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PORT O II A L M E R S , Phases of the Moon. OCTOBER. First Quarter 3 „ 5.45 p.m. full Moon ... .... ... 10 8.33 a.m. Last (Juarter ... 17 ... 3.5 p.m. Nir.v Moon 25 6,17 p.m. Apogee .m 20 . . 2 p.m. Parifc'-se 8 ... 4 p.m. Hun rises to-day 4,56; sets 6.48. Tlll'l WEATHER. October 2S.—B a.m.: Wind S.W.; fine. Nocn: Wind S.W.; fine. 5,; Wind N. 14.: fine., Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 30.00 29.90 29.90 TlicrmoiiKiiii' ... 48 60 58 FORECAST.—Mr Paulin telephoned at 9.25 last night :—"S.E. lo S.W. wind and lain showers." WEATHER REPORTS. (Pre I'xito Press Associatmh.) WFIJjIXfiTOX, Oi lober 28. The following are the reports of tiio Iraeuier at 5 p.m. : — Cape Maria Van Piemen.—'Wind 8„ fresh; liar. 31, thor. 60; clomlv; i-ea considerable. Kussell.—Wind S.W., breeze; bar. 30.00, tlicr. 61; line; sea moderate. Mamikau Heads.—Wind S.. fresh; bar. 39.03. liter. 53; fine; bar rough. Auckland.—Wind S.W, fresh; bar. 39.06, ihrr. 60; tine. Tauran-a.--Wind N.E., light; bar. 29.93, titer. 60; line; sen ,smooth. Fast Cape. - Wind S.E.. strong; bar, 29.93. I hey. 55: • cloudy; sea. heavy. Wellington.—Wind X., breeze; bar. 30.01, thor. 57: fine. Castlepoinl.—Wind S.E. light : bar. 30.00. thcr. 53; fine; sea moderate Xew Plymouth.—Wind S.W., light; bar. 39.09, thor. 58; hazy; sea moderate. Cipe Ecmont—Wind .S., lighi; bar. 30,09, thcr. 59; tine; sea inodcrale. AVangantii.—Wind S.W.. light; bar. 30.04, tlier. 60; fine; f.ea inoderaie Farewell Spii.—Wind W., fresh; bar. 30.03, thor. 58; fine: sea moderate. Cape Foulwind.—Wind K., fresh; liar. 30.10, titer. 58; showery; sea considerable. Wcstport.—Wind S.W., fresh: bar. 30.10, thor. 55; fin?; sea smooth. Capo Campbell.— Wind N., fresh; bar. 30.00, tlier 59; cloudy; sea moderate. Kaikoura.—'Wind X.U., light; bar. 39.00, thor. 57; fine; smooth. X'uEgots.—Wind'S.W., strong: bar. 29.90, thcr. 50:' cloudy; sea. moderate. Bluff.—Wind AY., moderate gale; bar. 29.35, tlier. 51; gloomy. Cape Egmont.—Wind S., light.; har. 30.09, tlier. 59; fine; sea moderate. . Tiio following is Captain Edwin's forecast. to 3 p.m. to-morrow:—Southerly moderate to strong at. all placcs. but changing io westerly .southward of Napier and W«.njrj.niii; little movement of barometer, northward of Napier, Wanganui, and Hokitika, hut. falling elsewhere. . HIGH WATER,. October 29— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads 5-18 5.36 At Port Chalmor-j ... .... 5.58 6.16 At Dunedin ... 6.28 6.46 ARRIVALS. .Kotare, s.s., 79 tons, Trcurn, from Lyttolton. Keith Ramsay, agent. Kcpnya, «.s.. 1091 tons, Nicholson, from West' Coast, via 'tbo Bluff. U.S.S. Company, agents. .Star of Scot.laj-.d', s.s., 6230 tons, Mannhart, from New York, via Australian amd northern ports. Swift and Co., agents. ■ DEPARTURES. Magic. aAix. scow, 58 tons, M'Lcllan, for Tautuku. Mceraki, p.s.. 4392 ions, Werall, for SydJioy, via. Cool; Strait. Passengers; For Lyttolton—Mr Clark-son, Captain M'DcmaJd. Per Wollington—Misses Pachls3, Bu'rk, C'emison (2), Jlcsdames Maloaoy, Roid, ICrridge, Gillies, Roberfeon. and infant, Torrance and child, Messrs Eagnall, Broad, Tripe, For Sydney—Misses Brcderick, Collet t. