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The Wanganui Edtioalion Board lias deoitlod to erect its own schcolbuiklings, as a insult of difficulties witlx contractors. A lady write: ''Wyandotte" is tlio finest thing that wo have found yet. Wo use it when washing, and the clothes wash ever so much easier, quicker, and whiter."... Motor cars to the value of £3,581,880 exi»rt«l from Franco during the first eight months -of 1908, as compared with care valued at £3,884,253 during the same pariod in 1907 J. Waters, Chemist, lias Water Glass for Egg preserving. 8d a tin.... Tlio Christahureh City Council at its last meeting decided to donate tlio sum of £25 to the funds of the Christohurcli Musical and Literary Competitions Sooicty. Tlio prize funds amount to some £700. 'What I a tailor-mado suit or costume for 655? Quite true.—Jim. Densem, 23 Gcorgo street.... Emigrants arriving in Canada between •January 1 and February 15, 1909, will be required tc have in thou - possession a minimum amount of £10. Persons arriving after February 15, 1909, must have £5. A spseial offer of 100 ladies' shirt blouses with linen collars and cuffs in nice light stripes, and suitable for holiday wear, to be sold at 3s lid and 4s 9d each. These will certainly go early at Christie and Co.'s, drapers and clothiers, jVlosgiel.... A post mortem on a horse which died at Himitamgi, presumably from colic, revealed the presence of no less than two korosono tinfuls of saml in lire animal's stomach and intestines. Thomson and Cu. Moray place, opposite First Church, have the largest and cheapest stock or headstones, etc., in Dimcdin to tcleet from. Telephone 2296.... Paris fashions decree that ladies' hat 3 are to bo worn larger than ever during the coming winter. A model now on view and trimmed with beaver, intended for afternoon wear, is ever a yawl in diameter. Water Glass for preserving Eggs, tins Bd. At Waters, Chemist, 20 Princes street... '"Anyone who wants lo know what any law is under which we live," said Mr G. Laurenson at Lyttelton the ether evening, "lms now only lo buy five voknwr, and tlien ho will have every statute at Land— and they number 208!" I shall ttso "Wyandotte" as long as I clean.... For stealing the overcoat of a lifeboatman who had just gone out to live aid of a ship in distress, a visitor to Wakon-on-Naze was sentenced at Thorpe, Essex, to six months' hard lalxnir. Any sore relieved and cured by Bod Cross Ointment; cures burns, scalds at nice.—iWvt. Mr K K. Simpson, al a vvocJ-clnssinjj meeting at Feilding, said ihat a membar of ono of the large companies of \vco[brokers in the Old Country recently wrote to him to the ell Vet that the greatest drawback to the s;ile ol" New inland wcol at Home was faulty clasri'ication. " Take a bottle home to-night." Wilson's Hall. Extract will cure that "tired feeling," indigestion, and all similar troubles. Price Is 6d. Call at Sprosen's. chemist, Octagon.... A farmer who for some years reside*; in f-'outh Canterbury, but wiio removed 12 months ago to tile North Island, says that i.hough the land is much cheaper up there than 111 the eouth, net nearly such geed >osiilts can l:o obtained from if. and ho intends io sell out his new lidding and Heturn to Canterbury at tl'.e earlier?:, opportunity. Taicri electors should lake- notice of the splendid value now being i given at Messrs A. F. Choyjie and Co.'s fiiniitui'o warehouse, livcrylhing up-to-date in beautifully-made furniture. Repairs executed in the'best mawier possible..*

A trockload of ground lime, consigned lo a district settlor, caught tiro in the Wytulliaril Ityilway Station yard, l the combustion tains caused by water getting into Ihe truck through a leak in the tarpaulin cover. This (says ihe Farmer) should. tend U> illspel an idea, prevalent with fome people that ground lime is not properly burned. Tho New American l'ilo Cure gives caso and comfort first application. Absolutely tho beet remedy on the market. 2s at .Marshall's Pharmacy... ficcauso the familiar ercam pandling ou the upper portions of (ho Ureat Western Railway Company's carriages is cxpjnsivo io keep clean, it has beer, decided lo pain l, the rolling stock wholly chocolate brown. The high standard of quality, fit, excellent finish, and reasonable prices argue for the supremacy of our madc-to-meaeurcx suits.