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i "My little Victor, aged 1 year J 1 and 8 months, was very ill while I J J.l ® '1 SCOTT'S I Emulsion. I a After about I ( j Isawagreatl j Victor Bkatty SCOTT'S C ', ) and have never had any trouble l ? \ 1 with him since. He is now a I j I strong, healthy child." Ii i I (Mrs.) BEATTY.I i aii Smithets Street, Chippendale, Sydney, | I 13/VO7. N.S.W. I , J Above is the Proof in the Facts. 8 \ | Here is Proof in the Reason Why: g j 1 1. SCOTT'S Emulsion provides g I » the little system with the material it g j I so badly needs for the making of H j I straight, strong, white teeth. 8 I fi 2. SCOTT'S Emulsion at the | | w same time fills the system with B fl strength to bear the, great strain of ft B teething. g § j. SCOTT'S Emulsion is taken | |' willingly and cannot upset the fi \ \ digestion. » < Therefore, when purchasing, don't g ( ask for " Emulsion;' ask for and get » |\ Emulsion 1 I —the difference between them means | s a cure for you! « | See that "the Fishman with the | St Fish" is on the package. § % Of all Chemists and Si Jo Dealers In Medlclnos. K f Madame Weigel's CUT PAPER PATTERN, Bavo money. «Wj PERFECT FIT. | «8 HUCKS from 3d. * CATALOGUE, 2d. Full Stock at SUSS tIMT.H'B, 44 GEORGE STUEEr, A Diploma and Cold Medal awarded at the International Exhibition, Cliriatchurcli, N.Z,(

The Famous Remedy for COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, ■ ' ,~ ■ • • '•■•' \ Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of BRONCHITIS, COUGH, CEOUP, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, HOARSENESS, PAIN OR SORENESS IN THE CHEST experience delightful and rapid relief; and to those who are subject to COLDS ON THE CHEST it is invaluable, as it effects a COMPLETE CURE. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic nor Consumption to develop. . Consumption is not known where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is. generally sufficient, and a COMPLETE CURE IS CERTAIN. BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA PNEUMONIA and PLEURISY BRONCHITIS and PLEURISY, HEARNE'S B U R R O E NCHmS CURE ° URED BY A SEVERE C "E CURED BY TWO BOTTLES OF* . ' HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. AFTER OTHER TREATMENT HAD • ' ' FAILED. AFTER OTHER TREATMENT HAD AFTER OTHER TREATMENT) HAD . FAILED. FAILED. ( Mr. W. G. Hcarne Dear Sir,-Form a strict sense of ' ' ' «n' y t l,,i „ti!-, at L u. d pM t h ' hc f l ollow , in <5 statement, I, Prudence M'Kec, of Carr Street, South Geclontr in Mr - Hearnc ' clle ™st, Gcelong. o that others may know what to do when the awful view of the importance of a person making t qui e clear Dear S".-S<>n>e months ago, in Sydney, I suffered from w,m£r ?!£« ™ r. i ,? .' n i S " "f bei " g l05t: - In what treatment was successful in curing a serious and a scvcrc attacl( of influenza, and was confined to my September, loo*, my little girl, aged at that tine 3 years, complicated case when the medicine, directions and room for about a week ' at the «"<• of, which time, S e V, n,„"i,-,t. n" following October was treatment of a legally qualified doctor had failed state feelin S somewhat better, I got up and tried to transact , attacked by Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Congestion of as follows:- ' my business as usual. But I got up too soon, for the !,;,,£ ?., W ,r S at k .£? y a ,ceaUy ' lualified My son, Henry M'Kee, then aged 8 years had been ver S' nc! " r ha(l a "lapse, and suffered tortures crslfal in iLl thiJ ,& „,„„!? .""V a' " a > s DOt *T tendell a ''S* l ualilied doctor . "ho pronounced ™ nl what , the ' d ? ctor tol(i mc WiLS P le « r 'sy and bronchitis. £„L rt S n Ik P ro « r " s , of *e 'Hhcss. On him to be suffering from Pneumonia, Pleurisy, and a too lhe Bai " from the form " in m i' chest and s" 0 "- 1 " 5 was *':,12 ,°" ob "' ">° 6 ' he said that her life page of the passage of the urine Under the f "shtful, and for four long weeks I was confined to ,nv was in danger-thai there was very little hope for her. treatment the child gradually got worse, and the doctor bed " nder the care of a we »- k " OWI > *v doctor, anil rnnd,' p\;„ !i„H n T?.I,« Jt i • P lostra,ed hy pronounced the case hopeless. He told me that the a " the time hls medicine gave me but temporary relief. „^ g ,cVi™? 'a,J* V' 3 ? d WSS lying J'h a s,a ' ue ' cl 'ild could not live. At this stage I obtained from Mr TI « la n,llady of the hotel (the Cleveland), where I reIE H.,nA n :lSe kV Wa A P ersuaded > a fn'Md VV. G. Hcarne, Chemist, of Gcelong, a bottle of He.Ws slded ' told ! ne °( a medicine-Hearne's Bronchitis Cure™JrLr IHT,Z V,v,r Z'l^ S m l h J'S Bronchitis Cure, and gave it to the child, according to rom ,Y ictoria - wh ch h »d cured her of a bad attack of oWtld tf C?