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t ■» — SORT CHALMERS, Phases of the Moon. OCTOBER. First Quarlct ... .„ ... 3 „, 5.45 p.m Full Moon _ „. 10 ... 8.33 a.m. Last Quarter .., ... ... 17 ... 3.5 p.m. New Moon .... ,„ ... 25 «. 6.17 p.m. A:>ogeo ~. ... ••. .... 20 .... 2 p.m. Perigee - 8 ... 4 p.m. Sun rises to-day 4.56; sots 6.50. THE WEATHER. October 29.-8 a.m.: Wind N.E.; fine. Noon: Wind N.E.; line to dull. 5 p.m.; Wind N.E.; dull. Ba.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer -..: ~ 29.80 29.70 29.65 Thermometer ~, 51 65 58 FORECAST.-Mr Paulin telephoned at 8.50 last- jiigUt:—"Squally S.W. to N.W. jviads, and heavy rain showers. WEATHER REPORTS. (Per United Press Association.) WELLINGTON, October 29. Tito following arc the reports of the weather at 5 p.m.: — Ri!<sell.--\\ind N.E., light; Lar. 30.14, ther. b2 ;. cloudy; tea, moderate. .Munukau Heads.—Wind $~ breeze; bar. 39.14, iher. 63; fine; bad bar; sea moderate. Au:klaiid.-Wind S., fresh; bar. 30.13, tSu'f. 60; fmo. Tuuranga.—Wind N., fresh; bar. 30.03, tbnr. 62; tine; pea smooth. Knst IV.-V.'itul S.E., light; bar. 30.04, titer. 57; fine: tea. considerable. Gisixirne.-Wind W., light; bar. 30.00, t-liw. 56; line, sola-,- lialo; fea smcotli. Xapier.-Wind N.K., light; bar. 30.05, liter, 57; fine; sea smcotli, Wellington.—Wind N., brewe; liar. 29.24, ther. 59; fine. Castlepoint.—Wind N.E., breeze; bar. 29.30, ither. 57; line; sea. heavy. Cape Kginotit.—Wild S., fresh; bar. 30.13, titer. 59; cloudy; sea> moderate. Wangamii.—Wind W.S.W.. fresh; bar. 30.00, titer. 60; fine; (tea- moderate. Farewell Spit,—Wind W., fresh; bar. 30.10, liter. 65; fine; sea moderate. . Cape Foiihvir/1.-ffiihl S.W.. fresh; bai\ 39.03, titer. 53; cloudy: .sea moderate. Westport.—Wind SAV.. fresh; bar.'30.03. titer, 57; line; sen smooth. Cape Campbell.—Wind X., gale; bar. 29.81, ther. 52: cloudy; sea rough.' Kaikouru.-t-Uulm; 'bar. 29.76, ther. 62; fine; sea smooth. 'Nuggets.—Wind N., light; bar. 29.66, titer. 68; overcast; sea moderate. ISHiff.-Wind J,'.W., fresh; bar. 29.59, ther. 56; overcast. ' 1 HIGH WATER. October 30— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads ... 6.6 6.27 At Port Chalmers ... ..... ... 6.46 7.7 At Uuiiedin 7.16 7.57 ARRIVAL. Monowat, s.s., 3433 tons, Rolls, from Auckland, via East Coast ports, Co., agents. Passengers: Misses Darney, Seholan, Mcsdames White and three children, Henry, Martin, Buchanan, Messrs Taylor, White, Henry, Low, M'Kie, Drumntond, 11-'Plnil, N'eill, l'rascr, Dcnniston, Muriu; and 32 in the etceraprc. DEPARTURE. Kolarc, s.s., 79 tons, Treurn, for Waikuwa, and lnvercavgill. Keith Ramsay, agent. ) EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Clarence River.—Mary Isabel, barqucntine, to sail early. From Liverpool.—Gladys, barque, jailed August, 11. Lady Wolscley, barque, to sail October. From Portland.—Koko Head, barquentine, sailed September 27. From Melbourne.—Maheno, November 3. From Sydney (via Auckland).—TaraF.'era, November 1. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Waikare, October 31. From Auckland.—Talunc, November 5. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Manuka, November 3. For Sydney (via, Wellington).—Jlalicno, Kovember 4, Tor Auckland.—Monowai, October 30. For Melbourne— Waikare, November 1. OVERSEA STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. AT AUCKLAND. From Liverpool.—Devon, sailed September 19, via Sydney. Morayshire, sailed October 20. <T WELLINGTON. Corinthic, loft. Plymouth September 18, due November 3. Ruapehu, left Plymouth October 3. Matatna, left London October 9. Star of New Zealand, left London October 23. AT LTTTKLTOH. Araws, left London, October 16. AT TdRT CHALHIBS *XB DCKIDW. From London.