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COKE SPRING MEETING. ' (Frou Ours Speciai. Reporter.) CORE, October 28. Thorp was an excellent attendance at t.ho I opining of ihe (!oro Racing Club's spring- | meeting. The weather was cokl, and' the track on the heavy side owing to recent rains. During, tlio day £3999 was put : through the totalisatcr. or £144 above last 1 year's figures. T'no ehil) received £110 iir license tees from bookmakers. Details: CHARLTON HANDICAP, ! Of 45sovs: socond Ssovs. Seven furlongs. Mr I°. Perry's b m Cooee, by Kenicmbra nee—The Bride, aged, 7.13 (Olson) 1 i Mr Harris's Lone Star, 9.3 (Yarr) ... 2 -Mr Buird's .lolly Friar, 8.0 (Minahan) ... 3 Ako started: Moudjik 8.5, Zero 8.4. Postcard 7.12, Somateria. 7.12, Sirius 7.8 (includ- , ing 31b over). 4 1 Cooee was smarted, out- from the barrier, I and going along the l>ack was over four 1 lengths clear of Lone Star, who was lying ■ second. Cooco kept clear throughout, and 1 won easily by about six lengths from Lome Star, whobeat .lolly Friar by a length and f a-haif. Time, lniin 34 2-s;«c. ' DISTRICT HACK ILWDICAP, J Of 35sovs; second Ssov?. Six furlongs. < Mr •!. Smart's br g Abide, by Stcpnia'l; —Broadside, aged, 8.5 (Cox) 1 Messrs Barrd ,wl Sharp's Warsaw, 9.10 (Ratcliffo) 2 . Mr M'Kav's Dmikcnny, 8.2 (Olson) ... 3 Also started: Knibrasnre 9.7, Magical j 9.5, Her net 8.7, Wajpu 8,6 (including 41b over), All Colours 8.4. _ Aiside was the smartest, to 'lwgin, and finally won easily by over four lengths from Warsaw, who beat Dunken-ny bj- a. similar' distance. Time, lmin 20 2-ssw. SPRING HANDICAP, Of 90-ovs; second lfcovs. Otw mile and a distance. Mr J. Flaneur's c.h g Grand Stand, by Grand Cross—Albany mare, aged, 7.12 (D. King) 1 Mr Hamilton's Glengarry, 6.12 „ , „„ (Einmer.-on) 2 llr Proven a Ofticc Girl. 9.0 (Lloyd) ... 3 Also started: Luresome 8.5, Black Friar Spinning Flight 7.1 Grand Stand .took cha.rgt. from the rise of tlio barrier, and showed the wa,v past, thu stand. Going along the track Crawl Stand was over four lengths clear of Office Girl, and finally won by threo lengths-from Glengarry, who beat Office (lirl in a. good finish for second place. Time, 2min 3 2-ssec. MATAURA TROT HANDICAP,' Of 6090v5; second ssovs. T«o mile.?. Mr W. Hcndorson/s br g Brown Ilill, by' Berlin Abdullah, aged, 35sca (Oivtrcr) 1 Mt (VConnor's Tnorcsa. \V, 24sec (Owner 2 Mr Smith's Whitcsroft, 32sm 1 (M'Curdy) 3 Also starte<i: Too Soon scratch, Walnut feec, lvywocd 20sec, Ringwood 23sec, John Temple 27sec, It.H.N. 27sos, Romney 3Osec, Wild. Idle 32sec, Tory 35sec, Wild Dcjiaii 35see. lirown Hit!,drew out, and at t.ho end of a mile was showing the way to John Temple. The first-named finally won, pulling up, by lengths from Therei; l . W, who beat Whitecroft by a. <lozen lengths. Time, smi n cOocc. 1 VISITORS' HACK HANDICAP, ] Of 40sovs; sctciid ssovs. Six furlongs. ' Mr J. Begg's eh g Ngawere, by Brigh-ton—Chant-illy mare, syis, 7.12 (A. M'Kav) 1 Mr M'Donald's Cashier, 7.7 (W'inktielil) 2 Mr Goodman's him, 7.12 (D. King) ... 3 Also star-ted: Linda. 9.0, Lady Ranald 8.5, Reveille 8.10 (including 101b over), lioyal Shell 8.0, Turret- 8.0, Ferryman 7.7. lurreit was left at the pest. Lisa, and lady Ranald were the quickest to begin. Going .past the four-furlong petit Liza and Lady Ranald were together, and Ngawere was third a couple of lengths away, wliilst a. gap of six lengths separated tho rest of the field from the leaders. At tho home turn Ngawere took charge, and won by close on -three lengths from Cashier, who got up in tho last, stride and beat Liza, second place. Time, lmin 20 2-sscc. FLYING HANDICAP, Of 55sovs; eccond Ssavs. Six furlongs, n -Haalett's b g Cuircscttia, by Ouirraiw—Poinsettia, aged-, 8.6 (Rae) 1 Mr Sheddan's L-oftus, 8.7 (Byrne) ... . 2 Mr Harrisjn'a lions, 7.2 (Price) 3 Also started: Mango 9.2, Pviflo Range 8.6, Assault 7.7. Cuirdscttisi wits t+li-o smartest out, and after leading all tho way wen by eloso on three lengths from Left us, who l»eat Eous by orer (,wo lengths. Time, lmin 18 3-ssec. DASII TROT HANDICAP, Of 50sovs; second ssovs. One mile. Mr W. Witeon's b g Kelly, by Il'almVictorinc, aged, llsec (J. Green) ... 