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« PORT CHALMERS, Phases ok tub Mook. ociomin. First Qjiarler Z ... 5.45 p.m. Full Moon 15 ... tJ.33 a.m. Last Quarter 17 ... 3.5 p.m. New Moon 25 ... 6.17 p.m. Apogco 20 ... '£ p.m. Porigco '. 8 ... 4 p.m. Sun rises today 4.58; sets 6.46. THE WEATHER. October 26.-8 a.m.: Wind SVW.: overcast. Noon: Wind variable; Jin-o. 5 p.m.: ■Wind variable; fine to overcast. Ba,m. Noon. 5 p.m. I Barometer 29.60 29.05 29.70 Thermometer ... 44 59 57-FORECAST.-ilr Panlin telephoned at 10.40 last night:-"Squally S.W. io N.W. winds und heavy electrical rain showers." WEATHER REPORTS. (Per United Pbiss Assocutiu.vJ WELLINGTON, October 26. The following are the reports of tha' fceathor at 5 p.m. : — Cape Maria Van Dioman.—Wind S., light; bar. 29.95, ther. 61; cloudy; sea. j inodo rating. Russell. -Wind W., moderate gale; bar.] 29.89, ther. 63; fine; sea, rough. Alanukau Heads—Wind S.W., fretft; bar. 29.90. I her. 52; cloudv, bar rough. Auekland.-VViud SAW. fresh; bar. 29.89. ther. 60; line. Tauraiiga.-Wind \V„ fresh; bar. 29.77, ther. 60; line; sea smooth. Easl (ape-Wind S.E., fresh; bar. £9.73. ther. 56: showery: sea. moderate. N-apiuv.—Wind 5.E.," fresh: juir. 29.75, ther. 53; line; sen smooth. Wellington.-Wind 8., breeze; bar. 29.79, llinr. 55; lino. Castlepoint.—Wind S.W.. light; bar. 29.70, lluir. 55; cloudy; sea moderate. New Plymouth.—Wind S.W., fresh; bar. 29.85, ther. 56; line: sea moderate. Wansranui.—Wind \V., breeze; bar. 29.78, ther. 57; fine; sea lumpy. Farewell Spit.-Wind S.W.. fresh; bar. 29.80, ther. 54; hazy: sea moderate. WcstpoH.--Wind S.W., breeze; bar. 29.91', ther. 53; fine; sea smooth. Cape Campbell.—Wind E., light; bar. 29.78. ther. 55; cloudy: sea moderate. Kaibura—Wind, N.N.E.. light; liar. 29174, ther. 55; fine; sea. smooth. Bluff.--Wind W.. moderate gale; bar. 29.55, ther. 45; rain and hail. J The following is Captain Edwin's forecast to 3 p.m. to-morrow:—".Moderate to 6tronj southerly winds generally, and colder weather, also probably showery in parts of tljo South Island. 1 ' HIGH WATER. October 27— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa- Heads 5.50 4.6 At Port Chalmers 4.30 4.46 At Dunedin 5.0 5.16 DEPARTURE. Rakiura, s.s., 81 tons, Marks, for Liveroargill and Rivorton. Keith Ramsay, agent. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Clarence River.—Mary Isabel, barquentine, to sail early. From' Liverpool.:—Gladys, barque, sailed August 11. Lady Wolscley, barque, to sail October. 'From Portland. Koko Head, barquentine, sailed September 27. From Melbourne.—Mocraki. October 27. From . Sydney (via Auckland).—Tarawera, November 1. From Sydney (via. Wellington).—Wai-1 iaro, October 31. From Auckland.— Monowai, October 29. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Svdncy (via Auckland).—Westralia, October 27. For Svdnoy (via Wellington).—Mocraki, , October .28. For Auckland.-Monowai, October 30. For Melbourne. -Waikaro, November 1. OVERSEA STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. AT AKCKLAKD. From Liverpool.—Devon, sailed September 19, via. Sydney. Maori (via Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton), loft September 5, duo Dunedin about November 14. Devon, duo December 11. Morayshiro, sailed October 20. »T WmiNCTOK. . Orari, left London September 8. Corinthic, loft Plyuioulh September 18, duo November 3. Ruapehu, left Plymouth October 3. Matatua, left London Ootober 9, Star of Now Zealand, left London October 23. AT LYTTELTON. Arawa, left London Ootober 16. AT TOUT OHALUEIiS AND BONBDIN. From London.