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Clarence River.—Mary Isabel, bircpientine, to sail early. From Liverpool.—Gladys, barque, sailed August 11. L?,dy Wolseley, barque, to sail October. From Portland.--ICoko Head, barqtientine, eailed Sejitcmbsr 27. ' From Melbourne.—Maheno, November 3. From Sydney (via Attcklnnd). —Taraivera, November 1. _ From Sydney (via. Wellington).—Wail;are, October 31. From Auckland.—Monowai, October 29. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Manuka, November 3. For Sydney (via Wellington).—Maliono, November 4. For Auckland.—Monowai, Octobor .30. For Melbourne.—Waikare, November 1. OVERSEA STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. AT ADOCLAKP. From Liverpool.—Devon, sailed September 19, via Sydney. Morayshire, sailed October 20. at \7i;ui:;ctox. Corinihic, left. Plymouth September 18, due November 3. Kuapehu. left Plymouth Octofcar 3. Ma lata a, left London October 9. Star of New Zealand, left London October 23. AT LYTTEI.TOX. Arawi, left London Ootobsr 16. AT rOET CIULUiERS AND BUXUDIK. From London.—Papanui, Octobor 3; duo November 23 direct. From Liverpool.—Devon, sailed SepUmber 19. via. Sydnoy, duo Dunedin jibout December 11. Surrey (via Auckland'. duo about November 5. Maori (via Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttolton), left September 5, due Dunodin about November 14. Morayshire, sailed October 20, due January 7. From Now York.—Glendevon (via Australian and northern ports), left Seplaralwr 2. Clan Matheron. sailed July 25, vii Australian and northern port*. Kazjiabs, sailed August,l2. via Australian c.nd northoni porta. Gowanburn, Bailed Ootobtr 2, via Auutralim portn. Indraghiri, to sail S«ptember 26. Aberlour. to sail November 4. Ualdorcb, sailed September 15. Mashona, to sail December 16. HOMEWARD BOUND. Fi fcsiiini left. Wellington August 27 for Aroun'oulli. Imlradcji, left Auckland on /ieptembcr 3. Norfolk, left, Wellington Ssptomber 24, for Avonnioutb. Tongariro, left Auokland September 26, for I/ondon. lonie, sailed from Uisborno October 10, for London. Waimat®, left Wellington October 13. Turakina. left Wellington Ociobnr 22. Oswestry Grange, left Wellington October 24. PRBJECTED DEPjUITURES. yP.OLI WEI.MNGTOX. Sjav of Australia, November 7. Atbenic, r.bout. November 5. Rippingham Grange, November 25. Kia Ora. about November SO. I SHIPPING TFJj'RGRAMS. ADOKIjAND. 28.—Arrjvsd: Septal!, from Gishorne. Sailed early: Athonio and Kaaoinbe, for ,t.he south; Navun. for Fiji; Okin Maiiteson, for tba spti'.h: Canopiis. for Wi;si-porl; Iltutpiri, for liLsborn". lIO'vIAXt !A HEADS. October 28.An'ivod; MtJljcurne, from Mclbauriio. WELLINGTON, Octabev 28. —Arrived: Wailrai'e. from Svdnioy. Passengers: For Lytiobon— -J. Xorlon, .Joshua, L.tile, Mi& Crigc, Ilavolaar, .Jones, lh.rncs, anil Johnsoa, llctsrs W, Carter, .1, Norton, J. Liitle, W. H. Morion, W. Forsyth, C. Williams, AVilliamson. C. Alexander, Kingstvell, J)r Slater, and LieuU'liaTit 15. Hcwitl; and 33 stp.?rago. l-'or iliuiedm—Mis* .letfs, Mecsrs K. • W. ltichanfe. ticonoy, T. W. l',lait, W. C. Young, ivnox; ami 21 steerage. Sailed: Maori (8.10 p.m.), f.;r Lytnclton, with 169 passengers. LYTTI'ILTOX, October 28.