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COKDDCTID BY Jos. ABIJUtKTHT. CLUB DIBECTORY. Otaso Draughts Cldd.—Club meets every Saturday evening at the clubroom, Maclaggan street (opposite Universal Hotel). Visitors welcome. Gore Club.—Club meets in the Criterion Hotel every Monday and Friday evening. G«o. M'Kay, secretary. Pauieestok Club—Club meets in tlie Athenteum every Wednesday and Saturday evening. J. Macfarlaiic, secretary. PROBLEM 1183. By Wsf. A'eal, Southampton, England. [Bucx.]

[White.] Black: 8, 16, 21, 23, 24, king 19. White: 5, 17, 18, 23, SO, king 14. White to piay and win. ." PEOBLEM 1184. By G. H. Sloctjm. [Black.]

[Whih.] Black: 10, 11, kings 0,12,14, 20, 25. White: 17, 22, 26, 28, kings 1, 31, 32. White to play and win. [Conti&ty to our usual custom, we give two "stroke" problems, but both are good ones. Mr Slocum's is contributed by a Hawerft correspondent, who says it was a first prize winner in a. problem competition a few years ago.—Da. Ed. O.D.T.] TO CORRESPONDENTS. G M'K., Gore.—Your solution to Problem 1179, sent last week, was correct. Captain Challice, Great Yarmouth, England.—Your post-card of June 10 to hand. Before this reaches you you will have turned the 20,000, Accept hearty congratulations on your wonderful performance. L. R. M., • Palmerston.—You have evidently taken the wisest course. R, ]?kzw, Alton, Taranaki.—Your solution to Problem 1179 is correct. R. 8., Yaldhurst—Thanks for note and address. Shall be glad to' hear from you at '«uy time. W. S. A., Riversdale.—Thanks for newsy letter. Congratulations on success ot club. G. M'K., Gore.—The neit event should prove a close and interesting struggle. Hopo to hear ot it. Thanks for report. ■ GAMES. N.Z. CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES, 1908. [We have secured sole right of publication of the tourney games. Messrs P. E. Hilliker (champion) and J. A. Boreham have kindly consented to annotate a number of the games.] J. A. LUCAS v. JAS. GARDINER. Gamo 2327.—"D0ub1e Comer" (9 14, 24 19).

(b) Fotynß tlio' position on diagram. The TJiiy from hero is instructive, Mr Gardiner holding his irin like a master. [Blici.]

(Notes by Mr F. Hilliker.) (a) 27 24, followed by 8 11, wonld be Defiance. 28 24, however, gives more scope for originality. (b) Dunne's "Praxis" gives 6 9 at this stage. (c) One out of the box. Unlikely move, but a real beauty. (P) Only reply to avoid the Bhot by 3 7. t ■ a

