWX. The return match between Carterton and C.reytown took place at the Carterton Librarv buildings on October 12, seven members from each dull being engaged, Tlic games were very closely fought, particularly the games between Avery owl B ? roham. l ; ol!ov.--ing are the players and scores: —

IG . 2 10 Supper was well catered for by Mrs Wlivie At the conclusion of the proceedines 'the ? eV " 11 A T cry t,ians:c(l lllc Ciirterton j,layers for the pleasant evening, and honed that next season Oteytown would becom- a .stronger team and take the laurels to their town. Mr loomath, on behalf of the Carterton players, reciprocated Mr Avery's remarks as to the pleasure of the evening, and hoped the players would spend many more such, ai,e visitors left for home at about 11 o clock. DRAUGHTS ITEMS. Otago Club.—A special meeting 0 f members is called for this (Saturday) even ing, at 8 o'clock, to consider one or two infers of important, and the attendance Of every member is requested. Myn Woollen Mills v . Mosgiel Woollen Alills.—A match has been arranged between earns representing the two large woollen mill and it should prove an interesting event 1 lay takes place in the Ota°o Club tills (Saturday) evening at 7.99. Jloth mill? can boast u number of strong players.

Played at th e PraJmm Dranglits Chili, Melbourne, Victoria. Game 23G3.—"Single Corner." Black—II. J. Richardson: White—Ilu-h E<\m H15 sii r> n 14 js ;r "f A -m 22 18 25 23 2:1 )!l 2112:1 30 23 " la 22 !) 14 !) 14 18 22 24 22 S(i °ii la )8 24 CO SI 27 S :i 2 :i I'l 14 in 10 IS 2 7 17 21 27 3 2 ''5 % i. IS 11 £8 24 2/2) Mill li'll "i! S li) 14 IS :! 7 HI 27 22'is J(j l'() 21 17 23 M '82 17 2:j IS !l 2 7 « 1?!? as -h » r s« »» in 2 ?iS f 7 r»Game 2301.—" Denny." Black—Egai:. AVhile-Ricliardson. 1014 17 l.'i 17 21 28 24 14 2:i R 1 «1!V •' M 17 23-A 7 10 J!l 15 (1 -I " r 2 r ?i! ?.? I 7 . S:l 18 11 18 " « 22 lu b 10 ot 2l! 0 !) J(J ji) u u i}l§ fi?2 J„ s 32 2S ™ 1' ' 2" 22 10-11 :iu 25 Diawu. *> 11 2.i 14 1 (J 21) 25 21 :il) Varies from Heffnor v. Barker, Game 75, last American National tourney book, where 14 9 was played to a draw. Game 23G3.—" Dyke." By Veal, Southampton, 11 15 25 52 15 22 21 17 3 7 23 111 22 17 All 25 IS 0 10 2 11 ]2 J!) h> » 17 10 7 10 18 15 S15 31 27 -t 10 fi la 27 24 !l 14 32 27 ]3 is 12 W 30 25 5 !l 35 l! /SC. -I la 2 (: 24 In 14 21 27 23 10 Jit 22 IS 10 l',l « 2 S 12 Game 23GG.—" Bristol." I By W. Teal, Southampton. lllfi 24 20 23 IS 3120 Jill 231J 2117 15 24 3 8 31 15 !) 18 15 l'j 9 13 20 11 21! 23 18 11 117 14 i) fa 21 7 IB 12 Hi 8 15 Hi £0 5 14 24 10 27 11 SO 25 23 IS 7 :! 22 17 S11 15 10 15 6 ID 1!) 24 13 22 28 24 11 7 32 27 18 11 &i 23 25 !) 11 ID 211 15 1U 10 15 24 31 Drawn.

, r , r . Score. Hep, Tl. \\. jrlumia .« .. »» ns — 33 C. Bonnet .. M <bj 91 & J. A, Anils,-.. M 30 5I 371 H. Graham M X. .. H 23i SI I J. Grant ... ' ,, gi. 03f jjo 11 A. Bawlinsott 171 u alt & 25$ 6} 31' (v. MKay .. „ *>7 4 3, K. Frobartii ., s ... ... v . o(.\ c \ 31 ?• | cn 4 n y 21" 0" 30 J. Ueatou . ■- ♦. ..23 7 -m y. l ..; .. ]fi ]3 ' M H. MLcod .... ..... 2? 7 30 U Ingram .. ,.. 19 91 2 8.\ j; I""* •• ■••• 201 S 281 '• .. „ J9J i) ofll JJ. Newman.. „ M gt JQ 073. T. Fowcralicr •• .. ,, oqC 07" Van Paine .. .. „ V OS* 26 JJ. Dcor m ... .. /#i m n 051 .!. M'Quocn «. ♦. jot o.V~ J. MacGibbon .. ... u" 171

Hdep. Score, Tl. «. •• •'! S n iiorehaiu. owes .. t , « jo jq liaillio ... .. n rl ni Hall .. 4 f £ M'Lcod .. .. „ .. o 6 I Kiibbers ... .. .. ,, i; ]i Bannin .. .. „ G H J £

Carterton. Grevtowi). Win?. Draws. Witis 4 Tdomatli II Hendry <,„()' ■' '' a " •• •• II ifaloiioy ,, i I - H Jt'l'llCB .. . l 2 Chew ., .. i Cochrauo .. 1 2 MlUlO .. .. 0 Cross o " Borpliam (I Avory » 0 'Jeal .. l Irwin

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 3

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DRAUGHTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 3

DRAUGHTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 3