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• *>< — Nearly half tho railway mileage cf the globt (553,000 miles) lies within, tho confines of the United States of "America—viz 212,350 mil*. i" '^'"' ie a bottle homo to-ni"ht." Wilson's Malt Extract will euro that 'tired feeling," indigestion, and all similar troubles. Trice Is 6d. Call at Sprosen's,. chemist, Octagon.... Tho Postmaster-general has forbidden , money order and postal oorrospandenco to bo forwarded from Now Zealand for the Anglo-American Finance Corporation, 49 King William.street, London, c «'" "■ suit or ccstume for bos? Quito true.—Jim. Densem. 23 Georeo street.... - b .The Chairman of the Oamaru Chamber of Commerce has received advice that the government intends to appoint a grader to give certificates for grain shipped at tho porl of Oanmrii, Pram quilts, nigs, inverted gas fittings copper boilers, etc., wonderfully cheap and excellent quality at Lochhcad's (Ltd.), corner Hope and Walkor fits. See for yourselves Xoarly 1,200,0001b of colours' are used by the United Stales Uovornment annually for printing paper money, revenue, and postage stamps. Tho National Electrical and Engineering ■Company (Limited) have erected or on order 75 ejectric motors in 0tag0.... As ehowing tho evident appreciation with winch the luvercargil] Corporation's little liawlbnok is held, the town clerk has received a cablegram from a Kalgoorlio resident asking him fo kindly forward a cc-py ol the said booklet. . Aow goods now opened tin at A. E. theyne and_ Co.'s, Alosgicl.' Beautiful prints, cambrics, and muslins in stripes and daintiest floral designs. Everything in the latest stylo and of the very best uuality.... Ihe Salvation Army annual sclf-dcmai effort in ' lnvcrcargill readied £305 kst year.. rata year £321 has been collected, mid about £10 has yet to be sent in '"liking a total of ovei £330, whioh is a highly creditable tribute to the genercsitv of the public and an acknowledgment of its appreciation of tho good work being done by the Army. Dinner is ready. What, no appetite? Indigestion? Well, take Noxol right away A splendid remedy. Cuius all stomach troubles 2s at. chemists and stores.... i Hie Chairman of tho Timaru Harbour Hoard, at a meeting of the board, staled that in spite of the late dry Mason, the imports at Timaru for the past nine months showed an increase of 1210 lons, -compared with the corresponding period last year, while the exports showed an increase of 51BE tons. The high standard of quality, fit, excellent hnish, and reasonable prices argue for the supremacy of our made-to-meaeiire siuts.-llorbort, Haynes. and Co. (Ltd.', Duncdin.... New York is threatened with a "convention of criminals" to discuss their relations with society, the police, ami one another, .motherhood" being their watchword, ine proposal conies trom Dr Reitman, of Chicago,- a sociologist known as the " kin" of tramps,' who has been engaged in rescue work among rhat fraternity for munv vears. lie asked for police immunity for the interesting delegates. On Wednesday Mr Frank Smith) J.P. at limaru. was called upon to sign no fewer than 236-notices which arc being sent out to persons whose names aro on the electoral roll, and who are required to show cause why their names should not be struck oft the roll. These (says the Herald) aro all people who aro Moved to have removed from the district through death or otherwise. ! A society has been formed in Paris to restore the Palace of Versailles to someining of its original giory. Many of the works of art as-ooialcd with the palace Have _ been scattered throughout, the '.and, and it is intended to collect these as far as, possible and return them to their original surroundings.

