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f— : 1 : , - PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO - LET A WORD TO THE WISE! BEAD THIS-IT IS OP IMPORTANCE. E. L - MAVA 8S E Y & CO. AUCTIONEERS, HOTEL BROKERS, AND VALUATORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ' 12' RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN. „ HOTELS "FOR SALE. DUNEDIN. Lease, seven years; Tent, £6 per week; takings, £65 week; situated in a grand position ami doing, a splendid bar trade. . OTAGO.—Lease, five years; rent, £4 per week; takings, £46 per week; situated in a rising country town and in the safest electorate in the South lifland; a great snip. OTAGO CENTRAL.—Lease, four and a-holf years; rent, 35s per weok; easy ingoing arranged; doing a steady trade. DUNEDIN.—Lease, five years; ront, £8 per week; takings, £140 per week; doing a roaring bar trade. Buyer requires £1005 cash. ' HENLEY.—We can offer a five-yearn' lease of the White House Hotel on very moderate terms. , . - ALEXANDRA SOUTH.—We can offer a five-years' lease of the well-known Bendigo Hotel—tho most up-to-date hotel in Central Otago. REAL ESTATE. WANTED. We can Sell your Property, no matter where located. Wo have active, real estate men on our staff constantly searching for prospective purchasers. If you want to make & quick oash salo send to full particulars at once. ' 1 PROPERTY FOR SALE., All kinds and descriptions, all priccs and terms, in all parts of Dunedin and Suburbs. Special bargains in Farms, Homes, and Business Opportunities. No matter what you want or where you want it—write us at once, i NO BUSINESS, TRADE, OR PROFESSION OFFERS BETTER • OPPORTUNITIES THAN WE DO.; ' , CHRISTMAS AN© NEW YEAR GIFTS. Messrs A WASHER & CO., Auctioneers,. of High street, Roslyn, wish their many Clients the Compliments of tho Season, and beg- to call their attention to the Number of Bargains they are offering in the way of CHEAP PROPERTY, of which the following are a few:— WILL BUY a Nioe ..6-roomed "OOSLYN.—Wo have a Good 6-roomcd | wOJIJ HOUSE, Sunnyside; nearly J- HOUSE, overlooking town, with an un-, ttoro section, and having a frontage to two f L ' r P as3e< ' viewof Ocean and Harbour, This streets. . « bargain. "OELLEKNOWES.—We have a First-olass ' TJ ?- t °- date Modern J3 >roomed HOUSE, nearly new, having cWit iU HOUSE, of five rooms, having all modom conveniences; J-acre section; well every convenience; tiled grates; asphalt ® w °® r left Dunedin, paths; good garden, with a sunny position, 1 V® a ' )OVO will bo Bold a bargain. nrr d n stmts! ' * ' W *' "* TOUKEIIRAKI.-Why not Buy a Cheap arrange terms. , ' F SECTION in this charming .seaside EOSLYN.— First-class RESIDENCE of six to ?! l Une ' 0113 boating; rooms; walls felt'lined; tiled grates, y> 8 and every | modem oonvenienoe; splendid "OOSLYN.—We hove a Number of Firstview; a reol Christmas box, as owner deter- Hi class BUILDING SITES in different mied to sell; only £630. parts of the district, from £55 to £500. TO LET. / Eo^Sr7 Si ? n BOOMS ' fMßishwl. 25a, 30a; Four ROOMS, 9s, 10s, 13s, 15s: Ten ROOMS, 20s. . Telephone 1463. gCO T T & C 0., Telephone 1469. i' (Established 1838.) 40 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDDf. HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, & GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS , AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. . ' , ' ANDERSON'S BAY.—New Brick HOUSE, five rooms; J-acrs section; good situation, ClTY.