—Papanui, October 3; duo November 23 direct. , Front Liverpool— Devon, sailed September 19, via Sydney. Surrey (via Auckland', due about, November 5. Maori (via Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton), left September 5, duo Dunodin about NovumDCr H. Devon, due December 11. Morayihire, sailed October 20. . From Now York.—Star of Scotland (via ■northern ports, duo November 1. Glcndevon [via Australian and ■northorn porta), loft flep■tatubar 2. Clan Matheson, sided July 25, via Australian and northern porta. Kazcrabe, sailed Aujrus! 12. via Australian and northorn ports. Gowanburn, sailed October 2, via Australian ports. Indraghiri, to sail September 26. Aberlour, to sail November 4. Daldorch, sailed September 15. Ma&ona, to sail December 16. HOMEWARD BOUND. Fifeohire left Wellington August 27 for ATonmouth. Indradevi, left Auckland on September 3. Norfolk, left Wellington September 24, for Avontnouth. Tongwiro, left Auokl&nd Sopicnrbca' 26, for London. lonic, sailed from Gisborne October 10, for London, Waimate, left WcJliixrton October 13. Tnrakina, left Wellinglou Ootober 22. Oswestry Grange, left Wellington October 24. fROJKGTED DEPARTURES. jmeil VtZtHNGTON; Sjar of Australia, November 7. Athenio, about November 5. Rippinghani Grange, November 25. _'~ .—oSHLTPTNG TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, October_ 26.—ATri\6;l: OtUa'hiinv (I a.m.). from Pioton.—Sailed: Mokoia (7 p.m.), tor Sydney; Kato, for East Ocwfc bays awl Gisborno-. UOKLVNGA, October 26.-Ar.nveJ.: Bellliower, kctoh,. from tho south. WEIiLINGTOM, October 26.—Sailed: Boekonham, fefr Newcastle. 'Sailed: Maori (8.10 p.mi), for Lyttelton. Passengers: Misses B.anis, M'Donald, Donald, Jeffrey, Gilchrist (2), Ifede (2), Tompkins, Penrose, Busby, i&yinour. Mamilton. liassell, Perry. Smith, Mesdamcs Gilmer, Williams, Johnston, tiewitspn, O'Connor, East, uttd child, Gumicd, Hick-mott, DotmV.l, Ancell and child., Stevenson, Gilchrist, Peaa-ce, Bailie, 'rJximpson, HoUis and child, Hokleraess, Bore. Goultw, Judge Deiinisioii, Sir G. iL'JSifford, Bon. Mr Gilmar, Hon. R. M'Jtob. Messrs Johnstoji, Piteaithly, Holder, Williams, Thomas, Price,' Arthur, Logon, Kirk, P«irce, .Jojinston, Cook, Hfiwitson,- Rae, Drake, Cults Tilly, llilehrkt (2), lWy, Pawta, Baxter! Bowie, Panel!. Francii;. Fletcher, Siringei) Baianc.?. Thompson, Oliver, Grataift; '£Sfe, Sfovenson, Pcarw, Redmond, Smith, Johnston, BlackmoK, Roberts. Wnddoll,' Jonrs, \yilson, Dore, Hawkins, Dore. Goulter' Kaye. Haggitt, Captain Hugo. ' ' LYTTELTON, October 2&.-Sailcd: Kotuku, for Wellington-, Piofoi),' Wcstport, and Grcymoutir, Storm, for Wanganui; Kotare, for Dunodin; Ma-rarca-, for Wellinrr. ton-. " WESTPORT, Oclobev 26.-&iled : Koromiko (11 p.m.), for .Suva. OAMARD, Oi-iQbor 26. - Arrived: Corinna (10.15 p.m. yesterday), from Dunedin. BLUFF Ootober 26,-Arrived: Mosruki lo.iiO a>m.). from Mel-bourns, with- the English mail. Passengers: Misses Landafs Levis, Murray, Lane (8), Bands, Bobarfson' Ai'esdiimes Lamlo!s>, Wills and ohild, Hiddto' Harrison, U-nc, Wilkio, Stevenson, Messrs Downie, LandeLs, Wills, Eraser, Harrison Lane, Neal, Borosteiu, &dmon, Mace' Wilkie, Burgess, Fawcett; and- 22 in. the steerago.—Arrived: Koonya, from. Greyrnouth: Warrinroo, from' ?«ilcd: AVaTrimoo (6 p.m.), for MelbourneAloeraii (7 p.m.), for Dnnodin. SUVA, Octolrer 26.—Arrived: Taisei Want; Marama, from Vancouver. SYDNEY, October 26,-Arrived: Pcndleflill, from Atercurv Bay. ifFJ.BOURNE, ' October 26.-Art.ived ■■ Ivsiapoi, from Groymouth. THE DnißOI 1 STBAMBRB. AUOKLAND, October 26.—Arrjrcd: CJan Matheson, from New York, via Au?i trsvlia-. The Manuka completed her discharge at Dunedin yesterday, and steamed down to Port Chalmers, v:\ion she went on the lay-irp berth for overhaul. The Rakiura sailed yesterday afternoon for Invcreargill and Riverion. 'Hid Kaituna sails from Wollinglon lomorrow to load coal at West port for Melbourne iin/J Sidney;.