1 Mr Tilson's Commandorite, 6sec (Tibon) 2 1 Mr Menogue'a Droyfus, 9sec , . (W. M'Rae) 3 ■Also started: Wild- Bill 5 seconds Jack Tracey 12, Sir Lex 12, Tanglwi-st i 4, Wild Bill began tadly, and IColly was quickly in front of the field. Conimanderito was up to Kelly at the half-mile, but the latter drew away again and won easily by over 20 lengths from Comnianderite, who beat Dreyfus by a little over a length. Time (unofficial), .2min 32 3-ssec. WAIMEA HACK HANDICAP, Of 35sovs; second Esovs. One mile. Mr J. Toomeys b li Flavour, by Obligado—Vanilla, 6yrs, 8.12 (Beafe) .. . 1 Mr Goodman's Liza, 7.9 (D. King) ... 2 Mr Shaw's Fulmar, 7.7 (Emerson) .. .. 3 Ako starred: Kaikomako 8.12, Radiator 8.4, Embrasure 8.2, Turrctt 7.1?, Turret was left, and after going'a furlong Liza- took charge and led round the far turn. Flavour lost bis place as tliey passed tho three-furlong post, but, coming up again on the outside, he caught Liza in the last couple of strides, and won by n short, neck; Fulmar over threo lengths away third. Time, lmin 5 4-ssec. (Pin United Press Association.) GORE, October 28. The following acceptances have been received for the second day:— Dominion Hack Handicap.—Flavour 9.8, Assault 8.10, Turret 7.12, Cashier 7.12, Ferryman 7.0. District Hack Handicap.—Warsaw 9.12, Embrasiiro §.5, Aiside 9.3, Magical 9.3, Hornet 8.5, Dunkenny 8.2, Waiou 7.12, All Colours 7.7. Waikaka. Handicap.—Office Girl 9.0, Lone Star 9.0, Mango 8.11, Cuirosettiii. 8.2, ,lolly Friar 7.12, Spinning Flight 7.9, Glengarry 7.5, Eons 0.12. Railway Handicap.—Linda 8.10, Lady Ranald 8.10, Ngawere 8.9, Alside 3.3, Had tutor 7.13, Turret 7.10, Cashier 7.10, Fulmar 7.6, Kaanuri Maid 7.0. Murihiku Handicap.—Lone Siar 9.2, Cooee 8.6, Luresiomo 8.5, Ride Range 8.0, Post-card 7.10. Sirius 7.2, Lady Ranald 7.2. Ngawere 7.0. Otama Trot.—lvywocd 18 seconds, Bell Metal 18, Kelly 19, Litulo 21, Rory 21, Malcolm D. 24, Maiva 27. Shorts Handicap.—Mango 9.7, Cuirccctiia 9.6, Loftus, 9.1, .Moudjik 8.11, Disappointment 7.13, Kaikomako 7.10, Assault 7.9. Liza 6.10, Ada Crossley 6.7. Balfour Trot.—Commandcrite 9 seconds, Wild Bill 9, Hiro 9, Bell Meial 11, Kelly 11, Ivy weed 12. Tanglefoot 16. FLF.MINGTON TRAINING NOTES. Press Association—By Telegraph—CopyrighT. FLEMINGTON, Oetobcr 27. Yavntor and Five Crown this morning ran 10 furlongs in 2min 18scn; Mcnobel 11 furlongs in 2inin 30see; Bobby 11 furlongs in 2min 31see; Knox 11 furlongs in 2min 33ssc; Pendil and Lady Difiidenre a- mile in lmin 46fice; Alawa beat Jask Smith and Emir over 10 furlongs in 2min 16sec; Mother Goose left 10 furlongs behind in 2min 16scc; Trafalgar 12 furlongs in 2min 36joc; Poru beat Ivincjs Cic:-s 11 furlongs in 2min 2S'see: Mazarine boat Joorooma over a mile in lmin Msec; Lord Nolan covered 11 furlongs in 2min 30sec. SOUTHLAND COURSING CLUB. The second annual report, of the committee of the Southland Coursing Club says:-"The committee has to report aj year of vigorous activity. The two meetings hold during the season compare more than favourably with lite _ leading'clubs of the Dominion. The nominations were exceptionally large, and the amount paid away in stakes (£313) is a criterion of the success that lias attended the efforts of the committee. It. will be remembered that the club bad a severe set-back with tho inaugural meeting, owing to the slaughter of the hares. In last report reference was made to the alterations that were proposed 1 to obviate a recurrence of the same. Tho ' escapes -were enlarged; puss was boxed at the slirper's end of tho ground—altogether tho cost was £58. The result of the alterations was that, followers of tho leash bad tho privilege of witnessing four splendid days' coursing. Tho membership fee was reduced by one-half for the season, and as a consequence the receipts from this source decreased bv £88. For the incoming season members of committee should make a special effort to secure new members. With regard to the financial operations of the club, a. good season has been experienced. Over £600 has been put through, the princioal items in the expenditure being stakes (£313), permanent imurovoinents l£58). judge and slipper harcr- (£<i9). printing, advertising, and programmes (£37). The season closes with an actual debit of some £8. Sinco the formation of the club £160 has been