I THE CHAMPION ON TOUR, Mt Hilliker has received a pressing invitation from tho Waimate Draughts Club (tier Mr R. W. Hutt), and' from tho Asbbiirton Chess and Draughts Club, to pay them a visit next week. This is a pretty largo order, as both clubs are vigorous, but Mr Hilliker has aceptcd tho invitations, mid plays at Ashburton on Monday, .August 3, and at Waimate on Tuesday and Wednesday, August i and 5. DRAUGHTS MATCH. GOEE v. RIVERSDALE. The Gore Draughts Club took a team to' Riversdale on July. 23, when they tried conclusions with the local club. Tea was partaken of at Riversdale by the visitors. A pleasant match was then played, after which the visitors were entertained to a social evening at the hall where the match had been played. Mr A. Murdoch expressed his pleasure at seeing such a representative team from Gore. They had had a good game, and Riversdale had beaten their opponents, which was most satisfactory to his team. He called upon the club to drink the hea'lth of the visitors. Mr P. C. Gray, in acknowledging the toast, said that although Gore had been defeated they wore not vanquished, and would endeavour to turn the tables next time they met Riversdale. Messrs Probarlh and G. M'Kay also spoke, referring to the pleasant game that had been played, and expressing a desire to see the Riversdale Club at Gore at an early date. Songs were sung by Mr Green, a. duet by Messrs Earle Bros., and a recitation was given by Mr John Ramsay. Scores:— Gore. Riversdale. .Wins. Draws. Wins. 1 W. M'Kinna.. 0 J - Beecot ... 1 IP. C. Gray . 0 J - Murdoch . 1 1 G. M'Kay . 0 J- Stevenson .. 0 0 H. M'Lcod .. 2 P Cullen .. .. 0 1 E. Frobartb... 1 AB. Stewart . 1 1 Jno. Ramsay 0 D. Howdeii.. . l 3 J. A. Mills .. 1 T. B. Anderson., 0 1 G. Penney ..0 R. Groves .. . 3 0 J. Tinnock .. 0 A.' Murdoch 2 0 Geo. Taylor.. 1- J. Clark . -.-1 2M. M'Leod ..0 J. Pollock .' 1 0 Jno. Beaton.. 2 W. Templeton .. 0 0 Jno. Brown . 0 fl. J. Earle 4 u "i . Z The return match is arranged for August 14, at Goto, when Riversdale expect to have a powerful team' of 20 players. DRAUGHTS ITEMS. Riversdale Club.—The secretory of the Riversd'alo Chib (Mr W.' S. Ayson) kindly forwards the following in a chatty letter under date July 24:—The Riversdale Draughts Club is well to the fore again this year, having a membership of close on 4ft at present. The meetings are held every Saturday night, when the attendance is good, over 20 members generally being present. Two tournaments aTe being held this year, a championship one and a handicap one, no player being allowed in both tournaments. Quite an encouraging number of young players patronise the club, whioh augurs well for its future prosperity. The Riversdale Club was proud of the position Mr J. Murdoch, our champion player, heia m the recent champiorahip tournament in Dunedin. Greater things will, no doubt, be heard of him yei Quite «n interesting mier-dub match was held on Saturday night July 18, when the Wnipounamu branch and Riversdale players met in a friendly match here. Riversdale players topped the score by one point only. A return match is to come off soon at Waipounamu. New Zealand Championship Games.-In this issue will be found two more of the championship games of a particularly incharacter. Both competitors are ex-cnampions, and the notes are by the prosent title-holder. Nest week we shall present another pair of equal importaiice-the (jardmor-Boroham games, with notes by Mr James Gardiner. Following them we una! 1 iTf 4 j" l6 HiUiter - B °re&iim games, so tot students of the game have something to look forward to. *■ S °^ [r f Kecord.-TJnder a ate j Me 10 Captain Chalhce, R.N.. Great Yarmouth j i , j scnd3 us his l' ro bleni-solvkg record to date mentioned. For a period of ,!j o eßrS Snd tbxee months k' s total is 18,968 correct solutions of chess, draughts ana oiher problems—nearly 19 correct Solutions per week for the whole period. Wo should say this has involved an expenditure of force about equal to building one of tho Egyptian pyramids. Gore Club-The club tournament is progressing well, some competitors being nearly finished. Tho secretary informs us that a decided improvement is noticeable in the )'°'Wser Players of last year. H^ T 7;, Tibbles K- L. Clements, capViotonan T °™ T - Country match? writing of the fixture in the Weekly Times, y;:," 1 ? ow "1 correspondence with Mr ok New Zealand player. He says that he will do his West to make Ararat a centre SL * Ml ]KCam * faVontit °

Black-I/ueas. White-Gardiner. 9 14 • 514 30 28 ]0 17 17 2G 2 7 24 lit 29 25 20 22 23 19 30 23 10 li 11 15 11 15 6 10 7 11-c 1 0 c-7 11 28 24-A 25 22 31 2!i 19 15-D -14 10 IB 7 8 It- 15 18-b 4 8 11 MMs 6 9 319 22 18. 22 15 22 18 18 14 23 19 12 3 15 22 1210 1417 111 £0 913 19 24 25 9. 1!) 12 2114 26 22-F 19 16 n-27 23

, [WHrra.] Black to play, White to win. Continue: 24 27 1 6 25 3fl 15 19 28 32 J!) 15 « 1 17 22 11 15 25 30 8 3 27 24 27 31 (i 10 23 2li 16 12 3127 SfS 19 211ST 22 25 1418 26 31 3 8 30 26 3128 1014 31125 12 8 32 28 18 23 3 8 20 22 19 IS 24 27 812 26 30 13 17 8.11 20 24 ■ 32 23 2S 32 23 20 W. wins.

