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The Hon. Mr M'Xab (Minister of Lands ami Agriculture) arrived in. Duneclin last night by tin second express from the north. The Minister, who is accompanied ■by Mr A. L. Johnston (private secretary) and his Ministerial offico staff, leaves for the south by this morning's express, and will remain iii the Mataura electorate until the blo'eo of the election campaign^

Seven applications for litflit \vm yostw'.lay granted by llie Klectrio Power and . Lighting Committor. Applications for power arc now granted only under certain conditions, tho applicants being given to understand that. at any period of estrone presritiro they are liable to lie cut off. Two applications were yesterday granted on this understanding, tlie firms applying tainj the Bluebell oatmeal manufacturers unil Messrs M'l.eod Bros. The reticulation, of tho Anderson's Bay district is now to I* gono on with. Electric light, is to he installed in .several residences there, also in tho new home established by the Littlo •Sifters of the Poor. Tire council has been rec-pmitier.dcd to proceed with the rplicula. tion of Musselburgh. Oitr Naieby correspondent telegraphed as follows yesterday"The weather hero ' has been unsottled and cold for over a week. On Sunday afternoon sr.ow fell heavily for several hours, and was followed at night by a slight fro-t." The i mountains aro again completely covered With snow. To-day t!icro have becii intermittent hail squalls. Lamb wil bs faring badly. At the time of wiring the weather eeems mere settled." Our Cromwell correspondent informs us thai, there has been a cold snap during tho ast, few days, and a slight fall 0 f snow low down on tho hills, with a rather sharp frcst, otk Monday morning. Speaking to a . reporter at Christchurch yesterday morning, tho Hon. K. M'Nith stated that the Agricultural Department would exhibit stock at, the forthcoming Canterbury A. and P. show, hut. would to unable to niako a, general display beyond that. Jt had been found ncoeesary' to limit the big <lepa.rt- - mental displays to tho winter shows on aecotinf of tho time and labour involvotl ■

in preparation. A-n attraction at tho forth, coming Metropolitan A. a.nd P. show is to b afforded by tho Agricultural Department in tins shape of demonstrations'by Mr Isaao Hopkins and his assistants in the transferring of bees from common box hives into frame hives of cheap construction recommended by tho department. These paiticular hives (says a Christehurch messap) aro mado from kerosene rases at a trifling cost. .- At a meeting of the Drainage Board last night the clauso in tho Works Committee's report recommending the i-eticiila- - tion of the n'nseweired portion of St. Kilda, from the -railway line up to, and including, Queen's drive, at an estimated cost of £2844, was adopted, ami it was decided that the engineer bo entrusted with tho j work, .which should be carried out by day labour. The Canterbury, College Board of Governors has accepted tenders for a hydraulic plant in connection with tho School of Engineering. The amount of tho lender accepted is (eaysaClmstclraroh message) £2392, and it is considered that the new ptyvfc will fully equip the hydraulic laboratory. * Tho funeral of the late Mr Harry Shrimpton took place yesterday afternoon, Tho service at- the gravesklo was conducted by tho Rev. \V. Curzon-Slggcrs. A number of personal friends of deceased were in attendance, and St. Matthew's Ohuroh, of which Mr Shrimpton, was tho' treasurer, was represented by Mr W. T.. Talboys (secretary). Messrs Edward Sbrimptcn, S, Shrimpton, D. Barron, J. R. Morris, B. R. Stock, and Alfred James vero the palltaneri

A letter from the secretary of 1 the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Work; was read at tho meeting of t-h-e Drainage Board last night. Tho • ktter stated that tho standard set by the Plumbers' Examination Beard in Dunedin \ta.s not considered equal to that set by the Melbourne Board, and consequently tho -request of the Dunedin Piumbets' Union (that the certificate- issued by the Dune-din Board might be accepted by tho Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works', and licenses issued without further examination) could not bo acceded to. At .ii mooting of ths executive of-the Dunedin and Suburban Presbyter,ian Officeliearers' Association, held last night' in the Biblo Depot, it was unanimously resolved— " That this meeting is of opinion that tlio licencing of the .liquor traffio is a menace to tho sobriety and prosperity of tho people and an unjustifiable temptation to the weak, and therefore recommends members and adherents of nit Presbyterian churches to ■ uso their, votes and interest at the forthoomirtg local option poll in favour of no-license, which this meeting is satisfied has-been a pronounced suocess