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W KDXESDAY, OcTOBEIt ?.S. (Before Mr 11. Y. Widdowson, S.M.) Dninkotincfis.—A lirsl offender for drunkennoss was lined 7s, in default 2', liours' imprisonment. Absent, Ivom Ship Without T.cave.lJimiol M'lhdo anil Stanley Henry Todd, IIT. 1 " 1 ! 11 t ' 10 sloiUncr Kiiranioa, ' pleaded 'Unity" to being absent from tlio .>.lllll on the 26th inst.—Tlio cliiof officer gave evidence as t<i the absence of the men, mm of whom said lhal after being 50 days conlined on bosrd a. ship and oil arrival in rort he thought Iho warn wore entitled to u liltlo relaxation on shore, and ihe oilier defendant said lie was only absent from (lie ship for about four hours.—The men wore lined two days' pay (6;) each, 9s court Costs, and wore senium od to throe day.,' imprisonment awl ordered to be phrcd oil board the ship when die failed. I---"lit,'!) of llie Shops and (Wires Arl.— It. Nelson wan charged under the Shops Cir.l Oilioe-T Art v.'itli failing to dese his shop at 1 o'clock <ni one day during the week, as required by the net.—lnspector Bally stated that defendant was a watchjimker ami jcwdler carrying on business in George street. The shop was dosed al I p.lll. or the afternoon of the weekly halfholiday, hut- was opened again in the evening. Defendant had an explanation to offer in connection with tlio occurrcnto which might induce tlio court to deal leniently viih him.—Defendant, who pleaded "Guilty," explained that. hifhad opened lii-i shop again on the halfholiday evening (Saturday), not for tlio purpose of transacting' ordinary business, but to keep an appointment with a person in regard to Ihe fulfilment of an order. 110 had done a similar thing on one Saturday night before, hut was not aware that he was breaking tlio law.—lnspector Hally said the shop 011 the occasion wan lit up, ami this ' fact invited trade and caused annoyance to other traders.—A small fine of 10s and costs was imposed under tlio circumstances. Unregistered Begs.—John Smith, Yung Moo, Richard 1!. llill, John Thomas Langston, Andrew Ingram, and James Gunning were each fined 15s and 7s costs for keeping unregistered dogs, and John T. l'oss, who had sinec registered his dog, was fined 5s and costs (7s). Ilomanded.—Edward M'Kenzio, charged with committing an at Mcsgiel, was, on the supination of Sub-inspector Norwood, remanded to appear on November 2. Alleged Robbery and Assault,—William and Alexander Walquist, for whom Mr A. O. Ilanlon appeared, pleaded " Not guilty " to a charge of assaulting and rabbin? one Edward MGalium of the sum of about £15 on the Ocean Beach sandhills 011 October 20.—Sub-inspector Norwood stated that M'Callum, who was working on the Catlin'n itiver railway works, arrived in Dunodin on the 26th inst. with about £17 12s ilv _ his possession. Ho bought some clothes ill town and spent a few shillings in other ways. Ho met the ' accused William Walquist 011 Monday afternoon in Stafford street, where they vera joined _ by the olher accused, Alexander Walquist. The evidence would show that tl(o accused were afterwards scon running ! o-way, and that the notes wore afterwards i seen in the possession of Alexander Wal- ; quist.—Edward M'Callum, labourer, said I ho arrived in Dunotlin with about £16. I Ho had two drinks at different hotels in 1 Huncdin, and afterwards spent £1 2s in clothes. 110 met William Walquist in Stafford street, and the latter said "Good tiny to him. Witness told accused ho thought Ik had lest his purse, and accused directo:! his attention to where his purse was, saying. "If I was a dishonest man I could have taken tlio purse." After some conversation they walked together to the beach, having 0110 or two drinks 011 the way, and witness purchased a flask of whisky. He hud three £5 notes in liM purse when leaving the last hotel. J. hoy each had some drink from lh D flask on tho way from St. Kilda to St. Glair. Accujcd offered to gointo an hold on the ! way for liquor, but witness refused to give him money. Accuscd and witness woro afterwards on the Sandhills, and Will. Walquist, after asking for ,i drink, closnoil JllO arms round witness and put his hand in hi* pockot, taking out his purse containing notes and silver. Accused returned the purse jo witness with some silver in it, but without tlio notes. Witness discovered that the notes wero missing, and oa-id, " i'ou have taken t ! he notes." Accused asked him to feel his pockets to see if ho had the money, but witness failed to find it. Witness told William Walquist that he would inform the police. During tho f time William Walquist was struggling with | liim Alexander Walquist was standing about I five or six yards away. This was when ! William Walquist was talcing his purse. Witness then went to tho St. Kilda Police Station, and informed llie police of what had occurred. Both accused complete strangers to witness.