—Papanui, October 3; due November 23 direct. From Liverpool.—Devon, Bailed September 19, via Sydney, due Dunedin about December 11. Surrey (via. Auckland', due about. November 5. Maori (via Auckland, V/ellinxton, and Lyttelton), left September 5, due Dtaiedin about November 14. Morayshire, sailed October 20, due Jan nary 7. From New York— Glendevou (via Australian and northern ports), left September 2. Clan Mtthewn, sailed July 25, vie Australian and northern pork). Kanmbe,' sailed Aurusfc 12. via Australian and northern porta. Goyranbttrn, soiled October 2, via, Australian porta. Indraghiri, to kj'l September 26. Aberlour. to 6f,il November 4. Daldorcb, sailed September 15. Mashona; to sail December 16. KQMEWARD BOSND. fiiesiiire left WelliDjjton August 27 for Avonn'outh. Indradevi, left Auckland on September 3. Norfolk, left Wellington Beptember 24, for Avonmouth. Tonga-mo, loft Auckland September 26, for London. lonie, called from Oisborite October 10, for London. Waimat.?, loft Wellington October 13.. Turakina, left Wellington October 22. Oswestry Grange, left Wellington October 24. PUOJESTEB BEPiirmSKES.' MOM YvEl.MNfi'esN. SJar of Australia, November 7. Aihcnic, about November 5. Kipjiingbim Grange, November 25. Kin Ora, iib-cert November 30. Paparoa, November 19. Ifakaia, November 21. SHIPPING TELEGRJ/MS. CAPE MARIA VAX DIEM EX, October 29—The Koroniiko. from Wessport to Suva, passed north at 6.20 p.m. yesterday.—Tie Westport Coal Company's stxyimerCanopus, front the ea-.;t, passed south aa. middav. AUCKLAND, October 29.-Arrived: Inga, from Newcastle; Taltue, front tlto south. Sailed: Ouerburn, for Xewcastle; Squall, icr Gisbornc. KAIPAKA HEADS, October 29.Sailod: Waraiah, schooner, for Dttnedin. WANGAXUI, October 28,—Sailed: Slorm (11.40 p.m. yesterday), for D-tmedin. WELLINGTON, Octoter 29,-Sailed: Waikare |7 p.m.), for souiltern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Passengers: For Lyttelton—SfodaiMs Norton, Gricrson and child, Mr Gricrson. For DunocHn—Misses Graham, Pierce, Mtalames Xisbet, Pepper and infant, .lolly. Messrs AJiorcromhie (2), Nelson, Alexander Ilcdl, Irvin, Dr Gilray, For Bluff—Misses Pcsare. For Hobart— Jli-s 1L Coppl'-ftoiic, Jlre HcwiTt. For Melkonrnc—Mk«'- IjJaine, Taylor. . Mcsdames I«.urie, Yoimg:—Sailed: Mamma (8.10 p.m.). for LyireHon. l"assongers: Misses Seod. Chiryne,, Mesdaines Pritchard and child, Chorlcy, Hale and child, Jcnkhis ijamben .lackswi and two children, Rev. Mr Wltito, Messrs Bold, Prctscr, Williams, Beoslcy. Gillespie, Charles, Pritchard, Bayford, Miitio, Traill, Mould, Rice, Pritchard, Morgan, Mason, M'Donald, North, Tanercd, AVliiloombe, M'Farkuie, Lambert, lieilby i 2), Jackson, Weir. AbboM. ' LYTT'EI/rON, October ?.9.-Arrived: Maori (6.55 a.m.). trom 'Wellinptcn (eonueded with first express); Moeraki, from Dttnedin. —Sailed': lwlmvclli, for Wellington; for WeUinirteti; Maori,' for Wellington. iNVEUCAIMULL, October 29.-ArriVed: Btvereargill (2 p.m.), from Dnnedin, CLARENCE I.IIVER, October 29.SaLl«l: Alem, for Now Zealand. NEWOASTLE, October 29.-r ! a:lcd; Brisbane, for Lyttcltou. BRISBANE, October 29.—Sailed: Moatw,. {nr. Vancouvor.

-<» TIIB DIP.ECT STEAMERS. AUCKLAND, October 29.—Airivctl: Of»T), from London. <»

The steamer Star of Scotland mot with .prompt despatch at the Victoria wharf yesterday, and, having finished her discharge, "sails .early this morning for Brisbane. The barque Marjory GJen will be towed down to an anchorage in Carey's Bay this i/iorning, and sails in a day or two for a West Australian,, port to load. Tlki Monowai arrived at Dunedin yesfarthy morning from Auckland, via East Coast jvorls, and sails on trip this after -"newj.

