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THE BEGINNINGS OF THE -RATTLE. The theological contcwcisv, alread.r wfeiTcd to in out' columns aslikely to be engendered by tbo (publication of tin; .Rev. J. Gibfon .Smith's bcok "The Christ of the Cross," has made its appearance in tho columns of tbo Uutlook, the official organ of the Presbyterian Chureh. lu last week's i&sue. of tlia* paper appeared, a lengthy bub favourable review of the book from tho pen of Professor tialmond, who at tho same time eltallenses some of Mr Smith's positions in ' I'eg&rd to the doctrine of the Atonement. The following passages from that review «re, however, significant in the light of what follows Professor Salmond writes: Tt is well for the Church, and one of the best of signs, when there is found in it 6iteh intensity of moial conviction; as, it is, on the other band, a sign of ominous import when thought as found skulking under cowardly silences and mendacities. It is bard to foretell what reception this work will find at the hands of " the Church. Settling questions of truth and error by legal processes is a. miserable business: and ©specialty trkn lie points are so tine, when? so much debate exists, and where all are conscious of more or lees imsettl&ment, nothing but mischief can arise fifom. the of the matter into Church courts —nothing hut good from its earnest discussion in the open air. •There is no occasion for theological ex-| ' citcment; for, whatever may be the' ultimate verdict on the meiits of the doctrine, it can hardly 1m questioned that it mows within evangelical lines.. xhal Me Smith's doctrine is novel need causo no offence; for our interpretation of tho message of God in Jesus Christ can never bo viewed as absolutely final; and a living tlieologian cannot be found who infcerpMas tbe doctrine of tb» cross quite an a .fashion that would hatve pleased tho theologians pf the Puritan period. Wo are painfully conscious of having done Mr Smith's noble book only scan! justice: it wpnld demand ranch space and a very full discussion to do so. JBut wo have called attention to it, and sincerely, hope that the v work mil be widely read and deeply pondered. In ; the present state of the public mind many will find in it much illumination and refreshment. A few more sitfch, i productions would considerably elevate the moral temperature of our Colonial Churches, as well as enhance their reputation. In this week's issue of the Outlook there appeals a letter' from the Rev. R. K. 31. Sutherland, of the Kaikorai Presbyterian Church, which aesails both Proifcssor Salmond and tbe Rev. J. Gibson Smith in the following trenchant fashion: As I read Dr Sahnond's characteristic review of tho Rev. J. Gibson Smith's book, curious memories of 20 years ago and of " The Reign of Grace," from lus own pen, came to me. Ono can easily understand bow the moral courage of Mr Smith in publishing his book before lio found himself in a secure position vritk a good salary b-hould profoundly impress the Professor. It is 6uch a contrast to his own Hans Phaalian eantion. But one cannot so easily utidierstand how the , teacher of morals in our local Uuivcreity can cay, "It is well for the Church, una one of the befti signs, when there is found in it such intensity of moral conviction," when he knows "that, along ■ with that "intensity of moral convic"- ' lion" there is the absence of truth ; and honesty. To lids absence of truth ' und honesty 1 wish to call the at-ten- [ tiou of your readen-. When Mr Smith J got his present jtevsition in the Church he declared %vith the solenxnity of an ' oath that he owmJ and believed "the system of contained in the ' Westminster CorSHion of Paith," and lie vcwed tkit !?