—Herbert, llaynes, and Co. (Ltd.;, Dunedin.... Because she had dropped her spectacles out of tho window, a woman travelling between Ilarlow and Burnt Mill, Essex, pullet! the communication cord and slopped a train. We recommend ihe use of "Wyandotte", wherever one is desirous of keeping things sweet- and clean.. . Mr John Redmond, interviewed in New 'iork on his recent visit, said Ireland would very shortly get autonomy. The emigration from Ireland would grow lets, and ill the end practically ccdfo. Frank 11. Biakeloy, surgeon dentist, 174Princes street, South (over ICilroy and Sutherland's!. Telephone 1483... The ]ns|iector-irej:enl of Schools, Mr George Hogbcn, i.n his exhaustive rcpor' upon educational institutions in Kurope and America, mentions (.hat. tho Italian educational authorities, without, any suggestion from himself, made particular inquiries about the New Zealand fehoel Cadci system. "Their interest due," slates Mr Iloghen, " to the fact that they thought they saw in such a system a key to the solution of the problem of national defenco without entailing upon tho people burdens too heavy to be ljorno." All skin eruptions, sore legs, varicose ulcers quickly cured with Red Cross Ointment. While tho servants of Ihe Hotel do Sczavaline, Paris, were at. diniwr a few weeks ago on-2 of the chambermaids, who had been discharged because of a complaint made by a, waiter, crept, behind Ihe man, tilted his chili up, and cut hits throat with a carving knife. She then poisoned herself with carbolic acid. Housework 'will be made much pleasanler l>y having a gas stove. A. and T. Burt (Ltd.) are agents for all John Wright and Co.'s patent gas requirements They are tiic best.. Clean, cool, and economical.... A Victorian contractor for eroding shelter sheds at a State sshool. when digging' a hole for one of the posts, unearthed a nugget of gold'weighing 440z. It is new ground where the find was made, but it' is in a Government reservo for sohoo! purposes, and it is not known yet if the miners will be allowed to work on it. (iround not far away was very rich in (lie early days. " Wyandotte" is an excellent disinfectant. Sprinkle it about, drains and sinks.... In order that a woman, aged 76, who is now in nbjout licvoyty, should not he disqualified for a, pension in January, several members of the Luton Board of Uuardians agreed at a meeting to subscribe privately for her support until the pension scheme comos into operation. Write lo Brown, Ewing, and Co., Dunedin, for illustrated catalogue of summer fashions—pestago 2d... For a long time it was the practice of tho Magistrate's Court to send to hotelkeepers a copy of each prohibition order issued, but (says Iho Lyltolton Times) tho system involved a great amount of work, and the officers of the local court adopted tho simpler method of sending out weekly lists giving particnlais of all orders issued. The method has been approved by the Department of Justice, and special forms havo 'been printed and forwarded to all the courts of the Dominion. Tho new electrically-driven machinery and pneumatio plant installed by Itogen and Clarkson for dressing stone is now completed. This firm can now supply all kinds of monuments and headstones in anv design, cheaper than tho imported article. Call and inspect at Rosen and Clarkeon (late G. Mtmro and Son), monumental sculptors, Moray place... An alarming experience recently befe! a boy named Bridgeborn, who resides with ltis parents at.L.aunceston. Tho lad, who is only 13 years of age, and possesses a turn for mechanical engineering, had improvised a boiler out of an oil drum; It was three parts full of water. The, fire was alight underneath, when the safety-valvo refused to act. Tho consequence was a violent explosion. The boy was badly scalded, and braised so much that medical attention had to lx> sought. Pram quilts, rags, inverted gas fittings, copper boilers, etc., wonderfully ehcap and excellent quality at Loclihead's (Ltd.), corner Hope and Walker