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PORT C II A I. M E R 8 ,

Phases of tub Mcos. KOVEItBKH. .. FirJt Quarter .... ... . 2 .. 1.46 a.m. Full Mcon .;.« .. . 8 _ 7.23 p.m. Last Quarter ,- 16 _ 11.11 a.m. New Moon . ■ ... — 24- ... 9.23 a.m. I'origeo :■ 5 ... 1.0 p.m. Apogee ... _ ... .. 17 ... 10.0 a.m. Sun rises to-day 4.52; sets 6.52. Sun rises to-morrow- 4.50; eels 6.54, THE WEATHER. October 30.—3 a.m.: Wjnd >5., W.; tine tc- Xoon : Wind S.W.; . over-. cast. 5 p.m.: Wind S.W.; overcast. Bn.m. Noon. sp.rii, Barometer _ ... 23.70 29-70 29.70 Thermometer ... 50 56 51 , FORECAST.—Mr Paulin. telephoned at 10.40 lost night:— I "S.V/. to N.W; winds; lino for about 16 hours; barometer fall. WEATHER RKPORTS. (Per United Peess Association.) WELLINGTON, October. 30. Tho following a-ro tho reports of ijtc .weather at 5 p.m.: — Capo Maria Tan Dicmom—W.ind 8., Jight; bar.' 39.15, iiher. 63; cloudy; sea. anexjorate. flimell.—Wiud S.W., modorato gale; bar, 30.08, thov, 61; fine; sea rmtgli, Manukau H«iils.—Wijul S.S.W., fresh-; bai'. 30.09, t'ner. 54; oloudy; bar remgi. Aucklaul.—Wind S. S\'., frosh; bar. 30.09, tlier. 60; showery. Tauranga.—W,ind W., fresh; bar. 29.90, itlier. 63; fine; sea smooth. East Capo.—Wind E., fresh; 1.-aiV 29,83, t'ner. 60; ow-icart-; sea moderate. U-isborjic,—Wiitd S.W., light-; -bar. 29:92, ther. 56; cloud}-; sea rough. Napier.—Wnxf.S.W., breeze: bar. 30.00, ther. 50; or.ircatt-- sea mcctwate. WollingtoiJ^—Wrnd S., breeze; bar. 30.03, tlior. 56; fine. Castlepoint.—Wattd S.W., light; bar. 29.96, ther. 52: clcwly; sea heavy. Ac'.v PlymojitlLr—Wind S., fresh; bar. 30.07, tiior. o7: fii»: sea. smooth. Capo Hgincnt,—Wind W., light; bar. 30.07, ther. 58; okxudy; sea smooth. TVanganui.—Wind E.SJi, lig-ht; bar. 29.93, ther. 61; ftiie-; sea. lumpy, _ Farewell Spit.—Wind N.E.* galo; bar. 30.00.,ther. .60; awjcast: eea h«ivj\ Capo 'I'ouhvincL—Wind 8., breeze; bar. 30.02, ther. 58: elowly; sea considesriible. Wcotpor.t;—AViod S.W., fresh; bar. 30.?J • thor. 57: fine; s(q slight swell. _ Cape Campbell.—Wind S.E., strong; .har. 30.01, thor. 55; lime; eca rough. Ka-ikoura.—Wiatd S.E., fresh; bar. 30.00, ther. 54; iino; sea. moderate outside. Nuggets.—Wind S.W., strong; bar. 29.98, ther. 53; squally; tea. hea\y. Bluff.—Wind W., -fresh; bar. 50.05, thor. 50; fine'. ■' Tho following is Captain Edwin's forecast to 3 p.m. to-morrow:—Wind southerly, jncidcrato to strong goncrollv, and slowly rising -barometer. . . . HIGH WATER, Oclober 31— a.iri. p. m . At Taiaroa Heads.-— — 7.2 7.30 At Port Chalmers..'. ... 7,42 8,10 At Dunedin 8.12 8.40 Kovembor 1 — At Taiaioa Heads... ~.. r ... : 8.0 8.34 At Port Chalmers .... ... 8.40 9.14 At Dunedin -.j ... 9.10 9.44 DEPARTURES. J Star of Scotland; s.s., 6230 tons, Hartmsnn, for Brisbane. Swift and Co., agents, Xoonyn, s.s., 1091 tons, Nieholsoji, for West-port and Greymouth. U.S.Si Company, .agents. I'io Logo, barquontine, 241 tons, Spence, for Kaipara. ilonowai, s.s., 3433 tons, Rolls, for Auckland, tia way ports. U.S.S. Company, «3eut-3. Paseongcis: For Lyttclton-Mcssrs Andcrton, M'Dona-Id, Troahy. For Wel-lington-Mrs Willcio. Messrs C. -Bov, ilkto. For Napier—Mr Boyle. For GiV-borno-Mr lies. For Auckland-Mrs Willis EXPECTED ARRIVALS, From Clarence River.—Mary Isabel barquentine, to sail ea.rly. ' From. Liverpool.—Gladys, barque, Bailed Octobo- ' 7 °' ' Jart t ue i to sail . I'lom Portland.—Koko Head, barqiientine, sailed September 27. From Melbourne.—Maheno, November 3 From Sydney (via Auckland).—TaraWftra, November 1. From Sydney (via, !Weliington).-Wai-tare, October 31. From Auckland.