<!» S ■ §1™ ° f ' h k C - k Ungs ' as the directions which accompany each bottte of it The b™nchitis and pains in the chest, .and begged of me to S" 1 .., ottlr nfX nro„^fr' c 'r cs >, wh ; ch acco r child in, P rovcd *f'« " ,e second dose of Heame's Bron' "? "• ' d,d so ' and - in tknks aiul S rilt ' tud ' » you. med cin as fed a,d the - 1 *"* I!,C Mt ? Cjre - He con,i "» cd t0 ™P r ove ca h day from te » »» ' hat - af '«. *e second bottle, my cough l,d "rom the first lot 'of HeW \ B™,hV ovem « nt ™ h ?™ of Hcarne's Medicine alone, and within three c f ilscd ; b "f |» n " ls '"ore astonishing, the pains from irom tne nrst uose ot rtcarne s Bronchitis Cure. The days he was free from the Couch Pneumonia and the pleurisy entirely left me, and in about a week I was abe inTwTe"sh" n w\Tperfec"vlree d fr m l ,h p mediC^ C ' aild lhc Urine was passing s"Cfae?oriy H l ° »"end to my duties as usual.-Yours faithfully.^ a *' ?L\ !,• y if from, the Pneumonia, was out of bed at the end of a week completely re- J- BRAHAM. £?Sr;£•£■ STwSI T; SiiS 3? .S covered ' and he u Mdbournc " Pttnc " '^!!!i!!!! bourner„edeve?."d A i ; Ca " S '* •■ ***■ ASTHMA-A 17 YEARS' CASE. about this grand medicine can be supplied by me, or by PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED any of my neighbours who have witnessed its wonderful /IftWrOTTIWTMFiT,r»ttr l"KEYluui, TREATMENT FAILED. effects. It absolutely snatched my child from an early OUNbU SSiC HON. r.URED RY THRPF BriTTLM grave.-Yours gratefu y, D GARDINER CURED BY THREE BOTTLES. Police Station, Gcelong East, Feb. < ,«t To ° ILL T0 UEAVE H| S BED. ' ' ' Mr. Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park, Charleville, RROMfiTTTTTG A COMPLETE CURE. Queensland, wrote:-"After suffering from asthma for 17 JJitvlS V/iAJ. JLIO. j] r \y Q Heirnc years, and having been under a great many different A SUFFERER 73 YEARS OF AGE. Dear'Sir',-I am writing to tell you about the wonderful E",- 1 "-™', wil i'T bene »; l "!*?■ 'k IS' He ? rn , e > ■ cure your medicine has effected in mv case Ahnu? thi, Med . ,c . me r for Asthma. After akmg three bottles of this THOROUGHLY CURED BY TWO BOTTLES years ago I began to cough. At first the couch v., m^ mt l ? lte , got of r t,l,; ;,stl " n!1 ' and 5 ' t , ll<:n ' OF HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. not severe, but it worse and I became ven* f V*, "v be S mn " , S of ISS3-15 years ago-I have ' weak and troubled with night sweats pain in mv cl.«" " 0t l lad 'he slightest return of it. The quite IMMEDIATE RELtEF-EFFECT and great quantities of phlegm. On several occisioiis cured me, and 1 have much pleasure in recommending it." WONDERFUL. there was blood in the expectorated matter had Spcak "!, e , \' cbruar >-' 'o oß .' ] " ?.«»'« : ~ lam k « pi k B been treated by' a doctor, who pronounced m^! ewe to he "% N ' ver I,ave " U ' s,,Bh,est rCtUra of the Mr. Hcarne. Sir,—l was very ill with In6uenza and consumption, and various other treatments had been ,aill,mj ' P,roncliitis. A friend of mine persuaded mc to trv vour ,r 'ed, bat without benefit. It war. at this stace that I ..« . i- • ~"i ra .1 , ,- t n Bronchitis Cure. The first dose gave ine immcd?a.e re- h< = anl of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for a . H . eacuc s Medicine cured mr of Asthma, from which 0 lief, and after taking the second bottle lam thoroughly course of the medicine. When it arrived. « too in d b cen suffering for j S years during winch time I cured. Its effect on me has been most wondcrf™ 1 to leave my bed, but I commenced taking ft at once VT" -T7 ?■ .?Icd1 cd " lne t ° t !' " ,e marl;et 7 am 73 vears of age. I trust you will make us • c this graduallv improved. lam glad ,0 say that the two ,nclud ";B, »*«"«» inhalations-without getting a cure. It statement by p„bn sll ing it fo? the bcnrtTof humanity Jots of medicine you sen. have ejected a commie, c c Hc'rneS WdkSe Td ?now"Ll™, than f have generally. Yours most respectfully, . ."'for which accept my very best thanks.-Yours iiatcfullv ru f AltdK: ! ne f a " ( 1 / " 0 ; v fe , d ns " tl,an X have THOMAS R. TREZISE, " J. Bi-AIR fcU f °' yearS_ ' n iM ' * ''V'wSIAN Reedji Street, Victoria. Westminster Bridge Road, S.E., London. ' Meredith, Victoria. BEWARE OP IMITATIONS! Tho great success of HEARNE'S Bronchitis Case has induced a number of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine "Bronchitis Cure," with the object of deceiving the unsuspecting, and so getting a sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and to request you in your own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see that you get it. . x w E iw!f S BRONCHITIS CUBE, Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by all chemists and medicine vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE. Chemist, Geelong, Victoria, Forwarded to any address when not obtainable locally. fi NOTICE.-HHMHB'S BRONCHITIS CURE No. 1A do BS NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever, It is equally i beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person, c 4 uauy

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 3