The Rio Logo is aboul ready for sea, and will sail the first'favourable opportunity for Kaipara. The Jiippingham Orange lias had her stay at Fort Uhahiiei's curtailed by a week, and is now under orders to sail on Monday next for the Uhitr. Timaru, and northern port, for Homeward loading. The barrpicntine St. Kikla, 189 tons, has lieen chartered to load a cargo of limber at Whangarei for Diuiedin. After discharging a cargo of Weslport coal for the Admiralty depot, at. Frcmantlo, the Union Company';; .'learner Komita will load a cargo- of hardwood at. liunhury for Now Zealant'/ ports. The Faparoa is lo load first at Timaru. ami _ proceeds thoncc 10 Bluff, klielloii, Napier, and Wellington, sailing from the last-named port on November 19 for London. The Maoriland S'camship Ccmpany's steamer Torgatden is to be renamed Holmdale, in honour of Captain Ilolin, of that company. The ficow Eunice, 171 lons, has been chartered to load a cargo of coal at Newcastle for a .\'ew Zealand port. Captain Strang, marine superintendent for liic Union Company, proceeded to Jjyltcllon yesterday to join the Moeraki, en rente to Sydney, where he will iuspe/t the now sieamer Makura. The Shaw-Savill liner Arawa is exppc'?d lo arrive al Wellington on December 1. h'hc •-• bringing 3000 tons of cargo for that, port. 1100 tons' for Lvttelton. 170 for Auckland, and a similar quantity for Dunedin. Captain .lohn Cibb, who lias been appointed to the command of the Union Company's new steamer Makura, will on relinquishing command of the Marama for that purpose baud over the latter vessel to the command of Captain Wort-all, who U at. present in temporary command of the Waikare. During the preliminary inquiry into the circumstances attending the recent mishap to the steamer Kapiti off Cape Tcrawhiti, Mr Lidiard. the chief oflicer, said lie was on the bridge at the time of the occurrence. He elated that at 11 o'clock on Monday nisht, 19lh inst., while the Kapiti was bound from .Wellington to I'atea, she ran over some submerged obstacle, the vessel cutting across the object at right angles lo its length. The Kapiti wits tiipn between two am! a-half and three miles oil' Capo Tcrawhiti. and the Brothers light wa.s well opened up. In company with (he engineer, the male sounded the h?ld, and found no leakage. As a result of the mishap, which was apparently dtto to collision with a .submerged obstacle, the vessel had a hole knocked in one plate amidships on the starboard side, about 7ft from the. keei. A few plates arc also dented in proximity to the damaged plate, but the only repair work necessary is a patch to be placed over the hole. During a. recent pas:33o from Qucor.siow.n to New York the White Star liner Teutonic rammed and killed a big whale. The occurrence happened when iho vessel was one day out. from Queens!own. T'lio etarlxmrd engines were stopped tor fear the carcase [ might become entangled in the blades cf the. propeller and do' damage b?yoH repair. Captain Harry Smith, [ of the steamship, s-tid .he had never brforu . met ai'tvlialo that f:e;i:;d eo persistently be.nt, on'self-destruction. "We sighed him about, half a- mile off o»r starboard how," bo said, "and as Ji? headed directly across our conne £ ordered the helm to be starboarded to swing (he vessel away from him. ■ The whale appeared lo be abut 50ft in , length, and only swam the faster when ho saw us swing. We struck him squarely, and ilic starboard bow of Iho Teutonic was , 'splashed high with blood." The Federal-Houldcr liner Oswestry I ('.range, which left Wellington on Saiurdav I for ' A\onmoul.:i, via. Monte Video, tcoic i.lio following New Zealand cargo:—From ■ Wellington: 1000 eavwises mutton. 520 cases preserved meats, 15 casks tallow, 350 bales , tow, 118 boxes, miliar, 469 cases cheese,.22l • packages machinery, 10 mtarters beef. 3 bales leather, 19 bags tin., clippings, 127 ■ bales hemp. From Auckland: 9 pieces boot, 2 boxes Imilcr, 319 sacks copra, 54 cases -gum, c8,55Gfl timber, 5 ton« toirk. From Port- Chalmers: 1000 carcasjs mutton, 5325.crates rahbits, 1533 sacks cats. ?. paok- ' ages sundries. From Jiylteflon: .300 sacks peas: From liluff: 10 carcases mutton. 118 carcases lamb, 4774 (rates .rabbits, 14,001 sacks oats, 387 bales flax. 231 caws preeerved meals. From Melbourne, tran- ' shipped a(. Vellingl-on: 721 packages harvesters and -parls for Bahia Hlanca.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14358, 30 October 1908, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14358, 30 October 1908, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14358, 30 October 1908, Page 4