—Talune, November 5, PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via AucklandJ.-Manuka 3. ' For Sydney ( v i a Wellington),-Malreno, November 4. For -Aiioklfljud'.—Tarawora, November 6. For Melbourne.—Waikare, November 1. Oversea steamers. TO ARRIVE. IT A3GKLANB. Prom Liverpool.—Devon, sailed Septcmn 1 ; , ' „? s - v<hle J"- Morayshire, sailed October 20. Star of England, left New York September 28. Gowanburn, -left, A'eiv York Sep. tomber 24. DaHoreh, left Now York October 14. Jlimiro, left London, .September AT WELLINGTON. Cormtliio, left. Plymoirt-h September 18 duo Noyomber 3. Rnapehu, left Plymouth llctobar 3. Matataa, left, London October 9. Star of New Zealand, left London October 23. AT ITTTEI.TON". Arana, left London October 16. AT PORT CHALKBKS ASH BTOEDIS. , l?rom London.—Papanui, October 3' due NoTember 23 direct. ' £"rojn Liverpool.—Devon, sailed Sflptemher 19, via Sydney, due Dtuietlin about December 11. Sucroy (via Auckland), due about November 5. Maori (via Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttclton), left September 5, duo Diirxx]in about November 14. Morayshire, sailed October 20, due January 7. -trom New York.—cyendewm (via Australian and northern ports), loft, September 2. Clan Mathcson, sailed Jttlv 25, vkv Australian r.nd northern ports. Kaaonba, tailed Auttust .T2. via, Australian northern porta. GowHiburn, sailed OcSobar 2, Atwtraliau ports. Indrajhiri, to sail September 26. Aborlour. to oail November 4. Daldoroh. sailed September 15. Ala3liona, to eail December 16. HOMEWARD BOUND. rifestiiro left Wellmgion August. 27 for Avoriii'outli. Indraden', left Auckland on September 3. Norfolk, left. Wellington September 24, for Avonmonth. Tongariro, l«ft_ Auckland September 26, for London. lonje, sailed from Gisborne Octoter 10, for London. Waimfflte, left Wellington October 13. Turaldjia, left, Wellington October 22. Oswestry Grange, left Wellington October 24. PROJEOTES DEPARTURES. yi'.Gii MEIjLTJSgtok. Sj-ar of Australia, November 7. Athenic, about November 5. Rippingham Grange, Novomlior 25. Kia Ora, about November 30. Paparoa, November 19. Kakaia, November 21. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. CAPE MARIA VAN DIEM lON, October 30.—The steamer Ottc-rburn, from tho oast, pas-«l wcf-t. aI. 3.30 p.m. AUCKLAND, October 30.-Arrived: Awanui. schooner, from (J-isborae; Fnnerdale'and Hinomai. from Wellington. HOKIANGA Il.l'jADS, Octoter 30.—Arrived : Amelia Svms, schooner, from the south.—Sailed: l.'tisabbuca, haniuo, for Adelaide. WELLINGTON, October 30.—Sailed: ' _ - Moeraki (4.20, for Sydney.;' Tnra- ' wora (7 p.m.), for i/vlle-lton 1 and Dunedin; '.Maori (u-20 p.m.), for Lyttclton, with 200 f,avengers. LV rt'l'.LlON', October 30.—Arrived: Mararoa (3.35 a.m.), from Wellington (connccU'd with the .wond expre.==); Wont-ton, from Nydia Bay; Paparoa, from Wellington; English Monaji'h (11 p.m. yesterday), from Wellington; Falcon, schooner, from Havclock; Helen, barque, from Pert Es- ... perance (TasmaJiia), —-Sailed: Mararoa, for Wellington. Sailed: Waikare, for Dunedin, Itluff. Ifobart, and Melbourne. 3'assengers: For Dunedin—Messrs Wishart, Aylwin. and Clark. For Bluff—Miss Frew, .Messrs Smith and- Ilarrowollcr. For Ilobart and MoHionrne—throe steerage. , SYDNEY, October 30.—Arrived: Helen Denny, from Ilokianga.; Mokoia,' from Auckland; Hovcric, from Auckland. NEWCASTLE, Oct. 30.-Sailed: Ponto, for Wliajigarei; Eaitangata, for Wellington and Napier. Tho Century, which has arrived from Auckland, replaces tlie ,-fton. Captain Downio, lato captain of tho vEci), lias taken charge,