spent in permanent improvements on th« S.R.O. Racecourse. which will not ho recurring'; £100 of tjiis lias liecn written oIF, so tihab the assets aro mucli within tho value. During the coming eeason the club will not lmvp any heavy expenditure, as in the past. consequently the season should close with a substantial credit balanco. The club is under a debt of obligation to the Southland Racing Club for concessions granted during the past, season, and accordingly desires to place on record its hearty appreciation of tho friendly spirit shown, such aa is characteristic of true sports tlio world over. Tho coming season promises to be a great, one, and by the increasing number of owners in Southland this year's successful operations should bo left, far behind." H. E. KERR ENTERTAINED. IT. E. Kerr, who represented New Zealand in walking events at the 01 ympio games in London was (says a Wellington message) entertained by tho Wellington Amateur Athletic Club and subscribers to the Representation Fund last night. In replying to appreciative 6poeehcs, Kerr said if a representative wero sent to future Olympic games ho ought to co earlier than ho (Kerr) had gone. lie had not. lutd timo to get into form, and was only beginning to walk well just before lie left England. GOLF. A "Bogey' handicap match was played on the St. Clair Links on Saturday after- .. noon. The following are tho best cards handed in:—

Senior, Hci>. Down. K. Denny ... 13 1 \V. 1). M'C'arlhy 13 3 J. Forbes .. 4. 3 \V. 13. Purclms 15 5 I(. .Tartlino 5 5 ]!. R. Slock 15 6 II. Ii. Forguson ... ... 10 6 A. Barren ]5 7 J. II. Foilieringliam 6 8 Junior. R. Forsyth ... 7 8 .1. LeiltfiridgR ... 7 8 Kalilcnberj; 8 9 E. L. .Mara-sov .. 9 10

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 9

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 9

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14357, 29 October 1908, Page 9