wherever it bas been tried in tho Dominion." A Press Association telegram front Pal l ' mereton North states that Messrs Nathan and Co., of Wellington, , havo made a, dona- , tion of £250 towards the funds of tho High School.' The donation carries a Government subsidy of pound for pound. An application will como'before Mt p. Y, Widdowfson, S.M., at Port Chalmers cm Friday next, under "Tho Electoral Act, 1903," to havo 6eamen engaged on the New Zealand Shipping Company's boats enrolled as electors on the Chalmers roll. The ground of the application, it is' understood, is that tho company has its head office in Chnistohuroh, and the owners are therefore "resident" in the Dominion. The number of men affected is variously estimated at from 50 to 150. During the bearing of a claim for payment of arrears under a maintenance order at the City Police Court yesterday tho magistrate (Mr H. Y. Widdowson). and counsel for applicant (Mr L. T. Burnard) viewed with some doubt a, medical certificate' forwarded by defendant (Thomas Archibald Callcnder, Ohristchurch) to tho eftcct that it tcok all ho earned to keep himself .in focd, olothing, and medicine. Mr )Vi<ldow3on remarked that if. ho was sure defendant was not in delieato health 1» ffonW deal'with him, but in face of the ' doctor's certificate oould not do so. He was rrot suvo however, that defendant wna not making use of a doctor's certificate to escape his just liabilities. Mr Burnard the feature of the case that appealed to him was that defendant was some time ago employed on a station at a salary of £390 per annum, atul ho was anxious to have iiim in court so that he could bo personally examined as to his means. After some discussion between tho bench and counsel, it was decided to havo defendant brought lwfore Mr Bishop, S.M., at- Ohristchurch, and in iho meantime adjourn tho case for a month.

A deputation from tbo Taieri County Council waited pn ihe Electrio Power and Lighting Committee of tho City Council at its meeting yesterday afternoon in oixlor to make a protest against the delay that has occurred' in tho supplying of cloctrio light and power in the Taieiri district. Mr Miller, speaking on behalf of tho deputation, pointed out- that the City Council had promised to provido power in tho Taieri County within 12 months from May 9, 1907, but so far .it had not been made available, tho result of which was ,tliat. prospective customers were complaining of tlio delay and uncertainty of getting it. lie asked, that power should be supplied to them not later than .Tanunry 1, 1909. As a quid pro (pi!) [ov llio delay bo also asked that the time at. which applications could -be . received for light and power -should lxj ,''extended. Mr Couston (tho county, ejigincer) pointed out that the Taieri peoplo had not lioen treated fairly by cbo City Council. The County Council should now bo allowed to extend tho time for receiving applications. He stated that- the City Corporation, was working under no agreement' with regard to the district, and was practically committing an act of trespass for every pole it erected in the county. Tho ohairman of the committee (Cr Shaoklook), in replying to the deputation, said that the Mosgiel Borough Council had- not p«-

nntted them to erect poles within its borough until August, 6, 1908, but he now promised that, no tinio. would ho lost ill reticulating the district as soon as the nooesitry wire camo to hand, which, it was expected, would ho in tho course of a few weeks. 110 fully anticipated that jiowor .Yould bo available in the district by tho Ist of January, 1909. The Hon. J. A. Millar (Minister of Labour) will address his constituents in Jie Garrison Ilall on Monday evening next. This week tho GenerJl Committee of iho yity Council had before* it an application from the 1.0. G.T. Tennis Club for a portion of the Koiithern Oval, for the purposes of a tennis court, a request beipg also luado thai, permission be given to asphalt tho court. Tho committee gTanted the use of the ground askod for, but declined to f allow it to be asphalted, A man was arrested at. Mosgiel yesterday by Constable Walton on a eha.rgc cf having committed a serious criminal offence, lie will l)o brought lioforo tho City Police Court, this morning. The question of tho establishment of a municipal fish market in tho city, which was referred to tho General Committee by tho council last, week, lias beyn held over pending the receipt of further information cu tho subject. A. pai f ■ of while swans have just been added to the collodion of -birds 'in tho Botanical Gardens. At the present,"timo the General Committee of tho City Council is allowed £100 per year for the up-kcep of tho Southern and' Northern Cemeteries, hut nothing in . respect, of tho Eastern Necropolis at Anderson's Bay. As tho largest amount of revenuo is derived