manufacture of some cf tho finest French tapestry is so slow that an artist cannot produce more than a quarter of a square yard in a year. Frank 11. Biakeley, surgeon dentist, 174 Princes street South (over Kllroy and Sutherland's!. Telenhono 1433.... A good many people (says 9t. James's BiKlgel) are wondering just now what useJul purpose in nature is fulfilled by ;ho caterpillar. So devastating have been' their inroads on the fruit orchards of Cambridgeshire that the despairing farmers-have ctwo out after lliein with guns 'loaded with utaiik cartridge and wads, which will probably d. more harm than good, In all modern homes great attention is I'UUI to bathroom and lavatory fittinos. A. and 1\ U ur t (Ltd., llavc au stock of lavatory basins and all sanitary appliances. An inspection would prove of Mr Lazaretto, a Foxton fisherman, informal the Herald that up to this limo last year ho and his fishermen had caught whitebait to the value of £500. but so 'or An 0 " lle lla<l bc(m "nabfo to secure ,i • ljl ? <"'!>• reason he could give for he scarcuy was the recent frosts. Ho said this op.n.on *«.'also held by the Maoris. rrn.,n-*! P" b ' lc , '"ting has proved Red Cr ss Ointment to be the Mighty Healer. in a recent . lssue of Harper's Month 1 v si, m Yale University, discussed "Tho Coming and Going of Expletives." He' flunks ,ho practice, has been "steadily, T,*\ fJrt' i nn ' niM "S for centuries Jwnrt'i* lT fincment ' l ? th tho imli. .dial ami in tho community, tends more, to its disuse than all tho exhortations of moralists or the rebuke of divines " J. no new electrically-driven machinery and pneumatic plant installed by Ro»en am Uarkson for dressing stone is now com-pe-tcd. Ihis hrm can now supply all kinds of monuments and headstones in any design, cheaper than the imported article, tall and inspect at Rogcn arid Clarkeon (lato u M,mro and Son), monumental sculptors, Moray place.... Damage done to the telegraph lines between Glenavy and Morvon by the thunderstorm on Thursday afternoon has now been repaired, and communication has been thoroughly restored. Several of the polos wore .damaged, while the lightning had evidently struck one and . completely broken it. The experience''of residents, between GJenavy and Morvon during the progress of the storm appears t° have been particularly unonviable.i Write to Brown, Ewing, and Co., Duncdin, for illustrated cataloguo of summer fashions—postage 2d.... • Tho Saturday review says that if', tho sparrow is proved to do more harm than good he must go, or at anyrato be must be thinned. But the sparrow has riot yet been superseded. If he is 100 abundant, let him bo killed'for food. Ho is excellent eating, and commonly sold (as larks) at a high price in the London restaurants. Farmers can keep thinning him down and eating him in sufficient quantities to make it worth while losing a. littlo grain, regarding it simply as bait. A special offer of 100 ladies' shirt blouses with linen collars and cuffs in nice light stripes, and suitable for holiday, wear,' to be sold at 3s lid and 4s 9doaeh.. Th'cso will certainly go early at Christie and Co.'s, drapers and clothiers, Mosgicl.... The Wellington City Council charges the Harbour Board 5s per 1000 g<tl]ons forwater, which the board sells to vessels for 6s Bd, getting a profit of Is 8d to cover maintenance. The Auckland City. Council sells for 2s 3d, and the Auckland' Harbour Board charges 5s to vessels,-a'profit, of 2s 9d. ■-,■■• .Eczema, burns, bails, scalds, cuts, or cracks cured quickly with Red Cross Ointment.. The Finance Committee of tlio- Sydney City Council has adopted a. proposal to place a tablet in the Town Hall commemo rativo of Ihe American fleet visit, Alderman- T. 11. Kelly said be saw no reason to put the names of the aldermen on tho • walls at a. cost or £100. Alderlnah O'Sul; liraii bad no sympathy with those who refused to spend" a- liitle money on sentiment. The American was the greatest ' branch of the Anglo-Celtic' race. He would vote for the expenditure. The committee decided by five" votes to' two to. place in the vestibule a bronze -tablet, about the same size as that commemorating the. establishment- of federation, to cost not more than 100 guineas. . Full slocks of electrical appliances obtainable from the National Electrical and Engineering Company (Limited), 47 Crawford street. Telephone 2108.„. Owing lo the frequency of'recent German balloons-coming to earth in France, generally with German officers on board, and the adverse comment thus aroused, the German Aeronautic Association, whoso headquarters are at Strasburg,, has issued a very satisfactory circular to its members, calling on them to avoid crossing the frontier, ■ " Top-nolcb ' qualities in men's boots are specialties at Cookham House. 'Wo'saw to-day two lines that were remarkably faultless in appearance, individual in style, and perfect-fitting.< They both ha-vo the new ".Yale" or "Duckbill" square toca, and foe really most- handsome and graceful-looking. The one is in tan willow calf, with Derby front and leather-lined, at 28s 6(1;. tho other is in box calf, whole goloshcd, with palcn- 1 back straps and watertight fronts. Both boots are made with extra" wide welte and double sole 6. The price, of tho lastmenliohcd is 27s fxl a pair, and—well,..they look worth every penny of it! : For high- ' elaa> footwear,. Cookham House,' Princes street, arc undoubtedly leaders!.., A few weeks ago Mr Alfred White, of Vineyard, New South Wales, lost his . wife. The,n he fell sick himself,.and ia!so bad a son laid up. Mr White was ordered away for a. change, and&on his return 10 days later ho learnt that -eight or ten teams had been at work his farm. His neighbours bad ploughed more than half of the land. In addition to this, the members of the Mulgraveand Vineyard Progress Association,- of whieli Sir White. is president,. were at work harvesting his crop of lucerne. Our now goods are really far -and. away fihe most taking we have ever seen—not tho kind which is loud in pattern -and extreme in shape that you want to adhiiro. at-a distance, but pretty,, taking novelties that you have a hankering after, and that, your purse can well afford to Jet you possess. Lovely floral cambrio belts ' at. Is ■ lid; rich silver-plated belts'from Is, 11<1 to 10s 6d; thousands of dainty shades in washing Lislo gloves, lOjkl, Is 6d, Is lid; kid'gloves galore, 2s fxl upwards. Our blouses-aro,a dream—in embroidered muslin, lace printed delaine, baud-sewn cambric, and' washing silk—prices from 2s lld.-At T. Rose's, 130 = Princes street.... ■ The British race is increasing -in both height and weight more rapidly than any other civilised nation. Fifty years"' ago the average height had risen from sft to sft BJin. Thirty years ago tho average' height of the British "upper classes" was sft BJin at 30 years of'age'i that of tho,"labour classes"sft. 7 ( 3-sin. Adding to tbesc tho average height of the criminal class brings down the' avorago ■ to sft 5 4-sin. To-day, at the age of 17; tho average height is sft Bin; lit 22, sft 9in; while the averago weight at 17 is 10?t 21b: at 22, lOst. 131b. Theso figures refer only to tho male sex. . ; Anybody can swim if they get a Swimming Buoy from Waters's,Pharmacy; price is 6d.... Allegations of incorrect reporting of the ■ Wellington Trades and Labour Council were discussed at the last meeting,' scferal recent reports in tho local press heing adversely commented upon. It was suggested (says the New Zealand Times);that in the interests of trades unionists generally representatives of the .newspapers should be admitted. The method of obtaining reports at present is to depend upon delegates' recollections of what happens. A motion to admit tho press will be considered at the council's next mectine. Bathing Caps from Is each at J Waters's chemist, 20 Princes 6treet.... ■ ■<

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14355, 27 October 1908, Page 12

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OMNIUM GATHERUM Otago Daily Times, Issue 14355, 27 October 1908, Page 12

OMNIUM GATHERUM Otago Daily Times, Issue 14355, 27 October 1908, Page 12