>/• would constantly maintain and df.Wj the same." His book makes it more than plain that at tiie time by niado tiii-> declaration there ' lras at kM one \ital doctrine of the , (x'»nftt..<ioii which ho did not believe, , Jm: abhor and an-c. Ho got his pro- ; si'jrt. jxwi!:oii by binning against—the i Ninth Commandment; lie continues to ' bold it by breaking tho Eighth. I < know that in this connection we shall, ' of uoUlEe. lave the usual copious talk i about "liberty." This is oue of the ' " r :«od woruV" which are employed to \ "deu-ive the hearts of tiie simple." Put, no true aud honest Church can , permit hk\} liberty, for such liberty is iwbiii- better than a libertv of false. i>w<uring arid fraud. Curiously enough. Mr .Sutherland conchwliy his Liter wi'.ii lie tvli-samo quotation from Dr Marram l)od<ls embodied in a !-.::er dealing v.ith Mr (iibsoit Smith nak-il "Carpus," and which appeared in . tlm 0/t::".'j Daily Tuvs of Thuiwlav last. ,' 'Plus iiiiU" of the Outlook iko coiiiaks a «".-vt'n-to:aji,;i criticism of "The j Oirjr. <,\ the CrcV untun bv tbe Rev. ] hue Jolly, <;;• North Prcsbv- ! teriau «rm\-h. Yroui Mr Jolly'.; criticism ( >>■-> tike -.:.- . r ,-,1!.i-,u::.r txlratts: — < T.i'- j u'»:Ri;iu!i of a work on any tubjOi.: by a inuji .<■> well known anil si) . muth :upr-u-d :.., the P.ev. .]. Oilwm , S.-n.-.h would i>- .-,: i w.,, m j n », v -/ M . £ Li.'sd; siivi «-,>x-i.!!y wi!l tliio Iw the ; i.j--<- «!.t-:i <!- \>uk it, to v.vll written. *> iho;::!.::;;!, ;.:.<! >„ ,-airi(A ti the b ri.u.r i,u:- lint. * vl*n, in ;rJ.i:;'..■:) t., t!i::., thf work ' dcd.-. \.:.L <■.:;! v'-.-! centra! in ! ■.!;•■:,!•.. 7 ;:,..! jn CLrislian J ■'''■■■■'• '•:-- M■,:*•:::< n\ j;. Ls t,:ire to , j#.r.'-,v :; •,- v-ra«: attenijon. Mr s tv!i:it... !.-.;. a, u-.-iv aw«k on t!w 1 ooAr.-: ..;' •!.- Aioii-nffli'. :u; lkdd by l rv-ry <....r..-.iui fbureii. tin this (jrcat l 1 :■:.;:-: ,:;:.:• ai:d P,oni: s .!i a (j. :,.-:. :.;...-. I; u,-An- •.[ t!."» .• lur.da- " ii-"<:..[u-:.<.... L > ti.- Chr;,:Lu Liih j "-!. V, .1 1;.,. v Iji-,.. jj.. v ,., ,!i(j., UH ], Hft- ... i ;'.-:• jr-iivida.t w.'.u u, lu\v J ■•,, jxth vl ik- Cbriftbi: , Cihrr.. ..: ;;..■ kw of t *--'• '■'■■- i.tivr LJi.-IVcI in ( i.T.r v........ 1., v:.> tf..s. truth tint our " Ls.d iu 11- c-..:.) „fc.-.J Ilia-,.;,- a . y.- J{ ~- cij,..;..,:! :.y: ;>;.• siw ' « ■■- v.o J. •!:■«■■ .1.;*!..* ,h-.l ' •.., ,; K - f.,,;), • •!i is.-vv - '.-'.'- i;r o--i!:,:_!.,rv :!.:.-. ;.-..;> >-: V-v<: •■'■■ -fu-h :. ..Jr.r.l |.lae,< ' 2'. ;••'■• --■■■■'>■ l"'ii-. . tl„. I *■•-- %::!. •.!.- .:-.- !.,;.,-..• :T ..,•; tll s |. e , iu, C.:.:u ■■■ <-...; ,:X. i: .ULu* i v..; -. ; ... •.. ::>: ~v. 1,... i Him- - -A' i':l- .'^\Su'.*'S\o^'l ] !■ '.-'-■ .!•.- '.:.- |.:-. :., ;)„•:!, .a . -:.!..•.■'..-: .-,i ...-.j:-..-.:-.:, ~, .-.,. lijht. , '-■'.■ .'. ■'. :• ..• . 11:..'. ./:!' l/,i.i «.iL-J i!iy- r '■••■'_ ••• •' •:; -:;'•> ■ '■ ■■■ >>.;m:<l ! T: .■;..• .'■ ■ : ::,■ .....i.i;. i:i - 1 ...:••■ ...• v,...i ~:,„ ;., y i;,„i < •:... :■ >■■ •.. ..r '■■. v v;.:.-,■'•..V'i ; '. ] *'•-: :■ : -' '■ ■>■■■- ' ii :- : - - ' ■ •..--:■_■■• ,:..-l riy!-. j, o- ';■.. .•'•.":•■■•.•.; W'.y. h>- :W- it ! ' t .- , . ■ , . .;, I 1 t ■. . :..'■.:.■:•■> ■•' . t'hui.h v.hiih i . I. > -.•.■; :;, : .-!.■'. .:.< :.:.■) t-iii.Ts to i'■ !..- -. ■ '.'.. '.. :.>' <■;■ :■■:,<!. .-.> fiand- j , .:, - . •.. ,-;>• i.; ..i : !.<• 1'on -..!.■■.■ t.. u; -. ■:.,; ;!„. Dnin.. ;■■•.. :. .. .!;•;»;: t i !,> " .!1 the | <._.i, .. •-. sai :t -.i-i liL-jjtelf a ]

propitiation for sin." Manv godly meii will bo deeply grieved by 'the publication of this book.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14279, 30 July 1908, Page 2

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"THE CHRIST OF THE CROSS." Otago Daily Times, Issue 14279, 30 July 1908, Page 2

"THE CHRIST OF THE CROSS." Otago Daily Times, Issue 14279, 30 July 1908, Page 2