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A STORMY INTERLUDE. The. annual Mooting of the Uunedin Bowling Club, field hist night, was attended by a largo number of members. The President (Mr P. Miller) in moving tho adoption of the report and balance shoot, congratulated the chib on a most successful year. Tho season had 'been a fortunate one. He trusted the good work this year would fittingly terminate in the erection of a. pavilion, which would bo a credit to th' 3 club. The building would bo commenced immediately afler the closing of the season. ' Mr Mark Sinclair was the seconder, antl tile reports, as follows, was adopted:— Tho membership at tho close o[ the year was 115 full members, 17 '.onorary members, and two life members. £•. g al have dropped out through removal to o.iier places of the Dominion, and there is thus a number of vacancies to bo filled during the incoming season. It is with regret that we have !o record l -the death, of Mr "William Wright, one of the very oldest, members of the- club. A glance at the balance sheet will show that tho year has been quite as successful as former ones from a, financial point of new. The on© regrettable feature is the amount of subscriptions unpaid. The dilatoriness of members in this respect has been frequently brought into prominence in our annual reports, but each year as it comes round brings along a list of defaulters, . Seeing that applicants for membership have had to be refused for a number of years past, your directors feel strongly that members who are now in arroais should be asked to withdraw. The balauco at credit, including unpaid subscriptions, is £140 8s Bd. Your directors recommend that a dividend of 5 per cent, be paid to shareholders. The club carried through all' its engagements in interclub matches, and tho records show that it still maintains its high position. In addition matches were played against Palmersioa, Stirling, Gore, and North End (Invercargill). Every playing member gets his fair share of games throughout the season, and on this account tho results arc highly gratifying. At al! the tournaments our club was well represented. At the N.Z.B.A. tournament, held in Duncdin in January last, Messrs' J, C. Short and J. G. Bentley were the winners of the Champion Doubles, and Messrs Short, Foster, Gilliiour, and M. Sinclair won tho third prize iu the Citizens' Hatch at Oamaru, These were our only successes in tournament throughout the year. Tho total amount given in prizes this yoar amounts to close on £30. The following are tho winners:—Singles: Champion, Alex. Gillies; runner-up, W. Paget Gale; third prize, J. G. Bentley, Handicap Singles: Thomas Neil!; runner-up, Alex. Gillies. Doubles: H. P. M. Mercer and AVin. M'Laren (3kip), 1; J, F. Marshall and AY. M. Hogg (skip), 2. Kinks: A. Black, J. S. Douglas, A. M. Bogg. W. A. Scott (skip), 1; P. W-alker, J. C. Durie, J. R. M. Stewart. AY. Dull (skip), 2. Mr J. G. Bentley represented our club iu the "Ail Black" team which toured Australia, and we congratulate him on having maintained his reputation as one of our most experienced bowlers. Tho following directors retire, and offer themselves for ro-elcetion: Messrs P. Miller. Geo. Crow, and J. C. Short. Your directors acknowledge with thanks the donation of the following prizes—Mr P. Miller, first handicap singles; ' Mr F. Peake, second handicap singles. Special mention should be rutiue of the work done by the Green Commtivce (Jlussva Miller and Young) and of the sole selector (Mr Win. Austin). These. gentlemen are entitled to the hcartiosf thanks of tic members. Messrs Chas. Fraser and J. C. Short, the club's delegates to the Duncdin Centre, have very capably furthered the/interests of bowling generally and this club in particular, and your dircolors now place on record their full appreciation of the services rendered by tbeso gentlemen. The necssity for better and increased accommodation for members has for sometime engaged tho attention of your directors, and the difficulty in tho matter of a site for a now pavilion was the one obstacle that seemed to be insuperable. This difficulty has now been removed, us the directors, with the approval of members, purchased part of the adjoining section, thus securing au admirable site. All that is now wanted is the hearty co-operation of every member, and bofore long a new pavilion worthy of tho dub and adequate for the requirements of its members will replace tho present one, which has for long been fur too small. Tho removal of the old pavilion will provide room for three additional rinks to bo laid down, and this increase of green potuinodation will bo of groat benefit. The outlay necessitated by tho carrying out of tho above-moutionod improvements will illVolvo tile club iu a much increased annual expenditure, to meet which your directors proposed that the annual subscription be three guineas. This, recommendation of the directors was unanimously endorsed at a general meeting of members on June 23 last. In concluding their report, vour directors are' very sanguine as to the prospects of tho club. The generous loyalty of members during tho year has beau extremely gratifying, and should tho incoming bjard of directors receive the same whole-hoartd