lIOBAPvT. October SO.—Arrived: Corinthic, from I/ondon. She sails to-morrow morning' for Wellington, and has oil board hOvcTi Australian and 673 Xenr Zealand passengers. CAPETOWN, October 30. - Sailed: Papanui (yesterday), for- Diri),

The Waikare i s duo nt Dimcdin eaily this _ morning from Sydney, via Cook Strait, and sails again to-morrow afternoon lor Melbourne, via likifT ai;<l llobart. 'I li» 'larawera is evpcc-iei! 1o arrive to.morrpw from Sydney, via Auckland, and poe* ijilo\tlio coastal service next, week in pliico of (lie 'L'aluu:>.

Tho Rio Logo took advantage of (lie strong south-west breezeyesterday morning, •Hid .sailed from Dnncilin for Kaipara. It is understood that- Captain Cooper, who brought, tho ship Dartford over to Wellington, is to retain command of Iho training-ship when <;ho is recommissioncd. the Monowai sailed yesterday afternoon for Auckland, via lia*t Coast 'ports. Tho Koonya sailed yesterday afternoon for "\\oslpcrt, via Timaru and intermediate ports.

IJw Star of Scotland sailed early yesterday morning for Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, to lead wool for Dunkirk and Liverpool. the barque Lnira is to leave Wellington shortly for Whangarci, lo load timber for ■Sydnev.

t'apiain Stephenson is still in charge of t-bo Northern Company's steamer Barawa. Captain Norbuty is improving in health, but will not resume duty this month. The schooner Warata-h.'of this port, after a long detention at, Kaipara Heads, was •rowed to sea on Thursday bound for Dunedm with a cargo of timber in charge of Captain Shultz.

>lr W. Lindsay, weornl officer of the 1 onorua, wont ashore at AVellhyrlon for orders. Mr T. ,1. Skyo. late of the. Koromiko, has taken his plaee on tho Pfihonia. 11. 19 vepoited from Liverpool that it is understood that the White Star line has opened negotiation.? for the construction of an imm-jnso dry dock at Southampton capaolo of receiving the now leviathans Olympic and Titanic, intended for tho Acw lovk fiorvico.