—Splendid Modem HOUSE, seven rooms; centrally, situated, on rise - ' all conveniences; £825, ■ ' . • • • o toymri S M X " ro<mied Moaem HO^E (now), «id large Motion; property ' FARM, containing 30 acres;, also 4-roomed, House, eitoated olow DWELLING, containing 8 rooms; h. and c. water,', gas, washhouse, scullery, worksnap, vinery, tomato house; Seotion }-aore; asphalt paths. Aaplen,<Ud prroerty, Photag»oh can ba sew at our office. This property w situated within four mfiea frsm Port line; £1050. . . 1 DWELLING, containing 7 rooms; h. and c; miter, w&shhouas, etc.: also workshopHBotion , Here, wooly laid out. Photograph can b* seen at our office OJiis pro'- ' party, is situated wiilau four miles from D.uapiijn,' on Port line; £626. . TO LET,-Soven-roomed HOUSE, WaMa, and *a«e land; situated within 6 minutes from the railway} long or short lease. • MONEY SO LEWD on Good Froahold Security at Lowest Current Rates. ,N. PATERSON,' „ '/ J '«• ' Sraroasand , •S. f A T -L S. EAiTKRSQN, ■■ Obtt TSK«. < . * JS * «**)s» Aorit * El8 ' . P STAFFORD CMAimim, $ . r,, 75 Piimoßs Srawir. ; O ■<•+ ' 1 ANTI finanok WW 4" i CUMBERLAND'STREET-First-class PROPERTY of six rooma; bathroom,' Bcullery, : waMiiouaß (copper and tubs); ftvo bay wiiidows and portico; good freehold section• t lomeii easy terms; £525.- ' ' LONDON STREET.—Pine Modern RESIDENCE, of 7 >rge rooms, with all the latest modem canvenieaaes,; conservatory;, etc.; sanitation modern and perfect; nearly |acre section, beautifully laid out in garden, lawn, otc. Cards to view on tipplica-' ROSLYN (Close Ross street, Overlooking City).—An Up-to-date HOUSE of 7 rooms; bath, room, scullery, ■ cupboards, and linen presses; h. and c. water, washhouse (oopper £850 S&B ' ' 8 ' section; unsurpassed for view;- a bargain; LOOK AT THIS.-ANDERSON'S BAY (Near Tram): RESIDENCE of 8 laige'rooms, with a.l conveniences; in good order; with oyer.i-acro section laid out in orchard aild flower garden, etc. A chance'of a lifetime;' small deposit; £575., KOSI/YN (BeUelmpwes).—Good HOUSE, 6 rooms; bathroom," scullery, h. and o. water, copper and tubs, 2 bay windows and portico ;■ nearly J-acre; £50 deposit, balance : rent; £<160. . , . - i. ' ' : MAORI HILL (High street. Top of Ncwington.road):—The Best Available Building SITE in tho locality ; over 50ft frontage. Don't, miss. it. . ' ' (in Front Biock, Off Main road, Oa the.Snnny Side).—SlTE, 40ft x 100 ft; CITY (Close Top of Pitt street).—Eirst-class PRQBERTY of 6'good rooms; bathrooin, soallcry, washhonse, copper and tubs, plastered throughout; Freehold Seotion; splendid view; £650. , ... CAVSRSHAM (CeatraH.—HOUSE of 4. 1 jooms, ,and hathrqom, washhouse, coalkoiiM stable, etc.; nearly.J-acro of land; £400, or.offer considered. • WARRINGTON (Best Part, Close Station).-Fine BUILDING SHE; room for 2 housesbargain, £50.. TO LET.' , ' PRINCES STREET-Nine Rooms; modern; 265. ROSLYN (Leven Bti;eet)_Now . 6 R° OM S- modern; 235. MAORI HILL—Six ROOTIS. ft. and o.; 16s, MAORI HILL (High street)— Seven ROQMS; bath; 15s 6d. GEORGE' STREET—Eisht ROOMS;' furnished; £2 2s: ROSLYN-Six ROOM-S; h. and c.; 12s 63. MORN-. ING'i'ON (close sWsheds)—Six ROOMS; /bath, copper and tubs; 15s 6d. KAI, . KORAI—Faur w i 9». . : ■ ' V \ AL,BION'OH AMBE 86, / 4i Fowling street . - ' (Cuitina -' ; : nT Establishftd FINANCIAL ' 0\^ ESTATE ; I"""' ■' ACCOUNTANTS and LICENSED LAND BROEZEB. ' ' i WE HAVE FOR SALE: ' Locality. , Description. LANnq P i Aßl f' con 'ainjng 189 acres good land; olose to dairy fac- ~ W-OOD ' i' T v v'l 80 !lcrc3 beared and sown in graas; balance in ff U i p [ opat y well fenCed .well watered; very easy £40 ° terms offered £40 cash, and balance at 5 per cent, for terms of years. PENNY SECTION,-Three Attractive Modern. RESIDENCES, i: in wpwiTTrnTTi • b "f-° l { ,iV ®? Letting Locality, consisting of SIX-ROOMED Residence FREEHOLD, ba hroom and all