-ATrived: Maiwroa. (8.40 a.m.), from Wallington (connccfied witli rceuiid cxprea); Wostralia (7.20 a.m.), from Duncdiu. —Sailed: Monow;;i. for PuTicdin. Pas.;engors: 'Messrs Murie an.:l Frnscr. —Sailed: 11.M.5. Encounter (5 P' lll ')' Nelson; Ngabore (r.csv Blackbll idlier). for Groymoulk: Jfarairoa, for Wellington: Wcstrab'a, for Wellington, Xapirr, Giabcnic, and Auckland. TBIART7. October 28.—Arrived: Raka110a. (6.30 a.n>.). from Dm-,«lin. INYERCtVRGILL, October 25.-Arrived: Rakiura. (5 a.m.), from Dunedin. SUVA. October 28.-Sailed: Taisemaru; Alua. The Governor (Sir F. M. Thurm) is a paasenger bv tin; Atua. SYDNI'JY, October 26.—Arrived: Handa. Jflo, from New Zealand. —Sailed: Victoria (ihio evening), for Auckland. MELBOURNE, October 28.—Sailed: Maheno, for tbia Bhdf. FRICMANTLI'I, October 28— Arrived: Moklavitt, from London, Faaengers for Xow Jtoalacd. For Wellington—Messrs Clcndining. Wall, L'utchon. Wilson. Parkinson, 'iasker. Mcs'.lanics Gkndiniiig, llutcliison, Parkinson, Taster, Reid, Misses Glendining (3), iluk-.liison, Smally (?.), Ta.sker, Mandcr. For AackJand— ilfjsrs Taj lor,

iTiftiiioion. Blytho (2). Rogcrson, M'Ktty, Master liivili, Mi-sdamrs 15!> 1 li, Taylor, I Mmcs Taylor (_?), .huniosnn, I'ogerson (2). ■ I'or r,ytlello])--.\if.nv-i Wilding, Sl.'inger, Kinilli, Koan. Me.-dame. W<\<t, Stringer, , (11 Tmten, We-t 13), Glasgow, For Nii|jicr—Mif.i (J!ci:dinii:<(. Fcr Dun-oilin—Mce-rs Melvin, Aitken, Mis Ikole. For N'o'.-oii—-Mr Mercer. Th? Uiiicn Company's strainer Wnitemam sailcil from Xowiastle yesterday with II cargo of txval for Fiji, when- i-:lio will lead ;i cargo of .sugar ft.r Auckland. Tht* Meertiki Ktikd from Dmicdin yosler(lav afternoon for Sydney. via. Cook Strait. Th? slow eomnlolcd her discharge ill Dimedin on Tt'.r.'day evening. ;int| saiU'tl early ye.;t?rd.iy morning for taulukn. -Mr .1. Downcs proceeded io Sydney by llu* Moeraki yesterday to join lit? W;ii-rutt-a. a;, that. j>ort as second oflicrr. Tlio Koonya. arrived at, Diatedin aljcttl 6 a.m. yittwby from West I'oael pori*, and fails again ic-morrow afternoon on (lie icturu I rip, via. Oamarit ar.d way fors. Th? Koi.iT;> arrived y-..-:rrrlay morning from LvtC'lion .'ii'-l Tiimini. Slip jail-i «fe-iin this afternoon for Invcrearglil and Waib.iva. tlrodg? ?.V. nones out of (lock to-day, hikl lrr place will h? Liken by the iu<? Kopit'ai. Tlio I'altiiit! is io bo docked about No/ember 10. Air 1) ['. Lilley. hl<-* chief ofiicor of iiia Manuka, proceeds to Sydney byllioMoorakt this irip in join tko now steamer Mtikuia, Th" Kotate brought 204 loin of transhipments from Lvtlclton tlti.i irip, ex stcampr Tn:lrav?!!i, from Canadian ports. Tbe Koiaro irade tlr- u-ip down in 30 hons, <|f;pi!o hc-ivv -oitilsvilv wea'hor ami high TI.o Shaw-Sav.vl 1: r.or Kia Ora i« to ] it main tit. Port- Chalmers until about No-l-rmbor 10, wh";i slip proceeds to northern port; fci* Homeward loading, and c .'u!s for London on November 30, arriving ilitre about January 10. in time for ike woo! sals rai .TaiiU'iry 10. Captain Coll M'Donahl was a pa=scn.?cr by I lie Mosraki for Lyltclrcn yreWilay, and on arrival there will relieve Captain Worra.ll, who transfers lo tbo Waikaro. i C'upiaiu ]i, f-ljotl v,ill relieve Cap-ain-•Vl'Donald at Wellington, a;;d take tlio Moeraki cn her trip lo Sydney. The bnrtpi; Gladys, which tailed from Lirerpsol on. .August 11, is wider tbo commaud of C'aplain S. Porriam, who formerly commanded several ve«c!s under the Shaw■Suvi.ll fu-'/. Ti::' CJlarlvs should arrive at. flicrlly, (and. jiflor discliargin.'f there, will ocmplfio at Diiiicdi:'. Tito Ty.