The Tyser liner Niwttru will bo that, company a first wool ship this season. She comimuiosil loading at Wellington o,i Wednesday, and proceeds thence lo lihiif. Tho Anvaru will also call at. Napier and fli.stonic, and possibly other ports, and is to lea-vo Now Zealand alwut the middle of jNovomlxtr for London, to catch the dauu"i'v wool sales. '

Phe Suez 'Canal anlhorilirs having ouaranteed a safe passage through the canal for »IV> of Tho largest Nonldcntfcher Llovd it is reported that tJio latter wmpany will probably despatch the Prince Ilonirich, 18,000 tons, lo Australia oarlv ml; year. • ■ •

Tho Wanaka i.s expected to leave Auckland on Monday for southern and will load cargo at Bluff about the end of next week, proceeding thenw to Auoklaiid, Tl. n l '"' T '^ il , rM - Xapier - antl "isterno; liic o!<I iron lighter FaitliTul hvoke adrift, rroni her moorings in Carey's Bay on tnui s day ingnt during a s tiff gale, and drifted ashore near Pulling Point. This ancient craft, has been practically laid as™ fo '' some years, but appears -to have «is,atl«l very httlo injury, and will prob--3 >2 'brought back to her moorings as soon ns the weather mcderalw. iho Sydney Commorcinl News c-avs thatit is reported .that tho Union Company ha s arranged for the stca-mcr Taicri to load timber at Hobart for New Zealand porls. vHAIo a "' IVR f Ilo,Wrl ' fr01 » Adc l»"k. l a Melbourne, shortly. Iljr noris of <\U. cliarge will bo Dunedin and Lyttclton. The il Cn | M : M n' cccntl y so!<l '0 <*« Maorilawl Steomslnp Company of New Zealand, taoted advira received l )v t-ha'Greymouth SJSW »«X« oiwigei Mawhera left Renfrew last Friday According to t-lio Grey Star, tho drodge! r<!n+ I ' a ®. ,>sc " completed one m«nth after contract, timo, tho delay i.e-ing chiefly duo to strikes in the shipbuilding trade, is expected to take 60 days to come out. Her routo wilt bo via the Mediterranean and Bod Seas, thcnco to Colombo, then to Albany, from which port she, will prohahly oorne on to Greymouth direct. The dredge would therefore bo here by Gummas, and '1 cca{ .l v ,0 oominonoa relive drcVinnoj)oration.s m (ho new year. a . J r l eccnt tri I' Hie Wania left Liverfiwt -.nil « Ut "i S "r lc vacanf b2rfh in '•«' hiat and second cabins. 'All told, «ho had

On May 28 f. ffo ] ai , ?e F j j. t j Bayonue and the Biarritz, ] c ft Hofe f£ San Francisco, and it was aII open ECmt that their respective masters intended to me a_ race. Tho Bayonne was ?ho first r TV ng Tv her . d,sti Mtion on August 11, and tho Biarritz on September

The aggregate number and not tonna-v o vessels arriving at sailing from Hobart fl! ,° , y . csr lm < of coa.4 wssols and ships of war, wore as follows:— TOopn 8 ; ' 73 ,n^ 3 ' 0l:s ' departures. 363, L-inf fT"- e lotal of all f™ s ,o f fn ".t »p 10 (late for tho £eason lave been over 1,000,000 eases (representing a ulue of about £225,000), This is an inS 3 of ' £# y- 200 ' 0fi!) £ ooViS? 485,000 CMe 3 sent to London, etc., <!<!,TOO cases to Germany, and 8650 eases to South America. Tl:-o was sent lo the Commonwealth and New Miami,