co-opration and support as their predecessors the season now approaching slioulcl mark an epoch in the history of the club. The Social Committee iu presenting its seventh annual report has to again thank the members for thoir support' during the past season, and also the ladies who have so km<% and generously assisted tho committee ju its work. The average number of members taking advantage of the afternoon t*a ia the second highest oil record, thus showing I hat the work of the committee is Hung a foil, want in the club. During the tournament in January the committee, with the assistant of the ladies, provided morning and afternoon tea, which proved vorv aceptable to the players. The sixth annual social ™1 P v ' n to the mcmlwrs on August 10 1907, and was even more successful than tho ast, duo very largely to the splendid cater's ? f ° ur kd V frie »ds on that occasion; About 160 members and their friends availed themselves of spending a pleasant evenir K Jf th £, ? l ° tolal m ' Dipts lor 1h « »*on were £22 Is lOd; expenditure, £11 0s Id •balance m hands of secretary, £11 Is 0d The comnnttee trusts that its successors will see ite to hold another social as earlyas possible. The committee, in conclusion washes to acknowledge the escelleTsS of the kdies in assisting to carrv out the work of the Social Committee. Tie notices of motion before tho meet. be asked to lave t,l, c articles <rf ban, wasod before the next amtual mle£ of members, and amended' to provide for the carrying. out of til* following suggested: (1) The WD ol e of directorf k, retire annually, and for tho election of the wnak> of the executive to be made at the annual meeting of members; (2) a ll nominations for tho executive to be accepted at tlic annual meeting; (3) tliat trustees bo appoint,;*! m v&on, all the securities of the club shall be. vested in l»balf of tho sharoholders and debenture holders of tho company; (4) no member to have more than one vote; (S) any memhor of the club to be ohgtble for election as a director(o) no member to hold tlic position of president or vice-president for more than one year consecutively; (7) no member to hold tho ponton of director for movo than two years consecutively. Mr.A. Black:-(l) That the three or any retirmg directors be not eligible for reelection for 12 months; (2) that any shareholder may be oleoled a director ir.rcspecmi° riurnber of shares held bv him. The OliairmaVi said ho thought if, would be wiser to go into these notices of motion, rney wore a registered company. JiV suggested to tho movers that, tho whole question be rcfcwMl to the directors, who should draw up a roport as to now it would affect tho club, and, if necessary, call a special meeting. Mv DugoJd M'Phcrson moved that tho matter bo referred to tho directors to report to a meeting coiled for tho purpose. Mr Mark Sinclair said lie would like to have an expression of opinion from the meeting. Mr M'Plicrson said that placing the matter in tho hauds of tho directors in the meantime scorned the safest precaution. Tbe Chairman pointed out that the directors wore not "hide bound" to the position, and would be glad to see someone else cominjr forward to take the business off their hands. Mr Mercer said he had every confidenco in the present directors, and had no axe to grind, but lie was gains on a matter of principle. He wished tho affairs of the club to bo open. 'J'licy were not open and Mr Millar said be must ask Mr Mcd'cer to nit down. He did not propose to sit there and be accused of any hole and corner work. Ho would again ask Mr Mercer to sit down, please. Mr Mercer: All right. (He remained standing.) i Mr Miller: Will vou sit down, please, or I 1 will. ! Mr Mercor having reseated himself. Mr Miller went on to pive an emphatic denial to everything not being "above board." I He was quite willing to hand in his rec-igna ! tion (hat flight, ;

Mr Mercer explained that he wanted no one lo resign. He bad accused no one of not being " open." Mr Miller: Yon said so at any rate. Mr MThcrfon asked if the directors had considered the question of amending tho qualifications for directorship. Mr Miller replied that the directors had not considered tho notices of motion in any way. Thov had just read them, and left tho irauo to tho meeting. Mr Donall understood that qualifications for directorship wc:o livn shares. The motion was put and lost, and the subject was dropped. The election of office-liearers resulted as follows:—President, Mr William Austin; director;?. Messrs CroV, Short, and P. Miller (rO'Olected); auditor, Mr James Brown (re-elected); delegate to Duncdin Centre, Messrs AV. Hogg and J. C. Short. The Chairman drew attention to the (rood work done by Mr 0. Fraser and Mr Short, tho delegates last year. The prize distribution was then proceeded with, and the evening closed with votes of thanks to Messrs Thomson (secretary), James BrownliO: P. Miller (retiring president), the Serial Committee, the directors, and the sole selector.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 12

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DUNEDIN BOWLING CLUB Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 12

DUNEDIN BOWLING CLUB Otago Daily Times, Issue 14281, 1 August 1908, Page 12