from tho last-named burial ground, the committee is now making application for an additional £50, making £150 in all. A" young man namod J. Cooper died on Monday at Stirling from injuries met with in a cycling accident about thrco weeks ago. .Ho was cycling along tho road, when tho handlo .bar broke,, and ho fell with such force as to inflict, the injuries which caused his death. Much sympathy is felt for the young wife, to whom lie was - only recently married. A Christchu-rch telegram says that tho Labour Department has sent several small parties of workmen to the Domet-railway works and a. small party;to the Midland . railway. The returns of the Elcctric Power and Lighting Committee for the quarter ended Septembar 30 show a credit balance of £s*l 8s sd. Tho total revenuo over that period was £4691 17s 7d, and the expenditure, including cost of generating and distributing, together with general expenses and interest (amounting to £2199 7s 6d), was £4837 Ss 2d. Deducting from this the interest paid, tho not working expenses stand at £2633 .Is 6d. Tho of this department, which these figures disclose, must be regarded as eminently entlsfaotory, and had it not been for the. unfortunate delay occasioned ovc.r the last breakdown of the Waipori fluming, meaning a difference of about £842 19s 6d, tho ' revenuo would have been very much larger tliaji it was. The election of seven commissioners to tho Bay Town Board takes place to-day. The candidates arc Messrs W. Bcnnet, G. C. Hellysr, J. G. L. Hewitt, C. Leslie, D. M'Ourdy, W. G. North, T. Pryor, R. Scott, T. Somerviile, A. Youngson, son., and J. Wither. Tho poll will close at 6 p.m. Tho Eleetrio Power and Lighting Committco cf tho City Council is fully awako to tho urgent necessity there is for tho duplication of the Waipori installation, and is losing no time in pushing matters forward so as to be in a position to supply at the earliest possible dato those people who 'are eagerly inquiring for light and power. . The Finance Committee of the St. ICiltla Council recommended last night- that the returns of tho polling at the approaching general election bo announced outside tho Town Hall by means of a lantern and slides, - tho uso of whioh has been offered by Mr li Aslui. Tho cost was said to be trifling, and the proposal was unanimously agreed to, tho opinion seeming general amongst members that, residents would be as enthusiastic over tho returns exhibited at St. Kilda as they are in Dowling street on. the night ef a general election. ' Tho lecture on tho licensing question to have been given by Mr William Barr last evening at' ibo Early Settlors' Hall did not take place, owing to the small number who put in an appearance. Air Barr dccided to pestpono his lecture to some more suitable occasion. At his meeting in tho North-East Valley last night Mr G. 11. Thomson referred to some of tho curious misunderstandings which prevailed at election times. Sevoral - electors appeared to.mix him up with the Rev. W. Thomson and others of tho samo name, with ail at whom ho disclaimed connection. Ho stated that he had received an anonymous Jetter signed "Cumberland street," written in a female hand, in which the writer stale;! that unices ho caused a nuisance which existed in his property in Ifowo street to cease, ho would loso her vote and those of pthors in the neighbourhood. Mr Thomson pointed cut that the writer had evidently got. held cf the wrong person, as he owned no property whatever in Mown except his house and sections in Newington. He further suggested that tho writer should have seen him personally beforo. making such an absurd and groundless charge, which referred to scmo other person altogether. It is seldom that such interest is manifested in local matters as is being shown in tho East and North Taicri districts at the present timo regarding drainage matters. Large and enthusiastic meeting? liafc been held nearly every night in tho last two weeks, and it is confidently affirms! by those who claim to know the'feeling of the people that if a vote of the districts mentioned were now taken not. mora* than fivo or t:ix landowners would be in favour of the ccrjition of a drainage district oil the cast, sido of the Taieri River. It is oyident tho:,.tho Appeal Court, which is to sit next, week to consider the appeals against, tho classification, of the land for clrainego purposes, will have its hands full for a considerable time. A somewhat unusual point, in connection , with borough council procedure was raised at the St. Kilda Council meeting last night. Cr Hedges was returned unopposed to the vacant, seat of i.ho Musselburgh Ward six months ago, when Cr Af'Farlane was elected Alayor. At tho meetings of tho council it has happened that tho ' seat formerly occupied bv Cr '-■i-arlane has usually been filled by Cr J). C. Canjeron. C-r