sts. See for yourselves. Out of 30 applicants for , iho position of male attendant at a Wellington Benevolent Home nino gave no written information, and failed to appear personally. v Of the 21 remaining soven only were colonials or colonists of over five years' standing Of these two were married, two had been recently incapacitated through ill-health, two were under 25 years of age, and one was a " failure." Two applicants wore colonists of less than five years' residence, and 12 wero " new chums." Electric radiators aro superior in every ' way to gas. Descriptive pamphlet obtainable from the National Electrical and Engineering Company (Limited), 47 Crawford street... The officially-announced decision of the Hutnber Company to concentrate the whole of its works at Coventry has occasioned very serious concern at Decston. A thou-. sand hands havo been employed in the cycle and motor industry at Bccston, which owes much of its development to the Humbsr Company. "Top-notch" qualities in men's boots aro specialties at Cookham House. We saw to-day two lines that were remarkably faultless in appearance, individual in style, and perfect-fitting. They' both havo tho new "Yale" or "Duckbill" square tcca, and are really most handsome and graoeful-looking. Tho one is in tan willow calf, with Derby front and leather-lined, at 28s 6d; the other is in box calf, whole goloshed, with patent back straps and watertight fronts. Both boots are made with extra wide welts and doublo soles. Tho price of tho lastmentioned is 27s 6d a pair, and—well, they look worth every penny of it I For higholaes footwear, Cookham House, Princes street, are undoubtedly leaders!... Tho Wellington Corporation officials havo found an incidental advantage in dog shows. The official who is responsible for the collection of tho dog tax can go to tho show, mingle with the crowd, catalogue in hand, and inquire, as most do, about the merits of tho dogs. The proud owners are naturally communicative, and conversation goes briskly ahead; then the question of registration is touched on. The result, is that many fanciers arc cautioned for their remissness in the matter of the registration fee. Our now goads are really far and away the most taking wo have ever seen—not tho kind which is loud in pattern extreme in shapo that you want to admire at a, distance, but pretty, taking novelties that you havo a hankering after, and that vour pttrso can well afford to let you possess. Lovely floral cambric belts at Is lid; rich silver-plated belts from Is lid to 10s 6d; thousands of dainty shades in washing Lisle gloves, IOJd, 16 (xi, Is lid; kid gloves galore, 2s 6d upwards. Our blouses are a dream—in embroidered muslin, lace printed delaine, hand-sewn cambric, and washing silk—priecs from 2s 11<1.—At T. Rcss's, 130 Princes street... Tho hat of a little boy of the middle ages was discovered 'built- into the masonry during the repairing of the tower of Little Sampford Church, near Saffron Walden. It. is a rather quaint thing in black felt, and ornamented with gold lace- The tower was built, in 1450. The hat is now in tho Saffron Walden Museum. The powerful ilamo arc lamps under JlolIkons' verandah wero erected _ by tho National Electrical and Engineering Company (Limited).... Some statistics showing the amount of wages paid out of every sovereign taken, in various trades were given by Mr John I'earee, who preside! at the third ordinary policial meeting of the "J.P." Restaurants. As a result of inquiries which ho had, rai dMr Pearee, ho had discovered that out of every sovereign received in ihe furniture and hardwire trade 4s Kkl. was paid in wages; in the cotton trada it was 5s 4d: in iho brewing Irade ls 6d; on the railways 6s 3d; in coal-mining 7s; ?r;-i in temperance tat-firtng 5s 2d. A quarter of a pound o? " Wyandotte " in a kero.-eno tin of water is tlw cheapest and best, egg- preservative you cv.n get...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 12

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OMNIUM GATHERUM Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 12

OMNIUM GATHERUM Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 12