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-Tho ordinary meeting of. the Otago Harlour Board was held yesterday afternoon. ' t'lie members present were: Messrs W Barclay (in .tho chair), T. Roy, G. Ji. iulloek. W. (low, W. lioleher, D. A. De ftuus, ,f. Watson, C. \V, Rattray, and E. ). Duthic. Apologies wero received from Messrs Loudon, Wilkinson, and ilackcrras. lie latter being indisposed. COmiESPONDENCB. Park, Reynolds, and Co. wrote applying in behalf ,of J. Purdic, for a 14- years case of sections 18 and 19. block liXX. iVard street.—Granted. The Secretary of the Dock Trust wrote conveying the thanks of the trust for the idvance of a moiety of the annual contribution.—lteceivcd. The Otago Iron Rolling Mills wrole ask- ! ng what rato the board would impose on >illcts and blooms imported for tho manuacture of bar iron.—Referred to tho Dues Committee. . . , REPORTS. Mr Bullock moved tho adoption of tho ' orks Committee's report, which was as :ol!ows:— (1) In tho matter of the request of the ' iVcstport Coal Company that tho board allow : ihe conveyance of storm water and sewage "to the harbour, it is recommended that no i Jerinissioi! be granted foV the discharge of ■ sewage into the harbour, tho disposal: of lewago being a matter for arrangement with he Drainage Board. (2) Tenders have been ; iccpptecl as follow:—Crane: John Chambers ' ind Son (for Babcock and Wilcox), for one :hree-ton gauntry travelling electric crane, , vit'h Hollick's balance friction gear, for the sum of £1694 Steel: John Duttie and Co., or 194 tons medium steel by Dormaii, Luns, md Co., for the sum of £1473 15s 3d. Mr Bullock pointed out that the com- , mitteo had been authorised to call for ienders for two cranes, but it thought one ivould be sufficient at the present time. llr De Maus seconded the motion for tho adoption of tho report, which was carried. Sir Rullcck 6aid the committee had considered the question of authority to sign xmtracts, and ho moved, according to the wish of tho committee—" That the chairman of the Works Committee be authorised fo sign any contracts on behalf of the board."—Agreed to. Tho Finarice Committee recommended payments amounting to £4860 17s sd.— .Adopted. engineer's report, as published, was adopted. Tho Tcport of the Commit,loo on Duea recommended that, as to tho request of 1. t. Shiel and Co. for further consideration of the rate chargeable on fruit, no alteration bo made at present, but that the rates would come up for consideration at the end of tho year. In tho matter of the request of W. J. Meek for tho reduction of the rates .on empty bottles the committee could not recommend any reduction.— Adopted. Tho draft of amended by-Jaw.s was laid on the table, and it was resolved that a special meeting bo held on August 27. at 3 p.m., for adopting tho same." LIGHTS ON MOTOB BOATS. Mr Bullock called attention to the recommendation of tho harbourmaster relative to lights on motor and fishing boats navigatmg tho harbour, and urged that some action should be ta.kon without delay in iimt. t^r I cc '' o ') indicated. Ho moved— That the minute of tho harbourmaster in tho mattor of motor and fishing boats bo referred to the secretary and solicitor, with iristructions to prepare & by-law giving effcct thereto, such by-law fco provide that all 'boats navigating the harbour or anchorage in a fairway shall havo a light affixed theroto; such by-law to come before the board at the next meeting, the 6ame to bo advertised meantime."—Carried. MEASUREMENT OF IMPORTED TIMBER. Mr Belcher asked: (1) On what basis and by whose figures does the board collect tho revenue on importations qf timber; (2) is the whole of the imported timber (including every class) measured by oho .person, and if so, by whom is ho employed and paid? (3) has an objection been raised by any of the board's officers to certain timber merchants' appointing, and paying another person- to measuro cargoes consigned to them, and, if so, what aro the reasons for such objections? - The Chairman said there was no provision in tho by-laws for tho asking or answering of questions, and there being no provision they would liaye to fall back on parliamentary procedure,' and ho, therefore asked Mr Belcher to put his questions, Mr Boloher, after reading the questions, said he wished to get information with rogard to the matters re/erred to. Ho understood that two or three timber merchants in Dunedin wero quito willing to give a person employment to measure, timber, and that the person had been objected to, but on what ground ho did not know. As far as lie could gather the person doing this work was not in tho employment of the Harbour Board, and he wished to know why one man should have a monopoly of this work, When there was toom for tho employment of two or-three-capable persons to make a livelihood. • Mr Duthie: The man is employed by tho Customs, not by the board. Mr Belcher: I am informed that payment is made to the measurer in this man-ner—one-third each by the consignee, the shipping company, mnd the boaid for foreign timber; and that on local timber payment is a. matter between the-shipping companies and tho consignees. What is the third paid -by the board? If .that is ascertained, you can arrive at the amount he receives. I understand £8 or £9 a weok is paid for timber measurmerit. After some general remarks, the Chairman said the timber measurer was licensed by tho Customs and tho shipping companies, arid Mr Belcher moved, and it was agreed, that tho matter be inquired into by the Works Committee. During the discussion Mr Beloher said he had been informed by a typo-written reply from the board's office that the only objection raised to another person being recognised was that no measurement could be accepted from any other than a licensed measurer, the reason being that it would not bo satisfactory to accept the figures of an outside man who was working solely in the interests of the oonsignees. The board went into committee to consider correspondence connected with the Dock .Trust amalgamation proposals, and other matters. -

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14280, 31 July 1908, Page 2

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OTAGO-HARBOUR BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 14280, 31 July 1908, Page 2

OTAGO-HARBOUR BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 14280, 31 July 1908, Page 2