Conveniences, and Two ToWrOoS £1600 a Freß, ' Id ™ B ' Se(!tioa 33 7 ; r °^ ta RESIDENCE; three square "RO9LYK S, j' >t a modem' and in Bplendid ROSLYftt order; large rooms; full quarfer-aore FxeoioM. ' This is desired " P " Rnd ccmmiellt can be arranged .it : ! G E l, in ? REE H° LD . SECTIONS, situated handy to irncOTT,. ' 3, each having a. frontage of 52ft by 132 ft. We are in2w „| a Melbourne genWeman, who has held these sections fo J anumWof years, to oser ftem for immodiate sale. Very easy £90 . tems aro offered : one-fourth cash, balance can remain at 6 per r-TTV sPLENBID, CHANCE to Purchase a modern 6-roomed RESIDENCE class 100 a.% Tery yto centre i ftnd with all conveniences; first- £1050 PTTY STAFFORD_ STREET.—SiI-roomed RESIDENCE, bay window and IXn V? "V . 0 TIW; YtTy situation, within .easy, £800 walking distance of town. Freehold Section. . CITY GEORGE STMET.-Substantial 6-roomed brick. RESIDENCE; bay pi A p - hoihr ' Ter y 8,1Dn 7 situation. Freehold £625 ■ Section. Convenient terms arranged, ■ i ,pTMir IN C HC LUTHA.-Splesdid~Frlehold FARM, containing 150 acres ® ' •K fl, a w' w^ f f ur Dwellin S' stabl0 ' ubFARM. . divided into pßcMocks, and well fenced. Present tenant is williilg f3 ° ... to ro " 6 ' v . h ' 3 leaßa rellt »' of £150 per annum.. Price per'acTß 293 ACRES of freehold land, close to creamery, with 4-roomed Cot- . ' For salo at a great sacrifice •on very easy torms. £525.

MONEY. "jVjj'OFET to LEND, in large or small amounts, on Freehold Security. MONDY & STEPHENS, Ufa Solicitora, 123 Princes street. 0 HEI T 0 .L E ND. The DUNEDIN SAVINGS BANK is prepared to LEND MONEY on Freehold Security at Lowest Curreirt Kates. JS'RED SMITH, Manager. MO N E~y T0 ! LEND In Any Sum. MOORE, MOORE, & NICHOL, Solicitors, 230 85 Lower Stuart street. rUST MONEY to LEND on Security or Municipal Debentures, at Current Rales.—The Trustees. Executors, and Agency Company of N.Z. (Ltd.), corner Water street and Bind street. W. LAPRENOE SIMPSON, Manage?. MONEY to LEND on Freehold Security at lowest current rates of interest.— ADAMS BROS, solicitors, Empire Build3jy MONEY to LEND, Freehold Securities; lowest rwtcs.—Milne, Neill, and Gilkison. solicitors, 10 Water street, Dunedin. 'J— IIIWIIIII ■ E'JU' "■> ."■! ■■■ K' OMFORT IS KREATED ■ when KOZIJ3 TEA is drank, It makes tho heart clieorful, the body refreshed; it is ft delicious drink. F 2 Kozie costs Is 8d only, OTAGO WITNESS.—New Stories. A largo Amount of Reading Matter, Price 6d. L <?■>»*

I MEDICAL. UNASSAILABLE REPUTATION. In the treatment of those disorders whioh involve any failure of the nervous force, BEECHAM'S PILLS have, during aver sixty years,'built up an unassailable reputation. NOTHING RENEWS THE POWER OF ' THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS , ■ LIKE BEECHAM'S PILLS. They cleanse the blood of long-standing I impurities, brace up • the nervous system to | a high point of vigour, and effectually chaw away every symptom of weariness and deprea- | sion. , i ■ j Since BEECHAM'S PHiLS have cured tens of thousands in this and every country of the ; globe, just ask yourself why they should not equally prove ft boon to youl BEECHAM'S PILLS Cure Disease by .Removing tho Cause of it. ' Sold everywhere in boxes, Price IOJd (SG pills), Is ljd (56 pills), and 2s 9d (ICS pillB). OTAGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT.— Job Printing of every description done with Ufaojatch ami at the Jicumtf.Cvurjf.ut Kates.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14103, 6 January 1908, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14103, 6 January 1908, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14103, 6 January 1908, Page 8