Captain J. A. 33antly, late of the Union Company j< steamer l'ateona, is at present relieving Captain W. 11. Sinclair, Marine Superintendent _ for the Union Company, owlnoy. Captain Sinclair is at present laid aside- or/my to serious illnos? According to a. table published 1* the Itcgistor oi Australian am} New Zealand Snipping, and showing the number and tonnage of steamers and failing vessels ro-Sist-ered af each Australasian'port on the 30th -Tune, 1903, Nc.y Zealand heads tho lis with 639 vessels, of 143,558 lons, Thou totlow \ ictoria with 376 vessels of 137 248 South Wales coming third with 1037 vescls of 128,709 tons, South Australia, Queensland. West Australia, and lasmania following in order, with 59.855 tons, 24,885 tons, 21,010 tons, and 17;303 imhrn Tl,e ST ?' =S ' tonn age totals in all torn, split up between- 3383 vessels. Tim steel four-tilasloil liar(|iie L'Avenir laiinclied by Messrs Uickmers fome fevv months ago to the order of L 1 Association Maritime, Beige, h;u just begun her maiden voyage, with Natal as her dostina- ' IP sohco!ship, has boon specially constructed for the purpose she is to serve, and is in every way equipped for the work that lies ljofcro her. She is not, of course, tho first oceangoing training ship to bo owned hv tho liel■gians, for in October, 1904, there wai Jaunched on the Clydo tho Comto de Smot, ue Naeycr. which vessel came to an uniner hm' U ' '' !<! :, - V sra Y ill April, 1906. Ino new vessel. L'Avenir, which lias accommodation for 80 cadeis, has a cargo capacity of 3700 tons dead-weight. She is built of German steel and wiil have tho highest classification with ill" Gorman Llovd and Bureau Veritas.

Tor some timo past tho shipping business of Bunbury has been practically at. a ftandstill, and it. was only bv au occwional- vHt from an inter-State liiier, which railed to ship a quantity of jarrali for one or tho other of tile States, that any of the jarra-l'i was-exported (sn.yis a. Sydney exchange). Ir now appears, however, that- this unsa'iisfactory state of affairs will be altered soon, and that he export trade of the port will be as brisk as ever, for a batch of vessels have, boon ordered to proceed there to load. Among the charters are the steamers Auehenblae, John Hardic, and Lismore for Lasteni porls; the barque Daktai for New Zealand ports, and s.s. St-rathondrick for , n S Including Iho above-named, tJie list Of-expected arrivals totals 10 vessels, eight steamers and two Norwegian barques, of 29.175 tons register. ' According. to tin.-, figure.* compiled by Mr llcniy N. Malan, the Ivogisi-rar-goncral of Shipping and Seamen, 83 steamers, of 55.945 tolls grces. an;l 29 sailing of 47C6 tons net, or a total of 112 vessels, of 60,651_ tons, were added to tho register of tho United Kingdom in .lulv this year, as compared with 137 vessels, of 77.055 tons in July last voir, 105 vessels, of 96,553 ton* ,m July, 1906, and 78 vessels, of 83,460 tone, m July, 1905. The registers we elo"«i during tho month of 30 steamsr of 45,583 tons gross, and 26 sailing .shipu, of 4715 tons net, or a total of 56 vessels, of 50,298 tons against- 73 vessels, of 52,379 tons, in July lasr year, 37 vessels, of 41,573 tons i„ July, ovessels, of 05,150 tons in July, 1905. The net increase of toiiiio.tro for tl'ie month has been 56 v(-~jls, of 10.555 tons wlnch_ compares with 64 yesfels, of 24,677 tons, in July last year, $ vessels, of s'i "oO tons, in July. 1906, and II vessels, of toils, ill July, 1905. tor the seven months net. addition to tho register < t the Lmted Kingdom has been 46,84b tone ns compared with 230,349 tons in the corresponding period of, last year, 406,940 tons in S tons in 1905, 322,307 tons in 1904 275,946 tons in 1900, and 503,305 tons in 1902,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 8

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 8

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 8