Gor.? last night raised the .point, that the position at thn council tab's formerly cccupid by Cr 11' Parians should allotted lo Cr Hodges, and submitted amotion to that effect. The matter was discussed at some length, and several councillors offered Cr Hodges ihoir seats. The motion was lost, and Cr Hodges, who 'hiring the discussion had occupied a back seat, continued in that position, and occasionally took part in the business of the evening. The mail despatched from Dunedin, via Naples, on September 17 was delivered in London on Monday morning last, 26th inst. Among tho illustrations in this -week's Otago Witness is one showing the fine steamer Athenio alongside the wharf atPalmers, tangible proof of the capabilities of.tho port. There are also tho first of a scries of photographs of the native flowers of New Zealand, now attracting considerable attention, as they arc every year becoming rarer. The photographs arc from th ß collection of Air J. .Crosby, Smith,

F.L.S, The heavy work involved 1 in preparing fcr tho duplication of the railway line, between Dunedin and Mosgiel'is shown in a series of views. Tho North .Otago ; Mounted Killts in Camp, Labour Day in Auckland, Opening of tho Bowling Season in Dunedin. and the Conference of Ihe New /.eland Federation of Miners have provided subjects for the camera. "Going ■ out. with Ihe Tide" is the title of a picture of Ihe beautiful harbour of Whangaro.i. During September 3922 persons a.mvcd in tho Dominion (says u Wellington message), compared with 2345 in September las! year, The departures during September last numbered 1821, compared with 1831 during | September of 1807. Liquor iii relation to slrikes was a theme . touched upen by Air ,f. E. MacAlanus, of the Dunedin Socialist, party, in movinga re,solution in favour cf no-license last, evening. 110 had been connected with a great many labour strikes, and ho had repeatedly observed that Ibo men who contributed to the defeat of the strikers were those who had spen-fc all their silver in ■ liquor. lie had seen such men go crawling ; back in. abjec-t. manner and accept- conditions which manly men would have spurned. A draft of the revised drainage and sewcrago by-law was submitted to tlio Drainage Board last night by the' board's solicitor. Tho matter was referred on to ' tho Works Committee. Tho whole of the lean money raised for St. Kilda improvements has not yet been 1 expended, but Cr Gere- is alarmed at the large find growing overdraft, at the. council's hankers. A combined meeting of all the commi-ttccs is lo be held a month hence to consider way? and means, A first offender for drunkenness was fined ss, with tho usual alternative, at the' City Police Court yesterday. William and- Alexander Walquist were charged that tlicy did, on October 26, at St. Kilda,, assault 1 Edward Al'C-allum, and rob him of the sum 1 of £16. Sul)-inspector Norwood stated that . the accused William Walquist was arrested on tho previous evening, and the other 1 accused was arrested a short.- time before tho court sat, and lie asked for an adjournment until tho following morning, when ho would to ready lo proceed with t.ho . Mf c. Both accused wc-ro remanded to appear Ibis morning. Air H. Y. Widdowson, S.M., was magistrate. Mr Joseph_ Braitiiwaite writes respecting luis Jetter 1 'which appeared yesterday:—"As I wish to be scrupulously oxnct, plcas.3 say that I had already recommcndcd my critics io read 'The Case Against Socialism.' not thair recommend,' etc.. ,i,ml that Benjamin Kkld's solid book on Socialism should bo 'Benjamin Kidd's solid beok'on Social Evolution.'" | . .Wo recommend for watch, clock, and' jewellery repairs A. J. Show, 13 Hat tray s-.reet. Absolutely the best in Dunedin.— Advt. To Bowlers.—Onr new season stock of Taylor s howls is to hand. They nro a specially fine lot, and these requiring a sffc should make a point of seeing them.—G. and T! Young, 88 Princes street.—Advt. Red Cross Ointment (Button's .Mighty Healer) cures all suves, old or recent,—Advt. Window Decorations.—We have, some of the very latest noveiiies in Window decorations. and we want every prospective curtain buyer to see them before the choiccst' are gone —Mollisons Ltd.—Advt. Amateur Gardeneirs! Are you growing potatoes tliis season? If so, and vou want a large crop of big, fine, mealy fellows, use' "K.P. Potato Manure." 141b hags, Is Gd; lewt bags, 7s Gd.' .All seedsmen; wholesa-e, Keinpthorne, Prosser, and- Co.' (Limited).— Advt. Wno is Petep. Dick?— The most reliable watchmaker and Jeweller, opposite CoiTee Palace, Moray place, Dunedin. Charecs strjclly moderate.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14356, 28 October 1908, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14356, 28 October 1908, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14356, 28 October 1908, Page 4