-c:' strainsr Siar of Srotland arrived at Dtinedin yrglei'day afternoon from New York, via Sydney, Mrllxutrne, and northern poi'U. Her voyage Ihrousliciit was. marked by fine weather and quiet despatch at all ports of pall. >S':p has 560 torn of general cargo to put out hero, a-i\l is expeetcd to sail to-morrow afternoon for Lrisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide lo load wool for Dunkirk and Liverpool, via (lie Sue?, ('anal. Captain •T. Mamihart is in command, his officers living Mr J. W. Paine (chief), Mr J. Boycf (second), Mr A. Brownlic (third),' Mr W. Uoe (fourth), Mr J. Thomas (fifth). Mr T, A. Armitage is chief refrigerating engineer and Mr G. Crefffon is second, Mr Montague being stcward-iiveharye. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Turakina, which sailed last Thursday from Wellington for London, took the following exports: —From Wellington--14.089 boxes butter, 3127 eases chcose, 1195 bales wool, 523 bales skins, 11 casks pelts, 239 caoks (allow, 1277 bales hemp, 23 bales leather, 35 bales basilo, 19 bales tow, 4 bales marrow, 8717 carcases mutton. 14,899 legs lamb, 2G6 carcass lamb, 2963 legs mutton, 60G0 ca=r« corned beef, 1 pic-eo frozen beef. From Lyttolton—ool bides wool, 12,855 carcwM rmition. 1339 carcass's lamb, 245 bales sheepskins, 3 bales hair, 00 tales libre, 235 bales tow, 156 casks peits, 21 casks casings, 200 casks tallow, 574 boxes Initler,' 5"5 pieces (legs) mutton, 52 bales basils, 118 casks prom, jiw., 15 casks skivers, G9 packages sundries. For Hull—4l bales wool.' From Auckland— £987 boxes butter, 145 e3?ca chec-v. From Timarti—sll lwles wool, 158 bales sheepskins, 2 bales liair, 69 casks pelts, 19 casks casings, 128 casks ta.'.low, 313u saelcs oats, From Dunedin—24i4 carcases mutton, 473 carcases lamb, 1073 crites rabbits, 245 bales sheepskins, 99 bales l-a'obitskius, 1 bale hair. £5 bales libre. 37 bales low. 17 casks pelts, 1 cask casings. 142 casks tallow, 102 sacks fc-cne. 11 packages sundries. From- ItivcrcaraiH—ls9 bales wool, 40 bales sheepskin?, 0444 earcascs mutton, 255 carcascs lamb, 171 nicc-rs mutton, 100 boxes kidneys, 3519 crates rabbits. 42 bales rabbitskins, 4 eases meat extract, 1 Inlo hair, 579 tales fibre, E5 bales tow, 16 r casks pelts, 2 c,v-ks cyiii'-s, 9. r 6 picees timber, 72 .-3cks grass f«p(l. 1 package Fimdries. From Oamaru—22o wool. z?. bales sheepskins. 