The Aparimu arrived <U Singapore on S'llurllay after a .parage of 16 days from Newcastle. _ her cargo of horses being in good condition. The Mocraki is .expected. t» arrive si Dunedin early this morning from Melbourne, via Bluff. The Koonya is expected io make an early arrival this niorninsr from West Coast via Bluff. Tho Wostralia. sails from Dunedin this afternoon for Sydney, via Auckland and East Coast ports. The Rakanoa is expected -to be all clear of her cargo to-da;t, and saiils this afternoon for West Coast, via Tiniaru-and way ports. Tho Norwegian liarque Cbriolanus is under charter to load a cargo of coal at AYesijnort for transport, to tho South Sea Islands. The Ccmmencial News states that tho sailer is to proceed from Sydney in bu.lla.ijl to her loading berth. After loading Homeward oargo at northern ports, the N.Z. Shipping Comliany'ii bteamer Rahiia will probably pay a visit in Port Chalmers for futthor loading, and may arrive .about November 20. •Southern passengers and cargo ex N.Z. Shipping Conniany's steamer Paparoa, whicli arrived at Wellington on Saturday from Lonc'-qn direct, are- to lie transhipped to the Monowai, due at, Dunedin on Thursday mornimr. . The Tyser steamer Stao' of Scotland is due at Dmiedin to-morrow from Lyttelton. •She .has about 500 tons of general- cargo for this pott, where she completes discharge. The New Zealand Sliippius: Company's si earner Papanui, whioh sailed from London on Ootober 3, is to make Dunedin lief first y° r r, of call this trip, ond in addition to gemral cargo is bringing a. largo number of passengers for the Dominion. She is also bringing cargo for Timani arid Lyttelton, but the quantities are not jet available. In last wvek's Gazette masters of vessels navigating £-anks Strait are advised to buve a good lookout kept for wreckage from.the ship Loch Finks, recently lost, near Foster island, as reports htwe been received that wretkage'is floating between Cape Portland and Eddy:>tone Point. A Berlin engineering company is fitting out a large steamship with a. suction gas plant for propulsion purposes. S/j confident are the owners o-f the success of the innovation that they , ordered two more, shins io be similarly equipped. 'l'he following rule has been added to j llic.'o under wiiJch the. examination of masters and msnte* are conducted in Now Zealand:--"The certificate of proficiency in first aid issued .by tlieSi. John Ambulance Association, and which is referred to in tho rules dated October 9, cannot be accepted as showing .that the candidate for a certificate as masVei' or mate possesses the required of first aid unless -the certificate of proficiency was obtained J within three years of. the date of the examination for tho certificate as master or mate, and is an adult certificate—that is. was obtained when tho candidate was not less than 16, years of age.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14355, 27 October 1908, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14355, 27 October 1908, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14355, 27 October 1908, Page 6