(f.) 2 7 horc gives Black all the best of it. A variation might run. — 2 7-1 2120 3 10 20 16 17 22 (19 28 23 9 13 12 3 22 26 10 14 25 22 I 5 11116 10 14 1C 11 22 25 !l 13 23 19 1317 3 7 26 31 1417 22 25 17 22 l.l 10 J7 21 Jl 7 25 2!) 13 9 27 24 7 23 7 10 31 211 2 fi 2(131 5 il 16 7 1) 17 7 2 2!) 25 Dnwu. (i) The shot now by 3 7 would lose thus: 12 3, 2 G. 3 10, 17 21, 15 8. 6 31, 27 21, W. wins. (f) Not the best. 20 23, 2 '7, 14 9. 17 22 23 18, 7 ll-(K), 9 0. 1 19, 27 24, 20 27, 32 7 3 10, 12 3, 32 28, White wins. (k). 1 5-L 811 514 18 23 32 27 14 7 18 14 6 2 10 7 27 18 23 18 13 1U 7 ll. 1115 3 16 20 27 27 23\V.wiot. 1510 2 li 6 24 32 23 8 3 II 16 15 111 14 18 2< 32 23 14 9 6 14 9 12 8 18 15 15 10 (l) 7 10, 15 6, 1 10, 27 23, 3 11, 23 19, 10 14 19 15. W. wins. (a) Not, best. 710 114 -.0 24 23 19 20 23 16 III U 19 21 4 8 30 2(1 tt 1 17 22 1019 27 23 27 31 11 16 13 17 6 10 Black draws. Game 2328.—" Double Corner." Black—Gardiner. White—Lucas. 8 14 15 i2 6 9-c 15 1219 :i 7 24 19 25 9 22 17 9 0-G 24 6-F 21 17 11 15 5 14 9 1 -d 2 9 il 14 8 12 25 24-A 26 22 1)2 28 23 18 6 1 17 14 7 11-b 11 15 13 *2 15 22 14 IS 7 11 2218 30 25 15 8 1!) 16 16 6 10 W wins. _ (a) 22 18 at this stage brings , up 9 14 lino of the " Second Double Corner." (b) Varies from the previous giuno ' (c) 15 18, 22 15, 12 16 is best here. (D).In a note attacked to game Mr Gardiner majks this as the loser. (e) Mr Lucas proceeds to make things lively. i (?) Game now hopeless. Up to this stage the play is the same as in a game between Dr Schaefor |Bkck) and Stewart (White), played in the Britain v. America match. Game 2329.-" Tillicoultry." By Wh. Vbal, Southampton, England. 1115 4 8 15 24 14 182 2 7. 10 17 23 19 29 E5 28 19 23 14 1915 2 6 8 11 8 11 9 :3 10 17 )216 23 26 22 18 25 22 22 IS 21 14 24 20 6 10 15 22 9 14 15 13 17 16 19 26 31' 25 18 27 23 18 9 16 11-1 20 16 10 14 11 15 U 15 514 7 23 19 23 17 21 18 U 31 26 32 28 56 19 15 11 Drawn. 7 23 6 9 3 7 17 22 610 2B 19 24 20 20 16 28 24 11 2 (1). 26 22 2 20 10 6 22 2fi 2318 20 27 17 26 19 15 1417 7 11 27 23 28 24 30 23 «'9 ' 6 2 26 31 1814 12 U 7 10 15 10 17 22 ., it 15 23 19 Drawn 14 7 914 2 7 31 27 15 24 ' (2). 711 211 1116 15 24 0 9 1317 16 7 26 22 30 26 28 19 22 18 IS 15 W. wins.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 3

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DRAUGHTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 3

DRAUGHTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 3