—To Mr" HunI 011: He had ££2 105 in his puree when at Caflins. Ho paid tho storekeeper and butcher aj. Chvaka some accounts, and had about £17 in his putso when ho left there, and ho stopped at Balclutha 011 Saturday -night, the 24th -inst, 110 had paper money in his puree when he was in one of tlio Dunolin hotels, but did not look to roc what tlie notes wero. Witness was quite satisfied that accused took £13 or £1-1 out of tho purse when ho took it from witness.—Jane Williams, licensed secondhand dealer in Stafford street, gave evidence thai. M'Callum wont to her ?hon hotween 3 and 4 p.m. on the 26th inst". II; coukl be seen that he had had some drink, but he know what he was doing. !Je lwun'lit some elotlios. and paid 5s towards - n dress purchased by a woman who came into the shop. When he opened up his l'urse ho took two £5 notes out of if and gave witness £2 in notes out of which to take £1 3s 9il for goods purchased. He put the notes back inlo hw purse.—Joseph Biggins, licensee ef tho Ocean Bcach Hotel, St. Kilda. stated that ho romem- I nercd William Walquist going into his notd on tho evening of the 26th inst. Accused was accompanied by M'Callum, and t.hov both had a drink, and M'Callum purchased a small flask of whisky. Ho noticed silver and notes in the purse from which M'Caliuni look tlio moncv lo pav lor the drinks. M'OaUum returned about , an hour after looking verv distressed, and lie said lie had been robbed. M'Calluin apPaired to bo finite soi.'er.-Arihur Ilordcrn. 1 coach painter, elated tliat lis was 011 tho f bcac!) oppesim (he Occan Deach Hotel on tha evening of Monday last, and he faw two men running along the beach at the water's_ edge. They wore running towards Lawyers Head, and fhey went into tho lupins ne?r Taliuna Park, and witness, thinking | hero wns fometbing wrong, followed them on his bicvelc. Alexander Wal-oui.-t. spoke io wilncss from ilia lupins. Belli men were sweating and wiping their bcc;.-I< ram-is Docherty, living at' South Dune.lin. gavo evidence as lo 6cpii?jf | Alexander Walquist after the robbery with j a number of notes in his possession. — Constable Murray, stationed' at St. Kilda, mated that ho saw Alexander Walquisl in tho vicinity of the Grand Pacific Hotel aeont 5.20 p.m., and at about 5.30 he met William_ Walquist in company with M' n bun going along Queen's "drive towards the beach. M'Oallum had a big pared nir.ler hi*; arm, and he appeared lo he raw. About 7.15 p.m. M'Callum went to the Police Station crying, owl elated R t-hat ho lir>i rohwd of FAb by Iwo man. wenl to Uio St. KiMii'llold Kir and "William Walquist. \Vncn lold'iliai ho wait avrosictd for v. man of £16 h? dcniwl the diargo, and raid ihe man had keen robbed by a woum.ii 0 ill town. .M'Callum iclc-ntific<l accuscd as the r.inn who had roblx?d him. Alexander Valquiit was arrcwod tho next morning on iiie Ix-nc'n at St. Clair, aii'l he stated that ho look no hand in the robbery whatever, lint had seen his brother nut his arm round ilie f.rc« eculor.- Ccnetaltle. P.cach gave corrol.'orat.ivo evidence in re- | •Card to iho arrest of William Walquist. On tho 27th inst. witness tool; Alexander Walquist to llie Police Slatior.. On arrival at the station Walquist ina-ie a statement 8 iii writing, which witness produced.—Mr Ilanlon submitted tbat there was not a prima fa"::- case against Alexanilor Wal- B (i'liist. The evidenre of M'Callm7i showed that tln~ accused did not iake any pari in (lie robbery, and it would be hard if he had to go to gaol f° r 'i\e weelm to stand hi-: trial for an oH'cuce in w'nicii be took no part. As far as ibe oilier aroused was concerned, he admitted thoro was a prima i facie ce-.c.—llis Worship said bo was satis- ■ lied Ihore was :t ease against ae- , used, who reserved their defence, anil j v.": re formally coinniiriod for trial at. the j nest silting of tho Supremo Courl. { t.dng fixed in each cace at £100 a':d two | rAvoties di c(|i;al aix/wiis, or four sureties ! of £50 eadi. \

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 11

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CITY POLICE COURT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 11

CITY POLICE COURT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 11