10 bl.'clr; istone. Also 49 stud rams for Monte Video. " OCEAN MYSTERIES. One of the strangest mysteries ever re.corded was that told by the cflicers and crew of the American Iwrijite Ellen Austin, which sighted a derelict olf the Ameriran coast in 1881. Tlio tloi'cliot appeared to bo in good condition, ar.d there was absolutely nothing to explain why she bad been dosc'i'tcd b»y her officers and erow. A prize crew was placed in charge, and tho Ellon Austin parted company with the derelict, onlv to pic!; her up again a few days later. To tli c tonstcroation of evcryIffldv, slio was oncc nvorc trace be.iug discernible of any of her prize crew. After great, difficulty a second crew v.'as induced to lake charge of the uncannjderelict, and once more, the two_ vessels parted company, but thir= time this mysterious vessel disappeared, and neither vessel nor crew were over heard of again. Tbo brig Mavio Celeste is another vessel witb an uncanny wducb hns 1>»11 satisfactorily explained. A writer in the Globe, in attempting to throw soiao light cn this remarkable vessel, suggests the oxistoncc of sottc marine, monster as a possible solution of the lnyEloiy, and advances the following theory:— "The trading ?.tarie Celeste Postoii about 40 years ago with cargo for the Mediterranean. fibc manned by a crew of 17 hand:"., 'winlo the. captain was accompanied by bis wiip and little jfiii 1" <b:e course she was sighted outside ill? St rails of Ciljralta.r, apparently making for the passage. Rut it soon hecaiuo evident to those on hoiv ibat sho was not under control, and a 1.-oa-t v;as ilespaUhed lo hoard her. She was found tn he absolutely abandoned; but the desertion of her captain aiut crew, if 1 dcs;.rl ion' it. were, was of tl:e lnos*. e?.ivnordinary nature. All sail was sot, and not. a li'par or rope was out of plate. Xol 0110 of the brig's boats was missing: the captain's papers anil valuables were intact; while both in the labin and forecast!« a. freshly-cooked and balf-ccnstuncd dinner was 011 tlio table. Only one suspicious sign wan to be seen—a single doqi cut. en t hough made by the blow <f au axe, en iho bulwarks. " 111 spite of ill inquiries. 110 lid'.t ever thrown upon the mystery. Not one of the crew, nor yet l.he captain or bis wife and child, was over heard of. Piracy ant] mutiny seemed alike out of the question; thero wai 110 blcod, no sign of a struggle. Tko frcihnoss of the half-eaten meal, end the fact that the brig was making to directly for the Straits, pointed conclusively lo the recent, occurrence of whatever raiastioplio had taken place, lv. was bclioved by many at the time that some sea-serpent, or lit i;:asi. soinc eiitlle-tinh or squid, had reared itself upeii t';c vcsel's deck; had swept From his post the steersman—'.ho sole mail :in ihargo; and 1 lion, as one after another bad come 011 deck lo learn tbo raason of the vessrel's wring from her course, had dealt with each in turn. The cut on the bulwarks might, mark a.ll attempt at self-defcnco by at ! one member of the. luckless crcw. Tbo theory was scouted by the science of the time; bur. sricncp. is older and wiser now by 40 year'.' 1 The Marie C<'!osio was spokon In midAtlantic on ]).?eeml>."-r 4. 1875, by tbo captain of the Highlander, and was then reported "all well." Tlio two w.-els signalled and parted comrany. Two days later the ship wr.s hailed by another and 110 responeo was mad". A. brat was launched, and upon boarding the Mario she was found lo have been abandoned. Those appear to be all the known facts of this my.'.ioi'ious case.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 6