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i The Finger Post i POINTS ; TSie Right Road. i The Case of Mr. 0. BQUGHTOr i 5 (BY A DDNEDIS BErORTEP.,) 5 It is exceedingly diflicul 1 ; to get an aoLiiH: i' acquaintance with the constitution of n , uninlry unless ore lias live I for a timo ill (acc-to-facc view of its operation. Often 1 the exact moaniiit; of the words employed in s leseribc ilie working ol n cons itutioii can 2 .mly be got on the spot, and so it is with 1 .natters conccrning the individual members ; if every home.. To gain an accurate insight c tito ail'airs thkt once affected Mr Clcnuii' • lioughtr.Hj of No. 53 Furth-atrcet, Duuedin, , s a leportcr called at that gentleman's rcsi- ! - deuce and enquired : "Is it a fact that ymi s were once ailing with iadig'stion, and' that ;1 you are now quite cured ?" ii "That is so/' answered Mr. Boughton, 1 " and it is to Clements Tonic that niv gratit tilde is due for being in siiuh splemiiil c li.allh nb the present time. It was when ) f was living at Tuapcku West, about four oi live miles from Lawrence, where I was ! working, that my sufferings begun, ami a o . fellow-worUmn put ino on to taking the 0 remedy that cnreit me." © r ] "Had you been trying any other modi v ■ iue before you took Clements Tonic 1" '[ "I had taken several kinds, hut tiirv ,[ had no good effect; so that for fully five (I months I had to persevere with my work v under most tu.favonrable circumstances. [. My appetite got so frail (hat I scarcely evei _ lijoyed my meals, and many a day I had 0 not tlio least iiu'linalion for food. It dots j not take a great deal of that sort of lmsines> * to reduce a man's strength, as I found out 0 to my sorrow, mnl when sleeplessness alar started bothering me my vitality ran om "l all the more qui. lily. In this way I sonn heeamo so languid that I had no desire for r work at all, and with the feeling of drowsiness that settled upon me I was not in the right frame to tako interest in anything. 0 Nearly Ihe whole, of some nights passed " before I could get to sleep, and when 1 woke '* up it was usually with n nasty headache, *1 that tormented me for the rest of the uav. ! 1 bitter taste in my mouth gave my morn ing mtal im unpleasant flavour, and after eating ever so little I was ndlictcd with a heavy sensation in the chest, which seemed . to interfere with my breathing.(flint that was not the worst part of my troubles, as '8 my stomach used to become filled with 15 wind that arose from the undigested, food, ls and the pains that dso came there were severe in the extreme. A now experience ,s for mo, and one that I did not like cither, was to fin<l that my nervous system was ,f ' ureiitly run down, for when I had done a c > little exercise my nerves wore quite shaky, 111 and at other times they started to tremble if anything occurred that gave me a start. 16 Often a strange mist gathered before my r, eyes and gave me the. impression that little !) i dark sptels, like grains of soot, were dancit ing in front of me, while, to make my life '<1 still more miserable, there were aches in my id loins that somctimfcs made walking qnit<) :<l I am not altogether sure If- what, caused it, although I suppose it was a one of my indigestion symptoms; but there to mis a pain right mulct 1 my shoulder blades as that 1 could have done very well without; yet st. [ bad to bear every one of my ailments right .'(1 up to the time I s'lirtcd taking Clemcnla t. Tonic, and then, lam thankful to say, 1 ils soon began-to feel easier. Upon my word, I in never experienced such a rapid change foi ot the better in all my life, and my speedy rciv eovcry affords emphatic proof of the curing 110 capabilities of Clements Tonic, which I can iv safely say is a genuine remedy for ailmonU nb similar to the ones I suffered from." ;v- " Can you remember the first benefits you >r. derived?" ilv "To tell you the truth, I felt more vigoi,(s rous and cheerful after taking a couple of ml bottUs of Clements Tonic than I had been 111 for a long time, and the nppctile 1 got was v , ; , surprising, liy-and-bye I noticed that my v. hod was going through a proper process of ; ' u | dictation, for the wind and stomach pains i n . I' ft off annoying me, and the heaviness had • ()1 . i.;oho from my chest as well. For curing P ]f headaches and multing me sleep, besides ;l removing all pains and putting my nervous system into splendid fettle, I slmll nlwiya !j,( lieur pleasing recollections of Clements IVnie, and you tuny publish these facts for , r p .-tliers' benefit in any form you like,'' ETATUTORV DItCI.AUATIOX. n ',° I, Ci.nusT Eorenros, ct fiS Fortlistreet, Dinu- '''' iliii', In llic Colony cf New Maud, do soltmnlv and IV!' ,ii:'.'eifi\ denlare" lhat I have c:yeliill)' feail the li(. jmiMt'i Cuuumtut, coiuietin- ef lv.-o folios, and roiifecmivel.v numbered from one to two, ami ;iin! it t'cnliiiis and is a Irm and fiithful a?co:m\ i"-"- my iil"»»« and me t>v Wtinontß Tonic, and also ras contains "i.v lull ptruiiftion to publish in any way 1 t my clatenientr-which I ijivs voluntarily, without re- . . renins liny payment; antl 1 in»he thi» su!e(mi dc. his ; i|,v»t'wn conscientiously believing the sune to bo mie, anil liy viitiio of ihf |>rovKions o( *u Act t>! 11k r ;., Central AisiiuUy of Ncn- Zealand, intituled "'Th< . ' Inst'ceiol t'eace Act, 133''" lor !ior to < (/ iK-.lared at Punedin, IJiis fourteenth flay 0' •S" -kli, -me tiioiißuml rin» tiumlicit ami three ; ' UC m " T,«. I'ltYtU, j.r,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 2